CV Form May

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Name : Mrs. May Nyein Chan

N.R.C No. : 13/ TaKaNa (N) 288340

Father’s Name : U Min Min

Date of Birth & Place : 18. 9. 1999 & Taunggyi

Nationality : Myanmar (Burma & Inn Thar)

Religion : Buddhist

Sex : Female

Marital Status

Height / Weight : 5’2” / 100 lb

Background Education : B.A. (German) in 2020

Other Qualification/Training. : The Computer Software Course ( Microsoft word, excel, Power Point)

: Certificate of Volunteering in Myanmar Girl Guide Association

(from2017 to till Today)

: Certificate of Participation of 101st of KL Girl Guide International

Camp in Kuala Lumpur (2017)

: Certificate of 60th Thailand Girl Guides International Camp (2017)

Work Experience : Study guide at YMT boarding school at Taunggyi

: Part-Time English Teacher at PyinNyarTaKhon boarding school at

Han Tar Waddy, Bago

Contact Address : No. (23), 5 Floor , U Lun Street , Tamwe Township , Ayoogone

Quarter , Yangon
Contact Phone No. : 95-9-428312824

E-mail Address :

Wutt Hmon

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