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Mutinta Siamuyoba

Module 5 Assignment

GSB5011/Scientific Writing and Critical Thinking

September, 2020

Dr. Abubaker Qutieshat

October 25, 2020



Working alone is not enough, it is imperative to have the right attitude at work instead of having

a bad one. Cambridge dictionary defines an attitude as a feeling, or opinion about something, or

someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this.

Generally, if one loves their profession, they will love doing it and work will never be

monotonous. It is important to have the right attitude towards work at any workplace. A wrong

or bad attitude towards work can be harmful as it creates an environment of disorder, spreads

negativity in the workplace and affects employee’s productivity. Davidson, C.J. (2013).

Highlights that the importance of having the right attitude in the business world. A negative

attitude has a bad edge to it and makes people shy away from a negative person and the negative

environment they create. However, a positive attitude draws people in and makes them more

receptive. A positive work place is cardinal to keep employees happy and empowered.


The scenario shows the results of having the wrong attitude at a workplace especially in the

hospitality industry and how largely it affects the reputation of an organization. It is imperative

to find a lasting solution to the housekeeper and employee attitude problem to reduce guest’s

complaint and boost the reputation of the company. Improving an employee’s behavior requires

patience and dedication. Communicating the unacceptable issues and developing a plan of action

for change, should be done in an ethical and legal manner. Below are the three possible solutions

to resolving the attitude problem:


Employee Survey

Moore, M. (2017). Suggests conducting a complete investigation of all employee related

complaints will provide a documented account of the prevailing issues. It is important to

document in writing all behavioral and attitude issues. Ensure that the documentation is in

detail and that the negative attitudes are clearly defined. For example, ‘John rolled his eyes

and commented that the supervisor's request was stupid’. The more accurate the

documentation, the better the chances of defending the actions legally and morally.

Companies must demonstrate fairness to employees. The plan for improvement needs to

relate directly to the employee's behavior and attitude with specific examples given.

Address the performance issues with the employee in a confidential setting. Be very specific

with examples of behavior and attitudes. Since attitude is intangible, examples of the

associated behaviors and actions should be presented. Refer to specific behavior, rather than

attacking character (Moore, M. 2017).

Employees should be involved in the development of the plan of action in order for them to

recognize the behavior and attitude issues they might be exhibiting and agree with the plan

for improvement. Ask how you may be of help to them in regards to improving their attitude

and what cooperation to expect in return. Follow up in a mutually decided time frame as part

of the improvement process as it will provide necessary information for the next step.

Employee Motivation

It is not uncommon for poor or negative attitude of employees to emanate from low morale and

job dissatisfaction. It is therefore, imperative to motivate employees as often as possible. Loyalty

leader, (2012). Suggests implement certain steps in order to improve employee attitude: The

CEO, president or owner reserving two hours per week to visit employees throughout the

company, personally meet them, and acknowledge their individual efforts would foster a more

positive attitude towards employees’ roles. Do not schedule the visits for the same time each

week, or they will become predictable and lose their impact. Take time to chat for a few minutes

with each of your employees, and be sure to listen to their suggestions. Sincerity is a must!

Loyalty leader, (2012) Highlights that thanking your employees every chance you get. Hand-

written notes, personal comments or phone calls to employees are effective methods for

improving internal attitudes. They are also more powerful tools for building loyalty than

carefully planned employee recognition programs.

Long hours of the employee shifts as the employees are usually tired and might not be kind to

rude guests. Revisit the remuneration of the employees and lowly paid employees usually

underperform due to a sense of being unfulfilled in their respective roles.

Hiring Customer-Focused Employees

A company must be proactive rather than reactive when hiring employees, especially in positions

that are key to the main objectives of the organization. In order to create a culture of customer

service excellence, a company needs to build a team of trainable employees who are easy to

motivate. Loyalty leader,( 2017). Highlights Seven (7) tips for hiring customer-focused


1. Only select people who are naturally friendly, helpful and people-oriented.

2. Hire people based on attitude first, and skills second. Skills can be taught but attitude

is a choice.
3. Hire people who are not embarrassed to provide great services.

4. If a job candidate cannot smile during the interview, they will not smile at their


5. Communicate to a prospective employee that great customer service delivery will be

a primary measurement of their performance evaluations.

6. Ask the candidate to define customer service excellence during the interview.

7. Ask your best employees to recommend friends (of whom they can be proud) for job


Seriously, consider terminating employees who continue to be extremely negative even after

they have been given several opportunities to improve their behavior. Attitudes are contagious.

No matter how productive an employee is, consistently negative behavior such as criticizing co-

workers or the company can take down the morale of an entire work team.


Davidson, C. J. (2013). Attitude is everything: Employee benefit advisor.

Moore, M. (2017). How to improve employee behavior and attitude. Retrieved from

Loyalty leaders, (2017). 7 tips for hiring customer-focused employees. Retrieved from

Loyalty leaders, (2012). 5 ways to improve employee attitudes. Retrieved from

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