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Relief for Sinus

Infection Sufferers

Safe to use
All Natural
If you are a sinus sufferer looking to find a painless cure to your sinus
infection, acute or chronic, without any side effects, then this is the
most important e-book you will ever read.


Because the information contained in this e-book will help you to live a
Sinus Free Life, the same way it has done for so many other people.

Now let me start of by telling you that I am not a Doctor (of any sort –
medical or naturopathic). I have no qualifications whatsoever in
health and I am not giving advice as to what you should do to cure
your sinus infection. I am simply sharing with you the research that I
did and the resultant process that I used to rid myself of chronic
sinusitis that had been ruining my life for almost 20 years. I am
sharing what worked for me and has since worked for hundreds of
other sinus sufferers.

So that you are aware of the severity of my sinusitis, I‟ll give you a
brief outline.

I was a chronic sinusitis sufferer for almost 20 years (and I wasn‟t

even aware that I had sinusitis, or of the damage it was doing to me).
I simply thought I was constantly getting the flu. It wasn‟t until I went
to my dentist one day. I was in agony. I couldn‟t figure out which
tooth hurt – it felt like all of them and I couldn‟t handle the pain. After
a consultation, my dentist said he couldn‟t find anything wrong. I
assured him that there was definitely something wrong and I needed it
fixed. He suggested that perhaps it was sinusitis. I knew nothing
about sinusitis, so it was a bit of a surprise to hear him say this.

I wasn‟t convinced so my dentist said that he could do X-rays to make

sure, but he was 95% sure that it was sinus related and I shouldn‟t
waste my money on X-Rays. I wanted to make sure one way or the
other (and quite frankly I thought the sinus thing was a bit of a
stretch) so I forked out lots more $$$$ for the X-Rays, only to confirm
that there was nothing wrong with my teeth, or gums.

I was at my wits end. My Doctor advised that surgery would probably
be my best option. Needless to say, this totally freaked me out. I
don‟t even like visiting people in hospital, so being an inmate was out
of the question.

It got to the stage that I was getting quite frightened. Over time I had
become accustomed to the sledgehammers battering my head from all
sides. The blocked nose and ears became “normal”. The constant
breathing difficulty and total lack of energy became acceptable, the
constant mucus draining down my throat and the horrible yellow/green
phlegm, although disgusting, became a part of my life. The constant
“toothache” that stretched along ALL of the top row of my teeth was
controlled by constant doses of Nurofen PLUS. The medication also
eased my body aches and pains. However, when I got to the stage of
looking like I had gone 10 rounds with a professional boxer (puffiness
under my eyes expanding to the level that it turned blue and felt like it
was going to explode), and each breath I took inwards sent an
excruciating pain to both of my ears at the same time as feeling like
sandpaper on the back of my throat and that when I could finally lift
my head from the pillow, I was lucky to make it back down again
without my head actually falling off, yes, that frightened me.

I knew that I had to do something. I wasn‟t just getting sinus during

the “flu season”, I was getting it all year round. After weeks of
suffering, I would finally start to feel good, but it was only a matter of
a few weeks before I was “hit” again.

I was so exhausted. My sinuses were damaged. My immune system

was weak from constant use of antibiotics and steroids (yes, I was
even prescribed steroids to try and control my sinus) and there was no
time between bouts to recover or regain any strength to deal with the
next attack.

So, I started my research. I trawled the internet and devoured all

kinds of books on all kinds of medicine.

I won‟t bore you with all of my research, but I will provide you with
the core foundation that my “natural-cure” recipe is based on. The first
significant find was the fact that essential oils are highly anti-viral and
I researched the work of Dr Jean C Lapraz who discovered that there
were two essential oils in which no bacteria or virus could survive. This
was a significant breakthrough since there are so many life threatening
viruses and drug resistant bacteria. A more recent study done at
Weber University (Utah) has proven that four essential oils will kill
100% of bacteria and viruses in any room where they are diffused.

More Information on Dr Jean C Lapraz & Christian Duraffourd

Doctors Christian Duraffourd and Jean Claude Lapraz have been

French medical practitioners for over 30 years, including the eight
years they served as oncobiologists (cancer biologists) in the
Department of General Surgery and Oncology of a leading Paris
hospital (1989-1996). The Phyto-Aromatherapy Institute works under
their direction.

They developed a new approach to medicine, Endobiogenics, which is

based on a refined view of the endocrine system in its managing role
over metabolisms and functions. This approach addresses both the
pathology and the patient, implementing global diagnostic techniques
focused on the root causes of the pathology and phytotherapeutic
treatments predisposing the body to undertake its own recovery.

Borne out of a daily practice involving thousands of patients and a

large spectrum of pathologies (including degenerative pathologies like
cancer), the endobiogenic approach has yielded significant curative
results through the use of medicinal plants and essential oils.
Currently, the majority of their patients are cancer victims, some of
whom travel to Paris from every part of the globe.

In 1980, they founded the French Society for Phytotherapy and

Aromatherapy, which purposes to promote those therapies among
medical doctors and pharmacists and to organise post-graduate
education. Their association with universities around the world has
established clinical training in France, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Spain,
Switzerland, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Tunisia, Mexico and the United

Dr. Lapraz regularly conducts endobiogenics seminars in the U.S., usually twice a year.

Doctors once predicted antibiotics would vanquish infectious diseases.
But the bugs are rapidly overwhelming today's medicines. Bacteria
naturally evolve to avoid antibiotics, a process first spotted just five
years after penicillin's debut in the 1940s. But resistance appears to
have sped up in the last decade, largely due to antibiotics being
overused, which in turn gives the germs more chance to mutate.

In France, therapeutic essential oils have been extensively researched,

and are documented in French medical texts.

A considerable population of doctors in France, Germany, and

Switzerland use nontoxic medications and natural products that are
safe and effective, even for treatment of aggressive bacterial
infections. One common denominator among the various methods and
medications is that the emphasis is shifted from attempting to kill
disease germs to changing the habitat, that is, their living
environment, so that toxic, disease-causing microbes cannot survive
and so that friendly microbes will flourish.

Conventional antibiotic treatment is focused on destruction of a single

disease germ. From this viewpoint, the disease condition is attributed
to the overgrowth of a single microbe. The fact is that antibiotics are
seldom so specific that they do not also kill large populations of
friendly and very necessary “symbiotic” microbes, usually in the gut.
This can suppress immunity and set the stage for the overgrowth of
other potentially pathogenic microbes, most notably fungi, resistant
bacteria and viruses. Destruction of the internal habitat (the “terrain”
or “milieu”) results in a high recurrence rate seen with many types of
infections, a well-known occurrence with children‟s ear infections.
Recurrences can also be hazardous for elderly patients, who often
have weakened immunity after an infection or a course of drug

Dr Valnet, a medical doctor in Paris, France, experimented with

essential oils in the Post World War II years and experienced amazing

During World War II, while serving as a medical physician in the
French Army, and at a time when he ran out of the usual antibiotics
and chemical medication, he resorted to using essential oils, and to his
amazement, they had a powerful effect in reducing and even stopping

Dr Jean Valnet was another pioneer in the field of aromatherapy. With

Rene Maurice Gattefosse, Doctor Valnet can be regarded as one of the
founders of modern Aromatherapy. Together, they discovered that
essential oils contain antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic
properties, as well as being powerful oxygenators with the ability to
act as carrying agents in the delivery of nutrients into the cells.

Dr Valnet found that pathogenic micro-organisms such as viruses and

bacteria do not become resistant to essential oils as they do to
modern-day synthetic antibiotic drugs. He states, "Infectious microbes
do not appear to become accustomed to the essential oils as they do
to the many forms of treatment using antibiotics." One reason virus
and bacteria cannot mutate with the essential oils is because of the
chemical constituents that make up essential oils. One essential oil can
have anywhere from 200-800 chemical constituents. It is impossible
for a virus to mutate and adapt to that many chemical constituents.
Drugs are made by isolating one or two constituents. A virus can easily
mutate and adapt to the drug, making it useless.”

"Hippocrates tackled the plague epidemic in Athens by fumigating the

whole city with aromatic essences of plant oils.”

Although the powerful medicinal value of essential oils is only now

being rediscovered by modern medical science, it has actually been
known for centuries. In fact, essential oils were considered more
valuable than gold by ancient cultures, due to their phenomenal
healing properties. Dr Valnet states, "In recent years both doctors and
the public have re-discovered the medicinal value of essential plant
oils, but the idea of using their properties to maintain or regain health
goes back to antiquity. The Romans gained their knowledge of
essential oils from the Greeks, who in turn received it from the
“It is also known that perfumery workers always showed an almost
complete immunity during cholera outbreaks.”

In tests conducted in France by Professor Griffon, Director of the

French Police Toxicology Laboratory, the antiseptic effect of a blend of
essential oils including pine, thyme, peppermint, lavender, rosemary,
cloves and cinnamon was studied in order to test the ability of the oils
to purify the air of harmful disease-causing bacteria. First, Professor
Griffon set up a number of Petri dishes approximately 15cm from
ground level in an open room, allowing them to stand for 24 hours, the
germs from the air being collected naturally as they settled into the
open Petri dishes. After 24 hours he analysed the dishes, finding them
to contain 210 colonies of various microbes, including numerous
moulds and staphylococci. He then sprayed the mixture of essential
oils in the form of an aerosol into the air in the room. After only 15
minutes, only 14 colonies of microorganisms out of the original 210
were left alive. After 30 minutes, only FOUR colonies of the original
210 were left. Importantly, ALL of the potentially harmful disease-
causing moulds and staphylococci had been killed within the first 30

How many people get through the Winter season without a course of
antibiotics? Despite warnings that antibiotics should only be used to
treat serious or life-threatening bacterial infections, physicians still
routinely prescribe them for acute respiratory infections. The great
majority of cases of bronchitis are viral, for which antibiotics are
inappropriate. Even patients with obvious viral infections such as
colds, laryngitis, or sore throat are often given antibiotics. If
challenged, the response from doctors is often that they are prescribed
as a preventive in case the infection takes a turn for the worse and
becomes an actual bacterial infection. But because damage to the
intestinal flora can actually set the stage for a bacterial infection, this
is not an appropriate strategy. Some respiratory infections – especially
sinus infections – are actually fungal and antibiotics would be likely to
prolong the infection or even make it more severe. There is general
agreement in the scientific community that overuse of antibiotics has
led to a steady decrease in their efficacy, and that they should only be
used to treat serious or life-threatening bacterial infections. But how
can respiratory and other infectious conditions be treated without
resorting to these drugs?
A considerable population of doctors in France, Germany, and
Switzerland use nontoxic medications and natural products that are
safe and effective, even for treatment of aggressive bacterial
infections. One common denominator among the various methods and
medications is that the emphasis is shifted from attempting to kill
disease germs to changing the habitat, that is, their living
environment, so that toxic, disease-causing microbes cannot survive
and so that friendly microbes will flourish.

Conventional antibiotic treatment is focused on destruction of a single

disease germ. From this viewpoint, the disease condition is attributed
to the overgrowth of a single microbe. The fact is that antibiotics are
seldom so specific that they do not also kill large populations of
friendly and very necessary “symbiotic” microbes, usually in the gut.
This can suppress immunity and set the stage for the overgrowth of
other potentially pathogenic microbes, most notably fungi, resistant
bacteria and viruses. Destruction of the internal habitat (the “terrain”
or “milieu”) results in a high recurrence rate seen with many types of
infections, a well-known occurrence with children‟s ear infections.
Recurrences can also be hazardous for elderly patients, who often
have weakened immunity after an infection or a course of drug

Essential Oils as Disinfectants

The power of essential oils for disinfection has been known to medical
science since the late 19th Century. According to the Rideal-Walker
Scale, which compared the strength of essential oils, lavender is 1.7
times stronger than phenol (carbolic acid), the first surgical antiseptic.
Oil of oregano was rated at 21 times stronger than phenol as an
antimicrobial. Oral use of essential oil of oregano is considered one of
the most clinically useful disinfectants for all types of infections among
phytoaromatherapy doctors in France.

Laboratory research in the U.S. has also confirmed the disinfectant

properties of numerous essential oils. Oil of oregano and essential oil
blends including oil of oregano have shown disinfectant properties for
several common pathogenic microbes (including Escherichia coli (E coli),
Klebsiella pneumonia (K pneumonia), Helicobacter pylori (H pylori), Bacillus anthracis
(the bacterium that causes anthrax), and various forms of Staphylococcus (Staph) and
fungi including Candida species and even viruses according to George Paolilli RD, PA,
OMHA, research manager of North American Herb and Spice).

So, After all that, What is Sinusitis?

Sinusitis is a bacterial infection or abnormal growth that blocks the

nasal passages with mucus. The condition affects millions of people
worldwide especially during the colder seasons. It is mainly caused by
allergies, colds and viral infections.

Medical Practitioners prescribe antibiotics to treat sinus infection. We

now know that these do not work. The virus and bacteria associated
with sinusitis are too powerful for antibiotics and can soon render them
ineffective. This combined with the fact that these antibiotics are also
destroying your immune system and taking away your own power to
resist these, and other infections, is reason enough to find an
alternative solution.

After months of research, devouring every book and research study I

could find on sinusitis, alternative therapies and essential oils, I finally
found a natural, safe solution with incredible healing powers that has
worked for me, and has since worked for hundreds of other sinus
sufferers, like you. I get wonderful emails and letters daily from
people all over the world, telling me of the joy of overcoming their
pain and suffering from sinus and thanking me for helping them
become human again so they can again enjoy their lives.

A Sinus Free Life

So, let‟s get you started on the road to a Sinus Free Life!

First of all, let me say that this cure is based on 3 Certified Organic
Essential Oils.

 Thymus Vulgaris (Thyme)

 Cinnamomun Zeylanicum (Cinnamon)
 Eugenia Caryophyllata (Clove Leaf)

My research has shown these 3 particular essential oils are the most
potent when it comes to destroying viruses and bacteria.



I received a lot of emails from people saying they have problems
sourcing these Certified Organic Essential Oils from their local health
stores so I have now put together a special ‘Cure Sinus Infection’
package of these ‘3 Certified Organic Essential Oils’ that gives you
about 6 month’s supply and can be bought online. The price is $69.97
including postage (worldwide). All orders are despatched by First
Class Airmail the next working day.

The chances of anyone being allergic to essential oils is negligible,

however, I suggest a quick allergy test before using. Simply put one
drop of the essential oil on your skin. Wait for 15 minutes to see
whether you have any sort of reaction.

Please note that these oils are the highest quality, pure 100% Certified
Organic and not “watered down” using carrier oils, so they should
never be used directly on your skin, except for this testing purpose.

If by any chance you do have a reaction to one of the oils, there are
other organic essential oils that can be used as a replacement. They
are not quite as potent, however, they will still work with amazing
results. If you do need an alternative, please contact me via the
website and I will be happy to help.

There is no fancy trick to using these essential oils, you are simply
going to inhale the harmless vapour from them.

Put simply, dispense 4 drops of each essential oil in a heatproof

container and add about ¼ cup of near boiling water. You then lean
over the container with a towel over your head and inhale the vapours.

WARNING: These vapours are quite strong. Do not hold your head
too close to the container as the vapour, combined and hot water may
take your breath away.

I usually start inhaling from a distance of about 60cm and work my

way closer as it becomes easier to inhale.

Try to inhale at least 8-10 times.

You may feel a tingling sensation at the back of your throat, under
your eyes, in your ears etc. This is normal.

If you are too stuffed up to inhale properly through your nose, do your
best, but you can also inhale through your mouth until your nose
clears enough to enable you to inhale through your nose.

Do this at least 3 times a day. Because I was in such a bad way, I was
inhaling about 6 times a day for the first month and then 3 times a
day for the next 2 months.

The severity of your sinusitis will determine the length of time it will
take for you to get relief and cure. Some people tell me they feel
instant relief, whereas, I didn‟t really feel any difference for a week or
so, but then, what a difference I felt!

I‟d like to say that this is a magic cure that will fix you up in 5
minutes, but unfortunately all I can say is that this IS a magic cure but
it may take a little while to work its magic, depending on how bad the
condition of your sinuses (and body) are in.

What “equipment” you use for inhaling these oils is entirely up to you,
however, here are a few ideas:

 Small saucepan. You can simply leave the oil/water mixture in the
saucepan for a whole day, just add an extra drop or 2 of each oil
every time you heat it up (just to top up the strength). Just keep
your eye on it when heating up and take off heat as soon as it
starts to bubble. Empty out each morning and start with a fresh lot
of oils. (This is the system I use.)
 Facial sauna (electrical plug in type) that you can use the same
method as the saucepan (without having to boil it on the stovetop).
I tried this method, thinking it would be easier than the saucepan,
however, I prefer the saucepan method.
 Large ceramic mug – add boiling water from kettle (I do this when I
am away from home or on holidays – can‟t always carry your
saucepan or facial sauna around.


Where can I buy the oils?

You can purchase these „3 Certified Organic Essential Oils‟ directly

from us or
your local health store may have them in stock.

Is it safe to buy online?

Yes, it‟s 100% safe. All of our payments go via Paypal.

If you have a Paypal account, you can use funds in your account.

If you don‟t have a Paypal account, you can use your credit card and
the transaction on your statement will up as a Paypal Transaction.

Will the oils work in a nebuliser?

No. The oils must be heated and mixed with hot water or steam to be
carried deeply into the sinuses.

How long before I can expect to feel an improvement?

This depends on the severity of your sinus infection. Some people feel
instant relief, while others can take quite some time – it took me 6
months before I could actually say that my infection had gone and I
had no symptoms whatsoever. Perseverance is the key. If the infection
is stubborn, then increase the treatments to 5 or 6 times a day until it
clears. It is better to treat the infection little and often, rather than
one or two long sessions.

Will it stop Sinus infection coming back?

Yes, provided you keep up a preventative treatment. This can also

vary. Some people are fine with a once a week dose, whereas I need
2-3 times per week.

Do I carry on with my prescribed medication?

Yes. However, as your symptoms disappear, check in with your


Do I have to tell my Doctor?

It is a good idea to discuss any medical matter with your Doctor.

What if it feels too strong?

Some people say that the vapours seem extremely powerful. Well,
they are. So simply take your time and breathe slowly and gently.
Allow the hot vapours to take the oils into your sinuses, slowly. Start
inhaling from a distance and work your way in.

Can I treat a child or baby?

Children‟s sinuses are very sensitive and are not fully formed. Whilst I
have never heard of anyone (adult or child) being hurt or injured with
these oils, to be on the safe side, I personally would not recommend
the inhalation method for a child. You could leave a facial sauna going
in their room and allow the vapours to be inhaled from a distance.

Follow the instructions and persevere. You are now on your way to a
sinus-free life!

And, don‟t let the excuse of “I can‟t find the oils” stop you from taking
the first step towards a life free from sinus. You can buy our starter
kit online NOW.

The material in this manual is provided for educational and informational purposes
only, and is not intended to be a substitute for a healthcare provider’s consultation.
Please consult your physician or appropriate health care provider about the
applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your own symptoms
or medical condition. The author shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any
person or entity with respect to any loss, damage or injury, caused or alleged to be
caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this report
Copyright 2011


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