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Homework due 4 April

1) Under the free-space path-loss model, find the transmit power required to obtain a received power
of 1 dBm for a wireless system with isotropic antennas (Gl = 1) and a carrier frequency f = 5
GHz, assuming a distance d = 10 m. Repeat for d = 100 m.

2) Plot the received power for the following transmission using two ray model for the distance
interval 0 to 1000 m:

= 900 MHz

= -1

= 50 m




3) Consider a receiver with noise power −160 dBm within the signal bandwidth of interest. Assume
a simplified path-loss model with d0 = 1 m, K obtained from the free-space path-loss formula
with omnidirectional antennas and fc = 1 GHz, and γ = 4. For a transmit power of Pt = 10 mW,
find the maximum distance between the transmitter and receiver such that the received signal-to-
noise power ratio is 20 dB.
School of Engineering


Student Name: Sanzhar Askaruly


Major: Electrical Engineering

Year of study: 4

Lecturer: Refik Caglar Kizilirmak

Personal Tutor: Nazim Mir-Nasiri

Subject: Antennas and Propagation

I declare that all material in this assignment is my own work except where there is clear acknowledgment
or reference to the work of others and I have read the University statement on Academic Misconduct
(Plagiarism) in the Student Handbook.

Signed: Date: April 4, 2016

Problem 1
Under the free-space path-loss model, find the transmit power required to obtain a received power of
1 dBm for a wireless system with isotropic antennas (Gl = 1) and a carrier frequency f = 5 GHz,
assuming a distance d = 10 m. Repeat for d = 100 m.
𝑃" = 𝑃$ ×
𝐺* 𝜆
𝑃",./0 = 1 + 20 log./ 4𝜋 + 20 log./ 10 − 20 log./ − 10 log./ 1 = 67.42 𝑑𝐵𝑚
𝑃",.//0 = 1 + 20 log./ 4𝜋 + 20 log./ 100 − 20 log./ − 10 log./ 1 = 87.42 𝑑𝐵𝑚

Problem 2
Plot the received power for the following transmission using two ray model for the distance interval 0
to 1000 m:
𝑓 = 900 𝑀𝐻𝑧; 𝑅 = −1; ℎ" = 50𝑚; ℎ$ = 2𝑚; 𝐺* = 1; 𝐺$ = 1; 𝑃" = 0𝑑𝐵𝑚


Transmission antenna is comparably higher han receiver antenna ∴ We can assume Pythagorean
theorem relationship for right triangle → 𝑙 = ℎ" + ℎ$ , + 𝑑 ,
f = 900000000;
R = -1;
ht = 50;
hr = 2;
Gl = 1;
Gr = 1;
Pt = 1;
c = 3*10^8;
d = [0:1000];
xxd = ((ht+hr)^2 + d.^2).^0.5;
l = ((ht-hr)^2 + d.^2).^0.5;
lambda = c/f;
K = (lambda./(4*pi))^2;
operation2 = R*Gr^0.5*exp(-j*(2*pi*(xxd-l)/lambda))./xxd;
Pr = Pt*K*(real((Gl^0.5)./l + operation2)).^2;
dBm = 10*log10(Pr)+30;
title('Two-ray model');
Two-ray model



Received Power, dBm




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Distance, m

Problem 3
Consider a receiver with noise power −160 dBm within the signal bandwidth of interest. Assume a
simplified path-loss model with d0 = 1 m, K obtained from the free-space path-loss formula with
omnidirectional antennas and fc = 1 GHz, and γ = 4. For a transmit power of Pt = 10 mW, find the
maximum distance between the transmitter and receiver such that the received signal-to-noise power
ratio is 20 dB.
𝑃$ 𝑑/ P
= 𝐾×
𝑃" 𝑑
𝜆 𝑐
𝐾QR = 20log./ = 20log./ = −32.44 𝑑𝐵
4𝜋𝑑/ 4𝜋𝑓T 𝑑/
𝑆𝑁𝑅$,QR = 10log./ → 𝑃$,WXYZ[* = 100×𝑃$,Z\XW] ∵ 𝑃$,Z\XW] = −160 𝑑𝐵𝑚 = 10_.` 𝑚𝑊
∴ 𝑃$,WXYZ[* = 10_.b 𝑚𝑊 → 𝑃$,WXYZ[*(QR0) = −140 𝑑𝐵𝑚
𝑑 P
𝑃$,QR0 = 𝑃",QR0 + 𝐾QR − 10𝛾log./
𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑃$,QR0 = −140 𝑑𝐵𝑚; 𝑃",QR0 = 10 𝑑𝐵𝑚; 𝐾 = −32.44 𝑑𝐵; 𝛾 = 4; 𝑑/ = 1𝑚;

𝑑 = 868.96 𝑚

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