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American Battle Analysis

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American Leadership Battle Analysis

The world changes every day. People are born, and others die, yet life goes on. But in this

every day, sometimes people who have distinct flair and power to influence others are born. This

can bring changes to the political, social, and spiritual concepts in society. These are some gems

because of their sheer presence and personality and whether such people possess talents for good

things, especially leadership capabilities. The world has seen many great leaders who have

created a positive influence on their countries. The American leadership has faced both positive

and negative criticisms depending on the kind of leader at a specific time. Many leaders achieved

tremendous milestones in creating a positive society free from colonization. Although Barack

Obama portrayed an outstanding character in American Leadership, this essay will elaborate as

well as analyses the Leadership style, achievements, and downfalls of Barack Obama, which

made him a charismatic leader.

Success Accomplishments of President Obama

America, the foremost world military and economic power had a prominent and

progressive leader who created a diverse cultural force since its achievement of independence in

1776. Most of her founding fathers displayed positive implications in making America the most

prosperous country in political, cultural, and social dimensions across the world. The leadership

style presented by different leaders reflected the level of success in terms of the country's

economic and cultural growth—this successful differentiated leaders from unsuccessful ones.

Barack Obama, born in 1946, was a prominent American Leader. He reinstated the

United States economy (Conley, 2017). This concept made him the most successful as well as an

influential leader in America History. The critical consideration during his pre-tenure period is

the ladder of political success. There are various achievements and success factors that made him

a prominent leader during its leadership period.

Barack Hussein Obama was most famous for being the first African American President.

Voted with majority votes, Americans reveled their trust to the black American candidate. This is

one of the rarest cases to happen since American independence in 1776. Viral recitation of USA

politicians’ achievements and failures have revealed Mr. Obama as the only politician who has

achieved greater success during his tenure (Goldberg, 2016). Most of the success factors are

attributed to the positive attitude towards economic growth and little competition.

When President Obama took office, the United States' economy was going through

depression. There was the highest level of unemployment in the country, a high poverty rate, and

a decrease in the number of citizens with health insurance covers. The consistent improvement in

all these sectors was realized within one year in the office. This revived the economy with the

most considerable margin, thus improving the livelihood of American citizens. It was understood

that President Obama liberated the country from the highest depression and growing the

unemployment from 10% to 4.5 % within six years in an office (Goldberg, 2016). During his

2008 presidential campaign, President Obama called for economic changes, and eight years later,

we were living in a more thriving Nation because of that change.

The signing of the Health care Act improved over twenty million uninsured Americans.

Previously Health insurance was very costly, and only employed people afforded the cover

through the employer's recertification. Middle-class and young independent people failed to

acquire health care based on the cost factor. Improved health care insurance reduced mortality

rate, thus improving productivity and the country's Gross Domestic Product.

Furthermore, President Obama saved an auto-industry which was facing challenging

economic situations. He helped in the prevention of the domino effect that would have taken

down everything in the auto-industry, ranging from factories and dealers who used to sell cars.

The consistent funding of industry, as well as protection from foreign marketing policies, led to

the recovery of the sector. Statistics revealed that between the years 2009 and 2015, more than

17.47 million vehicles were sold.

President Obama contributed positively to ending the war in Iraq. He undoubtedly added

since Iraq is a great country rich in fuel. The consistent wars led to a global increase in the prices

of petroleum products. Investing in Military activities to end the Iraq war, saved the world

economic crisis (Krieg, 2016). This was achieved by sending military personnel on new missions

in Iraq, thus ending the Iraq war. This Mission led to the capture and killing of Osama Bin

Laden, an al-Qaida leader who was perceived as a threat to economic and social welfare.

Through Senate, Obama passed the seven hundred and seven billion dollars for America

retrieval and reinvestment Act, which improved the economic progress during the downturn

period. These funds were used to improve health care as well as restoring the employment and

overall economic value in the United States. As a result, a more significant milestone was

achieved by restoring lost economic glory.

In consideration of social welfare, President Obama supported Lesbian, gay, bisexual,

and transgender (LGBT) to fight for marriage equality. This was a definite milestone, as it

created an inclusivity concept within the country. The sense of belonging and government care

improved productivity, although indirectly. Furthermore, it gave citizens freedom of choice

without any restrictions in terms of religious beliefs and customs.


Furthermore, President Obama helped in putting the United States on the truck for energy

independence. Over the years, the United States has depended on Middle East energy (Bentley &

Holland, 2016), although international bilateral agreements amongst the Middle East countries

and the United States have impacted positively to achieve fuel independence.

Since 2006, the United States had placed economic sanctions on Iran based on

developing nuclear weapons. These sanctions created an adverse effect on Iran’s economy.

Barack Obama intervened, and the more significant deal was signed between Iran and other great

economic giants, for instance, China, Russia, France, United Kingdom, United States, German,

and European Union. As a result, Iran agreed to limit sensitive nuclear activities by allowing

international inspectors. This led to the normalization of the economic activities as well as

delimitating hostilities between Nations. President Obama was the first American leader who

fought to achieve global peace. As a result of creating universal diplomacy and collaboration

between people, He won Noble Peace price in 2009.

The most important consideration during the Barack Obama administration was the

reservation of existing counter-terrorism policies of the Bush administration. Its deals were

majorly focused on creating a stable and high moral ground for American citizens. The

reinstatements of plans had a positive impact on restoring the United States' moral authority. An

effort to end harsh economic and interrogation policies led to the achievement of impressive

guidelines in terms of both economic revival and Leadership policies.

The stock market tripled during Obamas’ tenure. Many businesses thrived as the

government revised business management policies in terms of taxation and licensing. This

attracted innovation; thus, America became the biggest job growing country since the 90s.

Foreign tariffs were minimized, which led to the migration and accommodation of foreigners in

the country. As a result of economic growth, President Obama improved the school diet with the

Well Malnutrition free Children Act. This Act led to the improvement of education, thus

becoming accommodative to both poor and rich.

Moreover, He propelled my brother keeper, a white house ingenuity aimed at helping

young individuals sectors to achieve their full prospective. This initiative incorporated both

African-American and black Americans who were previously discriminated against. As a result,

many contributed positively to the growth of American social welfare.

Considerably, President Obama expanded embryonic stem cell study. This leads to

pioneering work in the health sector, especially in diverse capacities, including spinal injury cure

and cancer. This improvement of the medical center, as well as chronic disease management, is

one of the most significant success factors revealed during the rule of President Obama.

Failures and Downfalls of President Obama

Although President Obama achieved the more magnificent milestone during his tenure,

there are several downfalls which criticisms recognize as critical factors that led to doubt on his

administration capability. Obama failed undocumented workers (Zelizer, 2018). During his first

days in an office, President Obama spent his time deporting more undocumented workers

without key considerations to factors that led them to assume citizenship of the United States.

The president made an effort to pass the Dream Act, but after losing votes, he never put severe

efforts around the immigration policies again. As a result, more than ten million undocumented

residents remained in the country.

War on drugs destroyed the black community. Fewer efforts were made to fight against

drug smuggling. When President Obama came to office, many thought criminal justice

reformation would be the top on his list of things to do. Instead, his administration floated along

without any support. Debts and foreign policy failures have blemished the Obama

administration. Difference scandals have revealed weaknesses in Obamas administration.

Although many may argue that no perfect leadership and every administration has downfalls,

management of leadership weakness becomes the most positive implication in any direction.

Although there were positive implications on resettling the Iraq war, leaving Iraq as soon

as the battle ended created a room for ISIS to take over. This restored the war; thus, the United

States' Mission in Iraq become meaningless. During this period, the United States administration

failed to recognize ISIS as a radical Muslim movement that was formed to disable peace and

harmony in the Middle East countries.

Domestically, President Obama failed to secure the border. It's the critical responsibility

for every leader to ensure border security during its administration. Protection from external

invasions and maintenance of peace and order in society (Saultz, McEachin & Fusarelli, 2016).

There was a conspiracy of illegal trade in the southern border, which continued during Obama's

tenure. Little attention was given to the illicit trading, and therefore, the diverse invasion was

experienced during his period.

Although there was a definite effort in maintaining international relationships with

foreign countries, waging war by attacking Libya was against international policy management.

This was done without congressional approval hence creating doubt on president Obamas ability

to maintain peaceful relations with global communities. This was further fueled by a lack of

confidence by NATO nations, which doubt the sincerity of Obamas administration.

On military concern, President Obama failed the United States by downing US drone

taken by Iran, which was reversibly engineered and sent to Israel. Recommendable, President

Obama could have destroyed the drone instead of selling it to the allies. Furthermore, he signed a

disastrous nuclear deal with the Mullahs of Iran. Signing an agreement was against the USA's

constitution of protecting the interest of American people.

Moral And Ethical Dilemmas, Tactics, Outcomes of the Battle and its Effects

The critical concern during the ruling of President Obama is creating an outstanding

history in terms of improving the economic climate in the USA. Like any other leader, Obama

faced moral and ethical dilemmas during his period. President Obama voted for successful bills

in 2006 that allowed funding for research using stem cell technology (Chatterjee & Maddox,

2018). He further voted against constitutional amendments that would have allowed congress to

outlaw flag burning. As a means to promote gender-based decisions, President Obama voted

against bills to expand funding for family planning and access to birth control.

Different leaders usually exert some ethical dilemmas depending on their leadership

styles. Many ethical issues related to President Obamas' presidency were resolved immediately.

The blame has been frequently used as a means of defense during Obama's ruling. Obama

utilized the Trans formal style of leadership in a manner to promote ethical leadership.

President Obama achieved ethics in governance awards as a result of partisan means of

governance. This milestone achievement resulted from consistent improvement in the political

and economic environment as a result of his leadership (Luting, 2017). The legislative agenda

revealed during his tenure were consistently related to the ethical balances. Senior government

administrative officers were appointed based on experience and credentials credibility. The

moral concepts of Obamas administration are unquestionable; thus, Obama voted as the most

prominent American leader.

President Obama's battle in United States History created a foundation for inclusivity and

productivity. Being the first black American to become the American president, he shed light not

only on the US citizen but also on the whole world on possibility attitude. His leadership tactics

brought favorable implications on ethical consideration, especially in presidential



Since independence, the US had 45 leaders update. All these leaders have contributed

either positively or negatively towards the alignment of American History to the desired

credentials. Every leader has portrayed a positive impact on the achievement of current America.

Although President Barack Obama, the 44th president, revealed a remarkable breakthrough for

being voted as the first black American president (Kriner & Shen, 2020). Both locals and

international communities closely monitored his ruling style. This changed the political

perceptions of the USA.



Bentley, M., & Holland, J. (Eds.). (2016). The Obama Doctrine: A Legacy of Continuity in US

Foreign Policy?. Routledge.

Chatterjee, P., & Maddox, K. E. J. (2018). US national trends in mortality from acute myocardial

infarction and heart failure: policy success or failure?. JAMA cardiology, 3(4), 336-340.

Conley, R. S. (2017). President Obama and the American Welfare State: Transformation or

Punctuation?. PS: Political Science & Politics, 50(1), 35-39.

Goldberg, J. (2016). The Obama Doctrine. The Atlantic, 317(3), 70-90.

Goldsmith, J. (2016). The Contributions of the Obama Administration to the Practice and Theory

of International Law. Harv. Int'l LJ, 57, 455.

Hill, T. E. (2017). Sanitizing the struggle: Barack Obama, Selma, and civil rights

memory. Communication Quarterly, 65(3), 354-376.

Krieg, A. (2016). Externalizing the burden of war: the Obama Doctrine and US foreign policy in

the Middle East. International Affairs, 92(1), 97-113.

Kriner, D. L., & Shen, F. X. (2020). Battlefield Casualties and Ballot-Box Defeat: Did the Bush–

Obama Wars Cost Clinton the White House?. PS: Political Science & Politics, 53(2),


Luttig, M. D. (2017). Obama, race, and the Republican landslide in 2010. Politics, Groups, and

Identities, 5(2), 197-219.

Saultz, A., McEachin, A., & Fusarelli, L. D. (2016). Wavering as governance: Federalism during

the Obama administration. Educational Researcher, 45(6), 358-366.


Zelizer, J. E. (Ed.). (2018). The Presidency of Barack Obama: A First Historical Assessment.

Princeton University Press.

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