Immigration Amuza Davide

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Nowadays, it is said that immigration is a problem that is constantly rising.

Within the upsides of

helping immigrants are the ethical and moral disciplines. In this essay, the issues of language and
culture will be covered.

On the first hand, we must take into account how difficult and hard it is for foreigners to adapt to a
new cultural background. One solution to the enquiry of helping the immigrants could be an
obligatory language exam before the integration. The inability to speak in the native language
prevents individuals from being able to fully express their personality and form bonds with others.
Language barriers can foment discrimination and separation of groups. Additionally, courses could
be offered too, paid by the government of each country. However, these measures won´t be
effective if we don´t participate. The change in mind must start from us.

On the second hand, it is mandatory that we should not alter their private framework. It is true that
not only could we lose our national integrity, but we could lose our identity and traditions.
Conversely, our culture would be enriched, using in our advantage their asset of skills and
knowledge. Furthermore, immigrants would give us difference and amongst all, tolerance, both
essential elements in today´s society. In this issue we must also contribute, just by reducing our
selfishness and helping others in the daily aspects of life.

In conclusion, both areas are necessary and therefore important, as they are the key to modern
society. In other words, we couldn´t do without language or culture nowadays. As far as I am
concerned, I believe that we all must participate in this global and ethical change happening and we
should happily embrace diversity.

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