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DUM I NI C Ă , 5 A P R I LI E 2009 S UB S C R I B E T O M Y P O DC A S T

1. Swami Vivekananda.

1. Swam i Viv ekananda.
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1 . Power com es to him who observes unbroken Google Friend Connect
Brahm acharya for a period of twelve years.
Membri (1)
Complete continence giv es great intellectual and spiritual
power. Controlled desire leads to the highest results.
Transform the sex ual energy into spiritual energy . The
stronger this force, the more can be done with it. Only a
powerful current of water can do hy draulic mining.
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2. Swami Vivekananda attributed his phenomenal mental

powers to a lifelong observance of brahmacharya.A few
days ago, a new set of the Encyclopedia Britannica had been A R HI V Ă B L O G
bought for the Math. Seeing the new shining volumes, the ▼ 2009 (1 44)
disciple said to Swamiji, “It is almost impossible to read all
► iunie (1 )
these books in a single lifetime.” He was unaware that Swamiji
▼ aprilie (1 2)
had already finished ten volumes and had begun the
eleventh.Swamiji: What do you say? Ask me anything you like Brahmachary a in Student Life.
from these ten volumes, and I will answer you all.The disciple Celibacy during bachelor life
asked in wonder, “Have you read all these books?” Swamiji: and other important ...
Why should I ask you to question me otherwise? 1 0. Spiritual scriptures.

Being ex amined, Swamiji not only reproduced the sense, 9. Dadasri (an enlightened
but at places the v ery language of the difficult topics sage from Gujarat).
selected from each v olume. The disciple, astonished, put 8. Swami Siv ananda .
aside the books, say ing, “This is not within human power!”
7 . Mahatma Gandhi.
Swamiji: Do y ou see, sim ply by the observ ance of 6. Swami Chidananda .
strict Brahm achary a (continence) all learning can 5. Sri Sankarachary a.
be m astered in a v ery short tim e — one has an
4. Jesus Christ.
unfailing m em ory of what one hears or knows but
once. It is owing to this want of continence that 3. Aurobindo Ghose.
ev ery thing is on the brink of ruin in our country . 2. Ramakrishna Paramahansa.

3. His childhood friend: Whatever you may say, I cannot bring 1 . Swami V iv ekananda.
11/7/12 brahmachary a: 1. Swami Viv ekananda.

myself to believe in these words. Who can come by that ► martie (30)
oratorical power of expounding philosophy which you have?
► februarie (1 01 )
Swamiji: You don’t know! That power may come to all. That
power comes to him who observes unbroken Brahmacharya for
a period of twelve years, with the sole object of realising God I DES P R E M I NE
have practiced that kind of Brahmacharya myself, and so a
screen has been removed, as it were, from my brain. For that
reason, I need not any more think over or prepare myself for any V I Z UA LI Z A Ţ I P R O FI LUL M EU C O M P LET

lectures on such a subtle subject as philosophy. Suppose I

have to lecture tomorrow; all that I shall speak about will pass
tonight before my eyes like so many pictures; and the next day
I put into words during my lecture all those things that I saw. So
you will understand now that it is not any power which is
exclusively my own. Whoever will practice unbroken
Brahmacharya for twelve years will surely have it. If you do so,
you too will get it. Our Shâstras do not say that only such and
such a person will get it and not others!

4. The chaste brain has tremendous energy and gigantic will

power. Without chastity there can be no spiritual
strength. Continence giv es wonderful control ov er

The spiritual leaders of men hav e been v ery continent and

this is what gav e them power.

5. Ev ery boy should be trained to practice absolute

Brahmachary a and then, and then alone faith and Shraddha
will come. Chastity in thought, word and deed alway s and in
all conditions is what is called Brahmachary a. Unchaste
imagination is as bad as unchaste action. The Brahmacharin
must be pure in thought, word and deed.

6. First of all, one must completely mould one’s religious life

in solitude, must be perfect in renunciation and m ust
preserv e Brahm achary a without a break. The Tamas
has entered into y ou — what of that? Cannot the Tamas be
destroy ed? It can be done in less than no time!

7 . What we want are Western science coupled with V edanta,

Brahmachary a as the guiding motto, and also Shraddha and
faith in one’s own self.
8. Knowledge should be acquired in that way , otherwise by
educating y ourself in the tol of a Pandit y ou will be only a
human ape all y our life. One should liv e from his v ery
boy hood with one whose character is like a blazing fire and

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should hav e before him a liv ing ex ample of the highest

teaching. Mere reading that it is a sin to tell a lie will be of no
use. Ev ery boy should be trained to practice absolute
Brahmachary a, and then, and then only , faith — Shraddha —
will come. Otherwise, why will not one who has no Shraddha
speak an untruth? In our country , the imparting of
knowledge has alway s been through men of renunciation.
Later, the Pandits, by monopolising all knowledge and
restricting it to the tols, hav e only brought the country to
the brink of ruin. India had all good prospects so long as
Ty agis (men of renunciation) used to impart knowledge.
9. But whatev er be the order of genesis, the celibate teachers
of the Shrutis and Smritis stand on an entirely different
platform from the married ones, which is perfect chastity ,
Brahmachary a.
1 0. Founders of all good undertakings, before they launch on
their desired work, must attain to the knowledge of the
Atman through rigorous self - discipline. Otherwise defects
are bound to occur in their work.
1 1 . Our motherland requires for her well-being some of her
children to become such pure-souled Brahmacharins and
1 2. Teach the boy s the sy stem of Brahmachary a.
1 3. In order to attain to ideal Brahmachary a one has in the
beginning to observ e strict rules regarding chastity . For
minimum 1 2 y ears, one should keep oneself strictly aloof
from the least association with the opposite sex as far as
possible. When spiritual aspirants are established in the
ideal of Sanny asa and brahmachary a, they will be able to
mix on an equal footing with worldly men without any
harm. But in the beginning 1 2 y ears, if they do not keep
themself within the barriers of strict rules, they will all go
1 4. People here (in USA) hav e found a new ty pe of man in me.
Ev en the orthodox are at their wit’s end. And people are
now looking up to me with an ey e of rev erence. Is there a
greater strength than that of Brahmachary a — purity , my
boy ?
1 5. Describing the Indian ideal of Brahmachary a in the
student’s life, Swami V iv ekananda said:

“Brahmachary a should be like a burning fire within the

v eins!”

1 6. The Sanskrit name for a student, Brahmacharin, is

sy nony mous with the Sanskrit word Kamajit. (One who has

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11/7/12 brahmachary a: 1. Swami Viv ekananda.

full control ov er his passions.) Our goal of life is Moksha;

how can that be ev er attained without Brahmachary a or
absolute continence? Hence it is imposed upon our boy s
and y outh as an indispensable condition during their
studentship. The purpose of life in the West is Bhoga,
enjoy ment; hence much attention to strict Brahmachary a is
not so indispensably necessary with them as it is with us.
1 7 . Obedience to the Guru without questioning, and strict
observ ance of Brahmachary a — this is the secret of success.
1 8. In his Raja Y oga, the Swami ex plains that through
brahmachary a sex energy is conv erted into a higher form of
psy chic energy called ‘ojas.’(Ojas, literally meaning the
‘illuminating’ or ‘bright’ is the highest form of energy in the
human body . In the spiritual aspirant who constantly
practises continence and purity , other forms of energy are
transmuted into ojas and stored in the brain, ex pressing as
spiritual and intellectual power). He say s, “The y ogis say
that part of the human energy which is ex pressed as sex
energy , in sex ual thought, when checked and controlled
easily becomes changed into ojas, and as the Muladhara
(lowest of the six centers of consciousness) guides these,
the y ogi pay s particular attention to that centre. He tries to
take up all his sex ual energy and conv ert it into ojas.
It is only the chaste man or woman who can make the ojas
rise and store it in the brain; that is why chastity has alway s
been considered the highest v irtue. A man feels that if he is
unchaste, spirituality goes away , he loses mental v igour and
moral stamina. That is why in all the religious orders in the
world which hav e produced spiritual giants y ou alway s find
absolute chastity insisted upon. That is why the monks
came into ex istence, giv ing up marriage. There must be
perfect chastity in thought, word and deed; without it the
practice of Raja Y oga is dangerous, and may lead to
insanity . If people practise Raja Y oga and at the same time
lead an impure life, how can they ex pect to become y ogis?”
1 9. Disciple: Do y ou think, sir, the same consummation would
be reached through the way Mataji is educating her
students? These students would soon grow up and get
married and would presently shade into the likeness of all
other women of the common run. So I think, if these girls
might be made to adopt Brahmachary a, then only could
they dev ote their liv es to the cause of the country ’s
progress and attain to the high ideals preached in our
sacred books.Swamiji: Y es, ev ery thing will come about in
time. Such educated men are not y et born in this country ,

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who can keep their girls unmarried without fear of social



18 C O M E NT A RI I :

SPRIRUAL INDIA 1 3 octombrie 2009, 01 :46

why lust thinking comes in mind when someone becomes


Y ogesh Av had 5 aprilie 201 2, 01 :1 7

because we are not pure. we hav e to be pure and
then only we can restrict the thoughts. to
become pure chanting the holy name of GOD will
help and giv e the stength to fight.


SPRIRUAL INDIA 1 3 octombrie 2009, 01 :48

these point are really v ery good t protect
brahamchary a....................

dinabandhu 1 6 decembrie 2009, 03:24

This is one of the great idea for our upcomming

Surachit 1 9 ianuarie 201 0, 09:27

I am a 20 y rs aged boy ,I hav n't this idea before 1
during 1 6 to 1 9 ,I didn't practice Bramhachary a.But if I
start it from now,would I be able to get my all powers, I'v e
lost....and would I be able to gain powerfull spiritual life
and that sort of memory power,described here??please
send me the answers

chandu 29 ianuarie 201 0, 01 :51

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brahmachary a: 1. Swami Viv ekananda.

y es its possible to practice brahmachary a after 20 also

and y ou can gain all the powers with in y ou. this
disciplined action is only to manifest the powers already
within ev ery one indiv idual. do y ou know,one thing
mahatma gandhi taken a v ow of brahmachary at the age of
37 y rs, from then onwards he fighted for the mankind with
strong willpower of mind without looking back . purity
brings clarity to mind, itleads to powerful actions which
results in ex posing all possibilities y ou hav e, go on with
the things nev er look back my friends..

Adity a 8 martie 201 0, 1 0:37

i m 23 . im defence officer. i want to follow a strict
brahmchary a. suggest me wht to do

Gopal Krishna 28 aprilie 201 0, 03:27

please read the original site from which this blog has taken
up the quotes - y ou will find all details on how to practise
brahmachary a there - -
inspiring-brahmachary a-quotes. Blog writer - plz giv e link
to my brahmachary a post as I will refine and improv e my
post further to help spiritual aspirants as much as possible
in the practice of complete brahmachary a.

Gopal Krishna 28 aprilie 201 0, 03:28

sorry - the complete link is here: Brahmachary a tips and

Naray an Naray an 1 6 mai 201 0, 04:24

Free Book on Brahmachary a - Celibacy - chastity - Eternal
Y outh - Eternal Health - Y oga

This Books giv es detailed information on Brahmachary a,

Celibacy to achiev e eternal Health and y outh thus liv e a
much Healthier, Longer and a Div ine life.

The secrets of Eternal Y outh & Health from V edas, Gita,

Upanishads, Hinduism hindu sacred tex ts, here it is:

http://brahmachary a-celibacy


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11/7/12 brahmachary a: 1. Swami Viv ekananda.

Siddharth 27 iulie 201 0, 06:58

Dr.Siddharth Gundecha
The site brahmachary a-celibacy seems to
contain unauthentic and wrong information on
Brahmachary a. It's better to obtain information from
authentic people like Swami V iv ekananda in my opinion
and not from the so called spiritual teachers of today who
misguide people. Thanks a lot for Swami V iv ekananda's
ideas on Bramachary a.

rainthebat 9 martie 201 1 , 1 0:01

Brahmachary a can be difficult, one needs to build v ery
strong base, and hav e a constant access to the information
of what makes Brahmachary a worthy of practise. Being
born in the West, as an av erage ignorant peasant ty pe
person, makes for a straight up-hill battle. The heart knows
about Brahmachary a though, and seeks the most peaceful
state, while remaining compassionate towards surronding

shiv oham 005 1 2 noiembrie 201 1 , 1 0:08

Get y our free copy of Book on Brahmachary a Celibacy
here it is:

http://brahmachary a-celibacy

http://brahmachary a-celibacy

sreeraj 1 5 ianuarie 201 2, 07 :1 3

brahmachary a which means mov ing bey ond small
identifications. Being not interested in shapes and forms of
the body and seeing the infinite is brahmachary a.

Sri Sri Rav ishanker


Value Creator Solutions 1 8 august 201 2, 1 1 :59

I would like to go for this ... not to obtain any powers but
to get a mind that's pure and to know about GOD .... Not to
lecture these things to any one .. but for just thy self ... Oh
God please help me from now onwards to take the great
v ow of bramachary a v rata... Mind, the king of all senses ,
be like an ocean without wav es ... Giv e me pious thoughts
that giv es no time to put the impurities in that ocean ..

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11/7/12 brahmachary a: 1. Swami Viv ekananda.

giv e me a clear v ision, so that i cannot see the bad with my

ey es ... literally I will keep my ey es closed until I am
perfect ...

Chokkar Sandeep 1 8 august 201 2, 22:1 6

how to get rid off from sex ual thoughts from our inner

hari 27 august 201 2, 09:1 8

Really , at first i was failed ,but im try ing it, after a lot of
day s in reading spiritual books and about our national
heroes like bhagat singh, subhash chandra bose, swami
v iv ekananda, gandhiji etc,i was now able to control my
thoughts, its all come from regular practise and putting
y our sincere efforts, read bhagav ath gita daily , y ou will
feel more better, LIV E LIKE A LEGEND....

arun gangawat Gangawat 24 octombrie 201 2, 07 :1 1


i found below is v ery good material on this page:

1 )Div y a Prerna Prakash : Pujy a Sant Shri Asaramji Bapu

2)Practice of Brahmachary a :Swami Siv ananda
3)Science Discov ers the Phy siological V alue of Continence
: Dr. Ray mond Bernard

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