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I ain't that shit to say till I see a judge

A. would you wanna hop you guys were all passed out when we arrested you were you hopped
up ray

B. I and Lewis fuck with that shit man not me

A. where do they get their stuff () come on give me one to feed the DA it'll make me look good
and I'll say Sugar Ray's not a punk like he's sissy partners () all right Raymond tell me one more
thing about Jones and Fontaine where do they get their drugs

B. () Roland Navarette he runs a hole up on Bunker Hill and he sells Red Devils

A. I’m gonna take a break () you know ray I’m talking about the gas chamber and you haven't
even asked me what this is about you got a big guilty sign around your neck


A. Ray Coates just ratted you off said the night out was your idea I think it was raised yeah you
talked I think I can save your life () son six people are dead and someone has to pay for it now it
can be you or it can be Ray. () Louis he called you a queer he said at casitas you took it up the

B. I didn’t kill nobody

A. son you know what's gonna happen to you if you don't talk you’ll go to the gas chamber so
for God's sake and unless that you didn't

B. I didn't mean to hurt her maybe she's okay

A. okay these people are all in the morgue they were dead when you left them

B. I just wanted to lose my cherry she don’t die so I don't die she don’t die so I don't die

A. Louis who's the girl what's her name () who are you talking about () was she the night out
Louis listen to me was she the night out


B. this newspaper shit ain’t shit

A. where's the girl Fontaine's talking about did you kill her he wanted Lois to lose his cherry but
that wasn't enough so things got out of hand and you made her bleed she bled on your clothes
so you burned the clothes

B. who told you that

A. now listen to me if that girl is still alive she's the only chance you've got

B. I think she's alive

A. you think and where is she now you leave her someplace just sell her out tell me where she


where’s she
where’s the girl

white I have this under control

where the girl

B. Sylvester Fitch one-o-nine Avalon brown corner house upstairs

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