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Name:​ Lillie Michael

Role:​ Connector

7 Professional-Level Web Design Tips for Beginners

I have a HUGE (personal) connection to this article. This connection relates to
something I was a part of while in high school. I was involved in an intense business
program in high school known as Business Incubator. This class starts your junior year
and it is a course where you are assigned to a group and you and your teammates get
to develop a startup company. Unfortunately my junior year my team's idea did not
make it to pitch night. But my senior year I interviewed to take over a pre-existing
company that was started by a group of students who graduated my junior year. They
were looking for potential interns to run their company during their first year away at
college. This company is called: “TopTechTeaching”. I (and 3 other seniors) ended up
getting the internship position which began at the start of my senior year! Our company
had 2 branches. Our first job was to provide individuals with technology assistance. We
would host weekly technology classes on a variety of different topics such as: how to
use email, every week. Our second branch was running companies social media
platforms as well as helping companies design their websites!!

It was my job to inform our customers with tips on how to properly and
professionally design websites. I myself had to do a bunch of research to find out how to
successfully design a website that would attract our customers' target markets. When
reading this article I found that I read a lot of overlap compared to the websites I read
last year for tips on successful website design.
Another connection in relation to the article is that when I was an intern for this
company I was in charge of designing “TopTechTeaching’s” website. When reading this
article I found a lot of the same exact tips that I used within my company’s website.
**Down below I have included an email of a customer I worked with towards the end of
the year. Within this email I give her website feedback and tips after methodically
looking through her company's website. PSA: I had to send her website feedback over
email because this occurred post pandemic (I unfortunately was unable to meet with her
in person...I would have if it were a non covid world):)

From: ​Lillian Michael <>
Date: ​May 18, 2020 at 1:16 PM
To: ​Susie <>
Subject: Flotstone- Webstie Feedback

Hi Susie! It's TopTechTeaching. We are sorry that this email is different. We are emailing you off our school email. It
was so nice to talk with you last week. We have spent time looking over your website and finding quotes and we
wanted to send all of it your way. Down below you will find website feedback. We will send you another email with the
quotes that we found!!

Website Feedback:
1. Website has a lot of darke colors- we recommend using lighter colors such as light blue, white, light gray, etc, it
helps attract customers who want to look more into your website.
2. The homepage of your website we found to be overly crowded with information. We thought you should move
some of your info to new tabs. For example, the info related to "Spark Creativity, Improve, Focus, and Performance"
could be moved to a new tab.
3. We recommend that you use a different type of font. Sometimes changing around the font will help make the
website look more organized and attractive. We thought maybe you could change your entire website's font to match
your logo font.
4. We LOVED the colors on the "Sunlight Sauna" tab- keep those colors in mind if you change your website's colors.
5. We thought overall the website was well organized and easy to maneuver through.
6. We loved your videos!! Videos are key to attracting customers. We do suggest adding more photos. I was looking
for an example photo of what it looks like when floating. Maybe you could add an example to show customers what
being in a flotation looks like.
7. The only big issue we ran across was how to get back to your "Homepage". We figured out that you have to click
on your logo in the upper left hand corner to get back to the homepage. We suggest maybe making a tab called
"Homepage" so that it makes it easier for customers to find.

If you have any questions please feel free to let us know!! These are just suggestions. Thank you!! We will be
sending quotes shortly.

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