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9 Nutrition Rules for Building Muscle | Jim Stoppani's Shortcut to Strength

Rule 1 - Eat Plenty of Protein: Protein is the main driver of muscle growth and should be the number
one priority in your nutrition plan. Strive for at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, and
consider going as high as 1.5 grams per pound, especially when following an intense training
regimen like this one.

Rule 2 - Eat (Protein) Frequently: Recent research suggests that consuming protein every 4-6 hours
is optimal to maximize muscle growth, not 3 hours like I've told you to before. Why? This timeframe
supposedly provides your muscle machinery with the resources it needs to maximize growth while
also ensuring it has an adequate "break" soon after before repeating the process.

Rule 3 - Get Ample Fats: If protein is your highest priority, fat is next on the list. It plays a major role
in supporting muscle growth, health, and performance, so don't neglect it—period. My rule for fat
intake is to consume half your body weight per day in grams of fat. That means a 180-pound
individual will strive to consume 90 grams of fat per day.

Rule 4 - Manipulate Carbs: Everyone's body responds to carbohydrates differently, so after you set
your protein and fat intake, experiment with your carbohydrate intake to determine what works best
for you. Aiming for 1.5-2.0 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight (on a training day at
minimum) is a solid starting place.

Rule 5 - Macronutrients Over Calories: I'm not a huge stickler on calorie amounts. Yes, calorie intake
is important, but rather than focusing on a calories-first approach, I suggest building your diet from
the macros up to ensure you're providing your body with the necessary fuel to support strength
gains. If you follow my above rules, your caloric intake will come out to be 15-19 calories per pound
of body weight.

Rule 6 - Use a Protein Powder Blend: For me, the only thing better than whey or casein is whey and
casein. When you blend these two protein sources, the fast-digesting whey will ensure you rapidly
promote an anabolic (muscle-building) environment, while the casein will help you sustain it for a
long time—maybe as long as 6-8 hours. This will reduce the time you spend in a state of muscle
breakdown and maximize the time spent in a state of growth. To fully round out your protein shake, I
suggest the inclusion of medium-speed digesting protein, too.

Rule 7 - Use Fast-Digesting Carbs After Workouts: Carbohydrates are your muscles' primary fuel
source during exercise. The greater the intensity and length of your training, the more the body
depletes its carbohydrate stores. This happens! But when it does, you need to rectify it quickly.

Rule 8 - Take the Pre- and Post-Workout Supplement Essentials: BCAAs, Beta-Alanine, Betaine, &

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