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World Link Intro Video Worksheet – Unit 11

Name: Maria Carolina Jaimes Angel

Date: November 10th 2020
Fashion and colors / Shopping

A Watch the interviews about “Fashion and Colors” and circle True or False. Then correct
the false sentences. Check your answers with a partner.
1. Paula doesn’t like to dress up. True / False
2. Brad’s shirt cost $10.00. True / False
3. Brad bought his shirt at a department store. True / False
4. Dave’s shoes are about five years old. True / False
5. Catherine wears casual clothes to work. True / False
6. Catherine likes to wear bright colors. True / False
7. Dennis likes to wear black. True / False
8. Hana likes to wear black, purple, and green. True / False
9. Julianna’s favorite colors are black and red. True / False
10. Alejandra’s favorite piece of clothing is a scarf. True / False

B Now watch the interviews about “Shopping.” Circle the answers.

1. Catherine likes / doesn’t like to shop.

2. Brad shops / doesn’t shop on the Internet.
3. Brad usually buys clothes / video games.
4. Alejandra buys / doesn’t buy clothes on the Internet.
5. Hana shops / doesn’t shop on the Internet.
6. Hana’s mom / dad told her not to shop on the Internet.

C Go around the class and choose a partner to ask the questions below. Write his/ her
name and answers in the chart. Then write a paragraph about him /her Including
frequency adverbs and connecting words like AND, BUT, ALSO.

Question Name Answer

What’s your favorite color? MIGUEL Green.
What’s your favorite item of clothing? MIGUEL Sweatshirt.
Do you like to shop? Why or why not? MIGUEL Yes, because he likes to
buy new clothes.
Where do you shop? MIGUEL In shopping centers
What’s your favorite store? MIGUEL Zara and Adidas
Do you shop on the Internet? Why or why not? MIGUEL No, he doesn’t seem
Do you wear formal clothes or casual clothes MIGUEL He wears casual clothes,
more? he likes it better.
Do you like to dress up? Why or why not? MIGUEL His birthday.

My partner is Miguel, his favorite color is green, his favorite garment is sweatshirts, he likes to
buy new clothes, he usually buys clothes in shopping centers, in stores like Zara and Adidas, he
does not usually buy online, because he is not reliable, for he usually wears casual clothes
because they fit him well.

My partner is Monica. She always go shopping at the weekend

because during the week she doesn’t have time. Her favorite color is
navy blue because it is like the sea waves. She loves jeans and t-
shirts from Jean Paul Gaultier because they fit her. She always
prefers to shop on the store because she can put on all the things she
buys. When she is not working she prefers casual clothes but at her
office she has to wear more formal. She likes to dress up for
Christmas and also for her birthday.

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