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Case #1: Beta Technologies, Inc.

Gender Age Prior_Experience Beta_Experience Education Annual_Salary

1 35 7 10 4 80,450
0 46 15 7 6 92,912
0 26 1 0 4 71,214
1 24 4 2 4 54,750
0 52 21 24 7 145,285
0 43 10 8 4 90,442
1 35 8 0 6 82,207
0 36 14 5 4 84,331
1 47 13 14 6 129,489
1 25 2 1 4 58,118
0 33 8 3 6 83,956
1 26 1 6 0 58,439
1 43 13 7 4 90,638
0 37 8 4 6 80,167
1 31 6 2 0 46,371
0 45 6 13 6 98,613
1 46 13 16 5 116,927
0 32 4 4 4 80,556
1 36 12 3 4 57,183
1 41 16 7 4 86,712
1 47 11 13 8 136,473
0 65 18 18 4 143,588
0 30 3 4 4 59,901
1 31 5 1 4 43,100
0 51 13 14 6 130,053
1 47 23 2 4 71,259
1 36 3 10 2 59,106
0 32 4 5 4 69,224
1 19 3 2 4 38,743
1 42 5 11 6 94,965
0 56 8 13 4 103,388
1 26 3 5 0 59,014
1 32 6 3 6 89,205
1 63 11 20 4 138,763
0 33 4 1 6 45,829
1 20 1 2 2 42,784
0 43 7 14 4 94,199
1 37 6 6 4 86,932
0 54 13 12 9 133,278
0 28 5 2 2 62,100
1 38 14 6 4 99,987
0 62 11 19 4 125,471
1 52 10 11 4 91,194
1 32 4 3 6 46,109
0 22 1 3 1 62,340
0 40 8 4 6 79,455
1 46 10 11 4 89,861
0 23 1 2 4 50,327
0 33 10 3 4 41,008
1 55 16 12 6 130,874
0 48 8 16 4 117,966
1 19 2 1 0 44,986
Age Prior_Experience Beta_Experience Education

Mean 38.480769231 Mean 8.25 Mean 7.4038461538 Mean 4.2692307692

Standard Error 1.6098514552 Standard Error 0.7434353223 Standard Error 0.8267125903 Standard Error 0.2635689964
Median 36.5 Median 8 Median 5.5 Median 4
Mode 32 Mode 8 Mode 2 Mode 4
Standard Deviation 11.608803935 Standard Deviation 5.360988349 Standard Deviation 5.9615092686 Standard Deviation 1.9006230621
Sample Variance 134.76432881 Sample Variance 28.740196078 Sample Variance 35.53959276 Sample Variance 3.6123680241
Kurtosis -0.4689621578 Kurtosis -0.0017612154 Kurtosis -0.1399752256 Kurtosis 0.8546489999
Skewness 0.3469348305 Skewness 0.6605493444 Skewness 0.8332857043 Skewness -0.4033926039
Range 46 Range 22 Range 24 Range 9
Minimum 19 Minimum 1 Minimum 0 Minimum 0
Maximum 65 Maximum 23 Maximum 24 Maximum 9
Sum 2001 Sum 429 Sum 385 Sum 222
Count 52 Count 52 Count 52 Count 52

Question 1
According to the data, the average age of a fulltime employee at Beta Technologies is approximately 38.4 years of age.
The average prior experience is approximately 8.25 years. The average Beta Experience is 7.4 years. The average
education level of a fulltime employee at Beta Technologies is 4.26 years, and the average salary for the fulltime employee
is $84,043.11.

Mean 84043.115385
Standard Error 4241.3582491
Median 83081.5
Mode #N/A
Standard Deviation 30584.869289
Sample Variance 935434229.44
Kurtosis -0.7821775436
Skewness 0.4281900064
Range 106542
Minimum 38743
Maximum 145285
Sum 4370242
Count 52
Beta_Experience Annual_Salary
10 80,450
7 92,912
0 71,214
2 54,750
24 145,285
8 90,442
0 82,207
5 84,331
14 129,489
1 58,118
3 83,956
6 58,439
7 90,638
4 80,167
2 46,371
13 98,613
16 116,927
4 80,556
3 57,183
7 86,712
13 136,473
18 143,588
4 59,901
1 43,100
14 130,053
2 71,259
10 59,106
5 69,224
2 38,743 Scatterplot for Beta Experience and Annual Salary
11 94,965
13 103,388
5 59,014 140,000
3 89,205
20 138,763 120,000
1 45,829
2 42,784 100,000
Annual Salary

14 94,199
6 86,932 80,000
12 133,278
2 62,100
6 99,987 40,000
19 125,471
11 91,194 20,000
3 46,109
3 62,340 0
0 5 10 15 20 25
4 79,455
11 89,861 Beta Experience
2 50,327
3 41,008 Question 2
12 130,874 The relationship between Beta Experience and Annual Salary is positive. The
16 117,966 indicates that as an employee gains more Beta Experience, their salary goes
1 44,986
and Annual Salary

20 25 30

al Salary is positive. The upward trendline

rience, their salary goes up.
Histogram Intervals
Max Salary 145,285
Min Salary 38,743
Bin Interval 21,308

Salary Categories Salary, $ Frequency

20,000-40,000 40,000 1
41,000-60,000 60,000 15
61,000-80,000 80,000 6
81,000-100,000 100,000 18
101,000-120,000 120,000 3
121,000-140,000 140,000 7
141,000-160,000 160,000 2
Bin Frequency
20-40 1
81-100 18 20
101-120 3 18
121-140 7 16
141-160 2 14
More 0 12

10 Fr
20-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 More

Question 3
The salary history Histrogram shows that one (1) person makes less than $40,000 a year,
15 people make between $41,000-$60,000 a year, 6 people make between $61,000-$80,000 a year,
18 people make between $81,000-$100,000 a year, three (3) people make between $101,000-$120,000 a year,
7 people make between $121,000-$140,000 a year, and two (2) people make between $141,000-$160,000 a year.


20 121-140 141-160 More

0-$120,000 a year,
000-$160,000 a year.
Gender Age Prior_Experience Beta_Experience Education
Gender 1
Age -0.1558971074 1
Prior_Experience -0.0217975829 0.7425248624 1
Beta_Experience -0.1326894208 0.8338005872 0.5274738348797 1
Education -0.2159798163 0.4756840968 0.439718937854 0.3138238563473 1
Annual_Salary -0.1637415835 0.8674197878 0.6642071708155 0.8604477780754 0.5416796963

Question 4
The coalition efficient between all of the variables and itself is one.
(i.e., The coalition efficient between gender and itself is one. This it typical.)

The association (strength of correlation) between annual salary and age, prior experience, beta experience, and education
is a positive linear relationship. A positive correlation coefficient indicates a linear relationship from which one variable
increases as the other also increases.

The association between annual salary and gender is a negative linear relationship. A negative correlation coefficient
indicates a linear relationship for one variable that increases while the other decreases.

eta experience, and education

p from which one variable

ve correlation coefficient

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