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Rubiela: Good morning, Edward Quezada, isn’t?

Edward: Yes, good morning

Rubiela: I’m Rubiela. I’m the Human Resources Manager, thanks for being
available on for interview.

Edward: It’s my pleasure, thank you for meeting with me.

Rubiela: How are you doing today?

Edward: I’m doing fine.

Rubiela: OK. Edward, how did you find out about our vacancy

Edward: I saw the vacancy announcement on web page of the Company

Rubiela: Edward, after reading the ad, what information do you have about this

Edward: Well, the vacancy is for the position of web designer at NAN TATTOO
Company and the ad indicates that the workplace is in Cra. 3 # 11-23 in front of
Santander Park in the city of La Dorada, Caldas.

Rubiela: Yes, it is. Well first I would like give you more information about this
vacancy. Are you okay with that?

Edward: Yes

Rubiela: During the trial period, which is 2 months, the hours of the day are from
7:00 am - 7:00 pm with two hours for lunch. After this period, you can choose your
own schedule, the important factor is that you must complete 50 hours per week.
Do you have any question for now?

Edward: No thank you very much for your clarification everything is clear now.

Rubiela: Great! Now that you have a complete description of the position you are
offering, are you still interested in this vacancy?

Edward: Yes, I am very interested in working for this company.

Rubiela: Perfect, then we can continue with the interview. I'm going to ask you 10
questions, answer me very sincerely.
Edward: Yes of course

Rubiela: Edward, Tell me about yourself.

Edward: of course I am born and raised here in La Dorada, I live with my mother
and my 4 nephews I am 24 years old I am a high school graduate I am currently
doing a virtual technologist in multimedia production in the seine I am a hard
worker, organized and a responsible and strong person. In my spare time I like to
be with my family listening to music and watching movies.

Rubiela: ok now tell me why we should hire you

Edward: Because I come with new editions to improve the quality of the
company's work, I am very innovative, I have excellent management of all current
programs for the design and creation of multimedia products, as well as it makes it
easier for me to adapt to any work environment

Rubiela: the third question tell me, what is your greatest strength?

Edward: my greatest strengths are companionship, my good self-esteem, the

great resilience I possess, and the tenacious

Rubiela: very interesting, the fourth question: What is your greatest weakness?

Edward: I think my weaknesses that I am currently improving are that I tend to be

a bit messy and that I also distract myself on some occasions

Rubiela: Let’s go to the fifth question, why do you want to work here?

Edward: I see it as a way to progress in my professional career, I feel that my

skills could fit very well in this job since I have the knowledge to be successful in
this position, I am very excited about this opportunity because I will be able to
demonstrate what I am capable of and help the company improve significantly

Rubiela: the sixth question is why did you leave your last job?

Edward: I really did not leave it, what happened is that it was a temporary job, so
as soon as the season ended the contract ended and there was no contract

Rubiela: ok edward the seventh question is What is your greatest

Edward: Well, really at my young age I don't have a well-defined achievement
but I would say that so far the greatest achievement I have obtained has been
having graduated as the best student in school

Rubiela: Well Edward, now tell me a difficult work situation and what you did to
overcome it.

Edward: I would say that when I was working as a van attendant I had to deliver
parcels and when I was out of the city it was difficult because I did not know the
addresses of the other cities what I did to overcome that situation was in two ways,
first I used technology and through from my cell phone I used the GPS to locate
myself and the second thing I did was ask the locals for information asking them for

Rubiela: ok, let's go to the ninth question, where do you see yourself in five

Edward: I still see myself in this company and that she recognizes my skills and
has already given me some promotion, I also see myself with the title of
technologist in multimedia production

Rubiela: very good, edward now to finish Do you have any questions for me?

Edward: I really don't have any questions

Rubiela: ready with this we have finished edward we will be calling him in the
next few days have a happy afternoon see you later

Edward: ok thank you very much also have a good day bye

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