CMSR Quick Start Guide: Rosella Software

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CMSR Quick Start Guide

Rosella Software
Sydney Australia
© Copyright 2010-. All contents and designs of software interfaces used are copyright of Rosella Software.
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This manual is designed for starters of CMSR.

May 1, 2010.
Table of Contents
PREFACE ................................................................................................................................... III

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................IV

1. BASICS .....................................................................................................................................1
1.1 ENABLING GROUPBY CHARTS ................................................................................................1
1.2 ENABLING BI DEVELOPER TOOLS...........................................................................................1
2. DATABASE ..............................................................................................................................2
2.1 SELECTING DATABASE AND LOGIN ........................................................................................2
2.2 CONFIGURING DATABASES ....................................................................................................3
2.3 CHARTING WITH DATABASE...................................................................................................5
3. PROJECTS ...............................................................................................................................6
3.1 SELECTING A PROJECT............................................................................................................6
3.2 CREATING PROJECTS ..............................................................................................................6
4. IMPORTING DATA................................................................................................................7
4.1 IMPORTING FROM DATABASE.................................................................................................7
4.2 IMPORTING USING SQL QUERIES ...........................................................................................8
4.3 IMPORTING FROM FILES .........................................................................................................9
5. CHARTING WITH IMPORTED DATA.............................................................................10
5.1 OPENING A DATASET ............................................................................................................10
5.2 SELECTING CHARTS .............................................................................................................10
5.3 ANALYZING CHARTS ............................................................................................................11
6. PREDICTIVE MODELING - REGRESSION ....................................................................12
6.1 OPENING A DATASET ............................................................................................................12
6.2 BUILD MODELS ....................................................................................................................12
6.3 APPLY TO DATABASE ...........................................................................................................12
7. PREDICTIVE MODELING – NEURAL NETWORK ......................................................13
7.1 OPENING A DATASET ............................................................................................................13
7.2 CONFIGURE MODELS ............................................................................................................13
7.3 TRAIN MODELS ....................................................................................................................14
7.4 APPLY TO DATABASE ...........................................................................................................14
8. RULE ENGINE – RME-EP ..................................................................................................15
8.1 APPLY TO DATABASE ...........................................................................................................15
8.2 DEPLOY TO BI SERVER.........................................................................................................15

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The following is the main windows of CMSR;

Select a database from Datasets and models

here. are opened here.

Double click an item to

open datasets or models.

1.1 Enabling Groupby Charts

Groupby reports have “charts” options. To enable chart options, you need to login into a
BI server. From “File” – “Properties” menu, select “Others” tab. Tick “Login BI Server
at system start”. This will enable login at system start.

1.2 Enabling BI Developer tools

BI developer tools are not used by data analysts. So they are hidden from menu. You can
enable them as follows. From “File” – “Properties” menu, select “Others” tab. Tick
“Enable BI developer tools”. This will enable menus for developer tools.

2. Database
The top-left part of the main CMSR window has the following panel. It deals with
database configurations and connections.

Import using query button Database login button

Import button Help button

Database configuration button

Database entries are organized with database server cluster names. Database clusters
contain one or more databases. For example, “ODBC-Access” is a database cluster name
which contains three databases: “Samples”, “Samples1”, and “Samples2”.

2.1 Selecting Database and Login

To select a database, unfold the database cluster it belongs and click the database with
the right mouse button. To login a database, double click the database. Alternatively you
can select a database and press the “database login button”. To login, enter account
identifier and password and press the OK button.

2.2 Configuring Databases
To import data stored in database systems, you need to setup database connections
between CMSR and your database systems. CMSR uses connection facilities called
JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity). Each database system has own JDBC connection
drivers. CMSR connects through JDBC drivers. To configure database server cluster,
press the “database configuration button”. To modify an existing server cluster, select
the cluster and press the “database configuration button”.

The following figure shows the database configuration window. Perform the steps
described in the figure;

1. Select or enter a site name.

2. Enter or modify
database access

3. Press this button to

save changes.

JDBC drivers are available from database system vendors. JDBC drivers normally have
file names with suffix “.jar”. To install JDBC drivers, select “Install JDBC Drivers” of
the “File” menu of CMSR.
On Windows, you can use ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) drivers. This is the
most convenient way of connecting database, since you don’t need to install separate
JDBC drivers. (Note that you still need to configure JDBC drivers for ODBC
connections as shown in the above figure.)

When you install your database systems on your Windows operating system, ODBC
drivers are installed automatically. For example, if you install MS Office with Access
database system, Access ODBC drivers are installed automatically. If your database is
an external source (or not installed inside your own system), you may need to install
drivers manually.
To connect database systems through ODBC, perform the followings;
1. Install ODBC drivers (if you are accessing external databases).
2. Create an ODBC DSN (Data Source Name) for your database. To create DSNs,
open Windows “Control Panel” – “Administrative Tools” – “Data Sources
(ODBC)”. Then you will see the following window. Select a driver and
“Configure…” your database. Note that this will create a DSN for your
database. In JDBC configuration described in the previous page, “DSN”s are
equivalent to “database names”!

1. Select a database
driver you have

2. Continue to
configure …

3. As described in the previous page, configure a JDBC configuration for ODBC.

Add the DSNs you created to the “Databases:” list. CMSR has several pre-
defined configurations that you can modify. Use one of “ODBC” site

It is noted that you can configure ODBC and JDBC configurations in any sequence!

2.3 Charting with Database
To draw a chart using database data, select a database by clicking it;

From the “Database” menu of the main window, select a charting tool. Then a selection
dialog will appear as follows. Select database “schema” and “table”. Then select
charting-tool specific fields;

3. Projects
Projects are the unit of resource management. All resources are grouped into a project.
The bottom left panel of the main window has the following “Projects” tab;

3.1 Selecting a Project

To select a project, select the “Projects” tab by clicking the tab head. Then click a
project entry from the tab. Once a project is selected, all subsequent operations will be
performed for the selected project.

3.2 Creating Projects

To create a new project, select the “Projects” tab by clocking it. Then from the “Data”
menu of the main window, select “Create new project”. Then the following dialog will
appear. Enter a project name and press the “OK” button;

4. Importing Data
To use tools of CMSR, you need to import data. There are three ways you can import
data: from database tables, from query results, and from files.

4.1 Importing From Database

To import a database table, select a database as shown in the following figure;

Then select a schema and a table;

Once you press the “OK” button, the following configuration dialog will appear. Select
and configure fields;

4.2 Importing Using SQL Queries
To import a database table, select a database as shown in the following figure;

Then specify SQL query as follows. (Alternatively you can open an existing query plan
by double clicking a saved SQL plan);

Once you press the “import” button, the following configuration dialog will appear.
Configure fields and press the “import” button again;

4.3 Importing From Files
To import data from a file, select “Import from files” of the “Data” menu. Then the
following dialog will appear;

Choose file options. Then press the “select” button and choose a file as follows;

Once you choose a file, the following configuration dialog will appear. After
configuration, press the “import” button;

5. Charting with Imported Data
To perform data analysis, datasets are imported first. Second, a dataset is opened. Third,
an analytic tool is selected over the opened dataset.

5.1 Opening a dataset

To open an imported dataset, select the “Datasets” tab of the bottom left panel of the
main window, by clicking the tab. Then double click the dataset. The dataset will be
opened at the right side of the main window;

5.2 Selecting Charts

Before selecting a charting tool, select an opened dataset tab from the right-side of the
main window. That is, make the dataset tab at the front. From the “Analytics” menu,
select a charting tool. Then a dialog will appear as follows. Specify charting options and
press the “draw” button;

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5.3 Analyzing Charts
CMSR charts come with powerful options. As options are selected, charts will change

Select value options

Select charts and

data options.

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6. Predictive Modeling - Regression
To perform regression, open an imported dataset first. Second, build a model. Finally,
apply to database tables.

6.1 Opening a dataset

To open an imported dataset, select the “Datasets” tab of the bottom left panel of the
main window, by clicking the tab. Then double click the dataset. The dataset will be
opened at the right side of the main window;

6.2 Build Models

Before selecting a modeling tool, select an opened dataset tab from the right-side of the
main window. That is, make the dataset at the front. From the “Modeling” menu, select a
modeling tool, i.e., “regression”. Then a dialog will appear as follows. Specify modeling
options and press the “build” button;

6.3 Apply to Database

To apply the model developed to a database table, select the model by clicking the tab of
the model. That is, make the model at the front. Then select a database from the top-left
panel. Then, select “Apply to database” of the “Modeling” menu (or press the “Apply to
database button).

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7. Predictive Modeling – Neural Network
To develop neural network models, open an imported dataset first. Second, configure a
model and train it. Finally, apply to database tables.

7.1 Opening a dataset

To open an imported dataset, select the “Datasets” tab of the bottom left panel of the
main window, by clicking the tab. Then double click the dataset. The dataset will be
opened at the right side of the main window;

7.2 Configure Models

Before selecting a modeling tool, select an opened dataset tab from the right-side of the
main window. That is, make the dataset at the front. From the “Modeling” menu, select a
modeling tool, i.e., “new neural network”. Then a dialog will appear as follows.
Configure modeling options and press the “create” button;

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7.3 Train Models
Once a neural network is created, it can be trained with an opened dataset. To train a
network, select the network. That is, make the network at the front. Then select “Train
neural network” menu. Train the network with the following dialog;

7.4 Apply to Database

To apply the model developed to a database table, select the model by clicking the tab of
the model. That is, make the model at the front. Then select a database from the top-left
panel. Then, select “Apply to database” of the “Modeling” menu (or press the “Apply to
database button).

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8. Rule Engine – RME-EP
To write RME-EP ruleset, select “New RME-EP model” menu. Then the following
panel will appear. Follow the steps as indicated.

3. Compile ruleset.
1. Add predictive

2. write rules.
4. Analyze or evaluate ruleset.

8.1 Apply to Database

To apply the model developed to a database table, select the model by clicking the tab of
the model. That is, make the model at the front. Then select a database from the top-left
panel. Then, select “Apply to database” of the “Modeling” menu (or press the “Apply to
database button).

8.2 Deploy to BI Server

To deploy RME-EP model into a BI server, login into the server using “File” – “Login
web account” menu. Then select “Modeling” – “Deploy model onto BI Server” menu.

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