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(T) Direct Testing (O) Observation (E) Either Testing or observation (TO) Timed observation
MOTOR IMITATION: SKILL 10-M: Imitates (or attempts to with approximations) any novel motor
action modeled by an adult with and without objects (i.e., “generalized imitative repertoire”)

Skill # Target/Skill Probe (+/-) Date Introduced Date Mastered
10-a Imitates building items or the
construction of a toy set (e.g.,
Legos, a train set, Lincoln Logs)
10-b Imitates 5 sequences of multi- Must be at least 5 different
step functional self-care skills
(e.g., brushing teeth, washing
face, putting on shoes) (E)
10-c Imitates 5 functional activities of Must be at least 5 activities
daily living skills (e.g., setting the
table, sweeping the floor) (E)
10-d Demonstrates delayed imitation
of adult behavior in pretend play
(e.g., driving a car, typing) (O)
10-e Imitates 50 different motor Must be at least 50 motor
actions: Write the #
behaviors on command (E) accomplished in session in
the probe box

10M Imitates (or attempts to with

approximations) any novel
motor action modeled by an
adult with and without objects
(i.e., “generalized imitative
repertoire”) (T)

Skill # Individual Targets Per Skill Intro Mastered


(T) Direct Testing (O) Observation (E) Either Testing or observation (TO) Timed observation




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