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Waste Mana g ement

Vol. 5 No. 100 z Sep - Oct 2010
ISSN 0971-5665

Pyrolysis of waste plastic and tyres z
Environment-friendly refrigerator recycling z
Biochemical process halves water purification cost z
Pickle spoilage bacteria may help environment z
Enhanced anaerobic bioremediation z
Portable dust and fume collector z

A P C T T VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management

Partner for the Future.
The Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT), a subsidiary
body of ESCAP, was established on 16 July 1977 with the objectives: to assist the
members and associate members of ESCAP through strengthening their capabilities to
develop and manage national innovation systems; develop, transfer, adapt and apply
technology; improve the terms of transfer of technology; and identify and promote the
development and transfer of technologies relevant to the region.

The Centre will achieve the above objectives by undertaking such functions as:

„ Research and analysis of trends, conditions and opportunities;

„ Advisory services;
„ Dissemination of information and good practices;
„ Networking and partnership with international organizations and key stakeholders; and
„ Training of national personnel, particularly national scientists and policy analysts.

The shaded areas of the map indicate ESCAP members and associate members

Cover Photo

Argonne National Laboratory’s mechanical separation

plant for separating polymers and metals from
shredder residue. (Credit: Argonne National
Laboratory, the United States)

2 VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010

VATIS* Update
Waste Management
is published 6 times a year to keep the
readers up to date of most of the
relevant and latest technological
developments and events in the field of
Vol. 5 No. 100 Sep - Oct 2010
waste management. The Update is
tailored to policy-makers, industries and
technology transfer intermediaries. IN THE NEWS 4
Website: … ISO specifications for safer ship recycling … China pushes for recycling
of used appliances … India planning to ban import of e-waste
Editorial Board … Bangladesh bans coastline lease for ship-breaking yards … Growth
outlook for Malaysia’s medical waste management … Indonesia holds
Dr. Krishnamurthy Ramanathan, APCTT
Mr. Nanjundappa Srinivasan, APCTT
firms responsible for product life cycles … Alliance for e-waste recycling
Dr. Satyabrata Sahu, APCTT unit … China surpasses pollution reduction targets for 2010 … ‘Green gold’
Dr. Krishnan Srinivasaraghavan, APCTT from plastic junk
Dr. Jurgen Porst, HAWA Project,
German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) PLASTIC WASTES 7
Dr. D. B. Boralkar, Maharashtra Pollution
… GRP waste powers cement production … Recyclable alternative for
Control Board, India
composite car parts … Novel polyurethanes with recycled PET … Process
to combine different plastics … Pyrolysis of waste plastic and tyres
ASIAN AND PACIFIC CENTRE … Recycling of heterogenous plastics waste … Producing fuel from plastic
Adjoining Technology Bhawan
Qutab Institutional Area
Post Box No. 4575 ELECTRONIC WASTE 9
New Delhi 110 016, India
Tel: (91) (11) 2696 6509 … Recycling process for precious metals … New process for prospecting
Fax: (91) (11) 2685 6274 for gold from electronic waste … Environment-friendly refrigerator recycling
E-mail: process
GTZ - GERMAN TECHNICAL … Treatment systems for industrial effluent … Water filtration system for
near-total removal of hydrocarbons … Biochemical process halves water
Advisory Services on Environmental
Management (ASEM) purification cost … Successful sludge-to-power research … Pickle
A-33, Gulmohar Park spoilage bacteria may help environment … Removal of selenium from
New Delhi 110 049, India wastewater … Integrated ozone-UV advanced oxidation system
Tel: (91) (11) 2661 1021/2652 8840 … Treatment system for fluctuating waste loads
Fax: (91) (11) 2653 7676
… Soy microemulsion for groundwater remediation … A bacterial nemesis
The designation employed and for oil spills … Bioremediation of polluted raw water … New oil-degrading
the presentation of material in the microbe found … DNA microarray … Enhanced anaerobic
publication do not imply the bioremediation
endorsement of any product, process
or manufacturer by APCTT or GTZ.
… Plastic from industrial waste gas … Added NOx reduction … Decreasing
This publication is supported by
the German Agency for Technical odour, pollution levels … NOx removal system … New technology for NOx
Cooperation (GTZ), Germany. control … From diesel engines to power stations … Portable dust and
fume collector … SCR system for power generating equipment … Industrial
fume scrubbers … Nanometal catalyst lowers petrol exhaust system cost
This publication has been issued without
formal editing
* Value Added Technology TECH EVENTS 18
Information Service

VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010 3


ISO specifications for China pushes for the United States and some parts of
Europe – following several cases of
safer ship recycling recycling of e-waste smuggling being exposed.
The International Organization for used appliances The e-waste issue assumed signi-
ficance after some containers with
Standardization (ISO) has published A new mandate concerning the dis- large quantities of such waste was
two new specifications on ship re- posal of used home appliances and seized by the Directorate of Revenue
cycling management that will help electronic products will be effective Intelligence (DRI). The imports were
increase workers’ safety and envi- starting from 1 January 2011, indicat- made despite a prohibition order in
ronmental protection. Though ship ing that environmental sustainabi- this regard. The seized containers
recycling contributes to sustain- lity remains a top priority in China. carried hundreds of tonnes of out-
able development and is the most TVs, refrigerators, air-conditioners, dated computers and other e-waste
environmentally friendly way of dis- washing machines and computers sourced from Australia, Canada, the
posing of ships, many reports have are among the first batch of used Republic of Korea and Brunei Dar-
targeted bad working practices and electronic products included in a ussalam in violation of norms. E-
negative environmental impacts. recycling catalogue drafted jointly waste from some other countries is
The ISO documents that will con- by the National Development and being dumped in India using loop-
tribute to improved practices and Reform Commission (NDRC), the holes in domestic rules that allow
lower environmental impacts are Ministry of Environmental Protec- non-government organizations and
the publicly available specifications tion and the Ministry of Industry and educational institutions to import
(PAS) ISO/PAS 30006:2010, Ship Information Technology. The cata- such gadgets freely.
recycling management systems – logue provides details for the im-
The government, through a public
Diagrams to show the location of plementation of the Regulations on
notice on 13 May 2010, had prohi-
hazardous materials on-board ships the Administration of Recycling of
bited educational and other institu-
and ISO/PAS 30007:2010, Ships Abandoned Home Appliances and
tions from importing used computer
and marine technology – Measures Electronic Products of August 2008.
equipment and peripherals: a step
to prevent asbestos emission and In the past, because of the lack of a just short of a complete ban on such
exposure during ship recycling. Both recycling infrastructure, household imports. Environmental agencies
PASs answer market expectations appliances were purchased by scrap worldwide estimate dumping of e-
related to environment, safety, health traders, resulting in the waste of waste in India is likely to go up by
and welfare matters in the ship re- resources such as iron, steel and 500 per cent in the next 10 years.
cycling industry. plastics, not to mention serious pol- They estimate that India generates
Mr. Yoshida, Chairman of ISO/TC lution. Abandoned appliances will nearly 400,000 t/y of e-waste and
8/SC2, Marine Environment Pro- be collected through various chan- that this figure is likely to double
tection, points out that the PASs nels and treated together to fully in the next few years. The country,
will help ship recyclers to fulfil the utilize the resources. Companies however, lacks effective disposal
requirements of the Hong Kong In- involved in the recycling and dispo- mechanisms.
ternational Convention for the Safe sal sectors will receive government Source:
and Environmentally Sound Recy- subsidies, according to an NDRC
cling of Ships, 2009. Under the Hong official. Solutions to issues like re-
Kong Convention, ships to be sent cycling charges and payment meth- Bangladesh bans
for recycling are required to carry ods have still not been disclosed.
an inventory of hazardous materi-
coastline lease for
als. ISO/PAS 30006:2010 specifies ship-breaking yards
the requirements for diagrams that India planning to In Bangladesh, a High Court has
locate the hazardous materials on
board. ISO/PAS 30007:2010 pro- ban import of e-waste banned the lease of coastal land to
ship-breaking yards. The Court has
vides effective ways to reducing both
The Government of India is consi- ruled that the government and local
the release of asbestos into the
dering a ban on the import of used authorities cannot issue leases on
environment and worker exposure
computers and other such electronic beaches or coastal land for com-
to asbestos.
waste primarily from developed na- mercial purposes. The Court also
Source: tions – such as Australia, Canada, revoked leases of five new yards

4 VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010

In the News

set up on forest department land in Based on a recent survey, Frost & year, most of which go into either
2009. The government will now have Sullivan estimates that the total landfills or rivers. Under EPR, com-
to designate specific areas of coast- quantity of hospital waste produced panies are required to make eco-
line for ship-breaking. in Malaysia could reach 33,000 t/ products from degradable materials.
y by 2020. This is more than double
Dismantling old ships is a major in- the current 16,000 t/y and consider- The draft stipulates that producers
dustry in Bangladesh, yielding more ably more than the 18,000 t/y capa- should manage their packaging and/
than two-thirds of domestic steel city of the current infrastructure for or products that do not decompose
and creating tens of thousands of incineration. Besides highlighting by natural processes. It instructs
jobs. About one-third of the world’s the need for additional incinerator that company waste reduction ef-
condemned ships are dismantled capacity, the report suggests that forts should follow the EPR route,
at about 100 sprawling shipyards there is also scope to improve the and also makes it mandatory for
along the south-eastern coastline process of waste management from producers, companies, importers
on beaches leased from local autho- hospital to incinerator. Innovative and distributors to use easily de-
rities. The High Court verdict follows products that decrease waste hand- gradable raw materials and support
a recent Supreme Court ruling that ling risk factors, waste compacting recycling methods that do not pose
said all ships scrapped in Bangla- technologies and automated waste threats to human health. Data from
desh must be certified toxic-free by delivery systems are expected to the Central Statistic Agency shows
the selling nation’s environmental be widely adopted by Malaysian the country generated 51 million
authorities. The government tried hospitals. tonnes of waste in 2008, close to
to impose the standards in January 60 per cent of which was dumped
2010 but was forced to back down Source: www. in landfills and the remaining was
after lengthy strikes by shipyards. burned in the open or dumped in
Iron prices shot up 20 per cent when rivers. The draft requires producers
the breaking yards shut down. Indonesia holds to put labels on products informing
firms responsible for consumers if the products used re-
cyclable materials. Under the draft,
product life cycles the government will also promote
Growth outlook for incentives such as tax and import
Companies operating in Indonesia
Malaysia’s medical will be held responsible for the life duty reductions for companies that
waste management cycle of their products as well as make efforts to reduce waste. The
its packaging. Following two years Environment Ministry will publicly
Medical waste management is a of deliberation, the plan outlined in announce the names of companies
healthy industry in Malaysia, with a draft government regulation is in- that fail to abide by the regulation.
an outlook for strong growth over tended to control waste that either Source:
the coming years, a recent Frost cannot decompose or takes a long
& Sullivan report has revealed. In time to deteriorate. The draft regu-
2009, the sector took some US$200
Alliance for e-waste
lation promotes “extended producer
million in revenue, while managing, responsibility” (EPR) that requires recycling unit
processing and disposing of about producers to take back their waste
16,000 tonnes of discarded medical Cerebra Integrated Technologies, a
products for recycling. “The main
devices, equipment and bio-waste. leading total IT Solutions provider
EPR targets are food and beverage
in India, has announced a strategic
companies and producers of con-
Often perceived as a low-growth alliance with Cimelia Resource Re-
sumer goods. Many of them still
industry, Malaysia’s medial waste covery Pte. Ltd., a subsidiary arm
make no effort to recollect the huge
management sector is based on the of Enviro-Hub Holdings Ltd., Singa-
amount of waste that they produce,”
‘cradle-to-grave’ concept, where the pore, to establish India’s largest e-
says Mr. Ujang Solihin Sidik, acting
country’s three hospital waste con- head of the Environment Ministry’s waste recycling unit. The strategic
cessionaires are responsible for waste management unit. alliance will enable Cerebra to ac-
every step in the life cycle of medical quire global expertise and technol-
waste, including the supply of con- The EPR system is needed to deal ogy support of Cimelia, a leader in
sumables. Onus for the initial seg- with the increasing amount of plas- e-waste management solutions, to
regation and storage of the waste tic litter. Noodle companies produce set up the proposed unit on 10 acres
is on the health-care providers. over 11 billion plastic pieces each of land in Bangalore. Cimelia will be

VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010 5

In the News

setting up the plant and machinery, power plants are major sources for also environmentally friendly, as it
and will jointly manage the propo- NOx, contributing 45.5 per cent to takes less water and energy to dye
sed unit together with Cerebra. The total emissions, according to Mr. the shirts when the material is taken
alliance will help Cerebra double its Yang Jintian, Deputy Chief Engineer from coloured bottles, said Mr. Alex
e-waste management capacity to of the Chinese Academy of Envi- Lo, Managing Director, Super Tex-
60,000 t/y. Through the new plant ronmental Planning. Official figures tile Corp., a leading Taiwan-based
and alliance, Cerebra will be better from the Ministry of Environmental maker of eco-fabric. Super Textile
equipped to recycle e-waste and will Protection show that the country’s has started exporting the fabric to
get an entry in international market, total NOx emissions reached 20 the United States and Japan.
through Cimelia’s global clientele. million tonnes in 2008, the largest
Cerebra will be investing US$11.25 in the world. NH 4N is discharged Tzu Chi Foundation, one of Taiwan’s
million for the proposed unit. It aims from chemical plants, agricultural largest charity groups, runs 4,500
to achieve a turnover of US$57.55 chemicals like fertilizers and pesti- recycling stations across the nation
million in FY 2013, with a profit of cides, as well as domestic sewage with the help of about 70,000 vol-
25 per cent. in urban areas. In 2009, 1.23 million unteers who collected 12,000 t of
tonnes of NH 4N was discharged, used bottles in 2009. Since 2007,
Source: the Foundation has distributed more
with 78 per cent of it from domestic
sewage, according to the Ministry than 300,000 blankets made from
China surpasses of Environmental Protection. plastic bottles for relief operations.
pollution reduction In the near future, perhaps, houses
Source: built from recycled plastic bottles
targets for 2010 could mushroom across the island
China is beating its own targets for ‘Green gold’ from after “Eco Ark”, the world’s first such
reducing major air and water pollu- plastic junk building, get unveiled in November
tion for 2010, Environmental Protec- 2010. Eco Ark – a three-storey 24
tion Minister Mr. Zhou Shengxian Taiwan Province of China is breath- m high exhibition hall at the Taipei
stated at an international forum on ing new life into its plastic waste, International Floral Expo – is being
environment and development. On creating a booming new business constructed with bricks processed
the strength of that success, China at the same time as it aims to go from 1.5 million recycled plastic bot-
will include two more pollutants into green. The island nation started re- tles. The bricks that can resist fire,
its compulsory emission control cycling plastic more than a decade wind and earthquakes, and provide
programme during the 12th Five- back amid growing environmental the building with natural lighting to
Year Plan (2011-2015) period. Mr. concerns. Today, it boasts of 73 per save electricity, said the architect
Zhou said that China had dramati- cent recycling rates, according to of Eco Ark, Mr. Arthur Huang. As
cally raised its pollution prevention the Environmental Protection Admin- the ‘polli-bricks’ cost less than con-
capacity and was set to meet the istration of the Cabinet. In 2009, ventional materials like wood and
emission reductions of sulphur di- nearly 180,000 t of plastic waste glass, the construction cost is lower.
oxide (SO2) and chemical oxygen was collected and turned into raw
demand (COD) between 2005 and materials worth US$140 million, cut-
2010. By the end of 2009, the SO2 ting down garbage disposal costs
and carbon dioxide emissions. Hazardous Waste
emission levels had fallen 9.6 per
Management and Pollution
cent from 2005 levels, while COD
Taiwan took pride in the so-called Prevention
had fallen 13.1 per cent during the
“eco-fabric” that was used by local This book gives an excellent introduction
same period. That put China on the
companies to make the jerseys for to mastering the management of haz-
road to hit its goal of reducing both
nine teams competing in the recent ardous waste materials and preventing
by 10 per cent from 2005 levels by contamination of the environment. For
football World Cup in South Africa.
the end of 2010. more information, contact:
Each jersey, made from eight plas-
New goals for nitrogen oxides (NOx) tic bottles melted and processed IDC Technologies
PO Box 1093
and ammonia nitrogen (NH4N) will into polyester, is 13 per cent lighter West Perth WA 6872
be included in the pollution control than traditional fabric and can ab- 1031 Wellington Street
programme for the next five years. sorb and disperse sweat quickly, West Perth WA 6005
However, detailed reduction targets reports Taiwan Textile Research Tel: +61 (8) 9321 1702
Fax: +61 (8) 9321 2891
are yet to be worked out. Coal-fired Institute. The production process is

6 VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010


GRP waste powers duce further high-quality parts. The Results show that BHETA has an
materials are also claimed to per- important role in strengthening of
cement production form significantly better in crashes polyurethane by increasing hydro-
than current materials: the thermo- gen bonding between polyurethane
Denmark-based pultrusion proces-
plastic components reinforced with chains effectively. The tensile tests
sor Fiberline has struck a deal with
textile structures absorb the forces indicate that increasing of BHETA
the waste-to-fuels company Zajons
generated in a collision through vis- content leads to an increase in the
Logistik Entsorgungsgesellschaft
coelastic deformation of the matrix polymer’s strength and stiffness.
(ZLE), Germany, to supply surplus
material without splintering. The chemical resistance of poly-
glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP)
urethane, however, decreases with
for thermal recycling in cement pro- FICT engineers have developed a increasing BHETA. This phenome-
duction. Fiberline sends its GRP process that makes it possible to non was attributed to the fact that
waste to ZLE, where it is shredded manufacture around 100,000 parts the aromatic rings increases the dis-
and other recycled waste added to per year. In the “thermoplastic resin tance between the chains. Hence,
achieve a defined calorific value ex- transfer moulding” (T-RTM) process, chemicals can penetrate in polymer
ceeding that of the polyester resin the composite is formed in a single matrix easily and the polyurethane
alone. The modified waste is then step. To improve the crash behavi- decomposes rapidly.
sent to Holcim, ZLE’s parent com- our of a vehicle’s overall structure,
pany, where the waste is fed into FICT engineers have ascertained Source:
its cement kilns to provide process the optimum fibre placement. The
heat, with the glass fibre content cost of thermoplastic matrix mate- Process to combine
substituting for sand. rial and the cost of T-RTM process different plastics
are both up to 50 per cent less than
Fiberline says that recycling 1,000
the equivalent costs for thermoset Green Polymer Technologies Inc.,
t of its GRP profile waste in cement
structures, FICT claims. the United States, is marketing its
production saves around 450 t of
coal, 200 t of chalk, 200 t of sand Source:
proprietary technology – which uses
and 150 t of aluminium oxide. It also a chemical process to combine dif-
eliminates Fiberline’s GRP waste ferent types of plastics – to those
disposal problem. Prior to adopting Novel polyurethanes producing large amounts of mixed
this thermal recycling route, recy- plastic waste. Repelletizing and re-
cling of GRP was limited to grinding
with recycled PET using mixed plastic scrap through
it into fine and coarse fractions to Green Polymer’s technology is an
In the Islamic Republic of Iran, res-
partially substitute mineral filler and economically viable approach, says
earchers at Amirkabir University of
glass fibre reinforcement in new Mr. Donald Sullivan, the company’s
Technology and New Technology
GRP formulations, such as sheet/ founder and President, because
Research Centre report to have re-
bulk moulding compound. “you don’t have to have any sorting
cycled polyethylene terephthalate
to use our technology”. Sorting the
(PET) waste into polyurethanes. In
scrap plastic always has been the this research, waste PET fibres were
big economic roadblock in many
depolymerized through aminolysis
recycling operations. Because hand
Recyclable using excess amount of ethanol-
sorting is not financially viable, any
amine in the presence of sodium
alternative for standard plastic recycling operation
acetate as catalyst. The scientists
needs to have more capital invest-
composite car parts characterized the product of the
ment. Mr. Sullivan estimates that a
aminolysis, bis(2-hydroxy ethylene)
recycling plant using Green Poly-
At Fraunhofer Institute for Chemi- terephthalamide (BHETA), and syn-
mer’s technology could be built and
cal Technology (FICT) in Germany, thesized polyurethanes based on
installed for about US$4 million. By
researchers have developed a new BHETA using pre-polymer method.
using the firm’s technology, mixed
method for producing thermoplastic They investigated the mechanical
plastic scrap can be repelletized
fibre composite materials designed and thermal properties of this syn-
and used in products ranging from
for large-scale vehicle construction. thesized polyurethane and studied
sound barriers to mouldings, trim
Once these materials have reached the effect of BHETA as a chain ex-
and decking extrusions.
end of life, they can be shredded, tender on various properties of the
melted down and reused to pro- polyurethanes. Source:

VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010 7

Plastic Wastes

Pyrolysis of waste 120 kg of hydrocarbon gas; and 300- line. After the cooling phase, the
350 gg of carbon black. For 1,000 end product is ejected. The system
plastic and tyres kg of radial tyre scrap, it provides: has a production capacity of 300 to
400-450 litres of pyrolysis oil; 80- 900 kg/h, according to the extruder.
The increasing use of pyrolysis of
100 kg of hydrocarbon gas, 275-325 Higher capacities are available on
waste plastic and tyres has made
kg of carbon black; and 80-100 kg request. The moulds, made from a
pyrolysis plants commercially via-
of mild steel wire scrap. Contact: special aluminium alloy, are simple,
ble. Development of more efficient
Pyrocrat Systems Ltd., C-209, CBD interchangeable and, thanks to the
catalysts that reduce the reaction
Belapur Railway Station Commer- low working pressure, relatively in-
time and reaction temperature, shift
cial Complex, Sec-1A, CBD Bela- expensive. Longinotti’s plastic recy-
from batch type process to continu-
pur, Navi Mumbai, 400 614, India. cling plants need very few workers
ous type, advanced heat exchange
Tel: +91 (22) 2756 3816, 3299 0790; for its operation. Contact: Longinotti
systems, and the development of
Fax: +91 (22) 2757 2832,/ 2757 4535; Group S.r.l., Via Provinciale Luc-
electrical generators that can be
E-mail: chese, 201, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino
fired on pyrolysis gas have added
(FI), Italy. Tel: +39 (55) 302321; Fax:
to the profitability of pyrolysis tech-
+39 (55) 341120; E-mail: meccanica
nology. Pyrolysis plants generate
quality fuel (pyrolysis oil and hydro- Recycling of
carbon gas) and carbon black from Source:
polymer waste.
plastics waste Producing fuel
Pyrocrat Systems, India, is one of
the companies that supply turnkey Plastic recycling systems from the from plastic waste
plyrolysis plants for waste plastic Italian company Longinotti are able
and tyres. Pyrocrat plants recover to transform heterogeneous flexible Samki Teck, India, offers a novel and
energy and value from waste in the and rigid plastic wastes, generally cost-effective technology to extract
form of fuel and charcoal in an eco- without either particular sorting or fuel from waste plastics and rubber.
friendly and commercially viable re- washing, into quality end products. This process involves pyrolysis, the
cycling process. The pyrolysis oil These end products are resistant thermal degradation in the absence
produced can be used as a direct to shock, breakage and wear, and of oxygen. Plastic or rubber waste
substitute for light diesel oil/furnace can advantageously replace wood, is treated in a cylindrical chamber
oil. concrete and even steel since they at a temperature of 370°- 420°C.
are sterile, rotproof, resists mildew, The polymer is gently cracked by
The pyrolysis plant operates under adding catalyst and the pyrolysis
the following process conditions: waterproof, resistant to chemicals
and unvarying. They can be sawed, gases are condensed in a series of
z Reaction temperature of 350° to planed, machined, nailed, welded, condensers to yield a distillate with
450°C; glued, coloured and painted. low sulphur content. Input materials
include mixed plastic scrap in any
z Pyrolysis in absence of oxygen;
The waste material, baled or loose, form, carry bags (even less than 20
z Continuous feed and removal of is loaded on preparation lines where microns), mono/multilayer pouches
input and output products; and they are shredded and conveyed to and sachets, rigid plastic materi-
z Scrubbing of pyrolysis oil and a granulator or densifier, depending als, disposable cups, woven sacks,
hydrocarbon gases and flue gases on whether it is rigid of flexible, and tyre scrap, carpets, cable sheath,
to prevent pollution. stored in stocking silos. From these etc. The process outputs furnace
silos it is sent to the mixing silos, oil (40-60 per cent) and carbon black
The pyrolysis plant comprise several
and the blend is introduced into a (10-20 per cent) – both products
machinery and equipment such as:
special extruder to produce a homo- that have wide markets. Contact:
sorter, shredder, conveyors, feeder
geneous paste without any degra- Samki Teck Resources, 12-2-709/
units, reactor, airlock carbon black
dation of the material. c/207, Padmanabha Nagar Colony,
removal systems, condensation and
Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad 500 028,
scrubbing systems, filtration and The extruder feeds to a set of low-
India. Tel: +91 (40) 30525157; Fax:
dewaxing systems, and storage pressure, water-cooled moulds ac-
+91 (40) 30788637; E-mail: samki
systems for oil/gas. For 1,000 kg cording to their size assembled in
of plastic waste, the plant yields: different arrangement like revolving
450-500 litres of pyrolysis oil; 100- drum, revolving table or horizontal Source:

8 VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010


Recycling process screens and total recycling lines. processed via smelting to ensure
For customers with an existing faci- that gold and other precious metals
for precious metals lity, the company can boost their are recovered.
operational and cost efficiency to
CURRENTA – a joint venture of the Source:
bring them closer to the industry-
Germany-based companies Bayer
leading standards
AG and Lanxess AG, and operator
of Europe’s largest chemical park – Ecomation’s scrap-processing lines Environment-friendly
has developed sustainable solutions are among the most efficient and
for hazardous waste. The company’s
refrigerator recycling
cost-effective on the market pre-
solutions include a new electronic sently when it comes to processing process
scrap (e-waste) recycling method electrical and electronic scrap –
that is said to be highly efficient in such as obsolete or discarded com-
recovering over 90 per cent of pre- puters, telecommunications equip-
cious metals. This novel recycling ment, household appliances, circuit
method involves thermally treating boards and cables – as well as
e-waste containing metals such as plastic and construction waste. The
gold, silver and copper. company’s lines are capable of pro-
The process came about while the cessing at speeds of 250 to 5,000
company was reviewing its infra- kg/h, and can generate excellent
structure assets to identify greater revenue flows, even from electrical
service opportunities in its chemi- and electronic scrap that usually
cal parks. The rotary kilns associ- conventional processing systems
ated with the existing incineration are not able to deal with. Dedicated
plants used to process hazardous solutions are available for cathode
waste were identified as being under- ray tube scrap (television sets and
BHS-Sonthofen's Rotoshredder for impact
utilized. This led the company to hold monitors) and batteries. crushing
trials on processing e-waste at very The Ecomation separation process
high temperatures. With its waste The Impact and Catalyst (IC) Pro-
is dry, clean and fully automated.
handling expertise and infrastructure, cess from BHS-Sonthofen GmbH,
It is designed to keep very effective
CURRENTA is able to incinerate all Germany, is an economical, envi-
control over dust and odour. As no
the non-metal materials and man- ronmentally friendly way to recycle
effluent is generated in the process,
age the off-gases to a standard that refrigerator equipment containing
it is ideal for electrical and electronic
meets tight regulatory standards. chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and hy-
waste. A typical system features
The remaining inorganic residue drocarbon (HC) refrigerant. The IC
three to five energy-optimized re-
contains precious metal generated process uses BHS Rotoshredder
duction stages, each followed by a
by this method and can be process- for impact crushing, and catalytic
separation cycle – all in compact
ed through electrochemical refining. hydrolysis for the low-cost process-
footprint. Ecomation’s basic ESSE
CURRENTA has applied for patent- ing of refrigerants and foam agents.
separator consists of a multizone
ing the process. Contact: Dr. Walter The process has a high throughput
vibrating table with ionization and
Leidinger, CURRENTA, 51368 Lev- rate of 150 units per hour and a low
blower stages. The ESSE XL also
erkusen, Germany. E-mail: water. wear cost of about US$0.11 per unit.
includes a drum screen and a feed- Operating costs is half that of cryo-
in conveyor. ESSE units separate
condensation. The process doesn’t
Source: non-metallic materials (like plastic)
generate any hazardous residue
and light metals/alloys (such as
and meets all statutory regulations
aluminium) from metals like copper,
New process for as well as ceramic materials and
set by the European Union. Contact:
prospecting for gold BHS-Sonthofen GmbH, An der Ei-
glass from scrap streams rich in
senschmelze 4, 87527 Sonthofen,
from electronic waste metallic content. Magnetic separa-
Germany. Tel: +49 (8321) 60990;
tors for removing ferrous materials
Fax: +49 (8321) 6099220; E-mail:
Ecomation, Finland, manufactures feature high-performance, state-of-
and supplies a range of crushers, the-art permanent magnets. The
conveyors, dust-extraction systems, end product of a line can be further Source:

VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010 9


Treatment systems Biochemical process

for industrial effluent halves water
Meitler Consulting Inc. (MCI), the purification cost
United States, provides treatment
A new biochemical carbon dioxide
systems and components for al-
(CO2) water purification process from
most all industrial needs. Modular
Krebs & Sisler, the United States,
treatment systems of different sizes
halves the cost of turning effluent
with a variety of options are availa-
and salt water into potable water.
ble, including smaller skid-mounted MyCelx water filtration system for Krebs & Sisler’s method combines
systems and custom-built systems hydrocarbon removal photosynthesis with photocatalysis.
with various degrees of automation.
benzene and xylenes (BTEX), crude The method involves water purifica-
For waste stream volumes of 190 oil and sheen to chlorinated hydro- tion through a rapid growth in bio-
to 45,425 litres/day, the company’s carbons, polychlorinated biphenyls mass that can also be harvested
self-contained band filter treatment and organically bound metals from and used for human or animal con-
system is a suitable choice. These their wastewaters quickly and effec- sumption. The treatment method is
powerful and proven packages that tively. This process can be achieved expected to produce potable water
need only a small footprint can be by combining MyCelx with another for half the cost of reverse osmosis
fitted with state-of-the-art automa- Procon solution, the Ultraspin oily in large continuous flow volumes.
tion. Treatment tank, de-watering water separation solution.
and holding tank are all provided in As the storehouse for atmospheric
a single package. Fitted with PLC Ultraspin hydrocyclone technology oxygen, CO2 is the resource for re-
control, pH monitoring, chemical is able to remove 95 per cent of 10- cycling both oxygen and carbon.
feed and advanced programming, 15 µm oil droplets from the water. With the new process, CO2 can be
the performance of these systems The MyCelx is then installed after separated through photosynthesis
exceed most larger scale modular the Ultraspin process to filter out at a high rate. As CO2 is separated,
systems. Contact: Meitler Consult- the remaining hydrocarbons. As a the carbon grows biomass and the
ing Inc., 11935 Kaw Drive, Kansas product with Lloyds of London cer- oxygen is released to enrich the air.
City, Kansas 66111, United States tificate for the removal of type C oil The process is good for salt water,
of America. emulsions, the MyCelx system can sewage and industrial wastewater.
be used in industry applications that The biomass – from algae species
Source: range from diesel depots to oil ter- such as Spirulina – is produced by the concurrent use of photosynthe-
minals and fuel storage depots. On
contact with MyCelx, oily pollutants sis and photocatalysis. The bio-
Water filtration system in the air and water bond and are mass growth rate in deep well-lit
for near-total removal permanently attached to the filter enclosed cells is expected to be
media. With the use of either My- 100 times the natural rate because
of hydrocarbons all factors related to culturing the
Celx engineered oil and hydrocarbon
Environmental management firm removal filters or filtration process algae can be optimized in the con-
Procon Environmental Technologies, solutions, the air and water are free tinuous hydroponic process.
South Africa, has developed a tech- of oil and hydrocarbons: 99.9 per Algae biomass absorbs minerals
nology that allows water contami- cent of hydrocarbon contaminants dissolved in water and minerals
nated from heavy industries to be are removed in a single pass. The contained in organic and inorganic
safely and more quickly discharged system is environment friendly and compounds released by the photo-
into the environment. The MyCelx does not release any hydrocarbon chemical action of photocatalysis.
water filtration system can remove chain. It permanently binds slightly Photosynthesis purifies the water
99.9 per cent of the hydrocarbons. soluble organic compounds as well by mineral absorption. The result-
The MyCelx filtration system enables as colloidal metals, and its visco- ing biomass is 50 per cent carbon
companies in the mining, manufac- elastic nature will not allow release and may be dried for fuel, or a farm
turing, energy, as well as oil and gas of pollutants. animal feed supplement or human
industries to remove hydrocarbons, Source: nutrient because of its high values
ranging from benzene, toluene, ethyl of protein (60 per cent and carbo-

10 VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010

Industrial Wastewater

hydrate (20 per cent) plus the pre- genic. According to Ms. Perez-Diaz,
sence of vitamins A, B and E. When considerable effort has been made
released, the oxygen bound in CO2 to identify micro-organisms capa-
can be released to fortify the atmo- ble of degrading azo dyes in waste-
sphere or for fuel combustion. water. If food-grade Lactobacilli are
found to be capable of degrading a
range of azo dyes, they might be-
come organisms of choice for waste-
Successful sludge- water treatment applications. Seven
to-power research treatments were tested to find a pre-
ventive measure for red-coloured
At the University of Nevada, Reno, spoilage. Ms. Perez-Diaz found that
the United States, researchers are Dr. Chuck Coronella (left) and Dr. Victor
adding sodium benzoate prevented
attempting to transform wastewater Vasquez, with their fluid-bed system to
dry wastewater sludge bacterial growth and the develop-
sludge to electrical power. The pro- ment of red-coloured spoilage in
cess that they are developing at the agreement to allow the research to dill pickles.
Truckee Meadows Water Recla- integrate into their operation, provi-
mation Facility is expected to, ulti- ding the space and other resources Source:
mately, supply the electrical power to help make the project a success.
that the plant requires. According to Removal of selenium
Dr. Chuck Coronella, the principal from wastewater
investigator of the research project,
the researchers are pleased with the Kroff Facilities Services (KFS), the
results of the demonstration test-
Pickle spoilage United States, offers a consistent,
ing. The process to dry the sludge bacteria may help cost-effective way to remove sele-
to make it burnable for a gasifica- environment nium from industrial wastewater.
tion process that would finally yield The company’s solution is at work
electricity has been working well. Spoilage bacteria that cause red at a world-class refinery that has
This important step in the research colouration on pickles’ skin during a throughput capacity of more than
processes about 9 kg/h of sludge fermentation might help clean up 160,000 barrels/day of crude oil.
in a continuous feed system to pro- dyes in wastewater from the textile The refinery’s product line includes
duce about 1.4 kg/h of dried sludge industry, according to a study by petroleum, diesel, jet fuel, residual
powder. the Agricultural Research Service fuels and petrochemical feedstock.
(ARS) United States Department of The refinery has a large wastewater
The processing machine that the Agriculture (USDA). Some species treatment system that can treat up
research team custom-built uses a of Lactobacilli food related micro- to 17,000 litres/minute of general
process with relatively low tempera- organisms can cause red colouring wastewater. This situation present-
tures in a fluidized bed of sand and when combined with tartrazine, a ed a two-fold need – to consistently
salts to economically produce the yellow food colouring agent used in meet the selenium level concentra-
biomass fuel from the sludge. The the manufacture of dill pickles. ARS tion of 12 ppb, and that too using
new patent-pending, energy-efficient, microbiologist Ms. Ilenys Perez- a process that would reduce costs
low-cost technology is an experi- Diaz and colleagues have found that of operating the wastewater treat-
mental carbon-neutral system. The these Lactobacilli may also have ment system.
solid fuel it produces will be ana- environmental benefits.
lysed for its suitability to be used KFS’ research uncovered a unique
for fuel through gasification, and the Researchers from the ARS Food technology that uses an absorption
refrigerator-size demonstration unit Science Research Unit noted that process to remove selenium, and
will help researchers determine the several Lactobacilli modify azo dyes possibly eliminate or at least signi-
optimum conditions for commercial- used in the textile industry and may ficantly reduce the use of treatment
scale operation. The demonstration wind up in wastewater if untreated. chemicals, thereby reducing operat-
project is a collaboration with the These azo dyes impart vivid and ing costs. The technology demon-
cities of Reno and Sparks, operators warm colours such as red, orange stration programme was conducted
of the wastewater plant. The two and yellow to fabric. While many azo in three phases – Phase 1 involved
city councils signed an interlocal dyes are non-toxic, some are muta- a laboratory bench test, Phase 2

VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010 11

Industrial Wastewater

comprised an on-site pilot study to than competing technologies. The

determine the effectiveness of the system requires 40 per cent less
treatment under refinery operating energy, produces minimal easy-to-
conditions, and Phase 3 pertained handle solids, and is virtually odour
to Rapid Small Scale Column Test free. It is claimed to offer the opti-
(RSCCT) to determine the life ex- mum combination of effectiveness,
pectancy of the media. The Phase cost, size and simplicity to provide
1 bench test results indicated that efficient pre-treatment while elimi-
selenium removal was adequate nating many limitations associated
and on-site pilot testing would be with other biological wastewater
appropriate. The Phase 2 test de- treatment systems.
monstrated that selenium removal
was very effective to concentrations The BioViper, based on Baswood’s
well below the discharge require- Spartan’s integrated advanced oxidation Aerobic/Anaerobic Integrated Micro-
ments and well below that achieved system bial Succession (AIMS) technology
by the current method. The refinery and Dry Cycle process, reduces
removing virtually all organic com- biological and chemical oxygen de-
laboratory conducted the analytical pounds from water. In the Ultrazone
testing to avoid any conflict in test- mand (BOD/COD) in wastewater
process, UV light converts ozone from the food and beverage industry.
ing methods. RSSCT too showed into hydroxyl radicals without the
that selenium removal was quite The pilot system has a hydraulic
need to add any additional chemi- capacity of up to 75 litres/minute
effective with the sorbing media.
cals. Electricity is used to make both of high-strength wastewater. The
Following these three successful
ozone (from air) and UV light. No compact system is housed in a self-
phases of testing, KFS constructed
by-products are formed since ozone contained, customized, 40-ft ship-
a cost-effective operating package to
and hydroxyl radical breakdown to ping container providing minimal
ensure selenium concentrations in
oxygen and water after use. The set-up. The pilot unit features on-
discharged water met acceptable
Ultrazone process can be used to line water quality monitoring, influ-
EPA levels.
reduce total organic carbon (TOC), ent and effluent pumping systems,
Source: biological oxygen demand (BOD) as composite sampling, and effluent well as chemical oxygen demand clarification. The unit is fitted out
(COD), and also to destroy specific with instrumentation that allows for
Integrated ozone-UV organic compounds that cannot be remote, online monitoring as well
treated by conventional methods.
advanced oxidation Specific applications include recy-
as operation. The mobile system is
currently is in test operation at a
system cling of process water, treatment of bottling plant. Contact: Baswood
industrial wastewater and produc- Corporation, 109 East De La Guerra
In the United States, Spartan Envi-
tion of high-purity water from various Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101,
ronmental Technologies, introduced
water sources. United States of America.
an integrated ozone-ultra violet (UV)
advanced oxidation system for the Source:
treatment of industrial wastewater.
The Ultrazone process is a fully self-
contained skid-mounted advanced Treatment system Recycling – from E-Waste to
oxidation system that includes an Resources
for fluctuating waste
oxygen generation system, ozone This report has used data from 11
generator, ozone/water mixing sys- loads representative developing coun-
tem, programmable logic control tries to assess generation, recy-
Baswood Corporation, the United
system and a high-efficiency UV cling and management of e-waste.
States, has introduced BioViper™
reactor supplied by UV Sciences. For more information, contact:
pilot system, a mobile unit used to
The integrated skid is placed on a
demonstrate the effectiveness of
pad and the user connects the water StEP Secretariat
the Baswood technology on effluent
lines and power connections. Tel: +49 (228) 815 0213
from food and beverage plants. The
Fax: +49 (228) 815 0299
Advanced oxidation processes pro- BioViper features significantly lower
duce hydroxyl radicals capable of lifecycle costs in a smaller footprint

12 VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010


Soy microemulsion Microbiology and Biotechnology are In situ bioremediation of polluted

using natural oil-munching bacte- raw water based on the biological
for groundwater ria, grown at the TAU lab, to clean degradation function of enriched
remediation the hard-to-reach oil pockets that microbes on artificial media is a low-
occur when oil mixes with sand and cost technique and has the unique
Two United States-based companies organic matter on beaches to form advantage of not needing land area.
– JRW Bioremediation LLC and a thin layer on the Gulf’s precious The researchers focused on the per-
Archer Daniels Midland Co. – were waterways. formance of two different artificial
awarded a patent for their LactOil™ media used for bioremediation and
soy microemulsion. This renewable The scientists identified a naturally
the effect of light on the perform-
product enables environmental pro- occurring variety of sea-borne bac-
ance was especially investigated.
fessionals to cost-effectively clean teria that digests oil. By studying
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was
up soil and groundwater contamina- the bacteria’s genetic background,
separated using ultrafiltration into
ted by chlorinated solvents, metals, developing methods of growing the
four fractions of defined molecular
nitrates and perchlorates. LactOil bacteria and increasing their capa-
sizes: 100 kilodalton (kDa), 10-100
is a soy-based product containing city to ingest the oil, the researchers
kDa, 1-10 kDa and <1 kDa.
five functional ingredients designed have developed a solution that could
to stimulate bacteria already resid- clean up the residual oil that cannot Sunlight was found to have negative
ing in the environment to degrade be removed by mechanical means. effect on the performance of assem-
and remove toxic pollutants from Prof. Ron states that sucking up the bly medium but has little effect on
groundwater, thus restoring these surface oil pools and containing the the performance of elastic medium
valuable resources. Biodegradable oil are important and necessary first in terms of removal of permanganate
LactOil is derived from corn (maize) steps. The new solution removes index and DOC. The removal of or-
and soybeans. the smaller amounts of oil left be- ganic matters with aromatic struc-
hind – which is not easily removed tures was not affected by sunlight.
Environmental professionals have from sand and water. It is this small The assembly medium is conducive
successfully used LactOil at more quantity of oil that sits under rocks to the reduction of DOC with high
than 40 North American locations and forms a thin film on the water’s molecular size (>1 kDa) while the
that vary in scale from small dry- surface. elastic medium facilitates the de-
cleaner sites to large federal pro- crease of DOC with low molecular
jects. Professionals using LactOil Source:
size (<10 kDa). Further, this pattern
have lauded the product’s ease of was not affected by sunlight. With
handling, excellent sub-surface dis- Bioremediation of respect to the decrease of disinfec-
tribution, multi-year longevity and the polluted raw water tion by-products formation potential,
competitive cost advantage. Con- the assembly medium performed
tact: JRW Bioremediation, 14321, Researchers at the School of Civil better than the elastic medium. In
W. 96th Terrace, Lenexa, KS 66215, Engineering, Southeast University, addition, sunlight seemed to be able
United States of America. Tel: +1 China, report using submerged bio- to enhance the removal of disinfec-
(913) 438 5544; Fax: +1 (913) 438 film process and different artificial tion by-products formation potential,
5554; E-mail:; media for the in situ bioremediation especially for the haloacetic acid
Website: www.jrwbioremediation. of polluted raw water for tap water formation potential.
com. supply. Dissolved organic matters
in organic-polluted raw water and Source:
Source: their potential to form disinfection
by-products during drinking water New oil-degrading
A bacterial nemesis treatment raise great challenges to microbe found
for oil spills the traditional water treatment pro-
cess. Although many pre-treatment Scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley
Tel Aviv University (TAU), Israel, has and post-treatment methods have National Laboratory (LBNL) of the
a solution that may help the Gulf of been widely studied to improve the United States Department of Energy
Mexico oil spill “bioremediate” the water quality of potable tap water, have found that microbes degraded
remaining problems. Prof. Eugene these methods are more or less con- oil in deep water much faster than
Rosenberg and Prof. Eliora Ron of strained by the lack of public finance anticipated, and that without a sig-
the TAU Department of Molecular or non-availability of land area. nificant level of oxygen depletion.

VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010 13


The discovery is among the most GeoChip can analyse many parts product is designed specifically for
positive findings following the mas- of the environment– soil, sediment, the low cost in situ treatment of chlo-
sive oil spill from BP PLC’s Macondo wastewater and even food contami- rinated solvent-based contaminants.
well off Louisiana in 5,000 ft of water. nants, Dr. Jizhong Zhou points out. It incorporates the proven Hydrogen
LBNL scientists found the presence Dr. Zhou’s goal is to continue dev- Release Compound (HRC®) tech-
of various hydrocarbon degraders, eloping it – his team is working with nology besides an entirely new and
adding that the dominant microbe the fourth generation of GeoChip, unique molecule that is specifically
in the dispersed Macondo oil was and the fifth version could be avail- designed to time-release a combi-
a new, unclassified species. able in another year. “We want to nation of highly efficient electron
make sure GeoChip represents the donors. 3DMe was designed with
Mr. Terry Hazen, a microbial ecolo- most current knowledge in the field,” a relatively high hydrophilic/lipophi-
gist, said the findings “suggest that Dr. Zhou said. GeoChip is the only lic balance (HLB), allowing dilute
a great potential for intrinsic bio- technology that can identify a micro- suspensions to be well distributed
remediation of oil plumes exists in organism and explain its function. across contaminant plumes without
the deep sea.” The oil influx altered That capability is important because the high injection costs. Immediately
the microbial community profoundly it gives researchers better insight on application to the sub-surface,
by stimulating psychrophilic (cold into the reparable skills of Nature 3DMe begins to produce hydrogen
temperature) gamma-proteobacteria when a contaminant is present. and distribute hydrogen-generating
closely related to known petroleum- compounds to the sub-surface via
degrading microbes. Psychrophilic Source:
a series of hydration and fermenta-
petroleum degraders contributed to tion reactions. This process provides
the rapid decline of the Macondo oil. Enhanced anaerobic for a time-release supply of hydro-
Analysis of changes in the crude oil bioremediation gen to fuel the anaerobic reductive
composition indicated faster-than- dechlorination process. Typical lon-
expected biodegradation rates with Enhanced anaerobic bioremediation gevity for 3DMe is up to two years
the half-life of the oil’s alkanes rang- is the practice of adding hydrogen on a single injection and up to four
ing from 1.2 to 6.1 days. (an electron donor) to groundwater years under optimal conditions.
and/or soil to increase the number
Source: and vitality of the micro-organisms HRC is designed specifically for on-
present in performing anaerobic bio- site treatment of contamination by
DNA microarray remediation (reductive dechlorina- a chlorinated solvent-based com-
tion) on an anaerobically degradable pound or any anaerobically degrad-
At the University of Oklahoma, the able substance. The viscous HRC
compound or chlorinated contami-
United States, researchers have is typically pressure-injected into
nant. The most commonly targeted
developed GeoChip, a DNA micro- contaminated groundwater or soil.
chlorinated groundwater contami-
array that can detect thousands of Upon contact with water, it slowly
nants are primarily used in industry
bacteria and micro-organisms and hydrolyses and is gradually broken
as degreasing agents and include
determine their function, whether in down by microbial action. During
perchloroethylene (PCE), trichloro-
soil, water or other parts of the en- this process, lactic acid released
ethylene (TCE), dichloroethylene
vironment. GeoChip was recently is fermented by microbes to pro-
(DCE) and vinyl chloride (VC). Other
used to study samples from an oil duce optimal amounts of hydrogen
such anaerobically degradable com-
plume about 10 miles from the BP
pounds include methylene chloride, and anaerobic conditions. The hy-
spill in the Gulf of Mexico. About
carbon tetrachloride, certain pesti- drogen is then used in reductive de-
200 samples taken at a depth bet-
cides/herbicides, nitrate, perchlo- chlorination. This naturally driven
ween 3,600 ft and 4,000 ft were sent
rate, nitroaromatic explosives, dyes process biodegrades and converts
to the university for analysis. Geo-
and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). detrimental contaminants into inno-
Chip’s function in this case was to
cuous end products like ethene and
determine whether the necessary Regenesis, the United Sates, pro-
ethane. Contact: Regenesis, 1011
bacteria were present, in the right duces controlled-release, injectable
Calle Sombra, San Clemente, CA
quantities, to break down oil. The substrates for enhanced reductive
92673, United States of America.
research team’s early work gives a dechlorination. Regenesis’ 3DMe™
Tel: +1 (949) 3668 000; Fax: +1 (949)
nod to Mother Nature: it showed that is a revolutionary new product that
3668 090.
micro-organisms have degraded the offer the most advanced hydrogen
oil in that area to undetectable levels. releasing technology available. The Source:

14 VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010


Plastic from Nalco Mobotec’s patented ROTAMIX z A sour water stripper expected
technology reduces NOx emissions to significantly improve wastewater
industrial waste gas from utility and industrial boilers. The odour problems;
The New Zealand-based clean tech technology will build on previous sig- z An amine fuel gas treater to re-
company LanzaTech has announ- nificant NOx reduction provided by move 1,800 t/y of hydrogen sulphide;
ced a successful run of its technol- Nalco Mobotec’s patented Rotating
z A sour water ammonia to ammo-
ogy for reclaiming industrial waste Opposed Fired Air (ROFA®) tech-
nium thiosulphate unit, which com-
gases to produce 2,3-butanediol nology to contain and reduce NOx bines waste by-products from the
(BD), a foundational chemical from emissions. Contact: Nalco Com- sour water stripper and the amine
which spring a variety of products pany, 1601 W. Diehl Road, Naper- fuel gas treater to create an agri-
including fuels and even plastics. ville, IL 60563-1198, United States cultural fertilizer; and
LanzaTech’s process reclaims an of America. Tel: +1 (630) 305 1000;
z A new flare tower that will rise
industrial by-product that would go Fax: +1 (630) 305 2900.
170 ft into the air will replace the
to waste otherwise. Source: current 50 ft tall flare (flaring devi-
The chemical 2,3-BD can be con- ces allow refineries to burn excess
verted through simple processes Decreasing odour, product when necessary to prevent
into butenes, butadiene and methyl pollution levels explosions).
ethyl ketone. These substances, in Source:
turn, are the building blocks for pro- The Wyoming Refining Co. in the
ducing synthetic rubbers, plastics, United States is hooking up the last NOx removal system
textiles and other products. In 2009, of the new pollution and odour con-
LanzaTech announced the develop- trol measures that would help the Babcock-Hitachi KK, Japan, had
ment of a proprietary microbe that Newcastle refinery to meet the Pet- first developed a pellet type catalyst
can digest carbon monoxide in the roleum Refinery Initiative standards for reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx)
waste gas from steel mills, convert- of the United States Environmental emissions from power plants. Based
ing it to pure ethanol. The process Protection Agency (EPA). When on this original catalyst, Babcock-
is based on fermentation, and waste the final pieces of US$32 million in Hitachi has now developed a low-
gas from steel mills is an ideal me- improvements are operational in pressure drop plate type catalyst.
dium because it has a high concen- November 2010, odour issues are The NOx removal system is config-
tration of carbon monoxide, with expected to improve dramatically. ured so that flue gas is flown to a
little or no hydrogen. A wet gas scrubber is designed to reactor filled with the new catalyst.
reduce air pollution from the plant Ammonia required for NOx removal
Source: reaction is injected into the flue gas
by more than 100 t/y, as it washes through a nozzle mounted upstream
particles, sulphur dioxide and nitro-
gen oxide from plant emissions with of the catalyst. If the flue gas con-
Added NOx reduction water and a caustic solution. tains dusts, the flow is led straight
downwards to prevent dust build-up
Nalco Mobotec Inc., a United States- A new sour water stripper is design- and plugging.
based global leader in air pollution ed to annually remove about 400 t
control technology, has signed a of hydrogen sulphide together with The new DENOx catalyst – a high-
contract with Hoosier Energy Rural 200 t of ammonia from the plant’s quality, high-performance and very
Electric Cooperative Inc. to provide wastewater output. It will transform competitive product – is the result
the latter two ROTAMIX® selective more than 140 million litres of waste- of four decades of experience and
non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) water into about 138.5 million litres continuous development. The NOx
systems. The SCNR systems are of “clean” water each year. When removal system is used in a wide
for nitrogen oxide (NOx) control at the refinery is operational again in range of applications from utility
the Frank E. Ratts Generating Sta- November, it will include: boilers, fluidized bed combustion
tion, a coal-fired power plant with boilers, gas turbines, diesel engines
two 125 MW boilers, originally built z A Dynawave wet gas scrubber, and industrial boilers to garbage in-
in 1970. Nalco Mobotec will begin which would annually decrease sul- cinerators. It has been field proven
work immediately with both units phur dioxide emissions by 35.5 t, with various fuels such as coal, oil
scheduled for continuous operation and remove 49 t of particulate and and gas. Contact: Babcock-Hitachi
of the new system. 21.5 t of nitrogen oxide from the air; KK, Akihabara UDX Building, 14-1,

VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010 15

Air Pollution Control

Sotokanda 4-chome, Chiyoda-ku, process that continuously injects Portable dust

Tokyo 101-0021, Japan. Tel: +81 controlled quantities of an ammonia-
(3) 5209 7000; Fax: +81 (3) 5209 based reagent with relatively minute and fume collector
7761. amounts of hydrocarbon (typically
Zephyr® III from Air Pollution Con-
either natural gas or propane) into trol, the United States, is a pulse-
the superheater/reheater pass of an controlled portable dust and fume
operating boiler. The injection grid
New technology comprises a permanent array of feed
collector for capturing dry dusts,
welding fumes, grinding dusts, sol-
for NOx control lances attached to the adjacent heat
dering fumes and other airborne
transfer assemblies in the upper fur-
Reaction Engineering International, particles. The unit has an exterior
nace pass. This set-up optimizes adjustable arm and a cartridge-type
the United States, has on offer a new reagent distribution throughout the
nitrogen oxide (NOx) control tech- collector that is easy to fit and re-
relatively high-temperature NOx-
nology that provides coal-fired gen- move. The 700 cfm hood on the arm
bearing flue gas mass. At these
erating units with a cost-effective allows easy 360° positioning. The
existing elevated temperatures, the
means of complying with NOx regu- unit has a three-stage filtration, and
hydrocarbon auto-ignites to form a
lations. The Rich Reagent Injection the dust collected can be easily
plasma of free radicals that auto- removed from the roll-out drawer,
(RRI) process reduces formation of catalyses the reaction of ammonia using manually activated, Venturi-
NOx by injecting amine-based com- and NOx to form harmless nitrogen
assisted pulse cleaning. Large size
pounds into the fuel-rich regions of and water vapour.
wheels with swivels and brakes
furnaces. RRI, developed originally
The NOxStar injection grid consis- make moving and positioning easy.
for coal-fired cyclone boilers, works
ted of 22 lances subdivided into The unit has powder-coated surface
well in the fuel-rich lower furnace
nine control zones in each of the finish on both inside and outside.
created by operating cyclone boilers
superheater and reheater passes. Contact: Air Pollution Control, P.O.
with overfire air. Combined overfire
These zones allowed NOx reduction Box 1277, League City, Texas, TX
air and RRI technologies have been
and ammonia slip to be optimized 77574, United States of America.
shown to reduce cyclone NOx levels
on a zone-by-zone basis to account Tel: +1 (281) 332 7935; Fax: +1 (281)
by more than 80 per cent. The RRI
for variability in the flue gas temper- 332 7936; E-mail: info@airpollution
process is also applicable to other
ature and flow profiles at the re-
pulverized coal-fired units and in-
dustrial boilers. Contact: Reaction agent injection plane. Each water- Source:
Engineering International, 77 West cooled lance was fed with reagent,
steam and propane in a controlled
200 South, Suite 210, Salt Lake
stream to satisfy the flue gas con-
SCR system for
City, Utah 84101, United States of
America. ditions at the time. Reagent rates power generating
were controlled to keep ammonia equipment
Source: slip below 5 ppm. Selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
Test results have shown that NOx
catalyst systems are highly effec-
From diesel engines levels can be reduced by 68 per
tive at cutting nitrogen oxide (NOx)
cent from the baseline level while
to power stations maintaining an ammonia slip of 4.2
emissions from power-generating
equipment, including gas turbines,
In 2002, Mitsui Babcock, the United ppm or less, as measured at the
utility/industrial boilers and recipro-
Kingdom-based energy services economizer outlet using wet chem-
cating engines. BASF Catalysts,
company, demonstrated a new post- istry techniques. Air staging in the
with its headquarters in the United
combustion nitrogen oxide (NOx) combustion zone had contributed
States, is a provider of innovative
removal system at the Tennessee to this overall reduction. Alone, the
catalysts for use in these systems.
Valley Authority (TVA) Kingston 9 NOxStar system reduced NOx level
SCR systems use catalysts to pro-
power plant in the United States. The by 53 per cent. As part of an SCR
mote a reaction between flue gas
demonstration system, NOxStar, system, NoxStar can achieve the
NOx and a reagent (typically am-
was developed initially for diesel NOx reduction levels required by
monia) that is injected into the flue
many generators.
engines and later made the leap to gas stream. BASF Catalysts’ SCR
power sector. The NOxStar process Source: catalysts selectively convert NOx
is, in essence, a post-combustion into nitrogen and water, thereby

16 VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010

Air Pollution Control

reducing NOx emissions by up to Standard fume separators are pack- penetration of direct injection in pet-
97 per cent. The products consist ed with 50 mm plastic tower fill such rol engines, there will be a greater
of porous ceramic, honeycomb sub- as tellerettes, which give a higher need for PM filters. New analysis
strates that have been coated with target efficiency in mist and light from Frost & Sullivan finds that the
either a vanadium-titanium (VNX™) dust conditions. future trend is clearly the tri-metal
or zeolite (ETZ™) catalyst. catalyst, a calculated ratio of pre-
The cross flow design offers added cious metals to be used along with
The catalysts are specially formu- advantages as to low water require- rhodium, which is most suitable for
lated to withstand high operating ments, low-pressure drop and low expelling nitrogen oxide (NOx). NOx
temperatures, and the ceramic fan cost. In this design, elimination concerns arising from lean com-
substrates can withstand thermal and scrubbing solution carry-over is bustion petrol direct injection (PDI),
shock associated with rapid start- minimized using back of the packed downsizing and turbo charging will
ups, shutdowns and turbine trips. bed, which is operated dry. Effici- drive demand for exhaust gas re-
This means that there are no res- ency of this design of internal cor- circulations (EGRs) and PM count
trictions on how fast a turbine can rugated walls prevents the gas and in PDI engines, thus catalysing the
be brought up to full-load operation. scrubbing solution from by-passing growth of PM filters. Greater sales
VNX and ETZ catalysts are part of the packed beds. All scrubbers have volume of small-segment vehicles
BASF Catalysts’ line of NOXCat™ corrosion resistant construction with will boost demand for catalysts such
products for SCR systems. Contact: sheets of polyvinyl chloride, polypro- as tri-metal catalysts.
BASF Catalysts, 25 Middlesex/ pylene, polyvinyldene, polyethylene,
Essex Turnpike, Iselin, NJ 08830- and fibreglass-reinforced plastic. However, the exhaust temperature
0770, United States of America. Contact: Shivas Reinplast Compa- of petrol engines is higher than that
Tel: +1 (732) 205 5000; E-mail: info- ny of India, C-71/8, Bulandsahar of diesel engines. Therefore, mate-
ec@basf. com. Road, Industrial Area, Ghaziabad, rials used in petrol engine exhaust
Uttar Pradesh 201 009, India. Tel: after-treatment systems should be
Source: +91 (120) 2866985, 6459985; Fax: more temperature-resistant, result-
+91 (120) 2866987; E-mail: shivas ing in higher costs. There will be a
Industrial growing need for high-temperature-
fume scrubbers resistant materials with downsizing
Source: and turbo charging of petrol engines.
Shivas Reinplast Company of India Market participants should develop
offers industrial scrubbers for the Nanometal catalyst and fit nanometal catalyst in cata-
safe capture of hazardous fumes. lowers petrol exhaust lytic converters to reduce cost. Ap-
Counter flow fume scrubbers are plications based on nanotechnology
designed for contaminants that are
system cost can bring down the price of exhaust
difficult to absorb. The counter flow Original equipment manufacturers system by about 70 per cent. This
design offers advantages in the effi- (OEMs) will likely adopt particulate will help manufacturers optimize
cient and effective use of scrubbing matter (PM) filters for petrol engines the extra cost associated with PM
solutions, besides higher separator by 2014, with a 15 per cent penetra- filters.
efficiency, especially for deep beds tion by 2016. With the increasing Source:
of packing. High removal efficiency
is advantageous where the conta-
minants are highly offensive or have Establishing E-Waste Channels to Enhance Environment
recovery value. In this design, mist Friendly Recycling
and separating solutions carry-over The project aims at improving the situation of e-waste management in
at high gas velocity is minimized India, specifically in New Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata and Pune. For more
by the use of dry packed bed mist information, contact:
eliminators. Counter flow separa-
SWITCH-Asia Network Facility
tors are available with a variety of
UNEP / Wuppertal Institute Collaborating
tower internals; each designed to
Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP)
achieve a maximum in efficiency at
Hagenauer Straße 30, 42107 Wuppertal, Germany
a minimum of cost. The separators
Tel: +49 (202) 4595810; Fax: +49 (202) 4595831
are available with packed beds in
height ranging from 1.2 m to 6.0 m.

VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010 17


Remediation and Management of 03-06 Nov ECO EXPO ASIA 2010

Hong Kong Contact: Hong Kong Trade
Contaminated Sites China Development Council,
38th Floor, Office Tower,
This book presents a complete account of what needs Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Road,
to be done for contaminated sites, from analysing a Wanchai, Hong Kong.
site’s potential economic value and contamination Tel: +852 1830 668;
issues to site testing and analysis. It explores the Fax: +852 2824 0249.
selection of appropriate remediation methods, the 10-12 Nov 6th World Scrap Metal Congress
determination of ongoing risks and limitations of a Shanghai Contact: Terrapinn Pte. Ltd.,
remediated site, site reclamation, new uses for reme- China 1 Harbourfront Place,
diated sites and reporting documentation. The book #18-01 Harbourfront Tower 1,
also covers volatile organic compounds, radiochem- Singapore 098633.
Tel: +65 6222 8550;
icals (radon), biologicals and other groundwater and
Fax: +65 6226 3264;
soil contaminants. Case studies feature examples E-mail:
from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom,
15-18 Nov 5th World Recycling Forum:
and the Netherlands.
Hong Kong International Conference &
China Exhibition on Electronics, Car and
Biotechniques for Battery Recycling
Contact: ICM AG,
Air Pollution Control Schwaderhof 7, 5708 Birrwil,
This publication covers the proceedings of the 3rd Inter-
Tel: +41 (62) 785 1000;
national Congress on Biotechniques for Air Pollution
Fax: +41 (62) 785 1005;
Control held in September, 2009, at Delft. Prompted E-mail:
by both economical and public pressure, waste gas
treatment has gradually been integrated into process
Jakarta INDONESIA 2010
designs. Industries are becoming self-sufficient and Indonesia Contact: PT. Pamerindo Buana Abadi,
recover compounds from waste streams for use as Deutsche Bank Building, 13th Floor,
raw material. This book provides an overview of inno- Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 80,
vative biotechnology-based processes for treatment Jakarta 10310, Indonesia.
of waste gasses. It discusses various innovative re- Tel: +62 (21) 316 2001;
search aspects of environmental chemistry, environ- Fax: +62 (21) 316 1981;
mental engineering and bioprocess technology. E-mail:
For the above two books, contact: CRC Press, United
13-15 Feb WasteSafe 2011 –
Kingdom. Tel: +44 (1235) 400 524; Fax: +44 (1235)
Khulna 2nd International Conference
400 525; E-mail: Bangladesh on Solid Waste Management in
Developing Countries
Hazardous Waste Management Contact: WasteSafe Conference
and Pollution Prevention Room No. C303, CE Building,
Department of Civil Engineering,
This publication provides an excellent introduction to
Khulna University of Engineering
mastering hazardous waste materials management and Technology (KUET),
and preventing the contamination of the environment. Khulna 9203, Bangladesh.
It also contains information on the legal and regulatory Tel: +880 (41) 774780;
aspects of pollution, in-plant handling of hazardous Fax: +880 (41) 769468;
waste materials, reducing the amount of hazardous E-mail:
waste produced, and ways to save money through 31 May-03 Jun Waste-Tech 2011
preventing personal injury and preventing or limiting Moscow Contact: SIBICO International Ltd.,
the effects of accidental pollution. Russia PO Box 105, Moscow 105062, Russia.
Tel: +7 (495) 225 5986;
Contact: IDC Technologies, P.O. Box 1093, West Perth Fax: +7 (495) 225 5986;
WA 6872, Australia. Tel: +61 (08) 9321 1702; Fax: E-mail:;
+61 (08) 9321 2891. Website:

18 VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010

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VATIS UPDATE: Waste Management „ Sep-Oct 2010 19

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