MGT 401 Business Internship

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MGT 401 Business Internship

Integrative Analysis Report:

Hotel Del Coronado

Submitted By:

Alexa Martz

San Diego State University

December 1, 2010



Hotel del Coronado- located in the city of Coronado, just across the San Diego Bay, ‘the Del”
serves as a beachfront luxury resort. Since its establishment in 1888 the hotel has become an
iconic part of San Diego history. It is one of the oldest and largest all wooden Victorian buildings
in California, making it a National Historic landmark. The hotel has received numerous awards
and recognition, including: the Four Diamond rating from the American Automobile Association,
“The Best Hotel in San Diego” by the San Diego Union Tribune and its listing by USA Today as
one of the “Top 10 Resorts in the World”.

It is at this resort where I interned within the Marketing & Public Relations department.
Specifically I worked under the Director of Marketing, Andrea Cunningham, the Director of
Public Relations, Lauren Donoho, and the Public Relations & Marketing Coordinator, Keriann
Martin. Under the direction of these supervisors I was able to witness the entire marketing
process from organic relations and events to creating and implementing a campaign to boost
reservations/revenue. As a member of the marketing team I held several responsibilities
including: social media and brand management for several online communities, compiling
statistics from email marketing campaigns, and directing and editing videos promoting the resort.

In this report, I will discuss and show the final products of the aforementioned responsibilities as
well as their relevance toward the objectives described in my Project Course Contract (See
Appendix A). Additionally, I will examine multiple academic topics that apply to my experience
interning at the Del. Following the academic analysis I will reflect on my experience and its
contribution to my personal development and future goals. Finally, in conclusion, I will
summarize my report and discuss recommended actions for the future.
Learning Experience Discussion

Technology of the 21st century has completely transformed the marketing and communications
industry, traditional advertisements (magazine ads, commercials, direct mail pieces) are no
longer relevant to audiences. People are looking for engagement, they no longer want to read
about ‘the story’ they want to be a part of it. Current consumers are active, they are asking
questions and seeking answers. Companies are responding to these shifts in various ways, the
most successful have built communities on Facebook and Twitter as well as several other online
outlets. As an intern for the Del, it was my responsibility to increase our online presence and
maintain our brand identity. In addition to social media involvement, I also maintained our
conversion report which was compiled of various values and statistics analyzing our returns on
campaigns/investments, campaign effectiveness, and audience retention. Ultimately our goal was
to not only have a strong online brand identity and presence but to also see tangible results
attained from these efforts i.e. increased revenue and customer loyalty.

Keywords & Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Upon arrival at the Del, one of my first assignments was to compile a list of relevant terms used
for search engines such as Google and Bing. Majority business endeavors within the travel
industry exist online- from destination search to booking, people are using the internet to plan
their vacations. Due to this vast market that exists, it is crucial that word of the Hotel Del reaches
consumers as soon as possible- i.e. being one of the top 10 results that appear within a search

I started this project off by doing an analysis of the resort: Why do/would people come to the
Hotel Del? What services/amenities do we offer? What makes us stand out? etc... The list was
large but there were a few broad key points that were crucial to the identity of the resort, which

Location: Southern California, San Diego, CA

Product/Service: hotel, resort
Reason for use of product/service: vacation, travel, business, getaway
Who: families, couples, business men/women, tourists
Standout: beachfront, national landmark, historic, wedding

From these areas of concentration, I then developed a list of potential ‘search terms’ by
combining these words together:

‘California family resort’

‘San Diego hotel’
‘Beachside hotel San Diego’
‘San Diego travel’

Once this list was made I then researched the current search engine results and analyzed
businesses/companies competing for the keyword placement. Through this analysis, I also
reviewed the HTML make up of top competitors [right click --> view page source] to see if there
were any terms/phrases used that I might have overlooked. I then compiled a database sheet of
competitors within various industries:

Travel Databases
California Databases
San Diego Databases
Local hotels/resorts
Regional hotels/resorts

Through this list we were able to see the top 10 search results for specific terms as well as what
terms we were already organically resulting for. The Del appeared on the first page for: ‘San
Diego hotel’, ‘Beachside hotel San Diego’, ‘Hotels in San Diego’. The fact that Hotel Del came
up for these popular terms was a great sign but following my research and analysis I still
suggested that we develop content to target terms like: ‘romantic getaway in San Diego’,
‘California family resort’, & ‘San Diego vacation’. Although a bit more specific, these terms
would come from audience members that know exactly what they want but need to find the hotel
that will do it for them.

Appendix C

Website Maintenance & Calendar Updates

As a resort, the Del operates like a mini-community if anyone needs anything they can get it on
site. Between our three restaurants, bakery, ice cream shop, spa, and various boutiques there is
always something going on. Some of our weekly events include various restaurant happy hours,
local band performances, and spa specials. Additionally we host several remarkable events for
the holiday season. In order to keep all of our guests updated on the latest ‘happenings’ we host a
calendar of events on our website.

It was my responsibility to make sure that this calendar was kept up to date and was linked up to
the appropriate online booking engines. In order to do the calendar updates I accessed the back
end of the website, The Del uses a program called CMS400 that enables a ‘workarea’ to be
provided making updates fairly easy. It was important to know basic HTML in order to format
the content in a legible, aesthetically pleasing way. Some basic terms I used often included:

<em> </em> : emphasis or italics to specific words and sentences

<br> </br>: indicates a new paragraph
<strong> </strong>: makes the letters bold

Paragraphs needed to be informative, engaging, and abridged. It is important on calendar entries

to grab the attention of the reader just enough that they want to find more information. The
calendar is intended to be a mere summary where as the denoted landing pages served to ‘tell the
story’ and prompt booking. The example in Appendix D illustrates the calendar entry for
Thanksgiving dinner at The Del [which held nearly 2,500 attendees this year]. Other entries I
contributed were: Hallo’wine’ & Spirits, 1500 Ocean Beerfest, and band performances at the
Sundeck Bar & Grill.

Appendix D

Email Marketing and Conversions

One of my weekly tasks included the maintenance of our email marketing campaigns. At the Del
we use a program called BlueHornet which is a service provider for ‘eblasts’ that provides users
with templates, analytic tracking, audience segmentation, and archived history.

Each message starts off with a denoted campaign goal whether it is to raise awareness of an
event or generate an increase in reservations/revenue. Once the goal is set my supervisors would
develop a particular deal or package to send to members of our databases. Each database is
segmented into several profiles including: resort members, guests of the hotel in the last 12
months, retail, outside leads from wedding vendors, and travel consultants. Pending on the
particular campaign goal a specific demographic/database is targeted and the message is formed
to captivate their attention.

Within Appendix E two examples are illustrated, one message is our monthly eblast to outside
leads we have attained through wedding vendors/magazines/websites. This message is intended
to let a bride and groom to be know that the Del is happy for their engagement and available
whenever they need them. Since the Del has been voted the ‘Best Wedding Venue in San Diego’
for several years, catering/events in the wedding industry are one of our biggest sources of
business/revenue. Another example comes from our ‘Bed & Breakfast’ campaign which was sent
to 77,967 people within our database stemming from past hotel guests. It has been proven that it
is most effective to hold onto past cliental and develop relationships with them to establish
loyalty which is why we offer several specials to these guests.

One of the most crucial entities of these messages are the SRC tracking links embedded into
them. Within each message there are 3-5 links placed in various areas to analyze the behaviors of
our audience. By understanding the clicking patterns and behaviors of our audience we are able
to develop the most effective email marketing campaigns possible.
After each message is sent out, we monitor them on a weekly basis for 4-5 weeks to analyze
audience behaviors: clicks, reservations made, time & date opened, forwards, etc... Through this
analyzation we have built and maintained an Excel spreadsheet that consists of various statistics:
click thru percentages, open rates, return on investments, revenue, and reservations made.
Several pieces of information and statistics are attained from the BlueHornet program since it
builds and maintains each message sent as seen in Appendix E. In addition to the BlueHornet
program, the Hotel Del website is monitored by Omniture Adobe Site Catalyst which is an
industry-leading product that provides marketers with one place to measure, analyze, and
optimize integrated data from all online initiatives across multiple marketing channels. Although
BlueHornet does track conversions made from the email it only tracks direct click and
conversion, not relative pathways. Through Omniture, we are able to track the click-thru
pathways of audience members even if they wandered from the direct landing page correlated to
the original email message which enables a more accurate result to be extracted.

Appendix E

Social Media & Brand Management

Majority of consumer decisions in this generation are based upon the recommendations of others,
whether positive or negative. People want to hear about experiences so they can gauge whether
or not it is worth their time or money. One of the leading online travel databases is It is here where people are able to leave comments/feedback based upon their
experience with a hotel, restaurant, or attraction- the Del offers all three. As a social media and
brand manager for Hotel Del, I oversaw six different review pages:

Hotel del Coronado [as a hotel]

Hotel del Coronado [as an attraction/national landmark]
Beach Village
1500 OCEAN
Crown Room at the Del

Within social media it is crucial to maintain a consistent voice and image, it is also important to
engage with people to be relational and responsive. Initially my supervisor, Lauren Donoho,
assigned the Hotel del Coronado [as a hotel page] to me and asked that I write responses to the
positive remarks made by guests. Prior to doing so I reviewed the past history of manager
responses gauge an understanding of the voice and online presence that existed. Through this
analysis I wrote down a list of terms and statements used by my supervisor to keep the
personality consistent some of which included:

“We are thrilled...”

“We are glad to hear...”
“We appreciate...”
“..experience the amenities, services, and nuances that make The Del special”

It is important to let the guests know that regardless of their praises or concerns we appreciate
them taking their time to share their experience with others as well as ourselves so we know
where we exceed and where we are falling short. Tripadvisor serves as an incredible customer
satisfaction forum, enabling us to recognize particular staff members for their stand out
performance as well as fix any issues pointed out by the guest. Unfortunately we cannot be
everywhere at once and it is through this site that we can get an overall feel of the customer
experience during their stay at The Del.

As time progressed, my supervisor was pleased with my responses and ideas that she gave me
the responsibility of the other landing review pages including the not so positive comments. With
each new page existed an entirely different target market and customer experience, I spent a few
days researching the businesses including: weekly specials, hours of operation, menus, seating/
dining options, and pricing. It was with this understanding of operations that I was able to
understand where customer experience and resort policy met. Online customer service is a
challenging aspect of the business industry because it is not real-time and we can only use words
to express our gratification or apologies.

A few examples of reviews and review responses are found in appendix F.

Appendix F

Online Public Relations

This fall/winter the Del hosted several special events in celebration of the holidays: Halloween,
Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Although we maintain our own website calendar community
outreach is crucial to the success of our happenings which is why we contact various local media
outlets. Through these outlets we are able to increase the potential online audience by about

Site Unique Visitors 31,706 134,925 883,984 3,582
In order to be featured on these sites I contacted the media relations directors of these companies
as well as used online identities we had been assigned to submit content/press releases. In the
course of my service we were placed in several articles and calendars pertaining to the sites
highlight on community events.
Since companies and online media outlets do not always contact organizations that our featured I
set up a ‘google alert’ :

This alert enabled us to view our most online activity, features, and impressions.

YouTube Channel

As the second largest search engine online, presence on YouTube is extremely important for
experience oriented business such as the travel industry. Using video enables people to see, hear,
and vicariously attend happenings at the Del from the comfort of their home. It also gives them a
feel of what amenities and attractions the resort offers to its guests.

My supervisor and I came together to determine what the vision of our YouTube channel would
be, eventually we decided that in order to engage our online viewer we wanted to give them
something they would not usually see or know. The series was to be called “A Day at the Del”-
featuring special events/attractions and the executive chefs, wine-experts, and event planners that
make it all possible.

Upon conceptualization I made a list of contacts at the resort and emailed them about the idea,
although some hesitated at the thought of ‘camera time’ everyone agreed they wanted to be a part
of the project. From October to December we scheduled five interviews and segments we wanted
to feature including:

Behind the scenes at the Spa

Pedaling for Patriots- a cross country bike ride
Ice Skating at the Del
delicious by Daphne, how to make fortune cookies
Wine pairing for the holidays

On October 27th the project officially started with the arrival of two CIA agents who had rode
their bikes from Florida to San Diego, CA to raise money for families of fallen CIA agents- the
tour was called “Pedaling for Patriots”. I used a Flipcam to record footage of the couples arrival
to Coronado, the surprise visit from family members, and Rob’s speech concluding the ride-it
was an incredible moment to be a part of.

For the next few days I created an introduction for all of the Day at the Del segments as well as
edited and put music to the footage from the ride to create our first episode. I had only used
iMovie once before this project but through the instruction of several online tutorials and trial/
error I learned how to:

Cut clips
Use transitions
Time music
Overlay graphics and video
Time text/videos/photos
upload to YouTube

Additionally, I learned how to add annotations and links to videos on the YouTube channel.
These annotations prompt action from viewers and enable them to be led to our webpage,
booking engines, and other video content.

Since the end of October we have produced two videos that have been viewed nearly 300 times.

Appendix G
Concept Integration and Application

Multi-channel Marketing

Customers are using multiple channels for most of their shopping and purchasing endeavors
ranging from interactions with kiosks, websites, and stores themselves. In order to appeal to
current, future, and older generations it is imperative that companies position themselves within
these lifestyles.

The multi-channel marketing theory demands that a company manages all contact processes
between customers and channel participants during all phases of the relation through combing
two or more marketing channels to reinforce each other ( xx). Traditionally business was
conducted face-to-face within a store front or office setting, now with online and mobile
technology consumers can purchase anything from anywhere.

Due to these lifestyle variations, Hotel Del Coronado has converged traditional and digital media
to appeal to multiple audiences through its on-site front desk/concierge service, resort walk-
thrus, website booking engine, and engagement in social media. Specifically, through its
reservation and check-in system The Del implements a hybrid between traditional and new
technology. Although guests may book and reserve a room through an online system, they still
must check in face-to-face with a customer representative. Especially in the hospitality industry
we have to make sure we continue to provide the best interactions and experiences for our guests
whether or not ‘technology could do the job’.

With the near million dollar budget allocated for the Hotel del Marketing plan, efforts to gain and
maintain customers are focused in several different areas including: traditional media- radio
advertisements, commercials, magazine features (paid & unpaid), direct mail, and brochures as
well as new media- email, video content, banner advertisements, social media presence (Twitter,
Facebook, Foursquare, & Trip Advisor), and website information/links in general. With this
marketing mix, the Del is able to reach guests one-to-many, one-to-one, and mid-level. Even
though it is difficult to manage such a multitude of channels and audience segmentations, the
mix in channel presence has not only increased our presence in the mind of consumers and
online, but we have decreased our spending and environmental waste-by limiting our number of
paper resources distributed and focusing on new media.

For an idea of how far multi-channel reaches customers take a look at the numbers reached
through the following mediums:

3,899 Facebook friends

1,842 Twitter followers
1,146 check in’s on Facebook places
378,109 subscribers to our email system
3,283 check in’s on Foursquare
Brand Personality

Described as a set of human characteristics associated with a brand, brand personality gives a
company the opportunity to build relationships with its consumers (Aaker). We are in a time of a
relational marketing boom, companies everywhere are trying to join the conversation and engage
with their consumers. Due to this focus on relation, companies are further establishing their
brand identities with content, voice, and interaction. One of the most influential pieces to this
game is social media. Social media enables companies and people to maintain online identities
and share their daily lives with one another. Through Facebook and Twitter users are able to
share with their networks personal feelings, photos, favorite songs/videos, and what they are
doing. People use social media to interact and maintain relationships with their friends or
acquaintances, which is why it is important for companies to focus on using the networks as a
CRM (customer relations management) tool rather than a marketing tool-granted the two will
coincide eventually.

At the Hotel del Coronado we have used a multitude of channels to market and express our brand
identity, as mentioned prior, but our main focuses are:

Physical experience at the resort

Prior to starting these endeavors company management had to decide what image they wanted to
portray. According to Jennifer Aaker, brand image is composed by these traits:

General Brand Image

SINCERITY domestic, honest, genuine, cheerful

EXCITEMENT daring, spirited, imaginative, up to date

COMPETENCE reliable, responsible, dependable, efficient

SOPHISTICATION glamorous, pretentious, charming, romantic

RUGGEDNESS touch, strong, outdoorsy, rugged

(Jennifer Aaker 1997)
Hotel del Coronado Brand Image

Strengths Weakness




We knew that the Del had a reputation for sophistication due to the recognition we have received
through local, regional, and national awards, as well as our target audience, history and denoted
pricing. But we wanted to improve in the areas of sincerity, excitement, and competence. Upon
analysis of The Del’s image, we recognized our strengths as well as our weakness which is what
we planned on using social media to eliminate. Making note of these areas of brand personality
& identity we further analyzed the definitions of these terms, as noted by Aaker:

Areas of improvement

SINCERITY domestic, honest, genuine, cheerful

EXCITEMENT imaginative, spirited, up-to-date

COMPETENCE reliable, responsible, dependable, efficient

Perceptions of a brand personality trait come to be associated with a brand in a direct and
indirect way; by the people associated with the brand: users, employees, and products themselves
as well as: distribution style, brand name, product-related attributes, and advertising approaches.
We understood that we could not manage each and every personal or physical interaction a guest
has with the hotel, but we wanted to try as hard as we could.
For each social media outlet we developed a separate algorithm based upon the outlet’s audience,
behaviors and capabilities:

Social Media

Website Activity Content Image Goal

Facebook Facebook is a social Applications used: We want to provide increase:

networking website photos, media & share media interaction
— a gathering spot, content sharing, content [articles, engagement
to connect with your likes, and review videos, photos], ‘likes’
friends and with events, & fun facts friends
your friends friends. with our audience
Facebook allows members as well as brand image:
you to make new respond to their genuine
connections who comments-engage, cheerful
share a common interact (provide responsive
interest, expanding answers to efficient
your personal questions, solutions knowledgeable
network. to problems etc..). appreciative
We are also looking
into providing
special deals for
friends or ‘likes’.

TripAdvisor TripAdvisor a free Applications used: We want to respond increase:

travel guide and consumer travel to all feedback of interaction
research website reviews, star guests- positive & engagement
that assists ratings, user- negative- guest & company
customers in generated photos, addressing their relationship
gathering travel general information comments &
information, posting about the hotel concerns.
opinions of travel brand image:
related issues and genuine
engaging in responsive
interactive travel efficient
forums knowledgeable

Twitter Twitter is a social Applications used: We want to provide increase:

networking website micro-blogging, & share media interaction
that enables its users media-content content [articles, engagement
to exchange news sharing, opinion- videos, photos], retweets
and opinions. The sharing events, & fun facts followers
editor's “tweets” are with our followers: direct messages
sent via short respond to their
message with a comments-engage, brand image:
maximum length of interact (provide genuine
140 characters and answers to cheerful
can be subscribed questions, solutions responsive
to. to problems etc..). efficient
Retweet members knowledgeable
of our network appreciative
when applicable.
Providing special
deals to followers
Social Media

YouTube YouTube is a video Applications used: We want to provide increase:

sharing website on video sharing/ & share media
which users can viewing, comments content- ‘A Day at interaction
upload and share the Del’with our engagement
videos. audience members views
as well as respond
to their comments- brand image:
engage, interact. genuine
Providing special cheerful
deals for members exciting
of our channel. efficient

Through each of these endeavors we ultimately positioned the Del as a ‘jack of all trades”
providing sophistication, excitement, hospitality, and reliability.
Six Leadership Styles

Daniel Goleman has successfully created a model describing the phenomena that good leaders
are effective because they create resonance (Goleman 1). Resonance refers to the quality of
sound, being deep and reverberating. When dealing with leadership, resonance is attained by the
way people act toward a positive direction in accordance to themselves and the feelings of

Within his theory, Goleman describes six leadership styles that create resonance:

In my experience at the Del I was under the supervision of three separate directors: Marketing,
Public Relations, and Communications. Although each supervisor had a different style of
management and personality, they each resonated with me due to their authenticity and
commitment to values and priorities. Within the Marketing & Public Relations departments at the
Del the leaders, my supervisors, operate consistently within the Coaching and Democratic styles
of leadership (Sometimes Pacesetting applies as well, depending on a deadline/project).

Style, in most cases, is influenced by six different factors:

1. Level of leader: position, years with the company, etc...

2. Role: responsibilities, direct or complex?
3. Number of persons lead
4. Time frame: goal/project
5. Domain knowledge
6. Subject of decision

As an intern, these factors influence the way my supervisors interacted with me. It was crucial
that they Coached me to help identify my strengths and weakness, to teach me new concepts/
operations crucial to the field/business, as well as delegated certain tasks. Additionally they were
Democratic to enable us to understand one another, work together, and teach. I mention that
Pacesetting became a factor as well because deadlines and stressful environments do exist and if
we expect to get anything accomplished we need to be challenged and pushed to accomplish
certain goals/expectations.
Personal Reflection

From the start of this internship, I knew I was going to be challenged. I knew that although I had
learned concepts and terms from the classroom, nothing compared to the real-world. Truth is,
every company operates differently. There are different expectations, operations systems,
employees, and the overall products and services offered . No matter what company a person is
hired for, everyday is going to be a learning experience--I love that.

This May I will be graduating, no question is more prominent these days than “What are you
doing when you get out of school?” My answer... “I have no idea.” Heres the deal: I like too
many things and to be quite honest, I am good at a lot of those things (and if I’m not good, I’ll
learn how to be) that’s my personality. One of my biggest passions is hospitality and service. I
throughly love and enjoy helping others in any way shape or form. I love providing an
environment for others to have an unforgettable experience with friends, families, and complete
strangers. It is this passion that lead me to apply and ultimately attain the internship position at
the Hotel del Coronado. For the past three months I have been given an immense amount of
responsibility, I have learned how marketing & public relations departments operate with
multiple entities, and I have been challenged. As seen within the appendices of this notebook, I
have been able to assist with, maintain, and create several important campaigns & projects that
contributed to the Hotel del successes this season.

In all honesty, I struggled at the start of this internship. From 9-5 Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday I sat in an office researching, running analytics, optimizing SEO, and maintaining
databases. I was learning an immense amount from my supervisors and personal research.
Although I appreciated and enjoyed that, I wasn’t around people enough. I thrive off the energy
of others and hearing their stories. People intrigue me, they are our most precious source of
capital in the entire world and I like making friends/building relationships with them. Sitting in
the office was not enabling me to do that, aside from my officemate who was another intern from
Point Loma Nazarene University. But, I asked to be challenged and that is what I was given. The
Rolling Stones once said, “you can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you’ll
get what you need”, and that is what happened. I was entering the real world and in the real
world you cannot have everything you want, although it is important to want somethings that you
have otherwise happiness would be impossible and thats what truly is important (apologies for
my sidebar). The point is, I needed that experience. I needed to learn about analytics, SEO,
online customer service and conversions and if I did not sit in that office and listen to the
instructions and advice of my supervisors I would have never learned. Eventually I was given my
project with the YouTube campaign and I was able to step out of the office and onto our beautiful
resort property to meet influential people that bring daily experiences to our guests. I was able to
get a backstage view of several departments and vicariously experience special services at the
Del like our spa treatments. I was able to interact, off-line, and I was finally able to appreciate
and love the hybrid of multi-channel marketing at the Del.
Now the question is, do I see myself working in the travel/hospitality industry? ...yes! I just
know now that I definitely need a mix of marketing channels and interaction in order to live up
to my full potential.

I am extremely proud of my accomplishments this semester in meeting the learning objectives

and goals set-forth at the beginning of my internship term. I have learned an immense amount
about the marketing & hospitality industry that will continue to follow me in my future
endeavors and I just wanted to thank The Del and my supervisors for that.

Under its management of KSL resorts, the Del and its team of sister resorts strive unite with one
value: service. Aside from being a world-renowned resort the Del offers guests, visitors, and
employees an experience unlike any other teaching us to serve and anticipate the needs of one
another, as well as ourselves--I’ll never forget that.

In addition to providing a warm, welcoming environment for guests, it is also imperative that
companies within the hospitality industry get involved with the online world. Social media,
website, brand identity & content optimization have proven to be significant factors in the
continued success of our business and I look forward to bringing that insight to other companies.

Please take a look at the project examples within the Appendices following this page.

Aaker, Jennifer. "Dimensions of Brand Personality." Journal of Marketing Research (1997): 347.

Yulinksky, Corey. “Multi-channel marketing: making ‘bricks & clicks’ stick.” 1-5. McKinsey
Marketing Practice

12manage: All You Need to Know about Management. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. <http://www.>.

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