Agents of Socialization

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Dug-a, Princess Dianne

Agents of Socialization
1. Discuss the various agents of socialization that help you become a functioning member of
the community.
The various agents of socialization helped me a lot by me learning from them. Family has the
greatest impact throughout my lifetime because they passed on their values, behaviours, and
language at the time when I first developed and established a sense of self. Peer groups help
me see the reality of life and it helped become more reliable and be more intelligent on how I
interact and react on things. Lastly, in school I learned a lot of things because of the
influence of my professors and classmates. They helped me think how to do proper
judgements, have a great critical thinking, and have a good problem solving skills.
2. Using the psychosocial model of Erik Erikson, list down some of the conflicting
moments you have experienced in life. Discuss your answer thoroughly
Trust vs mistrust
The conflicting moments I have experienced in life is to decide whom to trust or not. I
trusted my relatives a lot so I told them everything I do. I have one cousin whom I helped a
lot so every time she needs to process something here in Manila, I always welcome her in my
place and support her in things that she needed. Just like her application abroad and guides
how to go to a certain location. I taught her things she needs to learn in Manila and trusted
her but apparently when she went back in the province she spread false gossip about me. I
trusted her because she is my relative and I never expected her to do that to me despite all the
things I have done for her but at least this served as a lesson for me how I interact with my
3. Research on the “looking-glass self” theory of Charles Horton Cooley. Then answer this
question: in the looking –glass self-theory, who is actually looking at you?
Based from the looking glass self-theory the one who is actually looking at me is the society or
the people around me. Just like at work, they observe me by checking my choice of words, how I
react on things that they tell me to do and sometimes how I look physically. If my co-workers
has a positive feedback on me they can show it to me by maintaining eye contact, offering a firm
handshaking and starting a good conversation with me. But if it’s the other way around they will
just leave me, don’t bother to help me and end conversations quickly.

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