Learning Styles Explained

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ST – Mastery 35%

Strategies Planned
• Demonstration of plant growth, set up of ecosystem, use of surgery skills in text
• Hands-on experience: active plant creation, resource mining
• Direct instruction in small group activities, stations, and whole group
• Immediate feedback of quadrilateral hunt findings
• Student organization through graphic organizers, known exact outcomes of activity

Multiple Intelligences fostered:

• Body/kinesthetic- moving around school for quadrilateral scavenger hunt, building kite.
Text features station rotation, text features surgery carrying out task of finding physical
examples. Ecosystem building students are able to find materials and build together.

SF – Interpersonal 35%

Strategies Planned
• Small groups stations and activities like text features puzzle
• Chances to share ideas with other students and present ideas to the class
• Classroom tours of idea presentations
• End of lesson discussions and sharing time on experience and ideas of content learned.
• Highly competitive mining for resources activity

Multiple Intelligences fostered

• Musical/Rhythmic – Playing of classical music during reading and writing lesson to
promote thinking and calm minds.
• Interpersonal – working in groups to build puzzle, doing surgery together and sharing

NT - Understanding 20%
Strategies Planned
• Connection of ideas of quadrilateral classifications through exploration of different shapes
• Discovering information through research in texts, websites and articles
• Opportunity to work independently on hands-on station activities
• Following procedures of research writing skills
• Brainstorming time offered to plan (research topic and presentation)

Multiple Intelligences fostered

• Intrapersonal – Science ecosystem journaling and daily observations of what is seen.
• Verbal/Linguistic – Around the room tours sharing ideas and presentations to peers.
Presentation of ideas during each closure.

NF – Self-expressive 10%
Strategies Planned
• Discussion in beginning and ending statements
• Discovery of ecosystems and materials effect on growth and plant life survival
• Contemplation of how we as humans can foster an environment and correctly use our
resources to save our planet
• Creating hypothesis in science lesson

Multiple Intelligences fostered

• Logical/Mathematical – creating hypotheses and conducting experiments of plant growth,
and resource depletion. Math manipulatives of kite creation, sketching of quadrilaterals.
• Visual/Spatial – Ability to create graphic organizers to view ideas and planning.
• Naturalist – Creating ideas and conversation of ways to save our planet and preserve
natural resources that are running out.

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