American Values

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American Values

American Values
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American Values

American Values

A new survey published by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), indicates that a great

change for the support for same-sex marriage. High population of the Americans believes these

small populations in the society should be given equal chance to decide on who to marry.

According to the 2020 American Values Survey, more than two percent of the Americans

support marriage of the people from the same sex. The number represent seventy percent of the

total population. In the survey a random sample of about 2500 respondents were taken. The

respondents were also asked their opinions on other social issues like rights, immigration, and

the current pandemic that is affecting entire world.

The results indicate that seventy percent of the American would support married of persons

from the same sex. The respondent supported granting of persons of the same sex the right to

marry, and only a small percent of about twenty-eight percent opposed the marriage. The right

and a choice on who to marry is left for an individual person to make. People are supposed to

have freedom of choice and no restriction should be given to them. These kind of persons

according to the respondents should be treated equally in our society. The feelings of these

people should be respected by the state, thereby grating them the right to marry[ CITATION

Sco20 \l 1033 ].

The same feelings and opinion of thought had also been noticed in the previous survey, which

were conducted in the past. In a survey conducted in 2017, about sixty-one percent of Americans

supported marriage of the same sex and only about 30 percent of the respondents oppose the act.

It is also indicated that one of the religious group in one the2020 survey indicated a majority of

the members supporting the marriage of couple of the same sex. The churches included

protestants, the Catholics, and some of the non-Christians of all race globally. In the survey
American Values

conducted on people who are religiously unaffiliated about ninety percent of members support

marriage of the same sex. There has been an increase in the number of people relying support for

marriage of the same sex[ CITATION Sco20 \l 1033 ].

America is a country that support values on equality, respects of individual rights, and the

freedom to make various choices in life. The values have contributed positively in the society.

The right to choice whichever sex to marry has reduced discriminations against those practicing

homosexuality and lesbianism. The individuals are part of our society and, therefore, should be

treated with some respects in the society. The society is moving away from discrimination based

on sex and races. The systems are adopting inclusivity of everyone in order to maintain peace

and unity among us. The United States constitution outline various constitutional principle that

are meant to promote equity. The same sex-couple are being allowed in the society in order to

accommodate everyone in the community. The society is not viewing the act of marriage as

sinful one but as a way of respecting other people’s feelings and behavior[ CITATION Wan13 \l

1033 ]. The individuals practicing the act of marriage do that at their right state of mind,

therefore, their decisions are respected by majority of the Americans. The America values are

seen to be reasoning on the existing cultural and religious reasoning. The decision to grant right

for the marriage for the couple of the same sex is promoting the Americans value of equality.
American Values

Andrew, S. (2020). 70% of Americans support same-sex marriage -- a new high -- a new survey finds.
Atlanta, Georgia, United States: CNN News.

Wang, Z., & Fan, W. (2013). American Values Reflected in Names of US Supermarkets, the Top Five
Values and American Dream. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 348-355.

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