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A. Think about this questions and write your answers.
1. What is a language?
Respuesta: It is a verbal or gestural communication system, typical of a human
2. How many languages are there?
Respuesta: In the world there are many languages, I don't know exactly how many
there are but they say there are 7,000 languages.
3. Can we communicate without words?
Respuesta: Yes
4. Do the animals have a language?
Respuesta: Yes
5. Why animals cannot speak?
Respuesta: Because his anatomy does not allow it
6. How do you communicate with others?
Respuesta: Animals communicate through signals, which can be visual or auditory
7. Can you communicate with animals? How?
Respuesta: Not
8. Why is it difficult to learn another language?
Respuesta: Because the brain has to create new cognitive frameworks and it
requires a sustained and constant practice, which we humans do not practice. That
is why it is difficult for us to learn a language
9. What is the most difficult language to learn? Why?
Respuesta: I think that the most difficult language to learn is Japanese because it
has thousands of characters, it has two phonetic alphabets and a hierarchical
structure that must be adapted to each context.
10. What language would you like to learn? Why?
Respuesta: Japanese because it allows me to learn other Asian languages a little
more easily.
B. Read the following texts and answer the questions
11. At what age have humans developed an ability to communicate through oral
Respuesta: By age four
12. What can a person can do by age six?
Respuesta: By age six or seven, most humans can comprehend, as well as
express, written thoughts.
13. What is as well as in Spanish?
Respuesta: así como
14. Which are the unique abilities of communicating through a native language that
clearly separate humans from all animals?
Respuesta: Ability to communicate through oral language. Comprehend, as well as
express, written thoughts.
15. Who has proven unable to understand the origin of language and
Respuesta: Organic evolution
16. Can Materialistic science explain why speech came about and why we have so
many languages?
Respuesta: Materialistic science is insufficient at explaining not only how speech
came about, but also why we have so many different languages.
17. What have Linguistic research and neurological studies determined?
Respuesta: Linguistic research, combined with neurological studies, has
determined that human speech is highly dependent on a neuronal network located
in specific sites within the brain.
18. Which is the unique ability that humans were created with?
Respuesta: to employ speech for communication.
19. Why can anybody not know exactly how many languages there are?
Respuesta: because people don't distinguish between a language and a sub-
20. How many languages did Noah and his family speak?
Respuesta: A single language
21. Why did God Intervene?
Respuesta: Because a generation defiantly rejected God's instructions to spread
across the planet.
C. Read the text and answer
22. Why is the story of the Tower of Babel sad and significant?
Respuesta: It is sad because it reveals the widespread rebellion in the human
It is significant because it brings about the reshaping and development of all future
23. Where was the Tower of Babel located?
Respuesta: The location of the tower was in ancient Mesopotamia on the eastern
bank of the Euphrates River.
24. Why did the people decide to build a tower?
Respuesta: The people of the earth had become skilled in construction
25. Once God saw the city and the tower, what did he perceive?
Respuesta: He perceived their intentions, and in his infinite wisdom, he knew this
"stairway to heaven" would only lead the people away from God.
26. Why were people ignoring God´s instructions?
Respuesta: God wanted the people spread out and fill the whole earth.
27. The expression "stairway to heaven" is used to referto..
Respuesta: the search for hope. feeling lost and finding life. that means the
stairway to heaven
28. Why did God confuse their language?
Respuesta: Why God observed what a powerful force the people's unity of purpose

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