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By C. V. Girija Vallabhan,1 Fellow, ASCE, and Y. C. Das,2

Member, ASCE

ABSTRACT: The analysis of axisymmetric circular tank foundations has been made
in the past using the classical Winkler model, where the properties of the elastic
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foundation are modeled by one parameter, k, called modulus of subgrade reaction.

Even though many recommendations have been made for the value of k, the model
yields erroneous results, because the value of k depends on the depth of the soil
stratum with respect to the size of the slab as well as to the distribution of the
loading. Also, the elastic properties of the soil can vary within the soil stratum.
Assuming that the elastic properties of the soil stratum are constant or linearly
varying in the vertical direction, and that the stratum rests on a rigid surface, a
simple, more accurate mathematical model is developed here. Two parameters are
used to represent the elastic foundation, and an iterative technique is introduced
to obtain a consistent energy solution. The finite difference method is employed
to get the solutions. The loading can be either uniform or axisymmetric lateral
pressure, axisymmetric live load, or moments at the edge. The slab or plate at the
bottom of the tank should be flexible enough to satisfy the assumptions of the
linear plate theory. The results of an example tank problem with different types
of loadings are compared with more exact finite element solutions.


Many researchers (Westergaard 1948; Timoshenko and Woinowsky-Krie-

ger 1959) have solved plates on elastic foundation problems using a Winkler
model, where they employ a parameter, k, called modulus of subgrade re-
action, to represent the elastic foundation. Determination of a single param-
eter k and its use have been a controversy for quite some time. Realizing
the inadequacy of the one-parameter model to represent an elastic contin-
uum, Pasternak (1954) and Vlasov and Leont'ev (1966) developed a two-
parameter model for analysis of beams and slabs on elastic foundations with
finite thickness and supported on a rigid base. Brown (1969) presented a
technique based on the solution by Burmister (1956) for analysis of circular
rafts on elastic foundations, but his technique is limited to uniformly dis-
tributed loads. Recently, Hemsley (1987) made comparisons of elastic so-
lutions for axisymmetric circular plates, with free and clamped edges, resting
on Winkler springs or a semi-infinite half-space; however, no definite con-
clusions were reached regarding the appropriateness of these methods.
Vlasov, in his model, introduced an arbitrary parameter, -y, to characterize
the distribution of the vertical displacement in the elastic foundation. Jones
and Xenophontos (1977), using variational principles, strengthened the Vla-
sov model by establishing a relationship between the -y parameter and the
displacements of the beam or slab on the top. Vallabhan et al. (1987, 1988)
developed a simple iterative technique to uniquely determine the y param-
'Prof., Civ. Engrg. Dept., Texas Tech Univ., P.O. Box 4089, Lubbock, TX 79409-
Visiting Prof., Civ. Engrg. Dept., Texas Tech Univ., P.O. Box 4089, Lubbock,
Note. Discussion open until September 1, 1991. To extend the closing date one
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The
manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on June
27, 1990. This paper is part of the Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 117,
No. 4, April, 1991. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9399/91/O0O4-0789/$1.0O + $.15 per page.
Paper No. 25701.


J. Eng. Mech. 1991.117:789-797.

eter, and the procedure is referred to as a "modified Vlasov" or three-pa-
rameter model. These three parameters are interdependent and unique for a
given problem of beam or slab on an elastic foundation. Numerical solutions
of this model for some example beam problems are compared with solutions
obtained by the finite element method. In this paper, the writers derive the
governing equations for an axisymmetric plate on an elastic foundation using
energy principles. The governing equations are solved using the finite dif-
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ference technique. Also, an iterative procedure is used to determine a unique

value of 7 for a given problem. Results obtained from using this model are
compared with more sophisticated finite element solutions. Based on the
comparisons with the finite element solutions, some conclusions are given.


Fig. 1 illustrates a circular plate of radius R resting on an elastic foun-

dation of uniform thickness H with a rigid base. The elastic foundation is
assumed to be linear, elastic, homogeneous, and isotropic in material prop-
erties. The system is axisymmetric in geometry, loading, and boundary con-
ditions. One of the best means of deriving the governing equations for such
a complex soil-structure-interaction problem is to use the minimum potential
energy theorem. The potential energy function <J> is given by
. , 2(1 - v„) dw d2wl
(V\v)2 - - \rdrdG
2 Jo Jo dr dr
dll il dvp Ida dw\
o> — + cre - + . + T rdrdQdz
Jo Jo Jo dr r ' dz dr).

-J f q{
. dw
r)wrdrdd <Mt M — rde. (1)
Jo dr
Jo Jo

u A
V ^Ttm> ).y
£ J. "• / i,

E,v \H

• .•-•:.•.•.•;.•.••.:•:.•:.•;•.•:•••.•.•.•!:•;.• >:•;:-.

^ * \ Rigid Boundary

FIG. 1. Circular Plate on Elastic Foundation


J. Eng. Mech. 1991.117:789-797.

where w = lateral displacement of the circular plate; u, w, = displacements
along r- and z-axes in the soil continuum; crr, cre> °"z> ^rz — components of
stress at a point in the soil continuum; D, vp = flexural rigidity, Poisson's
ratio of the plate; q(r) = lateral loading on the plate; and M, Q = prescribed
bending moment and shear force on the plate. The flexural rigidity D =
Eph3/I2(l - Vp), where Ep and vp are Young's modulus of elasticity and
Poisson's ratio of the plate, and h is the thickness of the plate. The consti-
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tutive equations for the elastic foundation are given by

1 v / ( l - v) v / ( l - v) 0
£(1 - v) v / ( l - v) 1 v / ( l - v) 0
(1 + v)(l - 2v) v / ( l - v) v / ( l - v) 1 0
0 0 0 (1 - 2v)/[2(l - v)]

Su/dz + dw/dr

where E and v are the values of Young's modulus of elasticity and Poisson's
ratio of the elastic foundation.
Vlasov assumptions are as follows:

1. The vertical displacement w(r,z) = w(r) • c|>(z) such that <j>(0) = 1 and <$>(H)
= 0.
2. The horizontal displacement u(r,z) is assumed to be zero everywhere in
the elastic foundation.

Here <}>(z) is a function describing the decay of the vertical displacement

w(r,z) in the direction of the z-axis. By using Eq. 2 and the aforementioned
assumptions, the potential energy function <!> in Eq. 1 is modified. Taking
variations in 8w and 8<(>, respectively, and using variational calculus, the
following field equations and corresponding boundary conditions are ob-

Field Equation for Plate

For 0 < r < R
DVAw - 2tV2w + kw = q(r) (3)

with boundary conditions at r = R

(d2w v„ dw\ ' (dw\
D[ — + - — \ + M 8 — = 0 (4)
I \dr2 r dr) \dr)
d dw
D - (V2w) -2t— + fin, 8w = 0 (5)
dr dr

(1 + v)(l - 2v) J0 W

J. Eng. Mech. 1991.117:789-797.


It = | <p2dz (7)
2(1 + v) Jo
Field Equation for Elastic Foundation
For 0 < z < H
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m d\
~^ ~ "<P = 0 (8)
with boundary conditions m(d$/dz) • 8<|> = 0 at z = 0, H. Here
m= BLU2 w2rdr (9)
(1 + v)(l - 2v) Jo
— rdr (10)
o \dr)
Here m and n are the additional parameters that describe the behavior of the
elastic foundations. Those derivations for m and n are due to Jones and
Xenophontos (1977). The introduction of a new parameter 7 gives
. . — I rdr
7\ n 1 - 2 v Jo \dr/
- =- = = (11)
HJ m 2(1-v) f"
w rdr
It is to be noted that 7 is a dimensionless parameter, and substituting Eq.
11 in Eq. 8 and solving the differential equation with appropriate boundary
conditions, we get
sinh 7 ( 1
<p(z) = 7T (12)
sinh 7
The variations of <^>(z) for different values of 7 have been shown by many
authors (Vlasov and Leont'ev 1966; Vallabhan and Das 1988) and, hence,
they are not repeated here. Substituting <|)(z) in Eqs. 6 and 7 we get
= £(1
1 — v)i 1 7 /sinh !7 cosh
^ 7 + 1y\
k (13)
(1 + v)(l - 2v) H \ 2 sinh27 /
E H /sinh 7 cosh 7 — y\
It = ~ (14)
2(1 + v) 7 V 2 sinh 7 /
Field Equation for Elastic Foundation at z = 0 for R < r < 00
The field equation outside the plate at z = 0 is
-2tV2w + kw = 0 (15)

J. Eng. Mech. 1991.117:789-797.

with at r — R
It — 8w = 0 . (16)
and at r = oo, w = 0.
The solution of Eq. 15 is given by the following expression (Vlasov and
Leont'ev 1966)
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w(r) = wR (17)
where wR = the lateral displacement of the plate at r = R and K0 is the
modified Bessel function of zero order and a = y/k/2t. The corresponding
shear force along r = R of the foundation on to the plate is given by
N It — = \p2kt wR (18)
dr K0(aR)_
where Xi(a/?) is the modified Bessel function of order one. By using Eq.
18, the boundary condition given by Eq. 5 can be modified as
D - (vy> 2t(—) - V2kt K (aR)J wR + Q = 0
In a nutshell, the problem of a circular plate on an elastic foundation is given
by the field equation in Eq. 3, with boundary conditions given in Eqs. 4
and 19.


Even though Valsov recommended arbitrary values for y, Vallabhan and

Das (1988) developed an iterative procedure to uniquely determine the value
of 7. Assuming an approximate value of 7, say = 1, the values of k and 2f
are calculated using Eqs. 13 and 14, and the differential equation shown in
Eq. 3 is solved for w(r). From this solution, a new value of 7 is calculated
using Eq. 11, and thus new values of k, It, etc. The procedure is repeated
until two successive values of 7 parameter are approximately equal, i.e.
fom - 7,11 < 0.001 (20)


The classical finite difference method is employed to solve the field equa-
tion given in Eq. 3. Since this equation is a quasi-linear fourth-order dif-
ferential equation, the finite difference equations can be expressed by a qui-
diagonal matrix equation with the five coefficients using the central difference
formula in the following form
a,wt-2 + bjwt-i + cjWi + di\vi+1 + eiWi+2 = ft (21)
1 - - (22a)


J. Eng. Mech. 1991.117:789-797.

2h h2 h2 2th2/ h\
r, rf 2r] D \ 2r,J
2h2 4th2 khA
c, = 6 + —- + +— (22c)
rf D D
2h h2 h3 2th2 I h
= _4 _r ++ —
_ ( i + 1_+ —
J (22d)
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r, rf 2rj D \ 2r,
e,= 1 + - (22c)
fi = 9i- (22/)

Using the finite difference techniques, the boundary conditions are also ex-
pressed and incorporated into the field equations. Special numerical tech-
niques were used to evaluate the modified Bessel functions K0 and Ki ("Sci-
entific Subroutine" 1966). At r = 0, Eq. 21 becomes singular, and, hence,
the boundary conditions, are to be modified slightly. It can be shown that
the boundary conditions at r = 0 are
— =0 (23a)
dAw d2w
—T-2t— + kw = q (23b)
dr dr


To the writers' knowledge, published data on elastic settlements of cir-

cular plates on an elastic continuum with a finite thickness are not available
for general loading conditions. Most published data are based on the Winkler
model. Brown (1969) published maximum nondimensional displacement pa-
rameters for uniformly loaded plates. Hemsley (1987) showed comparisons
of Winkler solutions with a solution he prepared using Boussinesq equations.
It appears that, in his model, he has not considered the effect of shear force
from the continuum along the edge of the plate. Results of the maximum
displacements from the solution obtained from the modified Vlasov model
compare very well with those by Brown, for very flexible plates. To estab-
lish the accuracy of the solution obtained here, it was decided to compare
the results with those obtained from a finite element model. Rectangular
finite elements were employed in the finite element model. The following
are the dimensions of the numerical example.

Radius of the plate R = 10 ft (3.05 m).

Modulus of elasticity of plate Ep = 3 X 106 psi (22.7 GPa).
Poisson's ratio of the plate vp = 0.2.
Thickness of the plate h = 0.8 ft (0.24 m).
Depth of the soil foundation H = 10 ft (3.05 m).
Modulus of elasticity of the soil E = 3 x 103 psi (22.7 MPa).
Poisson's ratio of the soil v = 0.2.

J. Eng. Mech. 1991.117:789-797.

500 psf
<t 10ft /
^adlu s E p =3x10 6 psi
/ vp=0.2

E = 3x103psl
v = 0.2
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H = 10ft

FIG. 2. Vertical Displacements of Circular Plate due to Uniformly Distributed Load

(1 ft = 0.3048 m)

Three cases of loadings were used in the analysis, where all other data
regarding geometry and material properties were kept the same.

• Case 1. A uniformly distributed load = 500 psf (26.3 kN/m2).

• Case 2. An edge load Q = 1,000 p/ft (16 kN/m).
• Case 3. An edge moment M = 10,000 p-ft/ft (525.3 kN-m/m).

The numerical displacements obtained from these problems are compared

with the corresponding finite element displacements, as shown in Figs. 2,
3, and 4. It is seen that the displacements compare fairly well.


Geotechnical engineers usually encounter subsoil of finite depth, but with

varying properties as a layered system. In many instances, material prop-
erties of the soil can be approximated as varying linearly with depth. The
writers (Vallabhan and Das 1989) incorporated this material behavior in solving
beams on elastic foundations by modifying the equations for k and t as fol-
1 - v £,(27 sinh 2-y + 472) + (E2 - E,)(cosh 27 - 1 + 272)'
k = (24)
8tf(l + v)(l - 2v) sinh27

H '£•,(27 sinh 27 - 472) + (E2 • .EjXcosh 27 1 - 272)1

It = • (25)
1672(1 + v) . sinh27

where Et and E2 are the elastic constants of the soil at the top and bottom
of the layer. By replacing Eqs. 13 and 14 with Eqs. 24 and 25, respectively,
we can analyze circular tanks on elastic foundations with linearly varying

J. Eng. Mech. 1991.117:789-797.

1000 lb/ft
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FIG. 3. Vertical Displacements of Circular Plate due to Concentrated Edge Load

(1 ft = 0.3048 m)

? M = 10,000 p ft/ft E p =3x10 6 psl

Radius . v p = 0.2
( = 0.S ft
E = 3x103psl
H = 10ft




1.0 Modified VLASOV

II 2.0
Y = 2.94
k = 731827 p/ln?




7.0 FEM

FIG. 4. Vertical Displacements of Circular Plate due to Edge Moment (1 ft =

0.3048 m)


J. Eng. Mech. 1991.117:789-797.

elastic moduli. Any other types of variations of the soil properties can also
be incorporated, but have not been implemented yet.


The following conclusions are made from this study.

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1. The vertical displacement patterns for the case of uniformly distributed load
are almost parallel. The Vlasov model gave lower displacements than the finite
element model, naturally. Since the displacements are parallel, the bending mo-
ments and shear forces in the plate from both models will compare well.
2. The differences between the two solutions for the vertical displacements
increased for the case of concentrated load and the edge moment.
3. The values of k, 2t, and -y for the system depend on the material properties
and geometry of the plate and the soil and the loading.


This work was performed as a part of the research project on the analysis
of laminated plates sponsored by the National Science Foundation under grant
number CES-8803146. The support of Eleonora Sabadell is gratefully ac-
knowledged. Also, the writers wish to extend their thanks to Richard Dil-
lingham, for his assistance in editorial work, and Rebecca Foster, for typing
the manuscript.


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J. Eng. Mech. 1991.117:789-797.

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