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Name : Irfa Chan Chawla

NPM / Class : 201912500254 / R3C

No. Hp : 08161698650
Subject : Basic Writing


1. Support 6. Watch 11. Believe

2. Study 7. Check 12. Apply

3. Write 8. Saw 13. Hear

4. Talk 9. Help 14. Note

5. Parenting 10. Understand 15. Enjoy

II. Simple Sentences

1. A child is studying with his parents

2. They don't understand the rules

3. his mother wrote the material to be studied

4. the parents are discussion at this table

5. The child explained


1. A child is studying with his parents (SVO)

2. They don't understand the rules (SVO)

3. his mother wrote the material to be studied (SVCO)

4. the parents are discussion at this table (SVC)

5. The child explained (SV)

IV. Coumpound Sentence

1. The child is a studying and she was very happy

2. His mom checked his material but the material gone wrong

3. The child enjoy learn by watched film so as a parents support what she likes

4. The parents noted material from videos or they are listen well the material

5. They really enjoy this time, even if only at the table.

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