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Orders, decorations, and medals of Kelantan

The following is the orders, decorations, and medals given by Sultan of Kelantan
. When applicable, post-nominal letters and non-
hereditary titles are indicated.[1][2]

1 Order of precedence for the wearing of order insignias, decorations, and medals
2 Orders, decorations, and medals
3 See also
4 References

Order of precedence for the wearing of order insignias, decorations,

and medals

1. Darjah Kerabat D.K.

2. Dato’ Seri Paduka Mahkota Kelantan S.P.M.K. Dato'
3. Dato’ Seri Paduka Jiwa Mahkota Kelantan S.J.M.K. Dato'
4. Dato’ Seri Paduka Setia Mahkota Kelantan S.P.S.K. Dato'
Dato’ Seri Paduka Kebesaran Kshatria Mahkota
5. S.P.K.K. Dato'
Darjah Pahlawan Yang Amat Gagah Perkasa
6. P.Y.G.P.
Yang Amat Mulia
7. Dato’ Paduka Mahkota Kelantan D.P.M.K. Dato’
8. Dato’ Paduka Jiwa Mahkota Kelantan D.J.M.K. Dato’
9. Dato’ Paduka Setia Mahkota Kelantan D.P.S.K. Dato’
Dato’ Paduka Kebesaran Kshatria Mahkota
10. D.P.K.K. Dato’
11. Paduka Mahkota Kelantan P.M.K.
12. Setia Jiwa Mahkota Kelantan J.M.K.
13. Paduka Setia Mahkota Kelantan P.S.K.
14. Paduka Kebesaran Kshatria Mahkota Kelantan P.K.K.
15. Bentara Setia Mahkota Kelantan B.S.K.
16. Ahli Setia Mahkota Kelantan A.S.K.
17. Sri Mahkota Kelantan S.M.K.
18. Sri Kelantan S.K.
19. Ahli Kelantan A.K.
20. Pingat Bakti P.B.
21. Pingat Setia Mahkota Kelantan P.S.
22. Pingat Taat P.T.
23. Pingat Perangai Baik P.P.B.
Orders, decorations, and medals
The Most Esteemed Royal Family Order of Kelantan or the Star of Yunus - Darjah Kerabat Yang Amat Dihormati (Bintang al-

Founded by Sultan Muhammad IV in 1916.

Awarded in a single class (D.K.), limited to 25recipients at any one time and reserved for Royalty
The Most Illustrious Order of the Crown of Kelantan, or the Star of Muhammad - Darjah Kebesaran Mahkota Kelantan Yang
Amat Mulia (Bintang al-Muhammadi)

Founded by Sultan Muhammad IV in honour of Sultan Muhammad I in 1916.

Awarded in three classes :

1. Knight Grand Commander orDato’ Sri Paduka - limited to 40 recipients - S.P.M.K.

2. Knight Commander orDato’ Paduka - limited to 60 recipients - D.P.M.K.
3. Commander or Paduka - P.M.K.
see also The Crown of Kelantan Decoration- Sri Mahkota Kelantan (S.M.K.)
see also The Sri Kelantan Decoration- Sri Kelantan (S.K.)

The Most Illustrious Order of the Life of the Crown of Kelantan or the Star of Ismail - Darjah Kebesaran Jiwa Mahkota
Kelantan Yang Amat Mulia (Bintang al-Ismaili)

Founded by Sultan Ismail in 1925.

Awarded in three classes :

1. Knight Grand Commander orDato’ Sri Paduka - limited to 50 recipients - S.J.M.K.

2. Knight Commander orDato’ Paduka - limited to 75 recipients - D.J.M.K.
3. Companion or Setia - J.M.K.
see also The Ahli Kelantan Decoration- Ahli Kelantan (A.K.)

The Most Distinguished Order of the Loyalty to the Crown of Kelantan or the Star of Ibrahim - Darjah Kebesaran Setia
Mahkota Kelantan Yang Amat Terbilang (Bintang al-Ibrahimi)

Founded by Sultan Yahya Petra on 10 December 1967.

Awarded in five classes :

1. Knight Grand Commander orDato’ Sri Paduka - limited to 50 recipients - S.P.S.K.

2. Knight Commander orDato’ Paduka - limited to 75 recipients - D.P.S.K.
3. Commander or Paduka - P.S.K.
4. Officer or Bentara - B.S.K.
5. Member or Ahli - A.S.K.
and a medal of merit (Pingat Setia Mahkota Kelantan)- P.S.

The Most Valiant Order of the Noble Crown of Kelantan or the Star of Yahya Petra - Darjah Kebesaran Kshatria Mahkota
Kelantan Yang Amat Perkasa (Bintang al-Yahyawi)

Founded by Sultan Ismail II Petra in 1988.

Awarded in three classes :

1. Knight Grand Commander orDato’ Sri Paduka - limited to 40 recipients - S.P.K.K.

2. Knight Commander orDato’ Paduka - limited to 60 recipients - D.P.K.K.
3. Commander or Paduka - P.K.K.

The Order of the Most Distinguished and Most V

aliant Warrior - Darjah Pahlawan Yang Amat Gagah Perkasa Yang Amat Mulia

Founded by Sultan Muhammad IV in 1919 as a reward for individual acts of supreme gallantry and valour
Awarded in one class (P.Y.G.P.)
Crown of Kelantan Decoration- Sri Mahkota Kelantan
Instituted by Sultan Muhammad IV in 1916 as a reward for those whose civil services do not qualify for the ordinary
classes of the Order of the Crown of Kelantan.
Awarded in a single class (S.M.K.)
In reality this decoration functions as the fourth class of the Order of the Crown of Kelantan.

Sri Kelantan Decoration- Sri Kelantan

Instituted by Sultan Muhammad IV in 1916 as a reward for those whose services do not qualify for the ordinary
classes of the Order of the Crown of Kelantan.
Awarded in a single class (S.K.)
Originally a military decoration which now functions essentially as the fifth class of the Order of the Crown of
Ahli Kelantan Decoration- Ahli Kelantan

Instituted by Sultan Ismail in 1925 as a reward for those whose services do not qualify for the ordinary classes of the
Order of the Life of the Crown of Kelantan.
Awarded in a single class (A.K.)
In reality this decoration functions as the fourth class of the Order of the Life of the Crown of Kelantan.
Meritorious Service Medal- Pingat Bakti

Instituted by Sultan Ismail in 1925 as a reward for general service and awarded principally to militaryficers.
Awarded in a single class, a silver medal (P.B.)
Loyal Service Medal - Pingat Taat

Instituted by Sultan Ismail in 1925 as a reward for long service awarded principally to military personnel.
Awarded in a single class, a silver medal (P.T.)
Good Conduct Medal- Pingat Perangai Baik

Instituted by Sultan Ismail in 1925 to reward long service and good conduct in government service.
Awarded in a single class, a silver medal (P
State Council Opening Commemorative Medal 1939- Pingat Peringatan Pembukaan Dewan Tinggi 1939

Instituted by Sultan Muhammad IV to commemorate the opening of the inauguration of the first Kelantan State
Council in 1939.
Awarded in a single class, a silver medal (P
Sultan Ibrahim Coronation Medal - Pingat Kemahkotaan Sultan Ibrahim

Instituted by Sultan Ibrahim to commemorate his Coronation on 25 October 1944.

Awarded in a single class, a silver medal.
Sultan Yahya Petra Coronation Medal - Pingat Kemahkotaan Sultan Yahya Petra

Instituted by Sultan Yahya Petra on 17 July 1961 to commemorate his Coronation.

Awarded in two classes :

1. Gold - for rulers

2. Silver - for ordinary recipients.

Sultan Ismail Petra Coronation Medal - Pingat Kemahkotaan Sultan Ismail Petra

Instituted by Sultan Ismail II to commemorate his Coronation on 30 March 1980.

Awarded in two classes :

1. Gold - for rulers

2. Silver - for ordinary recipients.

Silver Jubilee Medal - Pingat Jubli Perak

Instituted by Sultan Ismail II to commemorate his Silver Jubilee on 30 March 2005.

Awarded in a single class, a silver medal (P
The Order of the Services to the Crown of Kelantan or the Star of Petrawi(Bintang al-Petrawi)

Founded by Sultan Muhammad V on 11 November 2016.

See also
Orders, decorations, and medals of the Malaysian states and federal territories#Kelantan
List of post-nominal letters (Kelantan)

1. Colecciones Militares, Ribbons of Kelantan1 ( & 2
2. Royal Ark, Decorations of Kelantan(
3. Susunan Keutamaan Darjah Kebesaran, Bintang dan Pingat Kelantan(

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