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Taylor Connard

Education 650

Safe Schools Training

First Aid (60 minutes):

This module focuses on correct first aid to administer to students. The module had multiple

sections and included stop the bleed, physical trauma, chronic conditions, fractures and

dislocations, and burns. Each module goes over what you should do in these situations and

potential outcomes. This training is very important due to the overwhelming amount of students

that have serious health conditions.

Cyberbullying (30 minutes):

For this training video, cyberbullying was discussed. Cyberbullying is the act of bullying

conducted online. As we have turned into a technological society, cyberbullying has become an

even bigger issue than ever before. This training focused on the different versions of

cyberbullying and warning signs. We are seeing more mental health concerns with our students

and that includes suicide. If teachers and administrators can acknowledge cyberbullying and how

to prevent it, we could save students’ lives.

Active Shooter (60 minutes):

Active Shooter drills have become an important aspect of staff and student training. With

increasing cases of active shooters in the United States, we must be prepared for what could

happen. This module focuses on the facts surrounding active shooters and what has historically

happened in the past. It teaches warning signs for students who may potentially become active

shooters and how to be prepared if a shooting were to happen in the school. The old theory was
to hide, but latest data suggests that fighting back is the best course of action. As an

administrator, you must have your school prepared by practicing active shooter drills every year.

Back Injury and Lifting (30 minutes):

Work place injuries can be a huge issue in the school and as an administrator you are responsible

for ensuring that your staff is lifting appropriately so that they do not get hurt. The basics of

lifting safety are things that we know such as lift with your knees and never lift more than you

can handle, but it is important that we are reminded of this consistently.

Bullying Recognition and Response (60 minutes):

This module focuses on bullying. As previously mentioned, cyberbullying is a major issue, but

we still have traditional bullying in school. It is an administrator’s job to protect their students

and part of that protection is ensuring that they have a safe and comfortable learning

environment free from bullies. This training is so important because it goes over the ways to

recognize bullying and how to act upon helping students who are being bullied.

Drug Free Work Place (30 minutes):

This module looks at ensuring that staff remain drug free. It may seem silly to go over this, but

our county has had many issues with teachers abusing drugs and being fired. Administrators can

request that staff members are drug tested and that is something important to monitor. Staff

members that are under the influence can potentially put students at risk.

Common Illness Prevention (30 minutes):

This training is extremely important, especially for the time that we are in now. Covid-19 is

hitting our schools hard and the fear of the upcoming cold and flu season is looming. If we do

not take basic precautions to prevent illnesses, we may see even more staff and students out of

the classroom. This common illness prevention can also extend to slowing the spread of Covid-
19. Washing hands, covering cough and sneezes, and not coming to school when sick can help

prevent people from being infected.

Educator Evaluation Platform Training (60 minutes):

This training is a 60-minute video focusing on the new educator evaluation platform. Evaluations

are meant to help ensure high-quality instruction and encourage growth and improvement. Self-

Reflections and Learning Goals are due prior to October 1 and November 1. The training

discusses the process of evaluation and observations. There is a new portal that is hopefully

going to make evaluations easier to do. Evaluations are important to conduct as administrators

and give you the best clues as to how your staff and students are truly doing in the classroom.

Youth Suicide (60 minutes):

Over 5,000 middle and high school age students attempt to die by suicide each day. That number

is absolutely staggering. This training was eye opening to just how bad the suicide rates in our

students are. The module first provided facts about suicide, warning sings, preventive strategies,

and intervention after a suicide attempt. We have had a few suicide attempts at our school and

each administrator has handled it differently. I think the best approach is doing a handle with

care and talking one on one with the teachers who have that student and making sure they know

to be extra observant and cautious.

Sensitivity Awareness (60 minutes):

This training is definitely underrated in how important it is. Sensitivity awareness is an important

aspect of working together. In order to have respectful and positive environment, coworkers

must respect the differences between them. When you have a positive work environment, you

will see that your school and students will grow. Administrators must encourage a positive work

place environment. They can be responsible for the tone that is set in the school.

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