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Taylor Connard

Education 650

Safe Schools (5 Hours)

Digital Citizenship (60 minutes):

As we move to 1:1 with technology and distance learning, digital citizenship is becoming a

major aspect of learning in the classroom. Digital Citizenship is the responsible use of

technology and online access. This training looks at how to be responsible online. How to spot

malicious content. It also covers cyberbullying. This training is important for educators and

leaders. You have to make sure your students are aware that their digital fingerprint can have


Healthy Relationships (60 minutes):

Healthy relationships and teaching them is an important lesson for students today. Many of our

students do not see healthy relationships at home and therefore need someone to explain to them

what is toxic and what is not. Dating violence can happen at the age that we have students and

therefore we need to be aware of the warning signs. This training focuses on how to maintain

healthy relationships and how to stop signs that a relationship is moving into the wrong territory.

The training also looks at emotions and how to deal with ones that are overpowering.

Resolving Disagreements (60 minutes):

As leaders, there will be times where you act as a facilitator in a disagreement. It is important to

know how to diffuse a disagreement that is becoming increasingly hostile. Students also need the

tools to understand that they may disagree with someone, but that it is a normal part of growing

up. Disagreements can lead to fights and other discipline issues. When you teach students that

disagreeing is okay, they may be able to avoid confrontation.

Principals (60 minutes):

I really enjoyed this training because it focused on administrators and dealing with special

education. Administrators have to ensure that students with special needs are being taken care of

in the classroom. Their IEPs must be followed. If a teacher does not follow an IEP, you are

opening the door for lawsuits. Principals have to trust that their staff is accommodating and

modifying assignments so that those students receive a fair education. It is important as an

administrator to stay on top of what is happening in your special education department to make

sure the needs of students are being met.

Security (60 minutes)

Security for staff and students should always be at the forefront of an administrator’s mind.

Beyond school shootings, security extends to protecting students from other students and even

unwanted visitors in the school. Administrators must make sure that all doors are locked and that

the appropriate measures are taken to keep unwanted guests out. There should be cameras in the

school and they should be functioning. Students should know the drills for active shooters and be

prepared in the event something would happen.

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