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Clinical Endocrinology (2016) 84, 473–484 doi: 10.1111/cen.



The effects of pituitary and thyroid disorders on haemostasis:

potential clinical implications
Nikolaos Kyriakakis*, Julie Lynch*, Ramzi Ajjan*,† and Robert D. Murray*,†

*Department of Endocrinology, Leeds Centre for Diabetes & Endocrinology, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, and †Division of
Cardiovascular and Diabetes Research, Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine (LICAMM), University of Leeds,
Leeds, UK

Endocrinopathies have been associated with abnormalities of
Disturbances of coagulation and fibrinolysis are usually multifac- various parameters of coagulation and fibrinolysis. The degree
torial and growing evidence suggests that endocrinopathies mod- of disturbance to the overall haemostatic balance and the
ulate the haemostatic balance. The thrombotic alterations in effects on the long-term cardiovascular and thromboembolic
endocrine disorders range from mild laboratory clotting abnor- risk that these abnormalities cause remain debatable. This
malities with little clinical significance to serious thrombotic and review article summarizes the currently available data focusing
bleeding disorders directly related to hormonal disturbances. on the effects of pituitary and thyroid disorders on haemosta-
This literature review focuses on presenting the current data on sis. We initially present a brief overview of the clot formation
the effects of thyroid and pituitary disorders on various parame- and clot lysis pathways, followed by a narrative description of
ters of the haemostatic system. With the exception of overt the main effects of thyroid and pituitary disorders on parame-
hypothyroidism which appears to cause a bleeding tendency, the ters of coagulation, fibrinolysis and fibrin network structure.
rest of the endocrinopathies discussed in this review (subclinical Clinical implications of these laboratory abnormalities and
hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, endogenous hypercortisola- effects of successful therapeutic interventions in restoring the
emia, growth hormone deficiency, acromegaly, prolactinoma/hy- haemostatic balance are also analysed. Due to limited data and
perprolactinaemia and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism) are absence of appropriate studies, this review does not cover
associated with a hypercoagulable and hypofibrinolytic state, platelet abnormalities in endocrinopathies except for the poten-
increasing the overall cardiovascular risk and thromboembolic tial direct effect of hyperprolactinaemia on platelet function.
potential in these patients. In most studies, the haemostatic Pathologies to be discussed in this review article include
abnormalities seen in endocrine disorders are usually reversible hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Cushing’s disease/endogenous
with successful treatment of the underlying condition and bio- hypercortisolaemia, growth hormone deficiency, acromegaly,
chemical disease remission. High-quality studies on larger prolactinoma/hyperprolactinaemia and hypogonadotrophic
patient cohorts are needed to produce robust evidence on the hypogonadism.
effects of endocrine disorders and their therapeutic interventions
on coagulation and fibrinolysis, as well as on the long-term
Overview of haemostasis
mortality and morbidity outcomes in association with endo-
crine-related haemostatic imbalance. Given the rarity of some of The haemostatic equilibrium is the result of a complex interac-
the endocrine disorders, multicentre studies are required to tion between cellular and protein phases of coagulation. Follow-
achieve this target. ing vessel injury, platelets and coagulation factors are activated
and this culminates in the formation of the fibrin network,
(Received 11 November 2014; returned for revision 9 December
which forms the skeleton of the blood clot. During formation of
2014; finally revised 2 March 2015; accepted 3 March 2015)
the fibrin network, the fibrinolytic system is activated to limit
blood clot formation and avoid widespread vascular occlusion.
The clotting process and fibrinolysis are schematically shown in
Fig. 1.

Correspondence: Robert D. Murray, Leeds Centre for Diabetes & Endo- The coagulation system
crinology, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, St James’s University
Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds LS9 7TF, UK. Tel.: +44 (0)113 206 4931; The initial trigger for thrombus formation is usually an injury
Fax: +44 (0)113 206 6257; E-mail: to the blood vessel wall. At the site of injury, collagen exposure

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474 N. Kyriakakis et al.

Intrinsic pathway
Clot formation Extrinsic pathway (amplification of thrombin production)
Pathway (initiation of thrombin
Endothelial Platelet activation
Trauma unknown trigger

Platelet FXI FXIa Thrombin

aggregation and
coagulation factor FIX FIXa FVIIIa FVIII
Tissue Factor (TF)
Protein S
FIX Prothrombin
Antithrombin Protein C

FIXa FX FXa Activated Protein C

FXa -FVa
FV (Prothombinase Protein S Thrombomodulin
complex) FVa FV

Thrombin Thrombin

Clot lysis
Pathway t-PA PAI - 1


Plasmin Plasminogen


Fibrinogen Fibrin Fibrin Fibrin

(soluble) (stabilized) Degradation

Inhibitory factor

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the coagulation and fibrinolysis pathways illustrating the various interactions between promoters and inhibitors of
haemostasis. Endothelial trauma is usually the trigger that activates platelets and initiates the coagulation cascade, with the production of thrombin,
which augments the coagulation signals via activation of various procoagulant factors, leading to further thrombin production. Thrombin catalyses
conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin. TFPI, antithrombin and the protein C/protein S/thrombomodulin systems, on the other hand, act by inhibiting
several clotting factors. Clotting formation process is terminated via activation of plasmin (through the actions of t-PA and plasminogen), which
degrades fibrin, promoting clot lysis. TAFI, t-PA and a2-antiplasmin are the main inhibitors of fibrinolysis. A2-antiplasmin inhibits clot lysis both by
inactivating plasmin, by forming a complex with it and also by becoming incorporated into the fibrin clot increasing its resistance to the action of
plasmin. ADP, adenosine diphosphate; F, factor; a, activated; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; TAFI, thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis
inhibitor; TF, tissue factor; TFPI, tissue factor pathway inhibitor; t-PA, tissue plasminogen activator.

leads to platelet adhesion and aggregation, while exposed tissue extrinsic pathway, which, via activation of factors IX (FIX) and
factor (TF) forms a complex with circulating factor VIIa (FVIIa) X (FX), leads to the formation of the factor Xa-V complex (pro-
initiating blood coagulation.1 This is the traditionally described thrombinase complex) catalysing the conversion of prothrombin

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to thrombin.1 However, it is now well accepted that division

Thyroid disorders
into extrinsic and intrinsic pathway is an artificial laboratory
phenomenon that does not apply to the in vivo environment.2
Generation of thrombin represents a key step in the regulation
of the coagulation system as it (i) mediates platelet activation Clotting abnormalities in hypothyroidism range from abnormal
(resulting in the release of ADP, serotonin and thromboxane A2, laboratory findings to clinically significant episodes of bleeding.
which in turn promote further platelet recruitment), (ii) cataly- A defect of primary haemostasis in the form of acquired von
ses conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin (a key component of stable Willebrand syndrome (AVWS) type 1 has been the main coagul-
fibrin clots) and (iii) activates several coagulation factors of the opathy described in hypothyroidism. In almost all case reports,
intrinsic pathway [factors V, VIII and XI (FV, FVIII, FXI)], this has been associated with mucocutaneous bleeding11
potentiating fibrin production further and amplifying the coagu- although it is generally believed that AVWS does not cause clini-
lation signals.1 A number of anticoagulant factors, including tis- cally significant coagulopathy, potentially making AVWS an un-
sue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), proteins C and S, derdiagnosed complication of hypothyroidism. However, this
antithrombin and thrombomodulin, inhibit different parts of should be taken into account when hypothyroid patients
the coagulation cascade, to downregulate the fibrin production undergo invasive procedures, due to the clinically significant risk
and maintain the haemostatic balance. of bleeding.12 In a cohort of 90 patients with clinically overt
hypothyroidism, Stuijver et al. found that the prevalence of
AVWS was 33%. All patients with AVWS had either mild or
The fibrinolytic system
moderate AVWS, which was reversible after restoring euthyroid
Synthesized fibrin is degraded by the fibrinolytic system. Tissue status.13
plasminogen activator (t-PA) and urokinase-like plasminogen The effects of hypothyroidism on the rest of the coagulation
activator convert plasminogen to plasmin. Plasmin is the pivotal and fibrinolytic markers have been investigated in a number of
enzyme of the fibrinolytic system, responsible not only for the studies, often producing conflicting results, indicating that
degradation of fibrin, but also for the hydrolysis of factors V, hypothyroidism may affect the haemostatic mechanisms in a
VIII, XIII and von Willebrand factor (vWF).3 Fibrinolytic activ- more complicated way than originally anticipated. An overall
ity is reduced by the physiological inhibitors of fibrinolysis, hypocoagulable state was found by Gullu et al. who assessed 15
which include plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), which patients with overt hypothyroidism, indicated by prolongation
inhibits t-PA; a2-antiplasmin, which is incorporated into the of activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), prothrombin
fibrin network to inhibit plasmin action, thereby increasing fibri- time (PT) and clotting time, in combination with reduction in
nolysis resistance4; and thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibi- FVIII activity, vWF and platelet levels, compared with healthy
tor (TAFI), which suppresses fibrinolysis by removing carboxy- controls. Levothyroxine treatment reversed these abnormalities.14
terminal lysines from partially degrading fibrin, thus compro- In favour of the bleeding diathesis in hypothyroidism are the
mising plasminogen activator binding and subsequent activation results published by Simone15 that showed significantly reduced
of plasminogen to plasmin.5 Table 1 summarizes the main levels of factors VIII, IX and XI in hypothyroid patients. Simi-
plasma factors that regulate coagulation and fibrinolysis. larly, Yango et al.16 found prolonged aPTT, reduced FVIII, vWF
The clinical relevance of haemostatic abnormalities has been activity and antigen levels in 22 patients who had previous thy-
demonstrated in a number of studies. Elevated factor VIII, IX, roidectomy, 4–6 weeks after discontinuing levothyroxine replace-
XI and TAFI levels, reduced TFPI, protein C and S, and certain ment therapy.
PAI-1 polymorphisms have been associated with thrombotic Contrary to the previous studies, results from other research
conditions, such as venous thromboembolism, ischaemic stroke groups suggest that hypothyroidism is associated with a hyper-
and myocardial infarction.6–9 Additionally, high fibrinogen has coagulable and hypofibrinolytic state. Impaired fibrinolysis due
been identified as an independent risk factor for atherosclerotic to increased TAFI levels has been found by Akinci et al.,17
and cardiovascular disease.10 In the light of the above, the hae- reporting positive correlation between TAFI antigen levels and
mostatic abnormalities associated with endocrinopathies cannot severity of hypothyroidism, and reversibility of this abnormality
be considered as a benign condition. with thyroxine replacement therapy. It should be noted,

Table 1. Summary of the main promoters and inhibitors of coagulation and fibrinolysis

Procoagulant factors Anticoagulant factors Fibrinolytic factors Antifibrinolytic factors

• Tissue factor (TF) • Tissue factor pathway • Tissue plasminogen • Thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis
• Clotting factors (FII-FXIII) inhibitor (TFPI) activator (t-PA) inhibitor (TAFI)
• Thrombin • Protein C/protein • Urokinase plasminogen • Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
• Von Willebrand factor (vWF) S/thrombomodulin system activator (u-PA) (PAI-1)
• Antithrombin • Plasmin • Alpha-2-antiplasmin

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however, that the hypothyroid group had increased waist Clot parameters in patients with severe hypothyroidism (mean
circumference and an unfavourable lipid profile compared with TSH 923  172mIU/l) were assessed in an interventional study
the control group, which may have accounted for the throm- by Stuijver et al., both before and after treatment with levothy-
botic environment documented in the study. A mixed picture roxine. Results showed lower clot maximum absorbance, shorter
of coagulation and fibrinolytic abnormalities was found by clot lysis time, smaller clot lysis area and less compact fibrin
Erem et al. in two studies. The initial study showed increased clots when the patients were in the hypothyroid state. This is
levels of FVII, thrombomodulin and TAFI, reduced levels of consistent with the formation of less compact clots that are eas-
TFPI, protein C and S, and reduced concentrations of vWF ier to breakdown, consequently increasing the bleeding risk. The
and factors V and VIII.18 The second study revealed increased mechanisms for these findings appeared to be related to lower
fibrinogen, antithrombin III (AT-III) and PAI-1 levels with levels of fibrinogen, resulting in the formation of less compact
reduced activity of FVIII and FX.19 clots, and reduced PAI-1 levels, making the fibrinolytic process
The variable effect of thyroid hormone deficiency on haemo- more efficient.21 These abnormalities were resolved upon resto-
stasis has been more clearly illustrated in a prospective study by ration of euthyroid state.
Chadarevian et al., who compared 24 patients with moderate In contrast to overt hypothyroidism, a hypercoagulable and
hypothyroidism (TSH 10–50mIU/l) and 27 patients with severe hypofibrinolytic state has been consistently reported in patients
hypothyroidism (TSH >50mIU/l) with 25 healthy controls. The with subclinical hypothyroidism. The main findings from differ-
results revealed increased thrombotic potential for patients with ent studies include reduced global fibrinolytic capacity,22
moderate hypothyroidism (elevated levels of PAI-1, a2-antiplas- increased TAFI levels17 and increased FVII, PAI-1 and fibrinogen
min, t-PA and reduced D-dimer level), while completely oppo- concentrations.23 Overall data suggest that subclinical hypothy-
site results were found for patients with severe hypothyroidism, roidism cannot be regarded as a benign condition. The beneficial
indicating that hypothyroidism may have a biphasic effect on effect of treatment with levothyroxine in restoring the haemo-
fibrinolysis, depending on disease severity.20 The three groups static balance by reducing the levels of TAFI, PAI-1 and FVII
were well matched for cardiovascular risk factors, including has also been shown.17,23
BMI, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure (systolic and In summary, data about the effects of hypothyroidism on hae-
diastolic) and fasting glucose, indicating the haemostatic mostasis remain controversial as both hypercoagulable and hy-
alteration observed was related to the thyroid status of the pocoagulable states have been described. Overall it appears that
patients.20 severe hypothyroidism is associated with a bleeding tendency,

Table 2. Summary of the current evidence on the main effects of thyroid and pituitary disorders on several parameters of coagulation and fibrinolysis
and their clinical significance

Main coagulation/fibrinolytic Overall effect on

Endocrine disorder abnormalities haemostasis Clinical relevance

Overt ↓vWF, FVIII, FIX, FXI, Bleeding tendency Acquired von Willebrand
↓PAI-1, antiplasmin, fibrinogen syndrome type 1
Subclinical/moderate ↑FVII, fibrinogen Possible mild Uncertain, possibly thrombotic
↑PAI-1, TAFI, antiplasmin hypercoagulability

Hyperthyroidism ↑vWF, FVIII, FIX, fibrinogen Probable mild Possibly increased VTE risk
↑PAI-1, TAFI hypercoagulability
↓t-PA, plasminogen, protein C&S, ↓TFPI, aPTT
↑clot lysis time

Endogenous hypercortisolaemia ↑FII, FV, FVII, FIX, FX, FXII, vWF Mild/moderate Confirmed increased risk of VTE
↑fibrinogen, ↓aPTT hypercoagulability
↑PAI-1, TAFI, antiplasmin

Growth hormone deficiency ↑fibrinogen, PAI-1 Possible mild Uncertain

↓t-PA hypercoagulability

Acromegaly ↑fibrinogen, PAI-1 Possible mild Uncertain

↓t-PA, TFPI hypercoagulability

Prolactinoma/hyperprolactinaemia ↑fibrinogen, PAI-1, ↓TFPI Data inconsistent Uncertain

? ↑platelet activation

Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism ↑FV, FX, PAI-1, ↓antithrombin Possible mild Uncertain


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whereas subclinical or moderate hypothyroidism predisposes to The effects of short-term exposure of healthy individuals to
hypercoagulable state (Table 2). Therefore, in addition to the exogenous thyroid hormones have been investigated in a small
‘type’ of hormonal anomaly, the ‘degree’ of change can dictate number of studies. Verkleij et al.33 showed that exogenous
the thrombotic phenotype of an individual. hyperthyroxinaemia in healthy volunteers results in a hypofibrino-
lytic state, with enhanced activated-TAFI-dependent prolongation
of clot lysis time. Van Zaane et al. conducted a two-stage trial, ini-
tially inducing mild hyperthyroxinaemia and after a period of
Overt hyperthyroidism has been traditionally associated with a washout rendering the participants profoundly hyperthyroid.
hypercoagulable and hypofibrinolytic state. The association During the first stage of the study, a significant rise in the vWF
between thromboembolism and overt hyperthyroidism is well antigen level and activity was noted. Increase in the FVIII and
recognized, with the cerebral venous system being the most PAI-1 levels, along with prolongation of clot lysis time, was also
common site of venous thrombosis reported in the literature.24 observed but failed to reach statistical significance. During the sec-
In a retrospective study of 428 hyperthyroid patients, only 3 ond stage, overt exogenous hyperthyroidism resulted in a more
patients (07%) had a documented episode of venous thrombo- extensive derangement of coagulation and fibrinolysis, including
sis within 6 months of diagnosing hyperthyroidism, suggesting a increase in the levels of vWF antigen and activity, FVIII, FIX, FX,
low absolute risk for VTE.25 In contrast, in a large population PAI-1 and fibrinogen, prolongation of clot lysis time and shorten-
study involving 53,418 patients, hyperthyroidism was associated ing of aPTT. Remarkably, the research group found no change in
with 231 times greater risk for pulmonary embolism compared the prothrombin fragment 1 + 2 (which represents ongoing coag-
with controls, during a 5-year follow-up period and after adjust- ulation activation in vivo) or in the endogenous thrombin poten-
ing for confounding factors.26 tial (which reflects the potential thrombin-forming capacity of the
To elucidate the potential mechanism through which thyroid plasma ex vivo).34 The results of this study, although indicating
hormones affect haemostasis, Shih et al. assessed the effects of exogenous hyperthyroxinaemia is associated with a hypercoagula-
T3 in the regulation of various genes in hepatoma cells overex- ble and hypofibrinolytic state, also suggested that the alterations
pressing TRa receptors. The authors demonstrated that T3- in the haemostatic parameters cannot entirely explain the
induced expression of genes responsible for the production of increased thromboembolic potential seen in patients with endoge-
fibrinogen, thrombin and Factor X.27 In accordance with the nous hyperthyroidism.
above results, an in vivo study in rats following thyroidectomy Hooper and colleagues recently produced novel data relating
showed higher levels of fibrinogen in rats receiving T3 postoper- to clot structure parameters in patients with hyperthyroidism.
atively, compared with rats left without thyroid hormone Higher clot maximum absorption, indicating more compact
replacement.27 These findings are consistent with the hypercoag- clots, prolonged lysis time and larger lysis area, along with ele-
ulable potential associated with hyperthyroidism and the bleed- vated fibrinogen, and PAI-1 levels were observed in patients with
ing diathesis seen in overt hypothyroidism. untreated hyperthyroidism compared with controls (Figs 2 and
A number of studies have demonstrated reduced fibrinolytic 3). These changes were partially reversed after treatment with
potential in hyperthyroidism, with reduced levels of t-PA,28–30 antithyroid medications and normalization of thyroid hormone
plasminogen28 and increased levels of PAI-128–30 and TAFI29 levels. On the other hand, short-term exogenous hyperthyroid-
being the main findings suggestive of hypofibrinolysis. Regarding ism did not alter any of the clot structure parameters, indicating
the coagulation markers, elevated fibrinogen, vWF, factor IX and that endogenous hyperthyroidism has a different effect on clot
AT-III levels, along with reduced concentrations of protein C structure compared with exogenous hyperthyroxinaemia.35
and S, TFPI antigen, FV and FX, have been reported in two In summary, there are congruent data that hyperthyroidism is
studies by Erem and colleagues,29,31 alterations indicative of a associated with hypercoagulable and hypofibrinolytic milieu
hypercoagulable state which may increase the total cardiovascu- (Table 2), although the clinical consequences of these changes
lar risk of hyperthyroid patients. Li et al.30 have reported that have not been entirely recognized, mainly due to the lack of
thyroid hormone levels were correlated positively with PAI-1 large prospective studies. Reversibility of the haemostatic abnor-
and vWF concentrations and inversely with basal and released t- malities with antithyroid therapy has been shown.
PA following venous occlusion. These changes are consistent
with increased risk of thrombotic disorders in individuals with
Pituitary disorders
hyperthyroidism, particularly venous thrombotic and embolic
events. Normalization of thyroid function has been shown to
Cushing’s disease/endogenous hypercortisolaemia
reverse some of these haemostatic abnormalities.30
A cross-sectional population study by D€ orr et al. revealed Cushing’s disease (CD) is the commonest cause of endogenous
higher fibrinogen levels in subjects with subclinical and overt glucocorticoid excess, resulting in chronic hypercortisolaemia
hyperthyroidism. Low TSH was found to be an independent risk under the direct effect of an ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma.
factor for elevated fibrinogen.32 The described association Cushing’s syndrome (CS) in general has been considered a hy-
between low TSH and raised fibrinogen becomes more signifi- percoagulable state, and although complications related to CS
cant in the context of other data showing that elevated fibrino- such as obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension and hyperlipida-
gen is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.10 emia may contribute to the clotting and fibrinolytic abnormali-

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Fig. 2 Visualization of ex vivo fibrin clots from

healthy controls and subjects with hyperthyroidism
at baseline and after normalizing thyroid function.
(c) (a) and (b), Laser scanning confocal microscopy
and scanning electron microscopy, respectively,
showing fibrin networks made from pooled plasma
of controls and hyperthyroid subjects (pool of 10
random samples from each group). A denser clot is
evident in hyperthyroidism, with partial reversal of
the changes after normalization of thyroid
function. (c), Fibre thickness in a total of 240 fibres
from control, hyperthyroid and euthyroid clots (30
fibres were measured in eight different clot areas
from each group). Reproduced from Ref. [35].

ties seen, data suggest that glucocorticoid excess is directly bidity rates related to thromboembolic events in the patient group
involved in modulating haemostasis. that did not receive thromboprophylaxis following pituitary or
CS has been associated with increased risk of VTE during active adrenal surgery. Similarly to the results from Stuijver, the majority
disease and postoperatively. The non-surgically provoked VTE of the thromboembolic episodes occurred in patients who were
risk has been estimated at 19–25%, while the estimated range of treated for pituitary-dependent CS (27 of the 29 patients who
postoperative risk has been 00–56%, being comparable to major developed postoperative thrombotic complications had pituitary-
orthopaedic surgery under standard thromboprophylaxis.36 In a dependent CS).38
large cohort study of 473 patients with CS, Stuijver and colleagues The exact pathogenesis of the hypercoagulable state seen in CS
found an incidence rate of VTE of 146 per 1000 person-years, remains yet to be fully elucidated, although cumulative data from
which was considerably higher than the general population.37 various studies suggest that this is related to increased production
Another interesting finding from the same study was that the inci- of clotting factors and impairment of the fibrinolytic mecha-
dence rates of VTE in patients with ACTH-dependent and ACTH- nisms. Activation of the intrinsic clotting pathway, as reflected by
independent CS were similar before treatment; however, none of shortening of the aPTT and increase in the levels of clotting fac-
the patients with ACTH-independent CS had any VTE episodes tors II, V, VIII, IX, XI, XII, vWF and fibrinogen, is the main coag-
following adrenalectomy, compared with a risk of 34% for ulation abnormality described in patients with CS.39–41
patients with ACTH-dependent CS who had undergone pituitary Abnormalities of the fibrinolytic parameters in patients with
surgery, raising questions about the potential role of ACTH in the hypercortisolaemia include elevated PAI-1, TAFI and a2-antiplas-
haemostatic balance. Additionally, none of the patients with non- min levels.38,39,41 These changes are compatible with the prolon-
functioning pituitary adenomas developed VTE following pitui- gation of clot lysis time found in patients with CS,41 as a result of
tary surgery, further supporting the hypothesis that the increased the reduced fibrinolytic capacity. On the other hand, a rise in the
VTE risk seen in the patients with ACTH-dependent CS is gluco- concentrations of plasmin that promotes fibrinolysis, and anti-
corticoid excess-related, with a potential effect from either excess thrombin and protein C and S that inhibit the coagulation
or sudden drop of ACTH following pituitary surgery.37 Boscaro cascade, has also been reported. The authors hypothesize this is
et al. performed a retrospective analysis of postoperative data of probably a compensatory mechanism against the overall hyperco-
patients with CS and demonstrated increased mortality and mor- agulable state of CS.40

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Fig. 3 Microscopic lysis of fully formed ex vivo
fibrin clots from healthy controls and subjects with
hyperthyroidism at baseline and after normalizing
thyroid function. (a), One representative
experiment demonstrating lysis of fully formed
clots made from pooled plasma of healthy controls
or hyperthyroid subjects after the addition of tissue
plasminogen activator and plasminogen to the edge
of the clot; (b), mean lysis time (four independent
experiments) of clots made from pooled plasma of
healthy controls and hyperthyroid subjects (pool of
10 random samples from each group). Reproduced
from Ref. [35].

Increased levels of vWF are another haemostatic abnormality is one of the predominant clinical features in these patients.
in CS. Indeed, in vitro studies have shown elevated levels of Correlation between obesity and increased levels of vWF, FVII
vWF mRNA expression after exposing human endothelial cells and PAI-1 has been previously shown45; however, some of the
to high-dose dexamethasone.42 In addition to increased vWF clotting abnormalities seen in CS, such as shortening of aPTT
levels, others reported larger vWF multimers in CS, along with and prolongation of clot lysis time, persist when comparing
increased responsiveness to ristocetin and spontaneous platelet patients with CS with controls matched for body mass index
aggregation. These abnormalities began to normalize following (BMI), indicating that hypercortisolaemia is an independent fac-
surgery, but not until 3 months postoperatively.40 Given the fact tor leading to deranged clotting.41 Additionally, Boscaro et al.
that elevated vWF levels were not consistently seen in all patients has shown that there is a significant inverse correlation between
with CS, further studies have illustrated the role of genetic fac- urinary free cortisol levels and aPTT values38; however, not all
tors and in particular the importance of polymorphisms of the studies have demonstrated this.41
vWF gene promoter in the glucocorticoid-induced increase in Reversal of haemostatic and fibrinolytic imbalance caused by
the vWF levels. Studies have shown that the haplotype 1 of vWF CS has been demonstrated in a number of studies. Manetti et al.
gene promoter was encountered more frequently among patients assessed 40 patients with CS at diagnosis and 12 months follow-
with CS with elevated vWF levels, compared with haplotype 2, ing surgery and found significant reduction in almost all param-
mainly found in patients with normal vWF levels.43,44 eters of coagulation and inhibitors of fibrinolysis
It has been argued that the abnormalities in coagulation and postoperatively. However, patients with active disease after sur-
fibrinolysis seen in CS can also be associated with obesity, which gery had significantly elevated concentrations of vWF, PAI-1,

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a2-antiplasmin, fibrinogen, ATIII and reduced aPTT values.46 genic environment, mainly affecting fibrinolysis. Alterations of
Similarly, normalization of clotting factors in patients who the fibrinolytic parameters seen in patients with GHD include
achieved disease remission 6 months after surgery was demon- elevated fibrinogen and PAI-1 antigen and activity.49,50 Treat-
strated by Kastelan et al.,47 with post-treatment values showing ment with recombinant human growth hormone (rh-GH) leads
no difference compared with controls. On the other hand, van to a reduction in the PAI-1 activity, PAI-1 antigen and t-PA
der Pas et al.41 showed no statistically significant change in the antigen levels, resulting in a more favourable fibrinolytic state.51
parameters of coagulation and fibrinolysis after biochemical con- Minno et al. found amelioration in the clotting and fibrinolytic
trol of CS in 15 patients, 80 days after a stepwise escalation of profile of GHD patients in whom reduction in the insulin levels
medical treatment with pasireotide, cabergoline and ketoconaz- occurred during GH replacement. In this subgroup, levels of
ole. The discrepancy seen in the results of the last study com- protein C and S, t-PA, PAI-1 and FVIII activity dropped signifi-
pared with the previous ones is probably related to the shorter cantly after 6 months of therapy. Regardless of the change to the
period of follow-up. This possibly reflects that the hypercoagula- insulin level, no difference was seen in the levels of the coagula-
bility related to active CS persists for a prolonged period of time tion factors II, IX and VII antigen before and after GH treat-
after biochemical remission has been achieved. In favour of this ment. The authors suggested that the reduction seen in the
hypothesis are the clinical observations in Stuijver’s cohort, protein C and S values reflected the overall improvement of
showing that the majority of the thrombotic events occurred the haemostatic profile after GH replacement.52 Contrary to the
within the first 2 months following surgery.36 Additionally, in previous studies, no difference in fibrinogen concentrations and
another study, serial measurements of FVIII following surgical no change in fibrinolytic markers, following 1 year of GH
or medical treatment of CS showed a gradual decrease, taking replacement were found by Gomez et al., when comparing 10
3–4 months to fully normalize.48 GHD patients with 25 healthy controls.53
The above data reasonably raise the issue of thromboprophylax- Devin and colleagues measured the circadian plasma PAI-1
is in patients with CS during the peri- and postoperative period. antigen and t-PA activity values, along with the fibrinolytic
Despite some authors recommending the need for VTE prophy- potential using the venous occlusion test in 12 adults with
laxis,37,41 no specific guidelines exist about the duration or the GHD. They found a mean 62% increase in PAI-1 antigen, with
intensity of thromboprophylaxis in such cases. However, taking a mean 24% reduction in t-PA activity, loss of the circadian var-
into account the previously presented data, it would be reasonable iation in the PAI-1 production (which normally results in higher
to consider thromboprophylaxis in patients with active CS until levels in the morning), and impaired fibrinolytic response after
definitive treatment, which in the subgroup of patients with venous occlusion in the patient group. This defect in the fibri-
ACTH-dependent CS could be extended in the postoperative per- nolytic mechanisms has been proposed by the authors to con-
iod for a period of 2–3 months. The need for thromboprophylaxis tribute to the increased cardiovascular risk seen in patients with
would be even more important if additional risk factors for GHD.54 Contrary to the previous studies, results from an animal
thromboembolism coexist (i.e. active malignancy, dehydration, model study showed that mice homozygous for a point muta-
sepsis, inflammatory conditions, obesity, previous history of VTE, tion in the GH-releasing hormone receptor gene and effectively
etc.). Ideally randomized controlled studies should be conducted GH deficient demonstrate prolonged blood clotting times when
to investigate the benefit of antithrombotic therapy, which may compared with mice heterozygous for the above mutation. In
have practical limitations given the rarity of these cases. the pulmonary embolism (PE) model, homozygous male and
In summary, CS is associated with a hypercoagulable state female mice had lower mortality and longer survival period
with increased risk for VTE. This seems to be multifactorial, when thromboplastin was injected compared with heterozygous
although hypercortisolaemia appears to be an independent fac- mice, with the authors concluding that GHD is protective
tor, affecting the haemostatic balance (Table 2). The thrombo- against thrombosis in vivo.55
embolic risk persists during the immediate postoperative period, There are a small number of studies concerning the effects of
even after biochemical remission. Further studies are required to GHD and GH replacement on biomarkers of coagulation and
produce robust evidence for developing clear guidelines about fibrinolysis in children and young adolescents. In a study by Reis
thromboprophylaxis in these patients; however, the low preva- and colleagues, GHD children who had previously been treated
lence of the condition is a significant inhibitory factor. with GH, but remained GH deficient 2 years after treatment was
stopped, demonstrated increased collagen and ADP-induced
platelet aggregation. The authors proposed that platelet hyperac-
Growth hormone deficiency
tivation could be a therapeutic target for primary prevention, to
Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) has been associated with minimize the future cardiovascular risk in these individuals.56
reduced survival and increased cardiovascular risk. The results of Data derived from a cohort of 36 prepubertal children with
several studies have demonstrated the unfavourable effects of GHD showed higher levels of fibrinogen and activated PAI-1
GHD on body composition, lipid profile, insulin resistance and compared with controls. Reduction in PAI-1 concentrations, but
arterial blood pressure. not in fibrinogen and vWF levels, was observed after 6 months
A number of studies have been conducted on small patient of GH replacement therapy.57
cohorts to investigate the effects of GHD on haemostasis. Over- In summary, GHD causes a thrombogenic milieu, mainly
all, these studies suggest that GHD predisposes to a thrombo- related to hypofibrinolysis (Table 2). Replacement with GH

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seems to reverse, at least partially, the haemostatic abnormalities, tumours, indicating that prolactin is an independent cofactor for
although further studies on larger patient cohorts are required platelet aggregation.64 Additionally, the presence of the short
to investigate the long-term effects of GH therapy on mortality isoform of prolactin receptors has been identified on platelets, in
and morbidity outcomes. keeping with the previous hypothesis.65 Finally, increased inci-
dence of VTE in patients with prolactinoma has been
Contrary to the previous results, Reuwer et al. failed to dem-
Acromegaly has been associated with a twofold increase in mor- onstrate in vitro prolactin-induced platelet activation. Western
tality rate, mainly due to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular dis- blot and flow cytometry did not reveal the presence of prolactin
ease, primarily related to the unfavourable metabolic profile seen receptors on the platelet membrane, with the authors concluding
in these patients.58 that prolactin does not have a direct effect on platelet func-
Abnormalities of coagulation and fibrinolysis have been con- tion.67 In a more recent study, although no significant change in
sidered to contribute to the increased risk of cardiovascular dis- platelet activity was observed by addition of recombinant prolac-
ease in patients with acromegaly. Elevated levels of plasma tin in vitro, P-selectin expression was significantly reduced after
fibrinogen have been consistently reported by various research analysing platelet function in a group of 13 hyperprolactinaemic
groups in patients with active disease.59–61 A significant decrease females, suggesting that prolactin may have a protective action
in hyperfibrinogenaemia was found following treatment of acro- against hypercoagulability.68
megaly and achievement of biochemical remission.60,61 Similar With regards to additional effects of hyperprolactinaemia on
fibrinogen levels were found in patients treated surgically and in haemostasis, Erem et al. demonstrated elevated platelet count,
those who achieved remission with somatostatin analogue ther- fibrinogen, PAI-1 levels, PAI-1/t-PA ratio and reduced TFPI lev-
apy.60 When compared with healthy controls, however, patients els in patients with prolactinoma, suggestive of a hypercoagula-
with biochemical disease control continued to have significantly ble and hypofibrinolytic state.66 Against the previously described
elevated fibrinogen concentrations.60,61 A positive correlation hypofibrinolytic state are the recently published results from
between serum IGF-I and plasma fibrinogen levels has been in vitro and in vivo studies by Bajou et al.,69 which demonstrate
reported.60 that the N-terminal fragment of prolactin binds PAI-1 and pot-
With regards to other markers of coagulation and fibrinolysis, entiates the action of t-PA, thus enhancing the fibrinolytic
data are scarce and often conflicting. Erem et al., in a cohort of potential in a mouse restoration blood flow model.
22 patients with active acromegaly, found elevated levels of AT- In summary, data regarding the effects of hyperprolactinaemia
III, t-PA and PAI-1, along with reduced TFPI concentrations. on platelet activity and haemostatic mechanisms remain conflict-
The authors also reported a negative correlation between IGF-I ing (Table 2). Although a significant proportion of the current
and PAI-1 concentrations and between GH levels and TFPI.59 data suggest that hyperprolactinaemia in associated with hyper-
Increased PAI-1 and t-PA levels have also been reported by coagulability and increased thromboembolic risk, further studies
Wildbrett et al.,62 which in contrast to the previous study corre- are required to support this hypothesis.
lated positively with GH and IGF-I, respectively. The latter obser-
vations are supported by in vitro studies demonstrating increased
Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
PAI-1 production by hepatoma cells when grown in the presence
of IGF-1.63 In a third study, Landin-Wilhelmsen et al.60 failed to Data in the literature about the effects of Hypogonadotrophic
demonstrate a significant difference in the PAI-1 levels between hypogonadism (HH) on parameters of coagulation and fibrinoly-
patients with active acromegaly and healthy controls. sis remain very sparse. Male hypogonadism has been associated
Overall, currently available data, although limited, suggest a with increased BMI, unfavourable metabolic profile and increased
degree of hypofibrinolysis and increased thrombogenic potential cardiovascular risk.70 Patients with hypopituitarism have
in acromegalic patients (Table 2). The haemostatic abnormalities increased mortality, with cardiovascular, respiratory and cerebro-
seen in these patients appear to be at least partially reversible vascular diseases being the leading causes. Excess mortality in this
after biochemical disease control (both with medical and/or sur- patient group is associated with untreated hypogonadism.71
gical treatment60,62) and may contribute to the increased cardio- The presence of hypercoagulability has been shown in a case–
vascular risk associated with acromegaly. control study of 17 patients with idiopathic HH, who were
found to have increased platelets, FV and FX activity and
reduced ATIII levels.72 Moreover, low testosterone has been
found to be associated with elevated PAI-1 levels73 and low TFPI
There is evidence in the literature that elevated prolactin levels antigen concentrations,74 in keeping with an overall thrombotic
can predispose to a hypercoagulable state, increasing the risk of predisposition.
venous and arterial thromboembolic events. Standard mortality rates among hypopituitary patients have
Wallaschofski et al. showed that hyperprolactinaemia potenti- been found to be higher in women compared with men.75
ates the ADP-induced platelet activation via expression of the Female gender has been described as an independent risk factor
adhesion molecule P-selectin. This was observed both in a group of increased mortality in hypopituitary patients.71 The reason
of pregnant women and in a group of patients with pituitary for this remains unknown and may be related, at least in part,

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to gender differences in coagulation parameters, which we have 3 Cesarman-Maus, G. & Hajjar, K.A. (2005) Molecular mecha-
previously documented.76 Traditionally, oral sex hormone nisms of fibrinolysis. British Journal of Haematology, 129, 307–
replacement in healthy postmenopausal women has been associ- 321.
ated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and thrombo- 4 Carpenter, S.L. & Mathew, P. (2008) Alpha2-Antiplasmin and its
deficiency: fibrinolysis out of balance. Haemophilia, 14, 1250–
embolism.77 However, a study by Zegura et al. showed
improvement in the lipid profile and fibrinolytic parameters
5 Wang, W., Boffa, M.B., Bajzar, L. et al. (1998) A study of the
(reduction in the euglobulin clot lysis time, tPA antigen, fibrino-
mechanism of inhibition of fibrinolysis by activated thrombin-
gen and PAI-1 levels) after 28 weeks of oestrogen replacement activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor. The Journal of Biological Chem-
therapy, in 43 healthy women who had surgically-induced men- istry, 273, 27176–27181.
opause.78 Additionally, an in vitro study by Garand et al.79 has 6 Kyrle, P.A., Minar, E., Hirschl, M. et al. (2000) High plasma lev-
shown that TAFI protein levels produced by human hepatocellu- els of factor VIII and the risk of recurrent venous thromboembo-
lar carcinoma cells were reduced, when these were cultured in lism. The New England Journal of Medicine, 343, 457–462.
the presence of female sex hormones, suggesting that female ste- 7 Anderson, F.A. Jr & Spencer, F.A. (2003) Risk factors for venous
roid hormones may improve the fibrinolytic capacity. thromboembolism. Circulation, 107, I9–I16.
Overall, despite the lack of studies designed specifically to 8 van Tilburg, N.H., Rosendaal, F.R. & Bertina, R.M. (2000)
Thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor and the risk for deep
assess the haemostatic balance in patients with HH, existing data
vein thrombosis. Blood, 95, 2855–2859.
suggest that sex hormone deficiency is associated with a
9 Abumiya, T., Yamaguchi, T., Terasaki, T. et al. (1995) Decreased
hypercoagulable and hypofibrinolytic state, which may augment
plasma tissue factor pathway inhibitor activity in ischaemic
the risk of cardiovascular complications in these individuals stroke patients. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 74, 1050–1054.
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gen, viscosity, and white blood cell count are major risk factors
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11 Manfredi, E., van Zaane, B., Gerdes, V.E. et al. (2008) Hypothy-
There is increasing evidence that almost all endocrinopathies alter
roidism and acquired von Willebrand’s syndrome: a systematic
the haemostatic balance to some extent. These changes vary from
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mildly abnormal laboratory findings of uncertain clinical impor- 12 Michiels, J.J., Schroyens, W., Berneman, Z. et al. (2001)
tance, to clinically significant thrombotic or bleeding episodes. Acquired von Willebrand syndrome type 1 in hypothyroidism:
Occasionally, studies have produced contradictory results in rela- reversal after treatment with thyroxine. Clinical and Applied
tion to the haemostatic changes observed. The reason for this may Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 7, 113–115.
be due to the relatively small number of samples analysed, thus 13 Stuijver, D.J., Piantanida, E., van Zaane, B. et al. (2014) Acquired
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Although validated assays have been used in most studies, subtle a prospective cohort study. Haemophilia, 20, 326–332.
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have also accounted for some of the observed differences. treatment on biochemical and hemostasis parameters in patients
with hypothyroidism. European Journal of Endocrinology, 152,
Although data remain less uniform for some endocrine disorders
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15 Simone, J.V., Abildgaard, C.F. & Schulman, I. (1965) Blood
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ticularly pronounced for patients with glucocorticoid excess. tion of the respective influence of thyroid hormones and TSH
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sis in a more complex way, with subclinical hypothyroidism dis- pean Journal of Endocrinology, 164, 599–603.
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18 Erem, C., Ucuncu, O., Yilmaz, M. et al. (2009) Increased throm-
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abnormality endocrine disease imparts on the coagulation and
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19 Erem, C., Kavgaci, H., Ers€ oz, H.O. et al. (2003) Blood coagula-
tion and fibrinolytic activity in hypothyroidism. International
Journal of Clinical Practice, 57, 78–81.
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