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Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 16: 634–645 DOI: 10.1111/jth.



The influence of thyroid function on the coagulation system

and its clinical consequences
L . P . B . E L B E R S , * 1 E . F L I E R S † and S . C . C A N N E G I E T E R ‡ §
*Department of Internal Medicine, MC Slotervaart; †Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Academic Medical Center, University of
Amsterdam, Amsterdam; ‡Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Leiden University Medical Center; and §Department of Internal Medicine,
Section of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands

To cite this article: Elbers LPB, Fliers E, Cannegieter SC. The influence of thyroid function on the coagulation system and its clinical conse-
quences. J Thromb Haemost 2018; 16: 634–45.

Keywords: blood coagulation; fibrinolysis; hemorrhage;

Summary. Several studies indicate that low plasma levels hyperthyroidism; hypothyroidism; venous thrombosis.
of thyroid hormone shift the hemostatic system towards a
hypocoagulable and hyperfibrinolytic state, whereas high
levels of thyroid hormone lead to more coagulation and
less fibrinolysis. Low levels of thyroid hormone thereby Introduction
seem to lead to an increased bleeding risk, whereas high Thyroid hormone affects several cardiovascular parame-
levels, by contrast, increase the risk of venous thromboem- ters. Hypothyroidism is associated with an unfavorable
bolism. Hypothyroidism leads to a higher incidence of lipid profile because thyroid hormone stimulates the clear-
acquired von Willebrand’s syndrome and with increasing ance of cholesterol in the liver [1]. Overt and subclinical
levels of free thyroxine, levels of fibrinogen, factor VIII hypothyroidism increase the risk of cardiovascular disease
and von Willebrand factor, amongst others, increase grad- and mortality [2,3]. Hyperthyroidism increases the risk of
ually, to the extent that they may lead to symptomatic atrial fibrillation [4,5] and overt and subclinical hyperthy-
venous thromboembolism in patients with hyperthy- roidism are associated with an increased risk of arterial
roidism. Here, we discuss the literature on the effect of thrombosis and mortality, at least partly mediated by
thyroid hormone on the hemostatic system and the associ- atherosclerosis [6–9]. Although less known, thyroid hor-
ated risk of bleeding and venous thromboembolism. mone also influences the coagulation system. Several stud-
Patients with hypothyroidism are at increased risk of ies indicate that low levels of thyroid hormone shift the
developing bleeding complications, which could be rele- hemostatic system towards a hypocoagulable and hyperfib-
vant in patients undergoing invasive procedures. Further- rinolytic state, whereas high levels of thyroid hormone lead
more, physicians should be aware of the possibility of to more coagulation and less fibrinolysis. Low levels of thy-
hyperthyroidism as an underlying risk factor for venous roid hormone thereby seem to lead to a higher bleeding
thromboembolism, especially in unexplained cases. Clini- risk, whereas high levels, on the other hand, increase the
cal studies are needed to further investigate the signifi- risk of venous thromboembolism. The clinical implications
cance for general practice of these findings. Besides the of the effects of thyroid hormone on the hemostatic system,
effects of hyperthyroidism on venous thromboembolism, however, have received relatively little attention. Therefore,
its effects on embolism secondary to atrial fibrillation are for this review we set out to evaluate and discuss the effect
described. of plasma thyroid hormone concentrations on the hemo-
static system and its associated risk of bleeding and venous
thromboembolism. Because the level of free thyroxin
(FT4), and not thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), is the
Correspondence: Laura P. B. Elbers, Medical Centre Slotervaart, best reflection of the directly available amount of thyroid
Department of Internal Medicine, Louwesweg 6, 1066 EC Amster- hormone, this is the measurement that was focused on [10].
dam, the Netherlands
Effects of thyroid hormone on markers of coagulation
Present address: Zaans Medisch Centrum, Zaandam, the Netherlands and fibrinolysis

Received: 12 July 2017 As early as 1965, Simone et al. showed significantly

Manuscript handled by: P. H. Reitsma reduced levels of factor (F) VIII, FIX and FXI in
Final decision: P. H. Reitsma, 9 January 2018 hypothyroid patients [11]. More recently, increased

© 2018 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Thyroid and coagulation 635

bleeding time, prothrombin time (PT) and activated par- parameters in healthy volunteers taking thyroid hormone
tial thromboplastin time (APTT), and decreased FVIII for a specific period of time and this exogenous thyrotoxico-
activity as well as von Willebrand factor (VWF) activity sis led to increased plasma levels of tissue factor, FVIII,
were observed in patients with overt hypothyroidism FIX, FX, VWF, fibrinogen, D-dimer and PAI-1, and
when compared with controls [12]. These abnormalities resulted in a prolongation of clot lysis time and shortening
were reversed after treatment with levothyroxine. These of APTT [28–30]. In the meta-analysis, it was concluded
results were supported by a prospective study showing that hyperthyroidism shifts the hemostatic balance towards
that severe short-term hypothyroidism in patients follow- a hypercoagulable and hypofibrinolytic state, which was
ing a total thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer was associ- observed in both endogenous and exogenous hyperthy-
ated with significantly lower levels of VWF and FVIII roidism, and in both subclinical and overt hyperthyroidism.
compared with these levels in the same patients when they After publication of this systematic review, another study of
were in a euthyroid state [13]. Nevertheless, these results experimental hyperthyroidism added that the procoagulant
should be interpreted with caution, because both the factors XIII subunit B, FII, FV and FXI also positively cor-
malignancy as well as the surgical procedure could have related with higher FT4 levels (regression coefficient ≥ 0.8)
altered the thrombotic environment. An observational [31]. Also, a positive correlation could be found for FIX.
cohort study showed that hypothyroidism resulted in Concomitantly, plasminogen, the main enzyme promoting
hyperfibrinolysis (shorter clot lysis time) and a reduced fibrinolysis, was decreased. Others investigated patients
activated thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor who shifted from severe hypothyroidism to mild hyperthy-
(TAFIa)-dependent prolongation of clot lysis [14]. Other roidism during thyroid cancer treatment and showed
analyses in this study showed lower clot maximum absor- in vitro that during levothyroxine treatment, the activation
bance, shorter clot lysis time, smaller clot lysis area and times of platelet adhesion and aggregation after stimulation
less compact fibrin clots; all of these abnormalities were with collagen and epinephrine/adenosine-diphosphate were
resolved upon restoration of a euthyroid state [15]. significantly shortened [32]. The previously shown effects of
In subclinical hypothyroidism, there does seem to be a increasing levels of thyroid hormone on VWF and FVIII
net prothrombotic effect with higher levels of FVII, PAI- were confirmed in this study. Platelet plug formation was
1 and tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), compared with also studied as collagen-epinephrine-induced closure time
healthy controls, whereas these levels were reduced after (CEPI-CT) in a cohort of 120 patients with overt hyperthy-
6 months of therapy with levothyroxine [16]. TAFI levels roidism, patients with subclinical and overt hypothy-
appeared to be increased in subclinical hypothyroidism roidism, and euthyroid controls [33]. Hyperthyroidism was
[17] and another study showed that global fibrinolytic associated with shortened CEPI-CT values and thus
capacity was significantly lower in patients with subclini- increased platelet plug formation. Platelet plug formation
cal hypothyroidism, compared with a control group [18]. decreased during therapy with thiamazole. The effect of
The effect of hyperthyroidism on procoagulant, antico- exogenous hyperthyroidism on TAFI was studied in healthy
agulant and fibrinolytic factors has been described in sev- volunteers who were randomized to receive levothyroxine
eral studies in the past decades. A recent systematic or no medication for 14 days in a crossover design [14].
review and meta-analysis reported the influence of hyper- Thyroid hormone excess resulted in a hypofibrinolytic con-
thyroidism on the coagulation and fibrinolytic system dition and in an enhanced TAFIa-dependent prolongation
in vivo [19]. A total of 29 articles consisting of 51 studies of clot lysis. In addition, a trend towards decreased plasma
were included. The studies were of varying quality. Five TAFI levels was observed. Hooper et al. showed that
cross-sectional studies (hyperthyroid subjects and euthy- hyperthyroid subjects displayed higher clot maximum
roid controls), four intervention studies (before and after absorbance compared with controls and longer clot lysis
treatment in hyperthyroid patients) and four experimental time [34], which correlated with FT4 levels. Plasma levels of
studies (before and after use of thyroid hormone in fibrinogen and PAI-1 were significantly higher in patients
euthyroid subjects) of medium/high quality were used for compared with controls. These effects of FT4 on fibrinogen
meta-analysis. In the four medium-quality observational and PAI-1 were also observed in the study of Horacek et al.
cross-sectional studies, levels of VWF, fibrinogen and [32]. In Fig. 1, a simplified schematic representation of
D-dimer were significantly increased in persons with sub- coagulation and fibrinolysis pathways is represented, as well
clinical hyperthyroidism compared with euthyroid con- as the effect of endogenous hyperthyroidism on its parame-
trols [20–22]. In patients with overt hyperthyroidism, only ters. In Table 1, we summarized the available evidence on
fibrinogen levels had been measured, which were slightly the influence of thyroid hormone status on hemostatic bal-
increased [23]. In the four medium-quality intervention ance.
studies, increased levels of plasma fibrinonectin, VWF,
thrombomodulin and PAI-1, and decreased levels of
t-PA, were observed during hyperthyroidism when com-
pared with a euthyroid state after anti-thyroid treatment In line with the observed effects on the coagulation sys-
[24–27]. Four experimental studies investigated laboratory tem in patients with hypothyroidism, a notable incidence

© 2018 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

636 L. P. B. Elbers et al

Intrinsic Extrinsic Vessel
pathway VWF wall
(tissue factor)

Prothrombin Thrombin

F1+2 Plasminogen PAI-1

Fibrinogen Fibrin t-PA



Fig. 1. Simplified schematic representation of coagulation and fibrinolysis pathways, and the effect of endogenous hyperthyroidism on its
parameters in medium or high-quality studies. F indicates Factor. Von Willebrand factor (VWF), present in plasma by constitutive or induced
release from endothelial cells, facilitates adhesion and aggregation of platelets to the injured vessel wall (primary hemostasis). The coagulation
system (secondary hemostasis) can be activated via two pathways leading to fibrin formation. The intrinsic pathway is initiated by exposure to
negatively charged molecules such as polyphosphates, neutrophil extracellular traps, DNA or RNA. The extrinsic pathway is initiated by the
exposure of tissue factor after injury of the endothelium. F1 + 2 is the activation peptide that is cleaved during thrombin formation, and can
therefore be considered a marker for thrombin generation. Plasmin is the enzyme that degrades fibrin clots. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
(PAI-1) inhibits tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA). D-dimer is a degradation product of fibrin and therefore a marker of both coagula-
tion and fibrinolysis.

of acquired von Willebrand syndrome (aVWS) has been by desmopressin administration and laboratory tests
observed in hypothyroid patients, which could be relevant showed low levels of VWF and low FVIII levels. In 2012,
in patients undergoing invasive surgical procedures. This the first prospective study on aVWS in patients with
association was first addressed by several case reports. In newly diagnosed overt hypothyroidism was published
a systematic review on hypothyroidism and aVWS, pub- [36]. In this study consecutive hypothyroid patients were
lished in 2008, several epidemiological studies of low to enrolled before or within the first 48 hours of replacement
medium quality were identified, and no studies of high therapy. Patients were divided into severe (VWF:antigen
quality [35]. Still, the results supported a pivotal role of [Ag] and/or VWF:ristocetin [RCo] ≤ 10%), moderate
VWF in the bleeding tendency in patients with overt (VWF:Ag and/or VWF: RCo between 10% and 30%) or
hypothyroidism. The bleeding episodes were mainly mild aVWS (VWF:Ag and/or VWF:RCo between 30%
mucocutaneous, the bleeding tendency was ameliorated and 50%). Among 90 hypothyroid patients, an incidence

Table 1 Available evidence on the influence of thyroid hormone status on hemostatic balance, risk of bleeding and risk of venous thromboem-

Thyroid function Hemostatic balance Increased risk

Overt hypothyroidism Hypocoagulable state [11–15] Bleeding [38]

Possibly abnormal vaginal bleeding [40,41,62]
Subclinical hypothyroidism Possibly hypercoagulable state [18–20] Possibly abnormal vaginal bleeding [42]
Lower levels of FT4 within reference ranges Possibly hypocoagulable state [48] Possibly bleeding [43]
Higher levels of FT4 within reference ranges Possibly hypercoagulable state [25] VTE [10,48,49]
Subclinical hyperthyroidism Possibly hypercoagulable state [22–24] Unknown
Overt hyperthyroidism Hypercoagulable state [14,26–34,36] VTE [9,53–55,57,58]

VTE indicates venous thromboembolism; FT4, free thyroxine.

© 2018 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Thyroid and coagulation 637

of aVWS of 33% was found. There were no patients with several potential explanations for the differences observed
severe aVWS, 9% had moderate aVWS and 23% had in the study in patients undergoing bariatric surgery and
mild aVWS. Bleeding score was negatively correlated with the study in patients receiving VKA treatment. First, both
both VWF:Ag and VWF:RCo. After restoration of populations were clearly different: the bariatric population
euthyroidism, VWF:Ag had significantly increased by was younger and, most importantly, in the FACTORS
44%, VWF:RCo by 36%, FVIII by 39%, and endoge- study all patients were on VKAs, whereas these patients
nous thrombin potential by 10%. were excluded in the study in patients undergoing bariatric
Although it is commonly accepted among clinicians surgery. Furthermore, the bariatric population consisted of
that hypothyroidism leads to an increased risk of abnor- patients with obesity, which is in itself associated with
mal vaginal bleeding [37], the available data are scarce. hypercoagulability and an increased VTE risk [43]. All
One study found that menorrhagia was more common in major bleeding events were attributed to a surgical proce-
171 women with hypothyroidism than in 214 healthy con- dure, in contrast to the (mainly) spontaneous bleeding
trols (7% vs. 1%). Another study reported that the inci- events in patients on VKAs. Second, an explanation for
dence of menstrual disturbances was similar among 586 the increased risk of major bleeding in the FACTORS
women with hyperthyroidism (18.3%) and 111 women study could be that lower levels of FT4 influence VKA sta-
with hypothyroidism (15.3%) compared with 105 healthy bility, which was observed in a pilot study [44]. However,
controls (23.8%) [38]. However, patients with severe the same study observed that patients with subclinical
hypothyroidism had a higher incidence (34.8%) of men- hypothyroidism had a diminished sensitivity for VKAs,
strual disturbances than mild-moderate cases (10.2%). which would make them less prone to bleeding. The litera-
Others stated that hypothyroidism may be greatly under- ture on overt hypothyroidism also argues against this
diagnosed as a cause of menorrhagia [39], but this was explanation because overt hypothyroidism seems to dimin-
based on a study in women using an intrauterine device ish the effect of VKAs by decreasing the clearance of coag-
and suffering from increased menstrual bleeding in whom ulation factors [45].
FT4 and TSH levels were all in the normal range whereas
thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation tests
Venous thromboembolism
were consistent with occult hypothyroidism in the 10
women having the highest TSH levels [40]. Of note, all Even within the normal range, higher plasma levels of
had significant improvement in bleeding symptoms within FT4 are associated with an increased risk of VTE (deep
3 months after treatment with levothyroxine. vein thrombosis [DVT] and pulmonary embolism [PE]) in
Recently, it was suggested that low plasma levels of FT4 a dose–response manner [10,46,47] (Fig. 2). Interestingly,
within the reference range also influence the risk of bleed- two studies observed odds ratios (ORs) below 1 for low
ing. The FACTORS (Factors in Oral Anticoagulant levels of FT4, suggesting that low levels of FT4 could pro-
Safety) study is a case–control study in patients receiving tect against VTE [10,46]. In a case–control study on leg
vitamin K antagonist (VKA) treatment, including 110 vein thrombosis (the ACT study), parameters of thyroid
cases with major hemorrhage and 220 matched controls function were assessed at time of presentation in 190 cases
treated with VKA without major hemorrhage [41]. In this and 379 sex-matched controls [10]. For several cut-off
study, the risk of major hemorrhage was increased 5-fold levels, it was observed that the risk of VTE gradually
in patients with an FT4 level below 13 pmol L 1, compared increased with increasing levels of FT4. FT4 levels above
with patients with an FT4 level above 13 pmol L 1 (odds 17 pmol/l yielded a sex- and age-adjusted OR of 2.2
ratio [OR], 5.1; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.9–28.6). At (95% CI, 1.2–4.2) for unprovoked DVT, which further
a cut-off of 14 pmol L 1, the risk was increased 3-fold increased up to an OR of 13.0 (95% CI, 1.1–154.1) for
(OR, 2.9; 95% CI, 1.0–8.5). However, an increased risk of FT4 levels above reference range. Likewise, in a prospec-
major bleeding with low levels of FT4 within the reference tive case–cohort study performed within the HUNT2
range was not observed in patients undergoing bariatric cohort in Norway, where blood was sampled some time
surgery [42]. Seventy-two cases (2.5%) with major bleeding before the thrombotic event, the risk of VTE clearly
were identified in a cohort of 2872 consecutive patients increased gradually with increasing levels of FT4 (OR 2.5
undergoing bariatric surgery, and 288 controls were [95% CI, 1.3–5.0] for FT4 levels exceeding 17.3 pmol/l
selected. The median plasma level of FT4 was 13 pmol L 1 relative to levels below this cut-off) [47]. This risk was
(interquartile range, 12–14) in the cases as well as in the even higher with shorter time between blood sampling
controls. No clear effect was observed of low levels of FT4 and thrombosis (up to an OR of 9.9 [95% CI, 2.9–34.0]
on the risk of major bleeding: odds ratio 1.48 (95% CI, when the period between blood sampling and thrombosis
0.46–4.80) for patients with an FT4 level < 11 pmol L 1, was less than 0.5 years). In a third study, a large popula-
1.03 (0.49–2.18) for patients with an FT4 level < 12 tion-based case–control study (MEGA study) designed to
pmol L 1 and 1.12 (0.65–1.94) for patients with an FT4 identify risk factors for VTE, the aims were (i) to study
level < 13 pmol L 1 as compared to patients with FT4 val- the effect of thyroid hormone levels on the levels of coag-
ues greater than or equal to these cut-off levels. There are ulation proteins, and (ii) to assess the role of the latter in

© 2018 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

638 L. P. B. Elbers et al

100 5



0.1 0
10 15 20 25 18 20 22 24 26
FT4 (pmol/L) FT4 (pmol/L)




0.1 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
10 12 14 16 18 FT4 (pmol/L)
FT4 (pmol/L)

Fig. 2. Risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) according to plasma levels of free thyroxine in the ACT study, the MEGA study and HUNT2
cohort. Risks are expressed as odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence interval). FT4 indicates free thyroxine. The analyses of the ACT study were
adjusted for age and gender. For each cut-off level below the 50th percentile, subjects below the cut-off were compared to subjects above this
level with the use of the latter as reference, and vice versa for cut-off levels above the 50th percentile. The analyses of the MEGA study were
adjusted for age, sex, body mass index and smoking. Serum FT4 levels of 15.5–18.9 pmol L 1 were chosen as the reference group. Analyses in
the HUNT2 cohort were adjusted for age and gender and restricted to the cases with VTE within 0.5 years from blood sampling. As cut-off
points for FT4, the 2nd, 5th, 10th, 90th, 95th and 98th percentiles in the control group were used. For the lower percentiles, the numbers of
case and control subjects below the cut-off percentile were compared with the numbers above this cut-off percentile. For the higher percentiles,
the opposite was done.

the association between FT4 and VTE [46]. Blood was cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) [49,50]. One of these
donated at a median of 10 months after the event. High case reports pointed out that the incidence reported in the
levels of FT4 were associated with increased concentra- literature of the combination of CVT and thyrotoxicosis
tions of procoagulant factors (i.e. FVIII, FIX, fibrinogen was already significantly higher than expected by chance
and VWF; see Figs 3 and 4 for effects of different levels alone (0.1 9 10 6 per year vs. 0.0032 9 10 6 year 1),
of FT4 on FVIII and VWF in controls), and also with an suggesting that thyrotoxicosis, possibly through a factor
increased risk of VTE, up to an OR of 2.2 (95% CI, 1.0– VIII-mediated hypercoagulability, is a predisposing factor
4.6) for levels above 24.4 pmol L 1 relative to FT4 levels for the development of CVT [49]. This conclusion was
between 15.5 and 18.9 pmol L 1. In 11 cases and one based on the finding that except for an increased factor
control, clinical hyperthyroidism was diagnosed shortly VIII clotting activity there were no thrombophilic abnor-
before or after the thrombotic event, leading to a 17-fold malities. From the seven published papers on this topic,
increased risk of VTE (OR, 17.0; 95% CI, 2.2–133.0). six studies have shown an increased risk of VTE in
The ORs approached unity after adjustment for FVIII patients with hyperthyroidism [51–56] and one did not
and VWF, suggesting that the effect was mediated by find such an association [57]. In a cohort study of 428
these factors. hyperthyroid patients without a control population, three
Several studies investigated the risk of VTE in patients patients (0.7%) had a documented episode of VTE within
with overt hyperthyroidism. These studies are summarized 6 months of diagnosing hyperthyroidism [52]. Although it
in Table 2. At first, numerous case reports, the first of was concluded that the absolute risk of VTE in acute
which was published already in 1927 [48], addressed the hyperthyroidism was low, the incidence of VTE in this
possible association between hyperthyroidism and study was much higher than in the general population

© 2018 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Thyroid and coagulation 639

Factor VIII activity 8903 patients with hyperthyroidism and a control cohort
of 44 515 persons without hyperthyroidism. Here, hyper-
FVIII:C (IU/mL) (means [95% CI])

thyroidism was associated with a 2.3 times greater risk

(95% CI, 1.20–4.45) of PE compared with controls during
a 5-year follow-up period and after adjusting for con-
founding factors [53]. During this 5-year follow-up per-
iod, a substantial proportion of the patients had probably
become euthyroid, which may have resulted in an under-
estimation of the short-term risk. Recently, a nationwide
population-based cohort study was performed using data
from the Danish Civil Registration System and the Dan-
ish National Patient Registry. In this study, data from
85 856 patients diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and
10 –1
4 24 847 057 age- and sex-matched general population com-
< >
10 13 16 19 22 parison cohort members were evaluated [9]. Patients with
4 4
= = = = =
4 4 4 4 4
hyperthyroidism had a 3-fold increased risk of a first
Serum free thyroxine (pmol/L) occurrence of VTE within 3 months after diagnosis of
hyperthyroidism (hazard ratio, 3.28; 95% CI, 2.71–3.97).
Fig. 3. Effect of different levels of FT4 on factor VIII activity Diagnoses of hyperthyroidism and VTE were retrieved
(FVIII:C) (IU mL 1) in controls of the MEGA study (means with
from ICD codes. The fifth and sixth studies investigated
95% confidence intervals). FT4 indicates serum free thyroxine
(pmol L 1). the risk of VTE in patients with autoimmune disease, one
of which was Graves’ disease [55,56]. One was a large
cohort study achieved using three databases of linked sta-
tistical records of hospital admissions in England, which
Von Willebrand factor antigen
concluded that Graves’ disease was associated with an
VWF antigen (U/dL) (means [95% CI])

increased risk of VTE with a rate ratio of 1.56 (95% CI,

200 1.23–1.95) compared with a reference cohort of subjects
without autoimmune disease [55]. The Swedish Hospital
Discharge Register was used to perform a cohort study
with a control group with 50 954 individuals with Graves’
150 disease, again based on diagnostic codes. It was con-
cluded that Graves’ disease was associated with a high
risk of PE in the first year after hospital admission (stan-
dardized incidence ratio, 6.50; 95% CI, 5.84–7.23; com-
100 pared with the total population of Sweden) [56].
However, the design of these two studies limits allocation
as to whether the disease was active (overt hyperthy-
10 –1
4 24 roidism) or already treated at time of the diagnosis of
< >
10 13 16 19 22
4 4
= = = = = VTE. The final study, the only one that did not find an
4 4 4 4 4
association between hyperthyroidism and VTE risk,
Serum free thyroxine (pmol/L) aimed to explore a possible role of thyroid dysfunction in
Fig. 4. Effect of different levels of FT4 on von Willebrand factor
VTE using the National Hospital Discharge Survey
antigen (VWF) (U dL 1) in controls of the MEGA study (means (NHDS) in the USA. The authors concluded that hyper-
with 95% confidence intervals). FT4 indicates serum free thyroxine thyroidism was not associated with an increased risk of
(pmol L 1). VTE, but these results are hard to interpret because the
identification of patients with hyperthyroidism was based
(0.7% vs. 0.072% in 6 months in the general population on diagnostic codes after discharge and it was unknown
[58]). Another cohort study among patients with hyper- whether patients were already treated at the time of VTE
thyroidism caused by Graves’ disease, multinodular goiter [57]. Also, information on thyroid hormone status at the
or toxic adenoma investigated the occurrence of VTE time of VTE was lacking.
between 6 months before and 6 months after the diagno-
sis of hyperthyroidism [51]. Out of 587 patients, five
Atrial fibrillation and hyperthyroidism
patients experienced a VTE during the study period,
resulting in an incidence rate of 8.7 per 1000 person- Effects of thyroid hormone on the heart may indirectly
years, which is also much higher than in the general pop- influence hemostasis. Increased action of thyroid hormone
ulation. The third study was a large population study in causes a hyperdynamic cardiovascular state with higher

© 2018 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Table 2 Clinical endpoint studies in hyperthyroidism

Author, year [ref] design Cohort; objective Sample Clinical endpoints Results Conclusions

Danescu, 2009 [57] Cohort National Discharge Survey; to study the Exposed: 633 000 patients with PE and DVT Relative risk 0.98, 95% CI Hyperthyroidism is not
incidence of VTE in patients discharged hyperthyroidism* 0.96–1.01 associated with an
from short-stay hospitals in the USA Unexposed: 908 172 patients increased risk of VTE
640 L. P. B. Elbers et al

between 1979 and 2005 with or without without thyroid dysfunction

Lin, 2010 [53] Cohort The Taiwan Longitudinal Health Exposed: 8903 patients with PE Relative risk 2.31, 95% CI Patients with
Insurance Database; to estimate the risk hyperthyroidism* 1.20–4.45 hyperthyroidism are at
of PE among hyperthyroid patients Unexposed: 44 515 patients increased risk of PE
compared with non-hyperthyroid without thyroid dysfunction
Ramagopalan, Cohort Three databases of linked statistical Exposed: 101 402 individuals with PE and DVT Rate ratio 1.56, 95% CI Graves’ disease is
2011 [55] records of hospital admissions in hyperthyroidism* 1.23–1.95 associated with an
England; to study the risk of VTE in Unexposed: 313 716 individuals increased risk of VTE
patients admitted to the hospital with without hyperthyroidism
immune-mediated diseases
Kootte, 2012 [51] Cohort Hospital records of three hospitals in the Exposed: 587 patients with overt PE and DVT 5/587 had VTE, resulting The incidence of VTE in
Netherlands between 2003 and 2009; to hyperthyroidism† in an incidence rate of 8.7 patients with
determine the risk of VTE in all per 1000 person-years, hyperthyroidism is higher
patients with overt hyperthyroidism 95% CI 2.8–20.2 than expected
oller, 2012 [56] Cohort The Swedish Hospital Discharge Exposed: 50 954 individuals with PE Standardized incidence Graves’ disease is
Register; to study the risk of VTE after Graves’ disease* ratio 6.50, 95% CI 5.84– associated with a high
hospital admission for autoimmune Unexposed: total population of 7.23 risk of PE in the first year
disorders Sweden after hospital admission
Kim, 2013 [52] Cohort Consecutive outpatients presenting to the Exposed: 428 patients with acute PE and DVT 3/428 (0.7%) had VTE The absolute risk of VTE
endocrinology clinic at two district hyperthyroidism† and CVT in acute hyperthyroidism
hospitals in New Zealand from 2006 to is low
2008; to identify all occurrences of
objectively proven symptomatic VTE in
the 6 months following the diagnosis
of hyperthyroidism
Dekkers [9] Cohort The Danish Civil Registration System Exposed: 85 856 patients PE and DVT Hazard ratio 3.28, 95% CI Patients with
and the Danish National Patient diagnosed with hyperthyroidism* 2.71–3.97, within hyperthyroidism are at
Registry; to compare the rate of all- Unexposed: 847 057 general 3 months after diagnosis increased risk of VTE
cause mortality as well as first population comparison cohort of hyperthyroidism
occurrence of VTE, acute myocardial
infarction, ischemic and non-ischemic
stroke, arterial embolism, atrial
fibrillation and percutaneous coronary
intervention in the two cohorts

VTE, venous thromboembolism; PE, pulmonary embolism; DVT, deep venous thrombosis; CI, confidence interval; CVT, cerebral venous thrombosis. *Based on diagnostic codes. †Biochemi-
cally confirmed.

© 2018 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Thyroid and coagulation 641

cardiac output and a faster heart rate, increased left ven- measurement and blood sampling could cause an underesti-
tricular function and increased incidence of supraventricu- mation of the relation. One could debate whether the
lar tachyarrhythmias. Hyperthyroidism leads to a higher observed increased risk of VTE with higher levels of FT4 is
incidence (4.6% to 25%) of atrial fibrillation and atrial influenced by so-called non-thyroidal illness syndrome
flutter [4,5,9,59] and, at least partly by that mechanism, a (NTIS). The most common and earliest change in this syn-
higher risk of cerebral arterial thrombosis [7–9]. A 5-year drome is inhibition of thyroxin (T4)-to-triiodothyronine
follow-up study in young adults found that the hazard of (T3) conversion, with a resulting decrease in the circulating
having ischemic stroke during the 5-year follow up period T3 level [61]. The analyses in the study of van Zaane et al.
was 1.44-times greater for patients with hyperthyroidism showed that cases had higher T3 levels compared with con-
than for patients in the comparison cohort [7]. Siu et al. trols, whereas there was a clear association between T3 and
found that in hyperthyroid patients who presented with VTE, making it highly unlikely that the findings are a
new onset AF, there was an increased risk of ischemic reflection of NTIS [10].
stroke. Ischemic stroke was observed in 15 hyperthyroid Due to lack of a control group in the majority of the
patients with AF (9.4%) vs. five patients with non-thyroid studies investigating patients with overt hyperthyroidism
AF (3.1%, P = 0.02) and one hyperthyroid patient with- [51–53], it is impossible to calculate relative risks for VTE
out AF (0.6%, P < 0.001) [8]. in these studies. In some studies investigating the risk of
VTE in overt hyperthyroidism, it is likely that patients
who already achieved euthyroidism were also included,
Discussion and concluding remarks
which probably dilutes the observed risk of VTE. Some
From the available literature it can be concluded that low studies investigating patients with overt hyperthyroidism
levels of FT4 lead to a hypocoagulable and hyperfibri- also included recurrent hyperthyroidism, which could fur-
nolytic state and to an increased risk of bleeding. Also, ther dilute the risk of VTE because in general, patients
low levels of FT4 may protect against VTE. With increas- with recurrent hyperthyroidism are diagnosed earlier, and
ing levels of thyroid hormone, more coagulation and less are therefore exposed to high levels of FT4 to a lesser
fibrinolysis are present and the risk of VTE is increased extent and for a shorter duration of time. Studies that
in a dose–response kind of way, resulting in increased used ICD codes to investigate the risk of VTE in hyper-
VTE risk in overt hyperthyroidism. thyroidism may not have provided reliable data on the
Despite the increase in body weight, hypertension and underlying cause of diagnosed hyperthyroidism and thy-
dyslipidemia, which are associated with a prothrombotic roid function at the time of diagnosis of VTE, and may
environment, an increased bleeding tendency is observed also have underestimated the relation. In our opinion, the
in some patients with overt hypothyroidism. Observed most important explanation for the somewhat contradic-
bleedings were mucocutaneous and related to aVWS. tory results in these studies, is the lack of data on thyroid
Also, less compact fibrin networks with enhanced fibrinol- function (truly overt hyperthyroidism?) at time of diagno-
ysis were observed in hypothyroidism. Low levels of FT4 sis of the venous thromboembolism. Until now, there
within the normal range may also lead to a higher risk of have been no clinical endpoint studies in patients with
bleeding [41] but this association was not found in biochemically confirmed hyperthyroidism that included a
patients undergoing bariatric surgery [42]. control group (Table 2), except for the MEGA-study and
In the literature, it is suggested that (subclinical) the ACT study, but these studies included only a few
hypothyroidism could lead to an increased risk of menor- patients with overt hyperthyroidism [10,46]. Nevertheless,
rhagia [37] but the available evidence is scarce [38–40,60]. high relative risks were found in both studies (i.e. of 17
Considering the effect of thyroid hormone on hemostasis, and 13). At present, the limitations of the currently avail-
theoretically, it is likely that hypothyroidism could lead able evidence hamper the formulation of specific recom-
to more vaginal blood loss. One could speculate that this mendations for clinical practice. Thus, a study in a cohort
is also caused by a direct effect of thyroid hormone on of consecutive patients with newly diagnosed and bio-
muscle contractility and connective tissue. At present, it chemically confirmed hyperthyroidism, with a control
seems that low levels of FT4 lead to an increased inci- group of patients without hyperthyroidism, is warranted.
dence of menorrhagia. Because this is a clinically relevant Thyroid function parameters will need to be collected at
problem, this should be investigated in more detail. several timepoints to justify the classification of VTE as
With higher levels of FT4, the risk of VTE is increased in provoked by hyperthyroidism. Such a design would allow
a dose–response kind of way. The study within the HUNT2 for the calculation of absolute and relative risks for VTE
cohort demonstrated a second dose–response relation (i.e. in hyperthyroidism and would provide information on
that the relative risk for VTE was higher when the time the time relation between the diagnoses of hyperthy-
between VTE and blood sampling became shorter). Such roidism and VTE, as hyperthyroidism may be present
dose–response associations are suggestive of a causal rela- some time before it is diagnosed.
tion. Likewise, in studies investigating the relation between Only when such evidence is present can we really deter-
VTE and FT4, a longer time between thyroid function mine implications for clinical practice. At the moment it

© 2018 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

642 L. P. B. Elbers et al

is not clear whether we should just be cautious for VTE Table 3 Proposed mechanisms by which hyperthyroidism increases
in patients with hyperthyroidism, or should screen for the risk of venous thromboembolism
hyperthyroidism in patients with VTE, or both. If hyper- Proposed mechanism
thyroidism is to be established as a risk factor for VTE,
this should imply a shorter duration of treatment with A direct effect on gene transcription of coagulation proteins [64–66],
more specifically via the thyroid hormone receptor b [67]
anticoagulants. Recently, the Scientific and Standardiza-
Altered clot structure/lysis [34]
tion Committees of the International Society on Throm- Contact system activation and abundant neutrophil extracellular
bosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) proposed criteria to trap formation [69]
categorize episodes of VTE as provoked by a transient Autoimmune process/inflammatory response (evidence solely from
risk factor [62]. Based on these criteria, hyperthyroidism studies investigating the risk of autoimmune disease and the risk of
venous thrombosis [55, 56])
could be considered as a minor (yet important) transient
risk factor during the 2 months before diagnosis of VTE,
because it leads to a 3- to 10-fold increase in risk of a coagulation and fibrinolysis were elevated in hyperthyroid
first VTE, comparable to risk factors like pregnancy or patients compared with patients with RTH due to defec-
puerperium. VTE is considered as a multi-causal disease tive TRb, whereas these parameters were not different
in which several determinants combine to cross a so- between euthyroid controls and RTH patients, despite ele-
called ‘thrombotic threshold’ [63] and a high level of FT4 vated FT4 concentrations in RTH patients. This indicates
could contribute to development of VTE, mainly by that the procoagulant effects observed in hyperthyroidism
increasing levels of FVIII and VWF. For future research, are mediated via the TRb. For future research, it might be
it would be interesting to investigate the safety and effec- interesting to also investigate the role of the other thyroid
tiveness of thromboprophylactic treatment in high-risk hormone receptor, the thyroid hormone receptor a in
hyperthyroid patients. patients with resistance to thyroid hormone due to a speci-
In almost all studies on VTE in overt hyperthyroidism, fic mutation in this receptor [68]. In addition to stimula-
this solely concerned DVT and PE (Table 2). However, tion of coagulation factors mediated via the TRb, altered
the literature described the co-occurrence of CVT and clot structure/lysis may be another mechanism for
hyperthyroidism in >30 case reports, suggesting that increased thrombotic risk in hyperthyroidism [34]. How-
hyperthyroidism could also be a risk factor for developing ever, as exogenous hyperthyroidism in healthy volunteers
CVT. This is a potentially life-threatening condition and had no effect on any of the clot structure parameters, addi-
a difficult clinical diagnosis to make, also because thyro- tional mechanisms for the effects on hemostasis observed
toxic storm can be accompanied by neurological symp- in healthy volunteers using levothyroxine must be present.
toms. The association between hyperthyroidism and The final study demonstrated that contact system activa-
CVT, however, is even harder to study due to the very tion and abundant neutrophil extracellular trap formation
low incidence of CVT. occurred in the high thrombin generation state in hyper-
Only a few studies have been performed that tried to thyroidism and were correlated with FT4 level [69].
elucidate the mechanism by which hyperthyroidism Another consequence of the hypercoagulable state
increases the risk of VTE (Table 3). Because autoimmune induced by hyperthyroidism is the possibility that thy-
diseases are associated with an increased risk of develop- romimetics that are currently investigated may increase
ing venous thrombosis [55,56], one could hypothesize that the risk of VTE. These compounds specifically stimulate
its autoimmune process (such as lupus anticoagulant in the TR b to lower cholesterol levels in dyslipidemia [70].
systemic lupus erythematosus) and the associated inflam- It is important that future prospective clinical trials assess
matory response could modulate the thrombotic environ- the effect of this class of agents on coagulation and fibri-
ment. However, the effect of hyperthyroidism on markers nolysis markers, and on the risk of thrombotic events.
of coagulation and the risk of VTE is also observed in The same applies for patients treated with relatively high
hyperthyroidism that is not caused by an autoimmune doses of levothyroxine for several reasons, including dif-
disease (e.g. toxic multinodular goiter). The effect of thy- ferentiated thyroid cancer.
roid hormone on hemostasis seems to be a direct effect on Other topics of interest for further research are whether
gene transcription of coagulation proteins [64–66]. thyroid function can be used as a continuous variable in
Recently, the hypothesis was tested that the hypercoagula- prediction studies on bleeding and/or VTE risk. Also, it
ble state in hyperthyroidism is mediated via the thyroid would be interesting to investigate whether hyperthy-
hormone receptor b (TRb) [67]. Patients with resistance to roidism leads to the same increase in risk of DVT as for
thyroid hormone (RTH) due to defective TRb were used, PE. Risk factors for DVT are shown not to be always the
because these patients exhibit elevated circulating thyroid same as for PE. A well-known example is the factor V
hormones with refractoriness to thyroid hormone action in Leiden (FVL) paradox: the FVL mutation poses a clearly
TRb-expressing tissues. Eighteen patients with RTH due higher risk for DVT than for PE [71]. Because hyperthy-
to defective TRb, 16 patients with hyperthyroidism and 18 roid patients display firmer clots, one could hypothesize
euthyroid subjects were included. Parameters of that the risk is higher for DVT than for PE.

© 2018 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Thyroid and coagulation 643

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© 2018 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

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