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Taylor Connard

Education 650

Content Team Meetings

Content team meetings are held periodically. Administration creates these meetings when

certain information is needed to be discussed. This is an opportunity for small groups to meet

and allows admin to visit as needed. For this meeting, we discussed text book adoption.

The vice principal, Mike Kerns, is in charge of textbook adoption. This is the year that

the English Department needs to adopt new textbooks. In order for us to discuss these textbooks,

he had us assemble into our content team. He came to the meeting and informed us of the options

that we had for textbooks. There was a training that he advised us to attend and discussed when

the deadlines are for adopting the textbook. This was something that he informed us could not

wait and was of the utmost importance.

Once Mr. Kerns left the meeting, we continued to discuss textbooks. We discussed that

we liked the stories that were in the textbooks that we are currently using. The stories in the

current textbook are appropriate for our students and the students connect well with them. Our

concerns are that the new textbook may lose those stories. We agreed that we can continue to use

the old textbook and keep the stories that we enjoy. Our department chair is going to attend the

trainings and disseminate the information for us.

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