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Taylor Connard

Education 650

Student Health Protocol Training

On October 7, 2020 we had a very important meeting on student health protocols. This

meeting was conducted by the school nurse and was a requirement for all teachers and

administrators. This training focused on every student who has a medical need that we need to be

aware of. The meeting was long, but very informative and important.

The meeting was held with all teachers and administrators. Every student that has a

medical condition was discussed. The meeting started with 9th grade and moved to 12th. We were

reminded constantly throughout the meeting that this was all confidential and could not leave the

meeting. We covered students with allergies, heart conditions, and auto immune disorders. The

nurse informed us what medication the student is taking, where that is located, and what to do in

case of an emergency. We discussed where the stop the bleed kits are and extra epi pens. One of

the concerns that was voiced is that the epi pens are locked throughout the day. Concerns like

this are an important part of the meeting and need to be brought to the administrators’ attention.

As an administrator, you must keep your students safe. A huge part of that safety is

knowing what allergies students have and where their medication is located. We have two

students with serious conditions that require an ambulance frequently. You need to have a

working relationship with the local EMTs, so that they are prepared for when the student may

need them. Concerns about medications and emergency situations are important to be heard and

necessary changes made.

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