Which of The Following Is Associated With Better Outcomes in - 1 ?childhood-Onset Schizophrenia

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Which of the following is associated with better outcomes in -1

?childhood-onset schizophrenia

A. Early age of onset.

B. Non-acute insidious onset.
C. Presence of affective symptoms.
D. Low IQ.
E. Long duration of untreated psychosis.

2. Which of the following is true regarding childhood schizophrenia?

A. Low socioeconomic status has been well documented to be a risk factor

for childhood-onset schizophrenia.
B. Bipolar disorder in children is frequently misdiagnosed as having
C. Abuse or neglect does not affect one's risk for developing psychosis.
D. Children with Asperger's disorder possess pervasive hallucinations,
delusions, and thought disorder characteristics similar to schizophrenia.
E. Hallucinations in autism are typically chronic.

3. Which of the following is true regarding separation anxiety disorder


A. SAD is usually diagnosed in late adolescence or adulthood.

B. SAD is the result of excessive anxiety created by encounters with people
and places outside of the home.
C. Pharmacological treatment is likely to be the most powerful and enduring
treatment of SAD.
D. Treatment is typically sought as a result of excessive somatic complaints
or school refusal.
4. A 7-year-old girl is referred for an assessment due to worsening
performance at school. She was recently diagnosed with epilepsy and
her medications have required frequent adjustments to keep seizures
under control. She is also noted to have become more socially
withdrawn and spends less time with friends. What is the most likely
contributor to her recent poor school performance?

A. Brain tumor
B. Depression.
C. Medication side effect.
D. Hydrocephalus.
E. Substance abuse.

5. The most common recurrent childhood pain complaint (affecting 8–

25% of children aged 9–12 years) is:

A. Headache.
B. Chest pain.
C. Back pain.
D. Recurrent abdominal pain (RAP).

6. Pharmacotherapy for autistic disorder can help most by:

A. Increasing adaptive skills.

B. Increasing self reliance.
C. Facilitate exploration.
D. Reducing perseverative behavior.
E. Promoting socialization.
7. In assessing a 16 year old boy with narcolepsy which of the following
will help in confirming the diagnosis:

A. Partial complex seizure.

B. Catalepsy.
C. Brief psychotic episode.
D. Cataplexy.
E. Olfactory hallucinations.

8. Which of the following is the most common comorbid disorder in

children with dysthymia?

B. Anxiety disorder.
C. Conduct disorder.
D. Major depression.
E. Substance abuse.

9. Which one of the following occurs more common in boys than girls?

A-Animal phobia
B-School refusal
C-Teenage overdose
D-Delayed speech
E-Diurnal enuresis

10. When assessing a supposedly autistic child, which one of the

following differential diagnosis is of least relevance?

A-Asperger's syndrome
B-Hyperactivity disorder
C-Rett’s syndrome
D-Mental Retardation
E-Developmental Dysphasia (language delay)
11. Which one of the following features would cast doubt on a diagnosis
of hyperactivity disorder:

A-Symptoms reported by parents but not by the child’s teacher

B-Onset at the age of 8
C-Neither restless nor inattentive throughout a 15 minute mental state
D-Sleeps soundly at night
E-Worsens after eating tomato, oranges or some other natural food

12. Regarding treatment of school refusal, which one of the following is


A-A rapid return to school is generally contraindicated

B-Inpatient treatment is needed in some cases
C-A change of school is often necessary
D-Antidepressant drugs often facilitate a return to school
E-Home tuition is usually a helpful interim measure

13. In Tourette’s syndrome, which one of the following is true?

A-Roughly 30% of affected individuals are mentally handicapped

B-Inattention and hyperactivity are common
C-Focal neurological signs are present in the majority
D-Obsessive-compulsive symptoms are uncommon
E-Symptoms typically worsen progressively throughout adult life

14. Which one of the following is likely to be associated with Nocturnal


A-Children exposed to stress before the age of one

B-In children with language and motor delay
C-Children experienced gentle toilet training
D-In children who sleep particularly deeply
E-When toilet training was started after the age of 12 months
15. Regarding specific Reading Retardation, which one of the following
is true?

A-Present in 15-25% of children

B-Commoner in girls than boys
C-More frequent in only children
D-Particularly common in inner city area
E-Accompanied by left-handedness in over 50% of children

16. The non-accidental injury of a young child by a parent is

characterised by one of the following:

A-Occurs only in advanced industrial countries

B-Only happens to one child in the family
C-Occurs when the parent has frequently been subjected to physical abuse as
a child
D-Is more common in boys than girls
E-Is more often caused by the father than the mother

17. SSRI induced sexual dysfunction occurs secondary to:

A- 5HT1stimulation
B- 5HT2 blockade
C- 5HT2 stimulation.
D- 5HT3 blockade
E- Histaminergic blockade

18. which of the following groups of sexual offenders are more likely to
be married than other sexual offenders?

A- Child molesters.
B- Exhibitionists.
C- Internet paedophilia.
D- Rapists.
E- Voyeurs.
19- Which of the following is most associated with reoffending in

A- Co morbid substance misuse.

B- Depressed mood.
C- Lack of victim empathy.
D- Previous non sexual offending.
E- Psychiatric illness.

20- A religious man practices celibacy and abstains from sexual

relationship by reason of his religious vows. The defense mechanism
used here is:

A- Altruism.
B- Anticipation
C- Asceticism.
D- Repression.
E- Sublimation.

21. Which of the following statements about penile erection is true?

A. Is not impaired in patients receiving MAOIs.

B. Is normal in patients receiving Tricyclic antidepressants
C. Occurs as a reflex in complete sacral cord transection
D. Can occur in normal non- REM sleep
E. Occurs as a reflex in complete cervical cord transection

22. Which of the following statements regarding sexuality is true?

A. The limbic system and the spinal centres are essential for sexuality
B. Androgens are not necessary for normal level of sexual interest
C. Androgens are not essential for ejaculation
D. Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) is Testesterone-dependent
E. Erection occurring in response to erotic stimuli in the waking state is
23. Clinical features of hyperactivity included:

A. Motor tics.
B. Poor self-organisation.
C- Distractibility.
D. Increased purposeless movment.
E. Sudden unconsidered action.

24. Regarding the neurobiological abnormal ties identified in children

with ADHD:

A. Imaging studies demonstrate increased volumes of frontal and

parietotemporal cortices.
B. Changes are secondary to an approximately 2-year delay in cortical
C- Observed brain volume deficits can be rapidly corrected with stimulant
D- White matter hyperactivity is consistently observed.

25- When prescribing methylphenidate for the treatment of ADHD:

A- Height and weight should be monitored monthly for a 6-month period

B- Dosing should be measured against optimal treatment effect.
C- The maximum recommended daily dose of 60mg cannot be axceeded.
D- One 5mg single-dose trial holds sufficient predictive power regarding
treatment effect.
E- Regular measurement of methylphenidate blood levels are essential to
monitor drug accumulation in plasma.
26. A systemic disease which is most frequently associated with
secondary impotence is

A. Endocrine dysfunction.
B. Multiple sclerosis.
C. Hypertension.
D. Diabetes mellitus.
E. Hyperthyroidism

27. A husband and wife in their mid-30s state that they ar having sexual
problems. During the interview the doctor discovers that, while the ir
sex life had been good, the last time they tried to have intercourse (4
weeks previously), the husband could not maintain an erection. Which
of the following agents is most likely to have caused this sexual

Cocaine. .A
Propranolol. .B
Levodopa (L-dopa). .C
Amyl nitrite. .D
Dextroamphetamine. .E

28. Which of the following drug is least likely to cause sexual


A. Imipramine.
B. Thioridazine.
C. Captopril.
D. Mirtazapine.
E. Paroxetine
29. Excessive sexual desire in women is termed as

A. Satyriasis.
B. Frigidity.
C. Vaginismus.
D. Nymphomania.
E. Promiscuity

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