Reflection Paper - Catalan, M.D.

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Republic e Philippines IZ STATE UNIVERSITY — ~ College of Education Main Campus, Roxas Cit GRADUATE STUDIE: MAPER 213 ORGANIZATION, ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION OF MAPEH Topic: Classroom Management 2 et hi is not always about the money you gain but the memories you had with your students are something that no Hee: in the world can buy. 99 MARVIN D. CATALAN - MAED MAPEH Republic « Philippine: CAPIZ STATE UNIVERSITY ~ College of Education Main Campus, Roxas Cit GRADUATE STUDIE: 6 6 Gascon management has always been a problem of almost all beginning teachers in the teaching world. The idea of classroom management is not only fixed in one single premise but it extends from a mere classroom designing into a more complex arena of dealing with a diverse set of learn- ers. This is one of the major causes of teacher burnout and attrition and it does affect teacher's effectivity and efficien- cy in a given classroom context. This semester, | had an amazing opportunity to start my master’s degree at Capiz State University-Main campus and through this, | was able to explore Organization, Administra- tion, and Supervision of MAPEH as one of my academic subjects. This further helped me to realize the essence of Organization, Supervision, and Management in every school curriculum and that it should be given utmost importance for it fosters a good learning environment for learners to grow and discover. | was tasked to report the topic about Classroom Man- agement this semester but unfortunately, | wasn't able to make the job done due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. | am very excited to deliver this report in class because | know that my colleagues in the teaching profession share the same experi- ence with me and | know for sure that I'll be able to learn new ideas from their personal experiences in their respective schools. This topic (Classroom Management) is very relatable to me since as a beginning teacher, | had plenty of experi- ence and difficulty in classroom management especially because | am as young as my students or even younger than lic « Philippine: CAPIZ STATE UNIVERSITY ~ College of Education Main Campus, Roxas Cit GRADUATE STUDIE: them. 1|am currently teaching at CapSU Pontevedra which is one of the satellite campuses of Capiz State University and it challenged me to deal with students with different learning backgrounds, cultural heritage, and types of personalities. | tried different approaches to secure that my students and | are having a good relationship with each other but also con- sidering the idea of having respect inside and outside the class. The first week of the semester is the schedule of spilling out classroom rules and policies to the class. | made sure that during this time, | was able to communicate the rules and policies as clear as possible to my students to properly guide them on what is expected from them on the duration of the entire semester. This also allowed me to set a learning atmo- sphere that would cater to learner's needs and cultivate dis- cipline. It is also important to take note that when spilling out rules and policies, students should have active participation in creating these rules for the class because they need to be aware and should get involved in every classroom decision. It is also a great chance for them to speak and voice out what they think is beneficial for the entire class. Furthermore, we teachers should also bear in mind the concept of “con- sistency" and “fairness” which is the bottom line of every classroom management. As teachers, we are the captain of the ship and we need to direct our crews to wherever we wanted them to be but also, we are not there to always spoil our crews with what should be done when bombarded by problems and misfortune. We are there to only guide them, let them dis- cover and explore the things around them and let them Republic of the Philippines CAPIZ STATE UNIVERSITY College of Education Main Campus, Roxas Cit GRADUATE STUDIE: learn at their own pace and eventually be the captain of their own ship. This way, we are not building a dependent learner who is not capable of deciding for himself and his welfare but we are crafting a learner that is resilient and strong and can redirect his steps whenever things get hard and independently work for his dreams and aspirations in life. !.am a firm believer in Jacob Kounin's idea who is a classroom management theorist, about classroom manage- ment. He said that “the key to a successful classroom is not the way a teacher handles misbehavior when it occurs, but instead what teachers do to completely prevent classroom management problems from ever occurring within the class- room at all.” | do conform with this statement for | believe that “prevention is always better than cure” and this is the reason why we teachers should always spill out classroom rules and policies as clearly as possible on the first day of the class. It also allows us to inculcate discipline, values, and mo- tality to students before teaching them the concepts of the book. It is also important to ponder on the idea of Operant conditioning coined by Burrhus Frederic Skinner which tells us the importance of giving rewards to reinforce positive be- havior and punishment to stop or minimize undesirable be- haviors. This is true among all context of learning. When a student did something good, he needs to be recognized so that he will continue doing it and when he did something bad which needs to stop, he shall face the consequence of his action. Although this is a salient point to consider, we must not forget that we are teaching in the 21st century and Republic « Philippine: CAPIZ STATE UNIVERSITY ~ College of Education Main Campus, Roxas Cit GRADUATE STUDIE: that the school practices, guidelines, and norms are con- stantly changing. With the implementation of DepEd order no. 40, s. of 2012 and the Republic Act 7610, “corporal pun- ishments, child abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying, and other related offenses” are strictly prohibited under the law. As teachers, we are put in the middle where we have to do what is best for students but should never cross the line for we are always subjected to judgment and criticisms especially because we are often labeled as the second parent of the child and school as their second home. Classroom management is just one of the few hurdles of teachers in school because teaching is not only confined within the four corners of the classroom. In my one-year teaching career, though | am still in the process of learning, teaching is a versatile job. As a teacher, we are not only there to teach but most often as a parent, adviser, coach, choreographer, trainer, nurse, and even as a friend. Teach- ing is a different experience from any other job because teaching itself is holistic and requires a lot of patience and determination to survive. Teaching indeed is not an easy job. Others may look at it in a facile perspective and easily conclude that teach- ing is the last resort to finish a degree in college but teaching from my personal experience has never been so easy and smooth sailing. A teacher's journey is tough and stormy but it is surely worth the ride. It is not always about the money you gain but the memories you had with your students are some- thing that no currency in the world can buy. 99

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