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Before the introduction

of steamed engines and
electricity, windmills
has been the source of
electricity before.
windmill is a structure
that converts wind in
to energy that can
also be a good source
of electricity.

Way back 2nd Millennia

BC, Babylonian ruler
Hammurabi laid
out his plans to
convert wind power to
energy, however, there
were no further
proof to his headway
and his plans was
never realized. 1,500
years later, Greek
engineer Heron of
Alexandria had found a
way to
capture wind and
convert it to energy,
successfully and one
of the successful
attempt is on the
musical instrument
called organ.
Around 2016-2017, our family had a
summer trip to ilocos norte which
was a 8-10 hours long drive. one tour
was at bangui, ilocos norte. this is
where the giant windmills reside,
they were big and the place or
destination where it resides is
rather relaxing. the wind breeze
was nice and strong. so to
commemorate and to remember the
place, we bought a souvenir, small
windmills to mark that we went to
bangui, ilocos norte to see the big
windmills. the said souvenir wasn't
partivularly for anyone, now it
serves as a sculpture, decorating
our house.

There are
a total of
turbines in
Bangui wind
farm is Project
owned by
Corp. in this
coastal town,
founded in 1786

Turbines has 3
blades making
the momentum
stay constant
and the turbine
rotates in the
wind smoothly

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