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Name of your course


Teacher: e-mail:
Office Hours:
Time and room where class meets:

Course Description
Describe the audience this course is intended for and the contents or skills the course will address. If necessary,
describe the prior knowledge your students need to have cover and how the course will contribute to their
education. Example for an English communication course:
This course has been designed to increase students’ linguistic knowledge and their listening and speaking skills by
using a wide range of meaningful activities, taken from the textbook English Download A2 and other sources that
provide students with authentic language. Students will be presented with functional language so that they improve
their everyday social interaction in English by means of listening and speaking activities and tasks without
neglecting the other skills and sub-skills.

Course Objectives
In this section, you need to describe the goal or goals your course is designed to attain:
This course aims to assist students in moving from an elementary to a lower-intermediate level of proficiency. In
terms of listening, it is expected that learners will increase their aural comprehension and will be able to identify
familiar and informal expressions implicit in authentic materials. As for speaking, students will improve their
fluency, accuracy, and fluency when interacting in informal and academic settings.

Describe the methods and/or approaches you will base your teaching on. This lets students know what to expect
when it comes to classroom dynamics. This section together with the organization of the contents determine the
type of syllabus yours is.
This course will be based on a task-based approach, which implies that students will be engaged in different
activities that involve the use of the target language as a means of communication. Cooperative learning will also
be incorporated to ensure interaction, autonomy and teamwork among students. Additionally, students will attend a
series of lab sessions that will give them the chance to reinforce some topics studied in class and also develop their
listening skills.

List the textbook, articles or other resources that you will use during the course.

Student Responsibilities
 Attendance is mandatory and recorded; therefore you are required to come to class every day. If a student
will be absent, the student has to call the resources specialist to explain the absence.
 You are required to come to class prepared for work on time.
 You are required to complete and turn in all class work on time.
 You will maintain a student binder or notebook that contains all of the assignments, handouts, and
homework required for the class.
 You must maintain a positive attitude and be respectful to students and the instructor.
 To the best of your ability speak only English while in class.
Include all gradable activities accompanied of the percentage you have assigned to each one of them. You may
include any type of activity. You do not have to stick to what I write in the example, as you may want to consider
other ways to assess your students.

Activity pPercentage
Workshops, quizzes

Classroom policies:
List anything you need your students to know to have a harmonious classroom environment. You may include the
rules regarding punctuality, missed class, cheating, use of electronic devices, plagiarism, etc.
Be punctual, turn your cell phone off. Do the assigned homework before class time and participate actively.
According to credit system you are expected to carry out 6 hours of individual work. If you miss a class, it is your
responsibility to catch up with class work. If you miss a test or class work to be graded, the grade will be zero,
unless you justify this absence within the time limit. No make-up work will be given without a certified excuse.
There are absolutely no exceptions. During the semester you are expected to do the assignments and presentations
at the same time, so no extensions are allowed.


Week Class Work Student work
1-4 Introduction and program presentation Do: assigned homework, check blog and prepare
UNIT 8: FACT OR FICTION for presentations.
Past simple negative and question forms.
Arranging an evening out
5-7 UNIT 9: BUY AND SELL Do: assigned homework, check blog and prepare
Comparative adjectives for presentations
Superlative adjectives.
8-9 UNIT 10: LOOK GOOD Do: assigned homework, check blog and prepare
Present continuous for presentations
Present continuous Vs. Present simple Prepare for upcoming test
Adjectives to describe clothes, personality
and people.
10-11 UNIT 11: NATURE Do: assigned homework, check blog and prepare
Question words for presentations
Quantifiers: a lot of, a little, a few, not any, not
much, not many.
12 - 13 UNIT 12: GOOD TIMES Do: assigned homework, check blog and prepare
Future with going to for presentations
Would like to and want to for future wishes.

14-15 UNIT 13: LIVE AND LEARN Do: assigned homework, check blog and prepare
Have to / Don’t have to for presentations
Might and will
16-18 UNIT 14: KEEP IN TOUCH Do: assigned homework, check blog and prepare
Present perfect for presentations
FINAL WRITTEN TEST Prepare for upcoming test

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