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[Client Name] - Test Case

Document history:
Version Date Description Updated by
1.0 11-Oct-18 Initial Version LSA
Project Name: Dashboard Prepared By:

Test Specification 1.0 Reviewed By:

Version No:
Testing Approved By:

No Test Case ID Module Name Task Name

1 BSC_QL001 Login Login based rules

2 BSC_QL002 Load dashboard check all Load dashboard

3 BSC_QL003 Typo on Dashboard Check all typo in dashboard

4 BSC_QL004 Compare actual data and load Compare record and value

5 BSC_QL005 Color consistency Compare entity colour on chart based on

the same dimension

6 BSC_QL006 Image Crash Checking image on dashboard

7 BSC_QL007 Chart Error/Invalid Checking all Chart on dashboard

8 BSC_QL008 Consistency Formula Comparing formula in detail and summary

9 BSC_QL009 Resolution Check resolution's that user will use

10 BSC_QL010 THG-Boutique Cheking 2nd KPI

11 BSC_QL011 THG-Boutique Checking menu sales detail

12 BSC_QL012 THG-Executive Checking all load dashboard

13 BSC_QL013 THG- Stock Analysis Checking all menu at Select KPI

14 THG-Purchase Analysis Cheking typo in dashboard

Elka Fazar Sari Prepared Date

Reviewed Date:

Approved Date:

Test Steps & Notes Test Data

1. Go to Qlik
2. Click Login as admin
3. Check dahboard
4. Log out
5. Login as other user
6. Check dashboard

1. Login to Qlik
2. Click dashboard
3. make sure no crash, repeat again until all dashboard checked
1. Login to Qlik
2. Open dashboard
3. Check the words, filter and uppercase
1. Prepare actual data, total record and total value
2. Compare total record in dashboard and actual data
3. Compare total value in dashboard and actual data
1. Open dashboard
2. Click dimension a on chart 1 and dimension a on other chart 2
3. Compare the colour of entity in chart 1 and 2.

1. Open dashboard
2. Check all image in dashboard
3. make sure no crash, repeat again until all dashboard checked
1. Open dashboard
2. Check all chart in dashboard
3. make sure no crash, repeat again until all dashboard checked
1. Open dashboard
2. Comparing summary dashboar dand detail dashboard
1. Open dashboard
2. Check all dashboard

1. Open Dashboard
2. Click Select 2nd KPI
3. Check all menu in that select

1. open dashboard
2. Click table sales detail
3. Check all the table menu
1. Login click
2. Click THG Executive
2. Click Dashboard and make sure no crash when load
3. Check all dashboard
1. Login click
2. Click one by one menu at select KPI
3. Check all chart changed
1. Login Click
2. Click Dasboard THG-Stock and Purchase
3. Click dashboard purchase analysis
4. Check typo the words
Expected Results Actual Results Pass/Fail (P/F)
1. Qlik show
2. Admin login
3. Dashboard menu show according admin login
4. Logout from Qlik
5. other user login
6. Dashboard menu show according user login

1. Login
2. dashboard load
3. No Crash
1. Login
2. Dahsboard load
3. No typo in dashboard
1. prepared actual data
2. Load data and actual data have same total record
3. Load data and actual data have same total value
1. Dashboard show
2. dimension a selected and chart 1 and 2 updated
3. the colour of entity in chart 1 and 2 same.
Eg. Brand dimension selected In chart pie contribution by sales value and
contribution by sales unit . for entity rolex in both chart should have
same colour.

1. Dashboard load
2. All image show no crash
3. no crash for all images in all dashboard
1. Dashboard load
2. All chart show no crash
3. no crash for all chart in all dashboard
1. Dashboard load
2. Result same between summary and detail
1. Dashboard load
2. All dashboard show resolution according to request (no small image or
1. Dashboard load all same with
2. All chart at menu no crash expected result
3. All chart menu changed

1. Menu load all same with

2. All Table at menu no crash expected result
3. All menu at table changed
1. Dashboard Load all same with
2. All chart at menu no crash expected result
3. All chart menu changed
1. Dasboard load all same with
2. All menu no crash expected result
3. All chart will be showed.
1. Login Dashboard all same with
2. Dashboard load expected result
3. No typo words
Date Executed Test Executed by Tester Comments Developer Response
No. of Test Case 14
* Pass 0
* Fail 0
* Conditional Pass 0
* Not Tested 14

SIT Test Case Summary

Not Tested
SIT Log - QlikView

No Open Date Report Name Issue Subject

1 January 24 Executive dashboard

waiting from waiting
user from IT

PIC - SGF PIC - IT Response PIC - LSA

Severity Close Date Changes / Defect Remarks

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