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Week 3 Reflective Journal ECED 300

Activity 3.7 Sources of Values

(Feeney & Freeman, 2018, p. 100)
Name: Christy Reece

What I value Source of the Value

Education Personal values, experience, morality, professional values, and


This value has been meaningful and important since childhood. My
grandparents and parents, together, encouraged me to get a good
education for my future. I passed this value onto my children. Both
of whom have their degrees. Personally, formal education has
broadened my knowledge in many areas of study. Early childhood
classes has given me a great respect for the profession, developed
me as an educator, and increased my skills, and depth of

Beauty Personal values, experience, morality, professional values, and


I remember valuing beauty from my early teens. Outward beauty
became an obsession. I took courses at a modeling agency and it
impacted me. After sometime, I realized there is more to what
beauty stands for. Overtime, I desired to teach my children this
same value and wanted to give them opportunities to express their
creativity. Through them, my experiences, and education, I realize
beauty is in nature, and in our inner self. It can be developed
through creative endeavors.

Religion Personal values, experience, morality, professional values, and


This is the most significant value to me. I grew up in a Christian
home and I attended church every week, where my faith system
developed. My beliefs are very important to me and influence
everything in my life. I married a Christian man, and together, we
both felt it important to introduce our faith to our children. I’m aware
that my standards and value system are shaped by my faith. I do
realize it impacts my perspective while make decisions and working
with my children. I know I must conduct myself unbiased and
remain open minded.

Competence Personal values, experience, morality, professional values, and


This value was something I aspired to attain. In the past, I was
feeling inadequate and frustrated I did not complete my education
degree. With receiving more formal education and having
academics building blocks, it has increased my confidence, which
translates into my career and personal esteem. Overtime, it has
developed competency in my studies, personal life, and profession.

Family Personal values, experience, morality, professional values, and


My sense of family is a core value I believe in. I love my family. Our

relationship is built on trust, respect, and honesty. I grew up with
supportive parents, who provided for all my needs, and we learned
to get through hard issues at times. We are a family that cares,
encourages, accepts, and loves one another. Without my parents
support, I know I would not be who I am today. When I was raising
my own family, I wanted to develop a bond and close relationship
with my children. For them feel love, warmth, safety, acceptance,
and support. This value manifests in my work with children and
families. My goal is to build reciprocal relationships.

Friendship Personal values, experience, morality, professional values, and


I have learned the value of a friend. A true friendship takes time to
develop. A friend is someone that understands and accepts you,
offers emotional support, and respect. They are someone you enjoy
spending time with, laugh, and sometimes cry. My friends have
been supportive, kind, caring, loving role models, and great
listeners. I want to develop a friendly community in my classroom,
where children feel accepted and treated kindly.

Honesty Personal values, experience, morality, professional values, and


I believe this is an ethical value that is important when working with
colleagues, families, and children. Being a trustworthy teacher who
has integrity and moral is necessary for the profession, and best
practice. This was a value taught to me growing up. We need
honesty in our society. It should be modeled to the families and

Health Personal values, experience, morality, professional values, and


Having a healthy lifestyle is a meaningful value because our bodies
need proper nutrition, exercise, and rest. I want the children in my
classroom to know what foods are good for them, and get plenty of
playtime to develop their physical skills so they can be healthy.
From personal experience, eating healthy, exercising regularly, and
getting adequate rest has really contributed to me feeling better.
Safety Personal values, experience, morality, professional values, and

I believe safety is a meaningful value. Children need to feel safe
and secure in the school and classroom. I know this is beneficial to
their well-being mentally and emotionally. There will be a
willingness to participate and learn if they feel safe. This was true
for me and my son. We both were shy and slow to warm up as
children. It took time to establish trust, and the eventual courage to
enter in the environment.

Community Personal values and morality, professional values and standards

Developing a value for community and acceptance is meaningful
because it impacts they way a child can perceive they’re identity.
Identity is shaped through a sense of belonging. Having a
supportive and encouraging community develops a child’s overall
well-being. The community is full of resources that will be helpful to
them. I learned by raising my children in a great community of
friends, family, teammates, and teachers enabled them to thrive
and feel valued, supported, part of something, and cared for.
Behaving Like A Professional

1. Describe your strengths in the area of communication and relationships.

As a developing professional in early childhood education, I would describe my best strengths in this area
are knowing the characteristics of good relationships, having skills in listening, giving good feedback, and
knowing how important it is to collaborate with colleagues and the community. From working in my
position as an ECE director, building relationships are crucial for having a good reciprocal partnership
with the families and children, as well as with my colleagues, employees, volunteers, and the community.
I have made effort at building trusting, caring relationships, with good communication that can help to
address any issues, share ideas, receive feedback, and offer concern. I know these skills are important
in order to work with children.

2. Describe areas of communication and relationships on which you wish to do more work.

Areas of growth I would like to develop are skills at building partnerships with the community, and finding
and utilizing resources within the community. I feel I have some partnerships in the community, but could
develop more. To develop these skills, I feel the best is to find ways to connect, maybe common ground,
or find what they need to do a project together. Together, we can get to know each other, and build
partnerships for the good of the community. For me to find and utilize resources in the community, I need
to become familiar with what is available, how it works, who they benefit, and why they want to be a
resource to children and families.

3. Describe your strengths in the area of work ethics.

As a developing early childhood professional, I would describe my overall ranking as high (consistently) in
the area of work ethics, with the exception of one aspect, but that one is still “most of the time.” I believe I
ranked high because this is an important value I learned a long time ago. I rank high in knowing my job
and make a concerted effort to try to do my best, and I have a positive attitude about children, families,
and my job. My attendance is good and I comply with the dress code. I believe since I have many years
of experience working in this field; I know what it takes to be successful and act like a professional.

4. Describe aspects of work ethics in which you could improve.

An aspect I could improve on is in punctuality. I have been late before. I realize this is not a good quality,
but the instances are farther and farther apart. Thus for the ranking I have of “most of the time.” I have
learned to aim 30 minutes, up to one hour ahead to improve my efforts. When I am late, I learn from it,
apologize, and work on being punctual again. I know time is valuable and this behavior is unprofessional.
I continue to make strides in my efforts.

5. Describe two areas of ethical knowledge and skill in which you feel most prepared and confident.

Two areas of ethical knowledge and skill I ranked “mastery” in is under Moral and Ethical Behavior
(Personal Values and Morality), which I then, feel most prepared and confident. The first is, Awareness
of my personal values and morality, and the second is, Awareness of how my personal values and the
morality impact my work. These two areas have significant value in my life and I realize the impact they
have on what I do when working with children and how I conduct myself as a professional.

6. Discuss two areas of ethical knowledge and skill in which you need to study or work.

Two Areas of ethical knowledge and skill I need to work on is under Professional Ethics. The first is, the
Ability to help others learn to analyze ethical dilemmas. The second is, Knowledge of the symptoms of
child abuse and practices for reporting abuse. I feel to improve I will need to study, become more familiar
with developing justifiable resolutions in the workplace. This also, can be difficult sometimes because
jeopardizing a good working relationship is hard, and this can cause inner conflict. It will take time to
learn, but this is an important value and skill. The area of knowing the symptoms of child abuse and
practices for reporting needs improvement because I have not had to call CPS. I am hoping that when it
comes to discovering abuse I will be prepared to go through the proper procedures in order to protect a
child from harmful situations.

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