Evidence-Based Nephrology: Valerie Jorge Cabrera, Joni Hansson, Alan S. Kliger, and Fredric O. Finkelstein

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Evidence-Based Nephrology

Symptom Management of the Patient with CKD: The

Role of Dialysis
Valerie Jorge Cabrera,* Joni Hansson,* Alan S. Kliger,† and Fredric O. Finkelstein*

As kidney disease progresses, patients often experience a variety of symptoms. A challenge for the nephrologist is
to help determine if these symptoms are related to advancing CKD or the effect of various comorbidities and/or
*Department of
medications prescribed. The clinician also must decide the timing of dialysis initiation. The initiation of dialysis Medicine, Section of
can have a variable effect on quality of life measures and the alleviation of uremic signs and symptoms, such as Nephrology, Yale
anorexia, fatigue, cognitive impairment, depressive symptoms, pruritus, and sleep disturbances. Thus, the University, New
initiation of dialysis should be a shared decision–making process among the patient, the family and the nephrology Haven, Connecticut;
and †Yale New Haven
team; information should be provided, in an ongoing dialogue, to patients and their families concerning the Health System–
benefits, risks, and effect of dialysis therapies on their lives. Performance
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 12: 687–693, 2017. doi: https://doi.org/10.2215/CJN.01650216 Management, New
Haven, Connecticut

Introduction do so when the eGFR is .10 ml/min per 1.73 m2, al- Dr. Fredric O.
Patients with CKD often experience a wide variety of though there seems to be a slight decrease in this per- Finkelstein, 136
symptoms as disease progresses. These same patients centage from 2010 to 2013 (4). Sherman Avenue,
may have symptoms related to the effects of aging, the Do patients benefit from the early initiation of di- New Haven, CT
various comorbidities common to this population, or alysis? Does early-start dialysis improve survival, re- 06511. Email:
one or more of the medications prescribed for them duce the likelihood of uremic complications, or reduce
(1,2). A challenge for the nephrologist is to consider if the frequency and/or intensity of uremic symptoms?
initiating dialysis will alleviate these symptoms. This Recent studies of early dialysis initiation do not
becomes particularly important as patients approach show improved outcomes. The IDEAL Trial random-
ESRD, because the clinician must help decide with ized patients to an early (eGFR of 10.0–14.0 ml/min
the patient and his/her family if and how the patient per 1.73 m2 estimated by the Cockcroft–Gault equa-
will benefit from starting dialysis. This review will tion) versus late initiation of dialysis (eGFR of 5.0–
focus on the timing of dialysis initiation and the effect 7.0 ml/min per 1.73 m2) (3). The actual mean eGFR at
of dialysis on health–related quality of life (HRQOL) initiation of dialysis was 12.0 ml/min per 1.73 m2 in
and uremic symptoms. the early-start group compared with 9.8 ml/min per
1.73 m2 in the late-start group. In this trial, the early
Initiation of Dialysis initiation of dialysis did not result in significant im-
What is the best advice to provide to patients provements in mortality rates, cardiovascular or in-
concerning the optimal time to initiate dialysis? Life fectious events, or quality of life measures. However,
ceases when the GFR reaches zero unless RRT is started. interpretation of this study is complicated by the fact
Patients will likely develop life-threatening complica- that 76% of the patients in the late-start group started
tions of uremia, such as pericarditis, pulmonary edema, dialysis when the eGFR was above the target of
neurologic problems, and/or metabolic abnormalities 7.0 ml/min per 1.73 m2 due to development of symp-
(such as severe hyperkalemia), as kidney function be- toms attributed by clinicians to renal failure.
comes marginal. Common practice has been to initiate Similar findings were observed in two other data
dialysis at some point after stage 5 CKD develops but registries: the US Renal Data System and the Canadian
before renal function ceases to avoid these complica- Registry (5,6). Scialla et al. (5) reported outcomes in
tions. In addition to life-threatening complications of 89,547 United States patients starting dialysis in 2008
ESRD, patients often report various clinical symptoms with eGFR between 5 and 20 ml/min per 1.73 m2.
as GFR declines. Dialysis is sometimes initiated rela- They found no associated harm or benefit with early
tively early in stage 5 CKD after initial symptoms appear dialysis initiation. However, Clark et al. (6) examined
or in an effort to avoid these symptoms completely. the Canadian Registry and noted that early initiation
Early start of dialysis was defined in the Initiating of dialysis (mean6SD eGFR of 15.567.7 ml/min per
Dialysis Early and Late (IDEAL) Trial as starting dialysis 1.73 m2) compared with late initiation (mean6SD
with an eGFR of $10 ml/min per 1.73 m2 (3). In the eGFR of 7.162 ml/min per 1.73 m2) was actually as-
United States, these early-start dialyses have become sociated with a higher mortality rate, which was not
very common. Over 40% of patients who start dialysis fully explained by differences in baseline patient

www.cjasn.org Vol 12 April, 2017 Copyright © 2017 by the American Society of Nephrology 687
688 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

characteristics. Notably, this study based renal function on

an eGFR; a lower creatinine in malnourished patients Table 1. Signs and symptoms of patients with CKD
could lead to a falsely high eGFR, which can confound attributable to advanced renal failure
the data on mortality rates.
It is important to keep in mind that dialysis initiation at any Fatigue
level of GFR can be associated with an increase in cardiovascular
Cognitive dysfunction
events; a recent review of data from over 300 dialysis centers Symptoms of neuropathy
found increased cardiovascular events after hemodialysis (HD) Uremic pruritus
initiation from the first week to the fifth month (7). The imme- Sleep disturbances
diate period after dialysis initiation was noted to be associated Anorexia, nausea
with a particularly high risk of cardiovascular events (7). Restless legs
Given the evidence that dialysis initiation may at times Depressive symptoms
be associated with adverse outcomes or increased mortal-
ity, it is important to examine carefully the evidence that Modified from Kidney Dialysis Outcome Quality Improvement
does exist suggesting that dialysis reduces or avoids the clinical practice guidelines (2).
symptoms associated with advancing kidney failure. We
might hypothesize that early-start dialysis prevents or de-
lays the development, frequency, or intensity of uremic
symptoms. However, the hypothesis that dialysis reduces comorbidities, medications, or other complications of renal
uremic symptoms has not been tested rigorously and in failure, such as anemia, volume overload, hyperparathy-
fact, is not well supported by the literature. The interpre- roidism, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, psychoso-
tation of the literature is challenging, because the symp- cial stressors, etc.
toms associated with uremia are often vague, difficult to
quantify objectively, and difficult to distinguish from symp-
toms that can be attributed to conditions coexisting with Effect of Dialysis Initiation on HRQOL
advanced CKD or side effects of medications used to man- Assessments of HRQOL for patients with CKD not on
age these conditions. Patients with stage 4 or 5 CKD are dialysis using standardized instruments have generally
prescribed a mean of eight different medications (8,9). shown lower scores (indicating worse patient perception of
Many patients without comorbidities remain surprisingly their quality of life) compared with the general population,
asymptomatic until eGFRs are well below 10 ml/min per particularly for the physical compared with the mental
1.73 m2. Some patients may have symptoms but adapt to domain (12,13). HRQOL scores for patients with CKD not
and downplay these symptoms, reporting an acceptable on dialysis are generally higher than scores reported for pa-
sense of wellbeing, although family members may have tients on dialysis (12,13). These scores decline progressively
noticed a change in level of functioning. Importantly, health with decreasing renal function (12). Many variables correlate
care providers are often not aware of patients’ symptom bur- with the HRQOL scores, including age, sex, presence of di-
den, thus complicating their advice about when to start di- abetes, cardiovascular comorbidities, and stage of CKD (12).
alysis (10). This can make the decision to initiate dialysis for Several tools to assess symptoms of patients on dialysis
symptom relief challenging and difficult to clearly articulate have been validated, including the Dialysis Symptom In-
in a formal guideline. In fact, in a questionnaire distributed to dex, the Choice Health Experience Questionnaire (CHEQ),
Canadian nephrologists, only 3% indicated that their institu- and the Kidney Disease Quality of Life instrument (14–16).
tion had a formal policy for the initiation of dialysis (11). The initiation of dialysis has been reported to have a vari-
Traditionally, the indications for initiating dialysis have able effect on these HRQOL measures. This was carefully
been divided into two broad categories: absolute and relative studied in a national prospective cohort of patients initiat-
indications (1,2). The 2015 Kidney Dialysis Outcome Quality ing dialysis—the Choices for Healthy Outcomes in Caring
Improvement (KDOQI) guidelines (“KDOQI clinical practice for ESRD (CHOICE) Study. This study looked at the qual-
guideline for hemodialysis adequacy: 2015 Update”) recom- ity of life at the time of dialysis initiation and 1 year later
mend initiation of dialysis “based upon an assessment of using the CHEQ (15). This questionnaire includes the 36–
signs and/or symptoms associated with uremia, evidence Item Short–Form Health Survey (SF-36) as well as ques-
of protein-energy wasting, ability to safely manage meta- tions examining 14 dialysis-specific domains. Changes in
bolic abnormalities and/or volume overload rather than the SF-36 domains were examined over time and catego-
based on a specific level of kidney function if these symp- rized as worsened, no change, or improved; 20%–31% of
toms or signs are absent” (2). Absolute indications that are patients had worsening, 42%–60% had no change, and
generally agreed on include the presence of uremic pericar- 19%–28% had improvement in the eight domains of this
ditis, uremic encephalopathy, intractable fluid overload, instrument. In the dialysis-specific domains, 19%–30% had
and/or electrolyte abnormalities that cannot be managed worsening, 50%–65% had no change, and 16%–24% had
without dialysis. Relative indications include the presence improvement after 1 year of dialysis therapy. It, therefore,
of a constellation of symptoms that are attributable to ad- seemed that dialysis treatment showed no consistent rela-
vanced renal failure. These signs and symptoms were noted tionship to quality of life measures or dialysis-specific
in the updated KDOQI 2015 guidelines and are adapted in symptoms. There were no statistically significant differ-
Table 1 (2). What makes the interpretation of these symp- ences between HD and peritoneal dialysis (PD) on the ef-
toms so challenging is that their etiology is often multi- fect of therapy on any of the SF-36 or dialysis-specific
factorial and can be related, at least in part, to various domains. The CHOICE Study has some important
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 12: 687–693, April, 2017 Initiation of Dialysis for Symptom Management, Cabrera et al. 689

limitations. There was no control group (that is, patients with advanced renal failure (26). It is multifactorial in eti-
with advanced CKD not starting dialysis); 928 patients ology with CKD associations, including anemia, depres-
completed a baseline CHEQ, but only 525 completed the sion, low albumin levels, sleep disturbances, and restless
questionnaire 1 year later. In total, 101 of the initial 928 legs syndrome (RLS) (27). In the CHOICE Study, patients
patients died, which highlights the high mortality in the with CKD reported vitality scores (a measure of fatigue)
ESRD population and could have contributed to an under- on the SF-36 of about 40 compared with 100 in the general
estimation of the negative effect of dialysis initiation on population (15). One year after dialysis initiation, only 24%
quality of life. In addition, it should be noted that the ini- of patients reported improvement, and 27% reported
tial CHEQs were completed shortly after the initiation of worsened vitality (15). Other possible measures related
dialysis (not before the start), thus perhaps missing an to fatigue on SF-36, such as the domains of physical func-
improvement in HRQOL during that initial period of RRT. tion and physical role, showed similar results (15). The HD
Similarly, in the IDEAL Trial (3), which looked at the tim- procedure itself may cause patients to feel tired or washed
ing of dialysis initiation and survival, HRQOL was also ex- out. Moreover, a mean of 4 hours of recovery time after
amined using two measures: the SF-36 and the Assessment each HD session to resume normal activities may contrib-
of Quality of Life. The Assessment of Quality of Life is a ute to the perception of fatigue (28).
generic instrument that measures quality of life for health Patients with progressive CKD develop cognitive im-
interventions across five dimensions (illness, independent pairment related to a variety of factors, including cere-
living, social relationships, physical senses, and psychologic brovascular disease, systemic inflammation, comorbidities,
wellbeing). Importantly, there were no differences with ei- and exposure to uremic toxins (29–32). In a cross-sectional
ther instrument comparing early- with late-start patients on study that evaluated cognitive function with multiple stan-
dialysis during the period of the study (17). dardized tests among patients with stages 3–5 CKD on
HD, a graded decline in function with progression of
CKD was noted (33). Similarly, in a cohort of 119 patients
Effect of Dialysis on Uremic Symptoms with stages 3–5 CKD (mean eGFR of 35616 ml/min per
Looking at the effect of dialysis on various symptoms 1.73 m2), there were significant cognitive deficits when
associated with advanced renal failure, much attention has memory, information processing speed, and executive
been focused on worsening nutritional status and the de- function were compared with control patients (30). Cogni-
velopment of cachexia that occurs as renal failure prog- tive impairment in patients on dialysis is also well docu-
resses (18). By the time that dialysis is started, patients can mented (31,32).
be significantly malnourished. It has been recommended There is no good evidence to support the idea that early
that dialysis be initiated to prevent a worsening of the initiation of dialysis will alter the severity of cognitive dif-
malnutrition that occurs with advancing CKD (19). In an ficulties. In fact, in the CHOICE Study, only 17% of patients
international survey on initiation of dialysis, 72% of re- had an improvement in self-reported symptoms of cognitive
spondents selected malnourishment as a reason to start functioning 1 year after dialysis initiation, whereas 26% had a
dialysis early (20). worsening; cognitive performance function tests were not
Nutritional parameters clearly improve in the first performed in this study (15). Interestingly, a recent study of 28
12 months after the initiation of dialysis, with the most patients with ESRD showed improvements in various cogni-
striking improvements occurring in younger patients and tive function tests (including measuring memory, attention,
those with the lowest serum albumin levels (21,22). How- and executive functions) several hours later after a single HD
ever, it is important to note that malnutrition is highly session (32). This could suggest a reversible component to the
prevalent in the dialysis population, is associated with impaired cognitive performance in this population. However,
poor outcomes, increases with dialysis vintage, and does increasing the dose of dialysis does not improve cognitive
not improve with increasing dose of dialysis. In the analy- function; in the Frequent Hemodialysis Network Trial, more
sis of the nutritional status of the first 1000 patients ran- frequent HD was not associated with any improvement in the
domized in the Hemodialysis Study, the majority had primary cognitive outcome (34).
protein and energy intakes below the 2002 National Kidney Neuropathy, which frequently develops in advanced
Foundation–KDOQI guidelines at the time of enrollment stages of CKD, is characterized by a slowly progressive
(23). Only those patients who had been on dialysis for at distal symmetrical polyneuropathy. Its clinical features
least 3 months were included, and those with serum albu- include paresthesias, weakness, muscle wasting, and de-
min levels ,2.6 g/dl were excluded. In a 3-year follow-up creased deep tendon reflexes and vibration sensation (35).
period, nutrition parameters, such as serum albumin levels In a cross-sectional study of 100 adult patients with CKD
and postdialysis weights, were not affected by intensity of and mean eGFR of 19.368.1 ml/min per 1.73 m2 who
dialysis therapy (24). In a cohort study of 3009 patients, di- were evaluated with motor nerve conduction studies,
alysis vintage had a significant inverse relationship with al- 70% had evidence of polyneuropathy, which was asymp-
bumin, prealbumin, and cholesterol (25). This data suggest tomatic in 6%, symptomatic and nondisabling in 51%, and
that initiating dialysis in patients with CKD may not affect disabling in 13% (36). The mean conduction nerve veloc-
nutritional status. However, other factors, such as dietary ities decreased with increases in serum creatinine levels
restrictions, inflammation from systemic illness, comorbidi- (36). The effect of dialysis on preventing further deterio-
ties, and the catabolic effect of dialysis, may complicate ration on uremic neuropathy was reported as early as
analysis as confounding variables. 1967, when dialysis provided for .1 year resulted in a
Fatigue is a common symptom of patients with CKD and significant increase in mean motor nerve conduction ve-
has been reported to be present in up to 89% of patients locities (37). Subsequent studies have shown that uremic
690 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

neuropathy remains unchanged during up to 5 years of on dialysis, however, consistently have higher depression
HD treatment (38). scores than patients with CKD not on dialysis. Clinical de-
Pruritus can be a distressing symptom that affects patients pression diagnosed by a structured interview affects about
with CKD. A recent study showed that the prevalence of 20%–25% of patients with CKD and 25%–30% of patients on
pruritus was 19% in patients with CKD, independent of the maintenance dialysis (50). Depressive symptoms are associ-
stage of CKD (39). However, in patients maintained on ated with an increased risk of death and a lower quality of
chronic HD, up to 84% of the patients reported pruritus life in both patients with CKD and patients with ESRD (51).
occurring almost daily, and 42% reported that the pruritus The initiation of dialysis is associated with an increased in-
was moderate to extreme (40,41). Pruritus was associated cidence of depressive symptoms, with 44% of patients who
with poor sleep quality, reduced physical and mental com- recently initiated dialysis having Beck Depression Inventory
posite scores on the SF-36, and depression (41). scores above the validated cutoff value for clinical depres-
Sleep disturbances are commonly reported by patients sion in patients with ESRD (52).
with CKD and often unrecognized by renal providers.
These are well documented by polysomnography and asso-
ciated with lower cognitive function scores, poorer patient– Challenge for the Nephrologist
reported quality of life, and depressive symptoms Thus, the symptom burden and high level of disability in
(10,42,43). Interestingly, these sleep disturbances are inde- patients with advanced CKD are not necessarily improved
pendent of GFR but associated with age, sex, comorbidi- by dialysis. Patients need to be informed that dialysis may
ties, and medications (12,44). Sleep disturbances are more or may not result in an improvement in their quality of life
common and of greater severity in patients on HD com- and functional status (53). It is difficult to accurately iden-
pared with patients with CKD not on dialysis (44). Formal tify those individuals who are unlikely to benefit from
sleep testing shows that patients on HD have more sleep dialysis. However, it is important to keep in mind that
problems than patients with CKD not on dialysis, with less the dialysis procedure itself, both PD and HD, can have
total sleep time and rapid eye movement sleep and higher an effect on patients’ HRQOL. This relates to the burden
brief arousal index, respiratory disturbance index, and and frequency of the procedure itself as well as the com-
numbers of sleep apneas (43,44). After the initiation of di- plications of treatment. Some of these concerns are out-
alysis in the CHOICE Study, only 19% reported an im- lined in Table 2. When health care providers discuss
provement in sleep symptoms, and 24% reported a RRT with patients and their families, the potential benefits
worsening of symptoms (15). are usually emphasized, and the negative aspects of treat-
Sleep in CKD can also be affected by other factors, such ment are often not discussed or minimized.
as RLS, which has a prevalence of up to 25% in patients on One of the challenges for nephrologists after symptom
dialysis (45,46). RLS has also been associated with higher screening information has been obtained is what health
cardiovascular mortality, decreased quality of life, and in- care providers should do to address these symptoms. This
creased morbidity in these patients (46). The prevalence of requires a discussion among the clinician, the patient, and
RLS in patients with CKD not on dialysis is variable, with the patient’s family to set up realistic expectations by try-
some authors reporting a prevalence similar to that in the ing to sort out the effect of the symptoms on the patient’s
general population, whereas others report a prevalence up quality of life and the risks and benefits of potential treat-
to 26% (47–49). In a study of 110 patients with stages 2–4 ments. The executive summary of the Kidney Disease
CKD, 21 patients were classified as having probable RLS Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Con-
with self-administered questionnaires, but only in five pa- ference on Supportive Care in CKD (53) emphasized the
tients was the diagnosis confirmed after careful questioning difficulties in the development of treatment strategies
by a trained investigator. This suggests that self-administered given the significant variation in level of evidence for
questionnaires can overestimate the frequency of RLS and symptom management and the complexity of patients
that the leg discomfort could be secondary to other disorders with CKD. Patients with CKD have a variety of symptoms
mimicking RLS (49). that affect their perception of their quality of life, work,
Clinical depression diagnosed with a structured interview and social life. These symptoms can significantly add con-
as well as depressive symptoms are commonly noted in straints to patients’ lives, particularly when combined with
both patients with CKD and patients with ESRD. Patients complex treatment regimens, medications and their side

Table 2. Selected dialysis-related issues that affect health-related quality of life of patients on dialysis

Peritoneal Dialysis Hemodialysis

Weight gain (60) Myocardial stunning (61)

Glucose control (62) Postdialysis recovery time (28)
Peritoneal access issues (63) Vascular access issues (64)
Peritonitis (65) Sepsis (66)
Daily dialysis routine (67) Three or more times per week treatment (67)
Visits to dialysis facility (67) Transportation to hemodialysis unit (67)
Exit site infections (65) Endotoxemia (68)
Ultrafiltration problems (69) Cerebral ischemia (70)
Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (71) Recurrent hypotension (72)
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 12: 687–693, April, 2017 Initiation of Dialysis for Symptom Management, Cabrera et al. 691

effects, and dietary restrictions (54). The multiplicity of Sorting out the relative contribution of the uremic environ-
symptoms that patients with CKD experience and the com- ment from aging, the effect of various comorbidities, and the
plexity of the patients can make the development of treat- effect of myriad medications is challenging. HRQOL assess-
ment strategies challenging and difficult. Nonpharmacologic ments suggest that, although some symptoms improve with
and pharmacologic interventions can be potentially effective the start of dialysis, others will not improve. Furthermore, the
for managing these symptoms. The executive summary of early initiation of dialysis does not improve patient outcomes
the KDIGO Controversies Conference on Supportive Care in or quality of life compared with late initiation.
CKD (53) provides a list of symptoms experienced by pa- The decision to initiate dialysis and the timing of that
tients with CKD and a high-level synthesis of the literature decision may or may not have an effect on the symptoms
summarizing treatment strategies. and quality of life of patients with advanced CKD. In this
A time-limited trial of dialysis is a reasonable option complex environment, dialysis initiation should be a shared
when a patient has an uncertain prognosis, it is not clear if decision–making process among the CKD/dialysis team, the
the individual will benefit from dialysis, or there is a lack of patient, and the family. The information that is provided to
consensus from the patient/family about proceeding with patients and their families should include the benefits and
RRT. This trial allows the patient and the family to evaluate harms of the various treatment options specific to that in-
the effect of dialysis and permits the clinician to evaluate dividual and the possible positive and negative effects on
the clinical response of symptoms to the treatment. In such patient symptoms and quality of life. It is important that
circumstances, it is important to establish clear parameters patients and families have realistic expectations of potential
delineating the decision to continue with dialysis (55). The treatment options. Helping patients and families to be part
duration of such a trial needs to be assessed on an ongoing of a problem-solving approach to individualized manage-
basis taking into account the patient’s response to treat- ment will maximize treatment benefits.
ment. According to the clinical practice guidelines on Future research is needed to develop a better under-
shared decision making from the Renal Physicians Associ- standing of the effect of advanced CKD on patients’ symp-
ation and the American Society of Nephrology, it is appro- toms and their perception of their quality of life. In
priate to discontinue dialysis in the following situations: addition, attention needs to be focused on better appreci-
those patients who request to discontinue dialysis, those ating the effect of dialysis itself (and the different dial-
without capacity who previously indicated refusal of di- ysis regimens) on patients’ quality of life. This can help
alysis in oral or written advanced directive, and those guide the decision of when to initiate dialysis and the
without capacity whose appointed legal agents request role of nondialytic supportive care in individual patient
for it to be discontinued (56). management.
Another approach to consider is an incremental ap- Lastly, the routine incorporation of assessments of pa-
proach to dialysis initiation defined as a gradual increase tient symptoms and the severity of these symptoms into
in the dialysis prescription over time for those patients routine care of the patient with CKD is critically important
with residual renal function. It has been proposed that this (59). Regulatory agencies have focused on the measure-
approach could potentially offer several benefits, including ment of more easily quantifiable laboratory examinations
lessening the effect of the dialysis treatment itself, preser- rather than the more subjective assessments of patient per-
vation of residual renal function, access preservation for ceptions of their symptoms and quality of life. This is per-
those on HD and preservation of the peritoneal membrane haps beginning to change now, because some patient
for those on PD, reduced costs, and the potential for sym- symptoms, such as depressive symptoms, are being incor-
ptom relief with decreased treatment burden. Although porated into standardized patient care. However, assess-
there are no randomized, controlled trials comparing in- ing the entire constellation of uremic symptoms on an
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