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Intelligence Theory.

Marivic T. Angosta.
At first glance I am struggling to see how his ideas can link to education. However,
if you analyze his work more deeply, some of his theories may be of use to explain
parts of what is going on in education and the ‘classroom’. You could argue that
students revert to the ‘id’ when they need to let off steam, and this is when they
become disruptive. Similarly, there may be links also to the ‘super-ego’, as one of
the goals of education is to promote better morals and standards in the
When Freud outlined his theories about the ‘conscious and unconscious mind’, it
was probably cutting edge stuff, but this idea has largely been superseded by
theories such as the ‘Johari window’ which moves Freud’s ideas on:

With that being said, I think it is important to BS-CRIMINOLOGY students as

future law enforcers to take into account the notion that individuals have
‘conscious and unconscious’ parts of themselves. For instance if you were
discussing a controversial subject such as sexual abuse, and you were not aware
of your co-students in the group who have been victims of such crimes, you might
induce in those students, thoughts that they are trying to forget. I realized that I
have only addressed a couple of Freud’s ideas in this answer, but I hope that
these help to see how they may relate to BS-CRIMINOLOGY students.

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