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PAPER: Business Law



1 Example

(a) A invites B to a dinner. B accepts the invitation. But does not attend it A cannot sue B for

2 Examples

(a) A agrees with B to put life into B’s dead brother.

3 Examples

(a) A promised to sell 20 books to B. it is not clear which books A has promised to sell.

4 Example

(a) A agrees with B to sell 100 bags of wheat at Rs. 150 per bag. However before delivery,
government bans private trade in wheat.

5 Example

(a) M, a professional shoe shiner starts polishing the shoes of W without being asked to do so, and
W allows him to do so and W is under obligation to pay M.

6 Examples

(a) A promises B to pay C a sum of Rs. 1000. The person who can demand performance is B and not
C. if A does not pay amount to C, C cannot take any action against A. it is only B who can take
action against A. On the death of B, B’s legal representatives can only demand performance.

7 Examples

(a) C contract H to sell a part of a specific crop of potatoes to be grown on his farm, but failed to
supply them as the crop was destroyed by pest. The contract was held to be discharged .
8 Examples

(a) A contracts B to supply him 20 tons iron at Rs. 10.000, a ton at a specified date. A contracts with
C to buy 20 tons iron at Rs. 8,000. A informs C about the purpose of contract. C fails to perform
the contract;. As a result. A cannot supply to B. C is liable for profit which A would have made by
performance of contract with B.

9 Examples

(a) C was employed as MD in a company. After C worked for 3 months it was found that the
directors were not authorized to appointment him. C sued for remuneration. Held, C could
recover for the work done.

10 Examples

(a) A sells and delivers goods to B. C afterwards request A not to sue B for the debt for a year, and
promises that if he does so, C will pay for them in default of payment by B. A agrees to forbear
as requested.
Attempt all. Answer the questions in bullets be specific. Irrelevant data will result in
marks deduction. Each question carries 6 marks and answers them with relevant example.

Q1: Which example explains the social nature of agreement? In case of social agreement
can either of the party sue for the damages?

Q2: Do you think that social agreement creates legal obligation or enforceability?

Q3: Which example best suit in situation of possibility of performance as one of the
essential of contract?

Q4: “Certainty” as an essential of contract leads to void contract if is not followed in deal
relate an example to this?

Q5: Give different circumstances in which a contract becomes void?

Q6: Being a lawyer how would you defend aggrieved party with the provision of law as
“Subsequent Illegality” relate an example best suit the situation?

Q7: What does implied contract means. In which example you can identify it?

Q8: What is performance of contract, who can demand and who will perform? Give an
example for this from available options?

Q9: What is discharge of contract, what are different ways in which a contract is
discharged? In which example “Destruction of Subject Matter” occurred?

Q10: “Quantum meriut” is a provision in which contract is discharged, being a lawyer how
you will defend your party with this provision. Give best example?


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