SmartJSP English Architecture - SmartPOS 2019 V3 0

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Pedro Rozo

CEO - Canadá & Américas

MBA / PMP / Senior Global IT Consultant
Colombia / Canadá / United Kingdom
Pedro Rozo

✔ Systems Engineer - Universidad Distrital F.J.C.

✔ MBA – Company Direction Universidad San Pablo – España
✔ Project Management Professional – PMP - PMI
✔ Oracle Certified Enterprise Architect for Java (SCEA)
✔ CEO - SmartJSP Solutions for Canada & Americas
✔ Global Senior Consultant for Enterprise Integration, SOA,
✔ BPM, ERP, Middleware and Open Source

✔ +18 years of global IT experience delivering solutions for many industries

such as: Telecommunications, Insurance, Healthcare, Agriculture and
Finance, 100% Bilingual (Spanish & English) with a ideal balance of
executive and technical strengths. Canadian & Colombian citizen.
✔ University Teacher for Post-graduate IT training and conference speaker for
Universidad Distrital at Bogotá, and Universidad Tecnológica de Panama,
also an IT trainer for SOA, middleware, architecture, integration and
enterprise open source solutions for large organizations.
Our Company
● We create real agile & specialized IT solutions (Cloud, Onsite &
Mobile) integrating enterprise open source products for
distributed environments applying best practices and Global
open standards.

● Founded in Vancouver, Canada in 2004 and established its

engineering base in Bogotá D.C,Colombia since 2009, we
have executed integration projects successfully for U.K.,
Canada, U.S.A, Ivory Coast, Spain, Panamá, Ecuador and

● We perform advanced IT integration projects using service

oriented architecture (SOA), OSGi and Java enterprise
IT Specialized Solutions Global & Standard “Building
Blocks”:Horizontal Solutions



Supply chain &



Livestock farms
& Agricultural

Online Government
Vertical IT Solutions (Powered by Idempiere ERP)

Commercial, manufacturing & Retail: SmartERP & SmartPOS: Integrated

ERP + POS : optimized for retail industries such as: restaurants and

Transportation: SmartVehiculos + SmartERP: Integrated solutions for

Vehicle maintenance, workshops, service pumps with reports and

Livestock farms : SmartGanadero:+ SmartERP + Integrated solutions for

Livestock management including: health registry, meat and milk
production, it includes reports, alarms, statistics and prospective tools

Agricultural: SmartAgro+: SmartERP. It manages Farm production from

the first stage to the final delivery of the products, it includes labour,
costs, etc.

Healthcare: SmartSalud: SmartERP : Integrated solution for health care

centers (small – middle size) support health care registry, calendars,
automated commission rules and all the basic integrations with ERP

1) Flexible topologies
2) Product Evolution 1.0 (C/S) → 3.2 (Online-OSGi)
3) 4 –> 5.1 → 6 Highlights (Functional)
4) 6.1(To Be released)–Reactive asynchronous integration
5) Add-ons: SmartLoyalty
Topologies: Model A. L.A.N


Local (Store)

SmartPOS(ERP) Selective
+ SmartReplicator Replication
JavaEE/OSGi/ JSON Objects
Reactive REST Mobiles
SmartOrder App
Tablets NativeScript/
SQLite DB /

Printer on Server
or client Side

Many Browser/Tablets + Local ERP

Operation (LAN) / (Optional Remote Sync)
Topologies Model B.
Simplified Asynchronous Architecture
Remote (Store) Central Location
SmartPOS(ERP) Se
+ SmartReplicator JS Re lectiv SmartERP
JavaEE/OSGi/ ON plic e + SmartReplicator
Ob ation
Reactive REST jec JavaEE/OSGi/
ts Reactive REST

JS eac
Tablets ON tive
Ob Sy
Remote (Store) jec nc

O at e
ec n
N lic iv
bj io

O ep ct

JS R ele
+ SmartReplicator S
Reactive REST Mobile Client
SmartOrder APP REST Web Services
Native Script+
SQLite DB+
SmartReplicator Lite N-POS(ERP) + 1 Central ERP + Local
Mobiles + DiaspoCare Devices
Topologies Model C.
Large Scale Asynchronous Architecture
Remote (Store) Central Location
SmartPOS(ERP) Se
+ SmartReplicator le SmartERP
JS Rep ctiv +
+ SmartLoyalty ON li c e SmartReplicator
JavaEE/OSGi/ Ob ation + SmartLoyalty
Reactive REST jec JavaEE/OSGi/
ts Reactive REST

Microservices +
Remote (Store) Rea
tiv ion JSOctiv ESB Server
c e
SmartPOS(ERP) le t N O Sync
+ SmartReplicator Se plica jects bjec
Re Ob ts
+ SmartLoyalty
JavaEE/OSGi/ J S Mobile Client
Reactive REST
SmartOrder APP REST Web Services
Native Script+
SQLite DB+
SmartReplicator Lite N-POS(ERP) + 1 Central ERP + Local Mobiles +
WS02 Integration + DiaspoCare Devices
Topologies Model D. Data Analytics
Browsers Central Location
Remote (Store) SmartERP
+ SmartReplicator
SmartPOS(ERP) Se + SmartLoyalty
+ SmartReplicator le
JS Rep ctiv JavaEE/OSGi/
+ SmartLoyalty ON li c e Reactive REST
JavaEE/OSGi/ Ob ation
Tablets Reactive REST jec
Microservices +
or Re ESB Server
S ON JS activ
SmartOrder APP i v e J ation ON e S
ct plic Ob ync
Native Script+ l e j ec
Se Re ts
SmartReplicator Lite
Mobile Client
DashBoard REST Web Services
& Analytics Server

N-POS(ERP) + 1 Central ERP + Local Mobiles + WS02 Integration +

DiaspoCare Devices + Data Analytics Server + Dashboards
1. Product Evolution

SmartERP (Adempiere/Idempiere Distro of SmartJSP)

A bit of History about previous POS efforts
0. Posterita Web POS.
1. Basic (old) Open Bravo – Web Services (OpenBravo ERP
2.. Red 1 – Basic OBPOS - batch sync – basic entities & transactions
3. SmartPOS 1.x (2011-2012) – C/S -Enhanced OBPOS+ Advanced
Asyncronous Integration with SmartERP(Adempiere) using ActiveMQ
 Master (ERP) – Slave(n POS-per org) – ERP stock management
 Fail over-store &forward and secure scenarios
 Multiple units and prices per product
 Real time synchronization for Returns, payments, stock management,
taxes, categories, products, customers, discount (plans) model for
insurance, clubs and membership orgs, location (country, regions, cities)
 > 200 fixes over the original OBPOS
 >50 Popular add-on features (multiple printers, tips, discounts)
 Stock, location and unit visualization during sales
 Optimized for english, french & spanish
1. Product Evolution

4. SmartPOS 2.0 (Enhanced OBPOS + SmartERP(Idempiere 2.0) Plug-

in + RabbitMQ+Server &client Installers for linux, windows, virtual
appliance. 2013

5. SmartPOS 3.1 OSGi-Web (newer Idempiere 2.1 -Plugin) Server side

(web), installers for linux, windows, database seed , extended
documentation, First release for developers 3.1 (first set of packouts,
additional docs) 2014 – 2015

6. SmartPOS 3.2 offers a lot of QA enhancements, support to light

manufactured (1 level), promotions, flexible discounts, advanced
warehouse, organization structure, easier UI configuration per warehouse,
organization and system levels. Integration with SmartLoyalty → 2015.

7. SmartPOS 4 Support for advanced asynchronous scenarios using

distributed selective replication with NOSQL DB (Cassandra) and data
Analytics (BigData) capabilities using WS02 business activity monitor.
1. Product Evolution

8. SmartPOS 5.1 Web (newer Idempiere 5.1 -Plugin) Server side (web),
installers for linux, windows, database seed , extended documentation,

Support to light manufactured (1 level), promotions, flexible discounts,

advanced warehouse, organization structure, easier UI configuration per
warehouse, organization and system levels.

Integration with SmartLoyalty

9. SmartPOS 6 Web (newer Idempiere 6.2) Server side (web), installers

for linux, windows, database seed , and SQL scripts for vanilla idempiere
6.2 & extended documentation. See what’s new doc ..
6. AddOns SmartLoyalty

Points management per product

Payment with points

Purchase / redemption of points during POS transactions

Demo / Overview
Your choice

✔ Strategic IT Partner

✔ Expert IT Service provider

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