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CLASS: III (2020-21)

Points to Remember
1.Birds are the only animals with feathers. They have three types of feathers.
Flight Feathers Down Feathers Body Feathers
Long and flat feathers Small, soft, and fluffy Short feathers

Present on tails and wings Present under body Present all over the body
Help the bird to fly Keep the bird warm Give smooth shape to the

2. Birds fly with upstroke and downstroke movement of their wings.

3.Birds have streamlined body, hollow bones and strong muscles that help them to fly.
3. Birds have different types of beaks depending upon their feeding habits.
4. Most birds have feet with four toes in each foot and each toe has one claw. They use their claws
to catch and eat food, protect themselves from enemies, move and perch.


The long spread out toes help birds like cranes, herons,
Wading to walk without sinking their feet into soft soiland
long, thin legs prevent their body from getting wet.

5. Birds make nests to lay and hatch their eggs and protect them from enemies. They make
different kinds of nests.
Type of Nest Bird Shape and material used
Cup nest Small birds Most common type of nests, shape of this nest is like a cup
like so that eggs and babies do not fall.
hummingbird, It is made of a variety of materials like dried grass, twigs etc.
Hanging Nest Weaver Bird The weaver bird uses dry twigs, grass, fine pieces of straw to
make a big and strong nest by pulling the grass in and out.
The nest hangs from the branch of a tree.
The bird enters and comes out through a tunnel-like opening
at the end of the nest.
Hanging Nest Tailor Bird The tailor bird makes their nests with long leaves.
(Deep Cup) They stitch two large leaves together with bit of thread,
straw, and dry twigs with their needle like beak.
The nest is lined with material like cotton, wool, grass, and
hair to keep the nest cosy.
Cavity Nest Woodpecker Woodpecker uses its chisel-shaped beak to cut a hole in the
trunk of a tree.
It then lines the nest with the wooden chips to make it cozy.
Platform nest Vultures Vultures makes big nest on a tall tree using few sticks.
(Shallow Cup) The nests look like a shallow cup.
Ground nest Penguins Penguins make nests by collecting pebbles and stones on the

** Cuckoo does not make a nest of its own. It lays its eggs in the nests of other birds such as crows.
These birds hatch the cuckoo eggs along with their own.

What Should You Do If You Find a Bird Nest?
• Do not touch the nest, even if it appears to be abandoned. It usually takes a
few days for birds to build their nests and for the female to lay her eggs in it
once it is completed. Even if the nest appears empty or abandoned, it may still
be active and touching or disturbing the nest may cause the parents to
abandon it.
• Stay back from the discovered nest. Any attention that you may draw to the
nest could attract or alert predators in the area. If the nest is in the process of
being built or is active, the female may abandon it if she sees that you have
found the nest.

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