Unit 6 Language Summary: Nouns Verbs

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Unit 6 Language summary

Nouns Organizational threats Verbs Deter

data leakage alienate
Business electronic data Attract deter
(the) bottom line espionage appeal discourage
community hacking attract dissuade
coupon intellectual property coax intimidate
customer logon information convince put (someone) off
deal password draw (someone) in scare (someone) off
discount protocol entice unnerve
economy strategic plans induce
enterprise lure Organizational threats
entrepreneur Adjectives persuade boycott
life saver pressure into collaborate
markets prompt communicate
merchant tempt encourage
multimillionaire urge estimate
promotion woo
start-up company
word of mouth

Adding and modifying information Another store might offer self-service ordering. Yet another
The company had more than 85 million customers, all of might create a “third place.”
whom “opt in” to the site.
The Internet provided a new opportunity to coupon Persuading
businesses, many of which have been successful. Don’t you think companies should listen to their customers?
Over 90 percent of companies, most of which are small It makes sense for any corporation, doesn’t it?
businesses, said the promotion attracted customers. Consumers don’t have that much influence, do they?
Mason had an idea: Attract subscribers to whom you email It’s more complex than that, isn’t it?
special deals.
Shoppers clip coupons from newspapers, with which they can Conceding a point
save money.
Well, granted, the notion is very popular.
Referring to people and things Use modal verbs in writing
Lower prices will tempt some people, and some will be
These factors can cause data leakage.
attracted by special offers.
Some devices might / may / could be shared with others
Any store that makes people feel at ease will probably
It would be advisable not to allow employees to take work
generate more business.
Stores need to find other ways to attract customers.
We could also enforce the rules on using private computers.
Other evidence suggests music can actually irritate people.
It needs to be like your home, not some other unfamiliar

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