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Class 16
23rd June 2020
Prof. Liana Torres


❖ What do you usually do before writing a research paper or any

other type of academic text?
❖ Do you have any special steps or techniques to get started?


Step 1: Analyse the task.

What are you asked to do?

What type of text do you intend to write?
What are the key words related to the task (in an exam)?

Essay types Task words This means...

Problem/Solution What can be done to Explain 2 or 3 aspects of the
solve…? issue.
How can this problem be (1 paragraph each)
addressed? Suggest solutions.
What challenges…? Make recommendations.
What strategies…?
Agree or disagree Do you agree or disagree? Take a position.
Explain your position. Defend it strongly. Give several
Justify your opinion. reasons to support your
Write in support of one of position. (1 paragraph each).
these views. It is useful to acknowledge the
opposite view (counter
and say why don’t you accept it.
Two sides of an argument Discuss Give a balanced presentation.
Compare/contrast This means you should write
Advantages/disadvantages equally about both sides of the
issue. In the conclusion you can
indicate your position.
Explain a problem or What are the reasons Give reasons or explanations
solution for…? cautiously and support them.
Evaluate an issue or To what extent…? You will probably take a
problem How important/serious…? position which is neither in total
What do you think? agreement nor total
disagreement, but somewhere in
between. Explain why.

Step 2: Generate ideas

Brainstorm ideas for your writing by using spider diagrams, mind maps, or

Write key topic words.

Note down any related ideas or examples.
Group the ideas to become your paragraph topics.

Step 3: Plan your essay

Introduction 1 short paragraph General statement(s) about the topic

followed by thesis statement (what you
are going to write about or what position
you intend to take on the question).
Outline the key points you will develop in
your paragraphs.
Body 3-4 paragraphs Begin each paragraph with a topic
sentence (main idea) followed by
examples/evidence for support.
Conclusion 1 short paragraph Summarise, but don’t repeat, main ideas.
Include recommendation if necessary or
(re)state your position, to bring essay to
a close.

Step 4: Write a first draft.

Step 5: Edit/Proofread and make improvements.

Step 6: Write a final version of your essay.

Read the following essay questions from the IELTS test. What are you asked to
do in each case?
People today move to new cities or new countries more than ever before.
What challenges do they experience? What strategies are there to meet
these challenges?1

Children in many countries are eating more fast food and convenience
snacks. Why are children doing this and how serious are the

convenience stores
corner stores

It seems that many companies today are becoming much more concerned
with profit than with the happiness of their workers. How would
companies take better care of their workers in the future?

To learn a foreign language successfully you need to spend time in the
country where the language is spoken. Do you agree or disagree?

Essay types Task words

Problem/Solution What can be done to solve…?

How can this problem be addressed?
What challenges…?
What strategies…?

Agree or disagree Do you agree or disagree?

Explain your position.
Justify your opinion.
Write in support of one of these views.

Two sides of an argument Discuss


Explain a problem or solution What are the reasons for…?


Evaluate an issue or problem To what extent…?

How important/serious…?
What do you think?

Now read the model essays that answer some of the questions above:

1 Source: Slater, S., Millen, D., Tyrie, P., (2003). IELTS on Track. Adelaide: Centre for English Language in the
University of South Australia.
Children in many countries are eating more fast food and convenience snacks. Why are
children doing this and how serious are the consequences?

If you travel almost any city of the world you can see western-style fast
food outlets serving burgers, pizzas, coffee, fried chicken, and
sandwiches. Children enjoy this food; however, their parents are not
supervising them carefully. This essay will try to explain why and assess
some of the consequences.

PARAGRAPH 1. Why are children eating more fast food? A key reason is
the ever larger numbers of fast food restaurants. In addition, children in
some countries have more pocket money to spend and seem to associate
fast food with international culture. Also, young people are affected by
peer pressure so, if fast food is seen as ‘cool,’ then eating it helps them to
be accepted by others.

PARAGRAPH 2. As it is often children who eat fast food, we can ask why
parents don’t control their kids’ eating habits a little more. Possibly,
parents today are working harder and longer and don’t talk with their
children about diet. Moreover, they have to deal with a lot of pressure
from children who are frightened of seeming ‘different’ from classmates.
Added to this, in some societies, parents no longer use strong discipline,
and find it hard to resist the powerful advertising images which fast
companies use.

PARAGRAPH 3: The consequences are really serious, however. Eating fast

food frequently can cause obesity in some children, and it may mean an
unbalanced diet, with too much processed and sweet food. As adults,
children might experience health problems like diabetes. Finally, by eating
fast food regularly, children get used to spending money too easily. This
could create poor money management in adulthood.

Parents should think through the consequences of letting their children

eat food. It is not just a question of diet, there is also a threat to
cultural values and eating traditions. Traditional diets may not be
fashionable, but they are healthy and worth protecting.


The orientation introduces the topic of the essay in a general way, often by using a
trend statement (i.e. a broad, general statement).
2. Purpose statement:
The purpose statement clearly states the purpose of the essay by recycling words from
the question. It often begins with the words ‘This essay will…’
3. Thesis/my opinion:
Authors may choose to provide a glimpse of their opinion on the subject of the essay.
However, this section will depend on the essay purpose and the essay question you
need to answer.
4. Outline:
The outline specifically states the focus of your body paragraphs and/or the structure
of your essay. It helps the reader to anticipate the focus of your essay. It often begins
with the words ‘it will focus on’ followed by nouns or noun phrases.

Task 1: Read the following introductions and match their sentences with the
basic sections explained above.

Introduction 1:
Large numbers of international students are making the decision to travel to
English-speaking countries to complete their university studies. Because
language skills are essential for their success, it is important that international
students continue to improve their English while they are studying in the host
country. This essay will explain how international students can improve their
English language skills. It will focus on using online resources and participating
in social activities.

Introduction 2:

Public transport can be found in cities all over the world. In some countries,
however, political and economic interests have impeded the building of adequate
infrastructure and therefore a massive use of public transport has been
hindered. Hence, many commuters still prefer using private cars amid the
financial cost this implies. Yet, most of the population must rely on public
transport since they have no other options to commute. This essay will explain
the benefits and disadvantages of both public and private transport in Bogotá
and Cali, Colombia, in order to support the claim that a revamp 2 in public
infrastructure is needed. The essay will focus on the pros and cons of public and
private transport for individuals and for the environment.

2 give new and improved form, structure, or appearance to.



There are three main parts of a body paragraph:
1. Topic sentence
The role of the topic sentence is to give a body paragraph a clear purpose and structure
by presenting the controlling idea of the paragraph. A good topic sentence makes a
comment about the topic, which clearly states what the paragraph will focus on. The
topic sentence should be a claim (i.e. not a fact) and contain:
● the topic
● a controlling idea. (This is a comment about the topic which is going to be
developed throughout the paragraph).

2. Supporting sentences
The supporting sentences should expand on the topic sentence. They provide evidence,
details, explanations, facts, and examples in order to achieve this objective.
3. Concluding sentence
This is the final sentence in a body paragraph. You may one to include one or both of
the following ideas to write an effective concluding sentence:
● restating the controlling idea of the paragraph
● stating the effect/significance of the ideas contained in a paragraph

Task 1: Read the following body paragraphs and match their sentences with the basic
sections explained above.

Body paragraph 1:

Learning a foreign language can lead to more rewarding travel experiences. One
of the most enjoyable aspects of travel is learning about different cultures. If
travellers are unable to speak the languages of the countries they visit, it can be
challenging to learn about the culture. In contrast, if travellers are able to
communicate with the local people, it gives them the opportunity to gain a
deeper appreciation of the local culture. In this way travel becomes more

Body paragraph 2:

Many international students experience social challenges when they go to study

abroad. Not only are international students often living away from home for the
first time, they must also adjust to an unfamiliar local culture, which often leads
to feelings of culture shock. Some time is also needed before international
students are able to develop a social network in the foreign country. It can thus
be seen that social challenges are a major concern faced by international

students and they may need further support from local authorities and
education providers.

The conclusion

There are three main parts of the conclusion:

1. Conclusion transition signal
It's important to signal the beginning of the conclusion to the reader. There are a few
options you can use: In conclusion, to conclude, as a conclusion.
2. Summary
The purpose of the summary is to briefly rephrase the ideas which you outlined in your
body paragraphs. It is usually made up of two to three sentences.
3. Future statement
In the future statement, you should leave the reader with a recommendation or
prediction about the future, which should follow logically from the points raised in the

Task 2: Read the following conclusion and match its sentences with the basic sections explained

Sample Conclusion:

In conclusion, public transport can benefit individuals as well as the

environment. Commuters are able to save money, experience less stress and be
more productive by using public transport. The environment benefits by
reducing the number of cars on the road. In light of this, governments need to
encourage public transport use and continue to invest in public transport
systems in order to ensure that it is attractive to commuters.

Vocabulary building:

Please avoid using subjective or ambiguous adjectives in your essay.

Check some synonym words for ´´good´´:

Check some synonym words for ´´difficult´´:

Check some synonym words for ´´disadvantage´´:


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