Unit 11 Language Summary: Nouns Expressions

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Unit 11 Language summary

Nouns Artistic fakes Artistic fakes Expressions

academic copycat be drawn into
Imagined threats analyst fortunate be taken in
arsenal arsenal genuine call someone on
asteroid authenticity high-resolution come to light
dinosaur brushstroke laborious pass off
debris carbon dating multi-spectral
documentary digital-imaging straightforward Be to expressions for the
doomsayer dishonesty uncommon future
national grid forger be to
NASA handiwork Verbs be bound to
ownership appreciate be set to
Hard to believe be sure to
pigment apprehend
con artist techniques
forgery authenticate Idioms and phrasal verbs
deception collapse with turn
Adjectives con
fraud turn a blind eye (to)
forensic establish
turn back the clock
genuine exaggerate
turn down
imagined forge
turn over a new leaf
imminent illustrate
turn into
lighthearted panic
turn out
lucrative prepare
turn (something) around
notorious stockpile
turn to
perceived threaten
turn your back on
recognized trace
turning point
unethical uncover

Talking about the future Expressing concerns

A TV documentary is to air later this week. I’m not comfortable with (that).
If we are to survive a catastrophe, we’d better shape up. I’m not too happy about (that).
If society were to collapse, these people are well prepared. That doesn’t seem right.
Civilization is not about to collapse. There’s bound to be That doesn’t sit right with me.
debris falling on us. That’s my concern.
They said the world was to end in 2012. It was bound to That’s not good.
happen, they said. To me, it was a lie.

Information focus Conjunctions and adverbs in academic writing

He’d rather be remembered for his work with the FBI. This activity can be stopped as long as the authorities take
He’d rather remember his work with the FBI. decisive action.
Abagnale deserves to be admired. Counterfeiting is a serious problem. Yet people are attracted
A 12-year prison term appears to have been considered harsh to cheap, fake goods.
even then. It will continue in view of the fact / given that there is a
He avoided being apprehended for several years. market for fake goods. / given the demand.
People buy fake goods regardless of / irrespective of / no
matter how much it hurts the economy.

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