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Principle 3 Establshing Board Committee

3.1 Board Committees 3.2 Establishment of Audit Committee 3.3 Establishmemt of Corporate Governance 3.4 Establishment of Board Risk Oversight 3.5 Establishment of Committee Charters

should be set up to the extent possible to support the effective The Audit Committee is responsible for overseeing the Senior tasked to assist the Board The Committee Charter clearly defines the roles, accountabilities,
performance of the Board's function Management in in the performance of its corporate governance responsibilities, Establish a separate Board Risk Oversight Committee (BROC) that powers and authority
establishing and maintaining an adequate, effective and efficient including the functions should be of each committee to avoid any overlapping functions, which aims at
internal control that were formerly assigned to the Nomination and Remuneration responsible for the oversight of a company’s Enterprise Risk having a more
framework. Committee. Management System to effective board for the company
ensure its functionality and effectiveness

Duties and Responsibilities Duties nd funtions

Duties and Responsibilities

a. Recolmmends the approval of the Internal Audit (IA) Charter a. Oversees the implementation of the corporate governance
framework. a. Develops a formal ERM plan

b. Through the IA Department, monitors and evaluates the adequacy

and effectiveness b. Oversees the periodic performance evaluation of the Board and its b. Oversees the implementation of the ERM plan.
of the corporation’s internal control system committees as well

c. Evaluates the risk management plan to ensure its continued

c.Oversees the IA Department, and recommends the appointment c. Ensures that the results of the Board evaluation are discussed relevance,
and removal of an IA comprehensiveness and effectiveness.
head as well as his qualifications, and grounds for appointment and

d. Recommends the continuing education/training programs for

directors d. Advises the Board on its risk appetite levels and risk tolerance


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