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Interview questions

Intro – 2 to 35 in vid.1 (33 sec)

Showing poster – vid.3 0 to 8 (8 sec)

Demonstrating system – 0:16 to 3:20 (speed up)

1. What accounting operations are in process at this company? And what are
you using to manage these processes?

2. What are the advantages (how it fits within the framework of the
company) and the disadvantages (restraints) of your current system?

3. Are all your accounting and operation systems in sync with each other?

5:40 to 5:55 (15 sec)- Jobpack sync vid.1

4. Is the company considering using an ERP system?

1:01 to 2:01 vid.2 (60 sec) – comparing jobpack to others.

5. Would an ERP system be compatible with your operations? What is the

cost of such a system change? (rough figures, training, software,

11:12 to 12:10 (58 sec) – upgrading jobpack vid.1

6. How is the success of your system or and ERP system evaluated? How
often does this occur?

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