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FIS 0434 Chemistry 1

Assignment- Chapter 2
1. The set of quantum numbers for two electrons with the highest energy of an atom A are shown
as below:
n=3, l=2, m=-1, s =+1/2
n=3, l=2, m=+1, s=+1/2

(a) Determine the type of orbitals designed by these sets of quantum numbers.
(b) Name the quantum number that indicates the shape of atomic orbital.
(c) Write the electronic configuration of atom A
(d) Write the electronic configuration of ion A if three electrons were removed from atom A.

2. Arrange the following atomic orbitals in the ascending order of energy:

3d, 3s, 5p, 4d, 2s, 4p, 4s

3. Write the electronic configuration for

(a) V
(b) Co2+

4. Given the proton number of Scandium, Sc is 21.

(a)Write the electronic configuration of Sc
(b) Draw the orbital diagram for the 3 outermost electrons in Sc.
(c) Write all the sets of quantum numbers for the 3 outermost electrons in Sc.

5. Nickel, Ni is a d-block element in the Periodic Table.

(a) Write the electronic configuration of Ni2+ ion and Ni3+ ion.
(b) Give a set of possible quantum number for the electron with the highest energy in Ni2+ ion.

6. Consider an element with proton number of 24,determine the number of electron with
(a) principal quantum number, n=4
(b) angular momentum quantum number, l=0
(C) magnetic quantum number, m=+1
(d) l=2 and m=-3

7. Element proton number

A 9
B 20
(a) Draw the orbital diagram for the electrons in the outermost shell of element A and B
(b) Write the electronic configuration for the most stable ion of element A and B
(c) Give the most stable oxidation number for each ion

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