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Email Assignment 1- Persuasive Email

Situation and background:

Like all industrial Zones, Vikasapuram New Industrial Zone (VNIZ) works hard to attract
businesses that are considering expanding into the area or relocating entirely from another
region or State. Its Department for Economic Development is responsible for reaching out to
these companies and overseeing the many incentive programs Vikasapuram New Industrial
Zone offers to new and established businesses.
Top reasons for locating or expanding a Business in Vikasapuram New Industrial Zone:

1. Unmmatched logistics.
Vikasapuram is located close to one of South India’s largest cities which ranks 3rd in the
nation, and 1st in South India in total air cargo shipments. This will give companies a leg
up on getting products, papers and packages into the national and global stream of
commerce. Due to this strong presence by the world’s most prestigious logistics
companies, products manufactured in Vikasapuram can get anywhere in the shortest
possible time.

2. Cost of Doing Business.

Vikasapuram has one of the lowest costs of doing business in South India according to
News4U24. Companies can also make use of innovative and progressive tax incentive
programs offered by the State Government to avail of flexible financial assistance
needed when locating, expanding or reinvesting in the state.

3. Electrifying power rates.

Among the more significant location factors having a direct influence on bottom line
costs is the annual capital that must be committed to utility consumption. Vikasapuram
has one of the lowest cost of electricity in the industrial sector among the Industrial
Zones in South India, and also one of the lowest in India, coming in nearly 20 percent
lower than the national average.

4. Workforce training.
Vikasapuram New Industrial Zone offers workforce recruiting and training assistance for
new and existing employees at no charge. They also offer a personalized approach to the
buisiness’ workforce needs – the business VNIZ what they need, and VNIZ custom-
designs a solution, saving the business time and money. Last year alone, VNIZ trained
more than 25,000 people and supported more than 100 companies.

5. Strong support for innovation, entrepreneurship, and education.

Vikasapuram New Industrial Zone’s drive to encourage business innovation and small
business startups is evident by the array of unique and effective programs offered for
both entrepreneurs and investors. VNIZ’s Innovation office offers startup and
capitalization assistance as well as mentoring to help small businesses turn big ideas into
reality. They
6. Unsurpassed quality of life.
With one of the lowest cost of living rates in India, your money can go further in
Vikasapuram! The cost of living is more than 10 percent lower in Vikasapuram than the
country average, and housing costs alone are up to 30 percent lower.

Your Task:
As the Communication Director of the Vikasapuram New Industrial Zone Department for
Economic Development, you play the lead role in reaching out to companies that want to
expand or relocate to Vikasapuram.
Review the top reasons for locating or expanding a Business in Vikasapuram New Industrial
Zone (listed on Page 2)
Identify the major benefits the Industrial Zone uses to promote Vikasapuram New Industrial
Zone as a great place to locate a business.
Summarize these reasons in an email letter that will be sent to business executives
throughout the country.
Be sure to introduce yourself and your purpose in the letter, and close with the compelling
call to action.
As you plan your letter try to imagine yourself as the CEO of any one and consider what a
complex choice would be to move to another region.

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