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Barte, Rosemarie Fe C.

Ms. Laurice M. Capila Human Resource Management

Assessment Task 4
Think Critically

1. Of the parts of HR planning, which do you think is most difficult, and why? Which would you
enjoy the most, and why?
The most difficult part of Human Resource planning is the selecting of employees.
Selection of employees is the process of putting the right person on the right job. The HR
manager must first decide what qualifications desires in a job candidate and then post it on ads,
newspapers and in the internet. It is a long process to choose from the applicants who is suitable
for the job. From reviewing the resume’s, screening, to schedule an interview for the applicants. It
is hard to choose from the candidates who will fit the qualifications. It may be simple at first but it
will be a complicated on the process because it takes time and money in choosing the best suitable
candidate for the job. They need to select the most applicable candidate to help increase the
overall performance of the organization.
The part of HR planning I would definitely enjoy is the develop trainingalthough they are
selected as the suitable for the job, they need to know what is the culture in the organization,
improve their skills, and train them to be a good employee. I would definitely enjoying doing
those things, because I am willingly to share to others what I’ve learned and the knowledge I have
to do a better at work.

2. Why is it important to plan your staffing before you start to hire people?
Staffing is important to plan before to start to hire people because it is the process which
you search who will be the best suitable for the available job. Hiring the right people in the right
job leads for maximum productivity and higher performance of the organization. Because I
believe that the secret in an organization’s success is the people on it.

3. What is the significance of training? Why do we need it in organizations?

Training is important in an organization to help the employees to gain knowledge in their
work. It also helps to improve and acquire new skills to perform better at work. Training leads to
a better process and better work. It increases the productivity of the employees and decreases the
weakness link in the organization.

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