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volatility of polymers.

Next a “template” has to be created to indicate the

structure of the co-polymer. This is done by specifying "Bond Fractions", i.e.,
the total fraction of bonds between different type of segments. For example, in
the case where there are regular alternating ethylene and propylene segments, the
fraction of PP-PE bonds is equal to 1.0 (all bonds are of type PP-PE).
Conversely, the fractions of direct PE-PE or PP-PP bonds will be equal to zero
(no PE-PE or PP-PP bonds are present because the monomers alternate).
To specify the bond structure, we select Tools/Pure Component Data/SAFT
bond fractions. After clicking on Edit we get

The names of the constituent segments are entered as shown. The pattern of bond
fractions shown is that for an alternating co-polymer as described above. In the
case of a random co-polymer, the bond fraction pattern would be:
Bond Fracs
0.5 0.25
Our input file, copol.mfl, has a co-polymer with a MW of 96400 g/mol. It is
present at 15 wt% in a solvent, 1-butene (85 wt%). Calculation of the polymer
cloud point is a difficult calculation. You can calculate this using a series of P,T
flashes to see, for a given temperature, the pressure at which a second liquid
phase appears or disappears. Another useful technique is to set the temperature
of interest and calculate a bubble point. For this fluid the bubble point at 100
degC is shown below.

If you only have a gas and one liquid phase at the bubble point, then changing
the pressure will not result in a liquid-liquid separation. If at the bubble point
you have gas and two liquid phases then you can calculate the cloud point, the

240 Case studies - Phase equilibria User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
point at which a second liquid phase appears, using the fixed phase fraction flash
at specified T, even though this is not completely straight forward. The solution
type should be set to “unspecified” and it may sometimes be necessary to use
starting values. Depending on the mixture you might need to look for liquid1
(rather than liquid2) to find the cloud point. That is the case for this fluid.
(Starting value for pressure should be 82 bar).

A PT flash calculation for this mixture at 100 degC and 83 bar returns one phase,
with label liquid1.

It might therefore be counterintuitive that to find the cloud point you need to
look for liquid1 rather than liquid2, but a flash at 100 degC and 82 bar shows us
that it really is the phase liquid1 which appears/disappears at the cloud point.

Labelling the phases for a system like this is not straight forward, which is the
reason for these somewhat surprising results. When two liquid phases are present
it is straight forward to keep track of which is which, in the sense that the solvent
phase is labelled liquid1 and the polymer phase is labelled liquid2. The problem
is when only one liquid phase is present. Because the amount of polymer is
reasonably small the combined phase is given the label of the solvent phase. This
is what causes the problem at the cloud point, where the solvent starts coming
out of the combined phase, and forms an almost pure solvent phase, and the new
phase really is liquid1, and the existing phase changes label to liquid2.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies - Phase equilibria 241
A complex picture of the phase behaviour of co-polymers of the same type but
differing molecular weight can be built up as shown in the following figure.

PEP of varying MW and 1-Butene

Wt% .15PEP:.85 Butene

250 M=5.9kg/mol
200 M= 96.4kg/mol




0 50 100 150 200 250

To specify the co-polymers of differing MW you need only change the MW

using Tools/Pure Component properties, all other SAFT properties remain the
same. Provided the overall composition is specified in mass units it will remain
the same even if the co-polymer MW is varied.

242 Case studies - Phase equilibria User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
Case studies - Hydrate
dissociation, formation and

This section is only applicable if your copy of Multiflash includes the hydrates
Natural gas hydrates are solid ice-like compounds of water and the light
components of natural gas. Also, some heavier hydrocarbons found in gas
condensates and oils are known to form hydrates if smaller molecules such as
methane or nitrogen are present to stabilise the structure. Hydrates may form at
temperatures above the ice point and are therefore a serious concern in oil and
gas processing operations. The phase behaviour of systems involving hydrates
can be very complex because up to seven phases must normally be considered,
even without considering the possibility of scale formation. The behaviour is
particularly complex if there is significant mutual solubility between phases, e.g.
when inhibitors or CO2 are present. Multiflash offers a powerful set of
thermodynamic models and calculation techniques for modelling hydrates.
The models used in Multiflash for hydrates and hydrate inhibition have been
briefly described, see “Hydrate model” on page 39, or our separate guide to
models and physical properties. Components known to form hydrates are also

Defining the hydrate models

To ensure that reliable results are obtained it is particularly important that the
correct set of models and phase descriptors are used. The Hydrate model sets
contain a complete description of model and phase specifications.
To define a hydrate model, select Model Set from Select option in the menu bar
and click the Hydrates tab to activate the hydrates dialog box. The Hydrate
model is then defined by selecting the relevant hydrate phases, i.e. Hydrate 1,
Hydrate 2 or Hydrate H; the default is for Hydrate1 and Hydrate2 to be selected.
The thermodynamic hydrate model will calculate the hydrate dissociation
temperature or pressure, i.e. the point at which hydrates can form. To predict the
temperature or pressure at which hydrates will definitely form you need to
calculate hydrate nucleation. To do this you should also select Phase Nucleation.
Phase Nucleation in the list of phase descriptors always works in conjunction
with one of the solid phases such as any hydrate phase or the ice phase.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition 243
Therefore the selection of Phase Nucleation does not increase the number of
phases associated with the model used.

If you have a high concentration of salt then you may need to consider the
possibility of salt precipitation. Multiflash can consider the formation of chloride
and bromide scales. As this may not be a problem for many systems this option
is not considered by default. If you think you may have a problem you should
check the Halide Scales box. This will increase the number of phases that must
be considered but the additional phases will be added automatically when the
box is checked, the user does not have to do anything.

Fluid phase model

To carry out the full range of hydrate calculations with all the available
inhibitors the recommended fluid phase model is the CPA-Infochem. The CPA
model is based on advanced RKS equation of state with additional association
terms for describing the chemical association among the polar components such
as water and methanol.
Two sets of BIPs are required, one is required by the RKSA and another set is
required by the association terms to describe the cross association between polar
components. The required binary interaction parameters by CPA for
hydrocarbons, light gases, water and inhibitors are available from the BIP
databanks, INFOBIPS and the BIP correlations of OILANDGAS.
For inhibition with methanol, ethanol, MEG, DEG or TEG, CPA is the
recommended model as it reproduces the partitioning of methanol and MEG
between water and hydrocarbon vapour and liquid phases more accurately than
RKSA-Infochem with the Modified NRTL Infochem mixing rule.

Hydrate model
The thermodynamic hydrate model consists of lattice parameters for the empty
hydrate and parameters for the interaction of gas molecules with water in the
hydrate. There are different parameter values for each hydrate structure, Hydrate
1, 2 and H. In addition the hydrate must be associated with a liquid phase model
that is used to obtain the properties of water. It is important that this is the same
model that is used for water as a fluid phase.

244 Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
Nucleation model
This model can be used to predict the nucleation of any hydrate phases and
provides an estimate of the temperature or pressure at which hydrates can be
realistically expected to form. The nucleation model is based on the statistical
theory of nucleation in multicomponent systems.
With the Infochem/KBC hydrate model described above and the nucleation
model, the hydrate formation and dissociation boundaries can be predicted.
Between these two boundaries is the area of hydrate risk.

Ice model
Ice is treated as a pure solid phase. The Infochem/KBC freeze-out model can be
used to model the solidification of any component. As with the hydrate phase it
is necessary to associate the solid phase model with a liquid phase model that is
used to obtain the properties of water. It is important that this is the same liquid
model that is associated with the hydrate phase. The nucleation model can also
be used to predict the temperature or pressure at which ice starts to nucleate.

Scale model
In its general form, the freeze-out model can be applied to any solid phase of
fixed composition, which must be defined. The model can for example be
applied to hydrated salts such as monoethylene glycol (MEG) monohydrate or to
crystalline mineral salts, i.e. scales.

In most cases six phase descriptors (PDs) are required: gas, hydrocarbon liquid,
aqueous liquid, hydrate 1, hydrate 2 and ice. At high pressures and/or low
temperatures the “gas” phase may become liquid-like and a second non-aqueous
liquid PD is needed. This is also the case if there is a significant amount of CO2
or H2S present. When considering structure H hydrates an additional phase
descriptor is needed for hydrate H.
In most practical cases a natural gas contains propane and the stable hydrate
structure will be hydrate 2, although for very lean gases at higher pressures
hydrate 1 may be the most stable form. Key components are defined to
distinguish between the hydrocarbon and aqueous liquid phases.
The phase names used in the hydrate models are: GAS, LIQUID1, LIQUID2,
Water, Ice, HYDRATE1, HYDRATE2 and HYDRATEH. You can apply Phase
Nucleation to both hydrates and ice, defined by the hydrate model. If Phase
Nucleation is selected, this means that the nucleation model is defined and can
be used to predict the nucleation of any of the hydrate phases or ice.
In contrast to the thermodynamic hydrate model which allows all possible phases
to be present when carrying out calculations, the nucleation model considers
only the nucleation of the specified phase. At low pressures this can lead to
predictions that the hydrate nucleation temperature is higher than the dissociation
temperature. However, this is not a real situation as ice is not being considered
except for nucleation.
If Halide scales are to be considered then further phase descriptors are required.
These must represent the correct fixed composition of the scale, these are: NaCl,
NaCl.2H2O, KCl, CaCl2.2H2O, CaCl2.4H2O, CaCl2.6H2O, NaBr,
NaBr.2(H2O), KBr, CaBr2.6(H2O).
The addition of these phase descriptors is done automatically by Multiflash when
the "halide scales" option is selected.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition 245
Hydrate calculations with Multiflash
In principle, hydrate calculations with Multiflash are no different from flash
calculations for fluid phases alone. Multiflash treats fluid and solid phases on the
same basis and the full range of flashes can be carried out for streams with
An important point to note is that you must include water in the mixture
explicitly if you wish to do hydrate calculations. Unlike some other programs
Multiflash does not assume that water is present unless you specify it. The
amount of water may influence the results of the calculations, particularly when
inhibitors or water-soluble gases are present.

Will hydrates form at given P and T ?

To find out whether a mixture will start to form hydrates at a given pressure and
temperature it is simply necessary to define your mixture, specify a hydrate
model set and do a P, T flash. If you wish to start from a problem setup file we
have provided hydrate.mfl, which describes a gas condensate.
From the Select menu choose Model Set and click on the Hydrates tab. In the
dialog box, select the relevant phases required and initially specify CPA as the
fluid phase model.

Click on OK once the hydrate model set has been successfully defined and
Specifying the components and composition
The fluid for this case study is defined in the following table:
Component Moles

246 Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
CO2 1.31
N2 0.72
Define the normal components in the usual way; click on the Select
components button, enter the component name in the Enter name text box and
press the enter key or click on Add to select them for loading into Multiflash.
Close to go back to the main window. Click on composition and enter the
correct number of moles for each component.
Alternatively. Load the hydrate.mfl input file.
Enter the temperature, 270K and the pressure, 1 MPa (remember to change the
standard pressure units from Pa to MPa). The input units are defined in moles
but the output units for this example are in g.
Click on the P,T flash button
You will see the following results in the results window.

Hydrate2 is formed at the specified conditions, and you can see that this is in
agreement with the phase diagram. Note that the output shows the amount of
hydrate formed just as it does for other phases. Clicking on the Phase Envelope
button , selecting Hydrate 2 phase and setting HYDRATE2 phase fraction
equal to 0.0, the HYDRATE2 phase boundary can be generated by clicking the
Plot button.

Hydrate formation and dissociation temperature

at given pressure
The hydrate formation or dissociation temperature calculation is an example of a
fixed phase fraction flash. The dissociation temperature is the point below which
hydrates can form (also known as the equilibrium hydrate formation curve). The

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition 247
formation temperature is the point at which the nucleation of hydrates occurs and
hydrates will form. Between these two points is the area of hydrate risk where
hydrates may or may not form depending on the time scale (see figure below)
and the kinetic consideration.

H yd r a t e z o n e H yd r a t e H yd r a t e fr ee
r r is k
r H yd r a t e for m at ion cu r v e H yd r a t e d is s o cia t io n cu r ve

Tem pe ra tur e

To calculate the hydrate dissociation temperature at given pressure

Retain the pressure at 1 MPa.

Either Click on the Hydrate dissociation T at fixed P button, or the Fixed

Phase Fraction Flash at specified pressure button,
In the first case Multiflash will determine the most stable hydrate structure and
report the dissociation temperature for this. In the second case a dialogue box
will be activated, click on the button next to Select phase and from the list
select Hydrate2. Select Normal from the Type of solution and enter 0.0 for
the molar phase fraction

Click on Do flash
The results,

248 Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
show that the Hydrate 2 is the most stable form and first begins to form at
It is important with the fixed phase fraction flash to specify the correct hydrate
structure to search for. If Hydrate1 was specified in the above example the
calculation would fail because there is no solution where Hydrate1 is more stable
than Hydrate2. In most cases of practical interest hydrate2 is the structure
formed, although hydrate1 may be more stable at high pressures for streams
containing a high concentration of methane or H2S. If hydrate1 were to be more
stable it would be present in non-zero amount in the list of phases formed. If in
doubt you can check with the P,T flash option which reports which hydrate
structures are stable at any T and P.

Hydrate formation temperature at given pressure

To calculate the hydrate formation temperature at 1 MPa, make sure the
nucleation model has been defined: go to Select/Model Set/Hydrates, check
the "Phase Nucleation" box and click on "Define Model". The nucleation
calculation will not work unless the model has been correctly defined.

Then, go to the Fixed Phase Fraction Flash – at specified P dialog box and
select Nucleation from “Select basis” . Set the phase fraction text box to zero as
before and then click the "Do flash" button.

If you try to calculate the hydrate formation temperature without first defining
the nucleation model, then the calculation will not converge and error messages
will appear:

If this happens, define the nucleation model by selecting "Phase Nucleation" in

the Hydrates model dialog box and repeat the calculation.
The calculated results with the nucleation model are displayed in the main
screen. Note that the hydrate formation temperature at 1 MPa is now 268K,
about 8 Kelvin lower than the hydrate dissociation temperature, 276.1K.
Note that the nucleation calculation is, in the thermodynamic sense, inherently
unstable, as reported.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition 249
Hydrate formation and dissociation pressure at
given temperature
The hydrate formation or dissociation pressure calculation is analogous to the
formation or dissociation temperature calculation, but is carried out with the
fixed phase fraction flash at specified T option (using the appropriate button
or menu option). The following example finds the hydrate dissociation pressure
for the above mixture at 270K.

The hydrate first forms at 0.598 MPa. Under these conditions the hydrate forms
from the ice phase rather than the liquid water phase. The hydrate formation
pressure at the same temperature is 1.26 MPa.

250 Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
Hydrate phase boundary
You can also use the phase envelope calculator to plot the hydrate phase
boundaries for formation and dissociation for this stream by using the
thermodynamic hydrate model and nucleation model - and add experimental
data if available.

Other flash calculations with hydrates

Once the hydrate model has been specified it is possible to do the same flash
calculations as for other fluid phases. For example, an isenthalpic flash
calculation can be carried out in the same way as shown for the oil and gas
system, see “Other flash calculations” on page 212.

Maximum water content allowable before

hydrate dissociation
Multiflash can determine the maximum amount of water that may be present in a
mixture at a given pressure and temperature before hydrates can form. Multiflash
can achieve this by means of a "tolerance calculation".
The tolerance calculation combines two mixtures in different ratios
until a specified condition is met. The following example finds the maximum
water content for the above mixture at 270K and 1 MPa before hydrates will
In order to calculate this, the following steps are required:
Click on Composition and enter 0.0 for the amount of water. The overall
compositions must be specified on a water-free basis, but water must remain in
the components list.
Then, select Calculate from the menu bar, and select Tolerance Calculation.
Then, select the required phase from "Select phase" box by clicking the
downward-arrow on the right side of the box. In this example, the phase should
be HYDRATE2. Set the phase fraction to zero in "Enter phase fraction" box.
Click the "Composition of Second Fluid" tab to obtain the second stream of the
mixture, then set the composition of water to 1.0 mole (i.e., pure water) and
leave the rest to zero. Click Calculate to carry out the tolerance calculation.
Click Close back to the main window.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition 251
In the results window you will see,

The first column shows the overall composition at the hydrate dissociation point.
The amount of second fluid added is the number of grams of water specified by
the tolerance calculation which must be mixed with the original water-free
stream to meet the condition of zero hydrate phase at the chosen P and T.

Calculations with inhibitors

There is no fundamental difference between calculations with and without
inhibitors. To investigate the effect of an inhibitor you can either add it to the list
of components in the mixture and specify the amount in the total mixture just as
for any other component or you can use the Inhibitor Calculator (see “Inhibitor
calculator” on page 79 ) to add the amount of inhibitor relative to water.
However, the inhibitor will not, of course, remain solely in the water phase but
will partition between the different fluid phases present at equilibrium and the
amount in a particular phase will depend on the conditions and the amounts of
other components. This is exactly what happens in reality.
All the calculations described above can be carried out in the presence of

Can hydrates form at given P and T ?

This is based on a P,T flash calculation. The following example illustrates the
calculation for the gas defined previously in contact with a solution of water plus
methanol at a methanol fraction of 20% by mass. Using Tools/Inhibitor
Calculator bring up the Inhibitor calculator window and add 20 mass%
methanol to the 10 mole of water in the system.

252 Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
After pressing the Add button, the following window will show up stating that
20 wt% methanol is approximately equivalent to adding 1.405 moles of
methanol to 10 mole of water

With the temperature at 270K and a pressure of 1 MPa

Click on the P,T flash button.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition 253
The results show that the addition of this concentration of methanol is sufficient
to prevent hydrate formation even though some has been lost to the gas phase.

Hydrate dissociation temperature at a given

With the same mixture, calculate the hydrate dissociation temperature using the
Hydrate dissociation T at given P button or the fixed phase fraction flash at
fixed P with the hydrate 2 phase at 0.0 phase fraction.

You can see that, compared to the earlier calculation in the absence of methanol,
the addition of methanol has reduced the hydrate dissociation temperature from
276.1 K to 266.5 K. Virtually all the methanol is in the aqueous phase at these

Hydrate dissociation pressure at a given

Again this is analogous to the calculation above but you use the Hydrate
dissociation at given T button, , or specify a fixed phase fraction flash at
fixed T. The hydrate dissociation pressure increases from 0.598 MPa to 1.51
MPa. The anti-freeze effect of methanol means that the hydrate forms from
liquid water rather than ice as previously.

Hydrate phase boundary

You can compare the hydrate phase boundary with and without inhibitor by
plotting the new phase boundary with methanol present.

254 Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
Amount of inhibitor required to suppress
Multiflash can determine the amount of inhibitor that must be added to the
system at a given pressure and temperature in order to suppress hydrates. This is
another example of a tolerance calculation and is therefore specified using the
Tolerance Calculation from the Calculate menu.
The overall compositions must be specified on an inhibitor-free basis. The
inhibitor is entered as a second stream using the tolerance calculation. The
phase required to be fixed and phase fraction can be specified in the Select
phase and Enter phase fraction boxes, zero phase fraction of hydrate2 in this
case. The tolerance calculation combines the two mixtures in different ratios
until the specified condition is met. The following example finds the amount of
methanol that must be added to suppress hydrates for the above mixture at 270K
and 1 MPa.
Remove methanol from the main stream by clicking on Composition and
entering 0.0 mol for methanol. Note that methanol must still be in the
Composition list.
Select Calculate, then Tolerance Calculation to activate the Tolerance
Calculation dialogue box.
Select the required phase (HYDRATE2) from Select phase box.
Set this phase fraction to zero.
Click the Composition of Second Fluid tab to specify the composition of
methanol as 1.0 mole and leave the remainder zero.
Click Calculate to carry out the tolerance calculation.
Click Close to go back to the main window.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition 255
The first column shows the overall composition at the hydrate dissociation point.
The predicted methanol concentration required is 1.3% on a mass basis with
respect to the total stream, approximately 13.6 mass % with respect to water in
the feed. The amount of second fluid added is the number of grams of the
mixture specified by the tolerance calculation (in this case pure methanol) which
must be mixed with the original inhibitor-free stream to meet the condition of
zero hydrate phases

Salt inhibition
The Electrolyte model treats the salts either as being composed of only Na+ and
Cl- ions or of Na+, K+, Ca++ , Cl- and Br- ions.
Unfortunately, the information supplied for the amount of salt in brine,
formation or production water is not usually specified in the input format
required. To help you with the conversion we have provided a Salinity
Calculator, see “Salt calculator” on page 81 that converts various analyses into
the equivalent amount of sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride and bromide
Load the hydrate.mfl file:
Change the Model set from CPA-Infochem to CPA-Infochem + Electrolyte
(Remember to Define Model).
Select the Inhibitor Calculator from the Tools menu and the tab “Salts / Ions /
Salt Analysis”
For this particular example there is information on the composition of the
formation water.
NaCl 6.993
CaCl2 0.735
MgCl2 0.186
KCl 0.066
SrCl2 0.099
BaCl2 0.036
Enter this data into the Salt Calculator

256 Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
By clicking on Add the Salinity Calculator will determine the ion concentration
that needs to be added to the 10 mole of water in the mixture.

and this amount will be automatically entered in the Composition drop down
Specify the fixed phase flash at constant pressure, setting hydrate2 to 0.0, and
click on Do flash
The output shows that the hydrate dissociation temperature at 1 MPa for this
stream is reduced from 276.1K to 272.77K.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition 257
Scale precipitation
This feature allows for precipitation of NaCl, NaCl.2(H2O), KCl,
CaCl2.6(H2O), CaCl.4(H2O), CaCl.2)H2O), NaBr, NaBr.2(H2O), KBr and
CaBr2.6(H2O). This is activated by ticking the Halide Scales box in the
Hydrates Model Set but can only be defined with “CPA Infochem + Electrolyte”
fluid phase model option. If you have not specified such an option a warning
message is generated.

For our example the salt concentration is not high enough to trigger the
precipitation of a scale for hydrate calculations at 1 MPa. In principle, you can
use fixed phase fraction flashes to see when any of the scales will form. But the
temperatures may well be below those of operational interest. For example
selecting NaCl.2(H2O)

We and performing the fixed phase flash, we obtain

258 Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
A similar calculation looking for the formation of CaCl2.6(H2O) produces seven
phases but at 240.6K.

A more likely scenario occurs if the salt concentration is higher, e.g. 30wt%
equivalent of NaCl. A flash at temperatures higher than hydrate dissociation
conditions will show NaCl forming

whereas at the lower temperatures where a hydrate phase is present you will see
NaCl.2(H2O) being formed.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies - Hydrate dissociation, formation and inhibition 259
Case studies – Wax precipitation

This section is only applicable if your copy of Multiflash includes the Wax
Waxes are far more difficult to understand than pure solids because they are
complex mixtures of solid hydrocarbons that freeze out of crude oils if the
temperature is low enough. Waxes are mainly formed from normal paraffins, but
iso-paraffins and naphthenes are also present. As with hydrates the formation of
waxes is a serious concern in oil and gas processing.
Before discussing the modelling of wax precipitation it is worth referring to a
paper by Erickson et al. SPE 26604, (1993). which compares the results of
measuring wax appearance temperatures (WAT) using three different
experimental techniques. For twelve oils, where there were measurements made
by at least two different techniques, there was only one case of complete
agreement between two methods. Otherwise the minimum difference between
techniques was 8 ºF, the maximum difference was 55 ºF, whilst the average
difference was 24 ºF. It appears that the accuracy of WAT measurements has
improved in recent years, but it is still difficult to measure; it is realistic when
assessing results to assume that experimental error in WAT values may amount
to several degrees. We recommend measurements made by Cross Polar
Microscopy (CPM) if available.
We also recommend that positive amounts of precipitated wax are used to
identify the WAT, rather than the strict thermodynamic interpretation of zero
percent, the onset of wax phase formation. The suggested default values are
0.045 wt% for reproducing CPM measurements and 0.3 wt% for DSC. The
equivalent defaults for mol% are 0.015 mol% for CPM and 0.1 mol% for DSC
but there is no automatic conversion between mass and mol%. The mass or
mole% of wax is related to the liquid plus wax phases.

Defining the wax model

The wax model in Multiflash is based on work by Coutinho. For more details
refer to the “Modelling wax precipitation” section on page 42.
The Coutinho wax model is a solid solution model which requires information
on the normal paraffins in the fluid. Predictions from the model are largely
governed by the n-paraffin distribution. If no experimental data are available for
the distribution it can be estimated from the total wax content. If these data too
are lacking then Multiflash has procedures to estimate an n-paraffin distribution.
Note that the estimation method is only valid for oils, not waxy condensates.
The n-paraffin distribution may be defined differently from that for the
remaining fluid but we have found that starting the n-paraffin pseudocomponents
from C6 and splitting the plus fraction into 15 pseudo-components is again a
useful default.

260 Case studies – Wax precipitation User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
With a limited experimental data set it is not possible to make any definitive
statements concerning the accuracy of the model in predicting the WAT.
However it is clear that Coutinho's model provides a much improved prediction
of the amount of wax precipitated as a function of temperature compared with
other published thermodynamic models.

Calculating wax appearance temperature (WAT)

The calculation of the wax appearance temperature (WAT), formerly known as
the cloud point is an example of a fixed phase fraction flash.
To define the wax model, select the Waxes tab in the Select/Model Set option.
Click the Define Model button to define the wax model in the problem
definition. Then Click on Close.

Go to the PVT Analysis form to characterise your fluid. The use of this is
described in detail in “PVT Lab Analysis” on page 89. If you have an n-paraffin
distribution then you should open the PVT Analysis with n-paraffins using the
button. However, in this example (input file wax.mfl), there is no n-paraffin
distribution, only a wax content. So, in this case you should use the normal
Enter the fluid composition and set both the pseudocomponents and n-paraffins
to be split from C6 (or N6) into fifteen fractions.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Wax precipitation 261
If you fail to enter a wax content or to ask for this to be estimated then you will
still be able to characterise the fluid, but when you try to calculate the WAT you
will see a warning message box indicating that you don’t have an n-paraffin

Provided you have n-paraffins in your fluid characterisation, you can then
calculate the WAT at any pressure, by using the WAT, button.

The pressure will be taken from the Pressure text box in the main window. From
a study of many waxy fluids we recommend using a small positive amount of
wax to identify the WAT and suggest default values for the most common
measurement techniques. The default for CPM is preset, but this can be altered
to any value, including 0%. Click on Calculate WAT to initiate the calculation.
Our example for this case study is based on a supplied problem set up file called
wax.mfl. This particular fluid has a reported experimental WAT based on two
different measurement techniques. At 1 bar, using CPM the reported WAT was

262 Case studies – Wax precipitation User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
53ºC and using DSC was 40 ºC. The predicted WAT for the CPM default is
49.5ºC and for the suggested DSC default is 37.7ºC.
You may wish to vary the n-paraffin distribution for the Coutinho model and see
the effect on the predicted WAT. One suggestion is to extend the heavy end as
far as possible. You can do this by setting the start of the n-paraffin distribution
to something like N90 and only splitting into 1 n-paraffin. You will be warned
that the distribution has been extended as far as possible and the highest n-
paraffin will be lower than the N90 set. In this case the heaviest n-paraffin is n-
76+ and the WAT for the CPM default is 46.4 C. Extending the n-paraffin
distribution does not necessarily increase the WAT, as there are competing
effects from both the properties of the new heaviest n-paraffin and the solubility
of the reduced amount of this fraction.
If you have measured values for the WAT, then you can tune the
pseudocomponent properties for the model to match these values. This is done
using the Tools/Matching/Wax Phase option. The Matching option is described
in “Matching wax data/WAT” on page 123.
For this particular example we can take the WAT at 1 bar to be 53ºC from the
CPM measurement and use the characterisation as before where the n-paraffin
lumping starts after N90, leading to a single continuous SCN n-paraffin
distribution. Then enter the value or values for the WAT temperatures and
corresponding pressures and phase fractions. The fraction chosen can be zero but
should probably reflect the suggested defaults for the technique used for the
WAT measurement.

The matching facility will amend the values for the melting temperature and the
change of enthalpy on melting of the n-paraffin fractions.
The wax boundary can be plotted using the phase envelope button and choosing
the WAX phase. For plotting a wax phase boundary with a finite amount of wax
present to reflect the technique used in the wax measurements, the value such as
0.045wt% by CPM and 0.3 wt% by DSC has to be converted to the value related
to the total fluid if the gas phase is present. In this case, where we are
considering dead oil, 0.00045 mass fraction may be used to plot the wax phase

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Wax precipitation 263
For a live oil the amount of wax will be defined with respect to the total fluid.
This will vary with pressure, so in this case it may be better to choose a zero
mass fraction for the plot. The wax boundary for a live oil has a distinctly
different shape. The D marks the point where the wax boundary crosses the
bubble point line.

The full range of flashes is available for the Wax model.

Calculating wax precipitation

As with other phases, the amount and composition of the wax phase are
determined as part of any flash calculations. Given the uncertainty of the WAT
from some experimental techniques and the sensitivity of WAT calculations to
the characterisation of the heaviest fractions, a better picture of wax precipitation
can be derived from a calculation of the wax precipitated as a function of
temperature at a given pressure.
Using the Windows version of Multiflash you can carry out a series of PT
flashes to see how the wax builds up as the heavier components solidify with
decreasing temperature. However, a simpler way of performing this analysis is to
use the wax precipitation curve button, . Clicking on this will activate the
wax precipitation curve form to produce a table of wax mass percentage as a
function of temperature with respect to the liquid plus wax precipitated at a
given pressure. The default starting temperature is 0°C, or the equivalent in other
units, and the finishing temperature is the calculated WAT for zero percent wax.

264 Case studies – Wax precipitation User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
There is also an option to set the starting temperature to any other value. The
maximum number of points is twenty but the actual number of points will
depend on the WAT, the units used and a sensible step.
The pressure will be taken as that specified in the pressure text box on the wax
precipitation curve form. The wax precipitation curve below was generated using
wax.mfl as supplied. The numeric values are also reported in the main window
of Multiflash. A series of wax precipitation curves can be calculated within the
form to see the effect of pressures on the amount of waxes precipitated.

If you require additional results below 0 ºC, you can also use a command entered
in the Tools/Command box. The format of the command is:

The wax precipitation curve calculated from the specified starting value is
reported in the main window.
Additionally, you can use the Add Data button to add the measured WAT if you
wish. The calculated values and the experimental data can be exported to an
Excel file from the form for further editing if necessary.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Wax precipitation 265
266 Case studies – Wax precipitation User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
Case studies – Asphaltene

One of the major problems for the oil industry is the precipitation of heavy
organics during production, transportation and refining or processing of crude
oil. Asphaltenes are polar compounds that are stabilised in crude oil by the
presence of resins. If the oil is diluted by light hydrocarbons, the concentration
of resins goes down and a point may be reached where the asphaltene is no
longer stabilised and it flocculates to form a solid deposit. Because the
stabilising action of the resins works through the mechanism of polar
interactions, their effect becomes weaker as the temperature rises, i.e.
flocculation may occur as the temperature increases. However, as the
temperature increases further the asphaltene re-dissolves in the oil. Thus,
depending on the temperature and the composition of the oil, it is possible to find
cases where flocculation both increases and decreases with increasing
The Infochem model for asphaltenes is based on a cubic equation of state but has
additional terms to describe the association of asphaltene molecules and their
solvation by resins. The parameters for the model were initially developed from
a study of nearly thirty sets of experimental measurements of asphaltene
precipitation which includes both proprietary and public domain data. The model
is complex and to ensure reliable results we recommend that you follow the
procedure we suggest until you are familiar with the model and the behaviour of
your particular fluid.
The asphaltene model in Multiflash is primarily intended for calculating
asphaltene precipitation from live oils. We are aware that many users have only
titration data for dead (STO) oils. We have investigated how to use this titration
data to set the asphaltene model parameters and this is discussed later in the case

Input data
The ideal input data for the model are:
A compositional analysis of the live oil
The amount of asphaltene in the oil and the ratio of resin to
asphaltene, often determined from the SARA analysis of a stock
tank oil.
One set of asphaltene precipitation conditions.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation 267
Bubble point (optional) to “tune” the petroleum fraction properties.
For some samples you may only know the absolute weight % of asphaltenes and
resins in the total live oil but not the full SARA analysis. In these cases you can
just use the weight % of resins and asphaltenes in the stock tank oil and ignore
the text boxes for saturates and aromatics in the PVT Lab Fluid Analysis dialog
box. For the asphaltene model, the saturates and aromatics part of SARA are
only used to normalise the weight % of resins and asphaltenes.
The % asphaltene is taken to be that precipitated by n-heptane. Some
laboratories report the wt % asphaltene precipitated by n-pentane. It is difficult
to give exact guidance on how to convert the values of asphaltenes between n-
pentane and n-heptane precipitation as this can vary from oil to oil and
laboratory to laboratory. In general we have found that the wt % asphaltene
precipitated by n-pentane is approximately twice that precipitated by n-heptane.
However, ratios may vary from 1.3 to 2.7.
If you do not have the complete data set we have developed correlations to
assign the required parameters. The minimum set of data in this case are:
A compositional analysis of the live oil
Reservoir temperature
Bubble point (optional), to “tune” the petroleum fraction properties.
Obviously, the more data available the better the model predictions.
The prediction of asphaltene precipitation is not as sensitive to the
characterisation of the fluid as the wax model. The PVT characterisation method
has been improved to characterise asphaltenes correctly regardless of the number
of pseudo-components requested for the whole fluid. However, we suggest you
consider using a common characterisation procedure for any comparison. By
default, the PVT Analysis facility starts the pseudocomponent split at C6 and
split the fractions into 15 components.
Finally, to model asphaltene precipitation reliably, two model parameters should
be determined by matching two asphaltene precipitation onset data at two
different temperatures. If such experimental data are available, then the data
should be used to optimize the model parameters to reproduce the experimental
data. If you do not have asphaltene precipitation onset data, two additional data
may be used for tuning. They are the STO asphaltene titration onset data using
n-heptane and reservoir condition. Using reservoir condition, based on the
screening procedure suggested by de Boer et al (SPE 24987, 1992), assumes that
the asphaltene is nearly saturated at the reservoir condition.

Defining the asphaltene model

The cubic equation of state, RKSA, is defined as part of the model and it is not
possible to choose a different fluid phase model.
To set up the asphaltene model use the Select/Model Set menu option.
Select the Asphaltenes tab, Click on Define Model to select the asphaltene
model and Click on Close to return to the main window.

268 Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
The default phases for the asphaltene model are gas, liquid1 and asphaltene. In
principle the Water phase can be included but the asphaltene model is developed
with the reservoir fluids that water is not considered. Therefore it is better not to
include water phase.
However if water is included in the fluid, the asphaltene model parameters
should be produced for the fluid composition excluding water. In this case, more
caution should be taken when plotting the asphaltene phase envelopes as the
presence of water in the mixture makes the phase equilibrium calculation more
The next step is to characterise your fluid. Go to the PVT Analysis form,
described in detail in “PVT Lab Analysis” on page 89. Enter the fluid analysis
and set the Start pseudocomponents to C6 and the number of pseudocomponents
to 15. Enter any data you have on the molecular weight and/or specific gravity.
The final step in the characterisation is to enter any data you have on the weight
of asphaltene in the oil and the ratio of resin to asphaltene.
The example we are going to look at next is based on a supplied problem set up
file, asphex.mfl. We have assumed in this example that a full SARA analysis is
available, but later in the case study we will go back and look at the options if
you don’t have so much data.
If you load asphex.mfl the PVT Analysis form will look like this:

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation 269
Once you are happy the data is correct Click on Do Characterisation. In this
case a message box will tell you the characterisation has been successfully
completed and show a plot of the data and fitted distribution. You can then Click
on OK and on Close to go back to the main window.
If you have any warnings or errors associated with your own examples then the
relevant message box will appear. Those related to fluid characterisation in
general are described in “PVT Lab Analysis” on page 89.
The asphaltene model in Multiflash was developed based on experimental data
where the resin/asphaltene (R/A) ratio was always greater than 2.5. However,
some of our users have reported values below this, possibly because the SARA
analysis was based on a different experimental technique.
Depending on the actual R/A entered you may find that model parameters cannot
be generated. We have added a warning message if R/A is below 2. Initially, on
characterisation you will be warned of a possible problem.

You can ignore this warning message and see if model parameters can still be
produced. You can also increase the resin/asphaltene ratio manually or delete the
Resin amount from the SARA Analysis and tick the Estimate RA box in which
case the model will generate a default R/A ratio.
After characterisation the asphaltene component is named as ASPHALTENE,
and the resin component(s) by an “R” prefix, e.g. R65+.

Asphaltene matching
The next stage is to use the matching facility to “tune” the pseudocomponent
properties and optimize the asphaltene model parameter.
Multiflash allows for different tuning methods, based on the available
experimental data. The matching of the bubble points is recommended,

270 Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
especially for light oils, although not always necessary. In any case, the use of
the matching procedure for the asphaltene phase is strongly recommended.
Although the default asphaltene model parameters are available for the case
where no information is available, it is usually not recommended to use the
default setting. For any cases without any measured asphaltene data, it is
recommended at lease that the reservoir condition should be used to tune the
model parameters.
For matching multiple bubble points, we suggest you to use the Tools/Matching
Bubble point form first before matching any asphaltene data. On the other hand,
if you have only one measured bubble point, the bubbelpoint can be specified on
the asphaltene matching form together with the asphaltene data. Note that the
bubble point is always matched first before matching the asphaltene data.
For this example we have several bubble points. Enter these into the
Tool/Matching/Bubble point table.

Click on Match to generate the comparison of predicted and matched data.

Use the Tools/Matching/Asphaltene Phase to display the dialogue box, and enter
the available data to obtain the asphaltene model parameters.
There are three types of asphaltene data that can be used for tuning the
asphaltene model parameters, which are summarised as follows.
1. Asphaltene upper onset data, ideally at two different temperatures.
2. Asphaltene onset titration data
3. Reservoir conditions (pressure and temperature)
In our example below, we have used the reservoir conditions (241 oF, 8500 psi).

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation 271
Click on Match and then on Close: the optimised model parameter values will
be displayed in the main window. The asphaltene model has now been defined.
PLEASE NOTE: If all the three asphaltene data sets mentioned above are
available, the most adequate data would be the asphaltene upper onsets, followed
by the titration data and finally the reservoir conditions. Only one set of data will
be saved in the MFL file after matching.

Saturation P at reservoir T
In the case where only one asphaltene upper onset is available, the reservoir
saturation pressure could be treated as an another asphaltene upper onset
pressure at reservoir temperature provided that no asphaltene precipitation is
found experimentally at the reservoir condition. The reservoir saturation
pressure at reservoir temperature is usually measured. If not, the calculated
saturation pressure at the reservoir temperature can be used instead.

Calculating asphaltene precipitation conditions

Once the asphaltene model has been defined and the parameters generated you
can carry out asphaltene precipitation calculations.
If you are starting from the position where you only know the reservoir
conditions and have no information on specific precipitation conditions we
suggest you should use the phase boundary tracer to get an overall picture. This
is extremely useful, but for these complex calculations it can be difficult to find
convergence or even starting values. We recommend you to follow the procedure
First plot the bubble point line. Use the Phase Envelope facility and plot the
boundary for zero gas phase, in this case with the initial values for pressure set to
1000 psi.

272 Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
Click on Plot to display the phase boundary. This will usually show a point, or
points, of discontinuity at high pressure, labelled D. This is the point where the
asphaltene precipitation envelope crosses the bubble point line.

These points can be very useful for setting an appropriate starting pressure for
the asphaltene phase envelope or for providing starting values, if these are
required. For this example go back to the Phase Envelope and this time set:

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation 273
the phase to ASPHALTENE,
the fraction of the asphaltene phase to zero,
the solution type to unspecified
the Initial value for pressure to 3500 psi with pressure
After clicking on Plot button, Multiflash will ask if you want more points to be
plotted. Click Yes, until the asphaltene boundary becomes complete.

For other examples you may have to set the pressure to decrease or to plot the
upper and lower boundaries separately. The upper boundary uses the
Unspecified solution or Upper retrograde type solution, while the lower
boundary, select the Normal type of solution. Alternatively you can try
specifying temperature rather than pressure and/or providing a starting value. We
have found asphaltene boundaries most difficult to plot for very light oils.
If you have a known set of conditions and want to see if, and how much,
asphaltene is present, you can use a simple P,T flash. Enter the temperature and
pressure, for example 200 F and 4000 psi, Click on the P,T icon, or Select the
P,T flash from the Calculate\Standard flashes menu. The phases present, and the
composition and amount of each phase, will be reported in the main window.
Before doing this you may find it useful to set the units for amounts to mass as
this usually reflects the units of measurement.

274 Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
If you want to know the pressure at which asphaltene will start to precipitate at
any given temperature then you should use a flash at fixed phase fraction and
temperature. Set the temperature, in this case 200 F. Click on the icon or select
the calculation option and the dialogue box will be displayed.

Select the ASPHALTENE phase and set the molar phase fraction to zero. To
calculate the pressure at which asphaltene will first appear for pressures above
the bubble point, select Unspecified or Upper retrograde as the solution type and
Click on Do Flash. Multiflash will calculate the pressure on the upper
asphaltene phase boundary, in this case 7958.74 psi. To obtain the pressure for
the lower asphaltene phase boundary, below the bubble point, follow the same
procedure but set the Type of solution to Normal. In this case the reported
pressure is 1865.08 psi.
You can determine the amount of asphaltene precipitated at any set of P,T
conditions using an PT flash as described earlier.
However, a simpler way for understanding the asphaltene precipitation as a
function of pressure is to use the asphaltene precipitation curve button, .
Clicking on this will activate the asphaltene precipitation curve form to produce
a table of the asphaltene mass percentage as a function of pressures with respect
to the liquid plus asphaltene precipitated at a given temperature. The starting

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation 275
pressure depends on the asphaltene precipitation upper onset pressure and the
finishing pressure is related to the lower boundary of the asphaltene precipitation
onset. The temperature will be taken as that specified in the temperature text box
on the asphaltene precipitation curve form.
The asphaltene precipitation curve below was generated using asphex.mfl. Load
this file, re-characterise the fluid, match the bubble points and then match the
asphaltene phase using the reservoir conditions, as explained before. A series of
asphaltene precipitation curves can then be calculated within the form to see the
effect of temperature on the amount of asphaltenes precipitated. The maximum
point in the precipitation curve corresponds to the bubblepoint, where the
asphaltene precipitation reaches its maximum.

If the temperature specified is outside of the asphaltene phase boundary, a

warning message will be generated as follows, indicating that there is no
asphaltene precipitation at the specified temperature.

Sensitivity of calculations to variation in input data

Choice of Analysis method

The previous calculations were carried out by characterising the fluid without an
explicit n-paraffin distribution and matching to reservoir conditions. The plots
below show the effect of including the n-paraffin distribution. Note that any re-
characterisation will reset all the matched model parameters to the default.
Therefore the experimental data must be matched again after re-characterisation,
in this case the bubble points and the asphaltene parameters.
The explicit inclusion of the n-paraffins for this case shows a small difference to
the predicted asphaltene phase envelope (APE) in the low temperature region.
This is mainly related to the change of the fluid due to the presence of n-
paraffins and the reservoir conditions data that are used to adjust the model

276 Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
However, if two asphaltene upper onset data are available for adjusting the
model parameters, the difference in the asphaltene envelope caused by the
presence of n-paraffins will be reduced. The formation of a solid wax phase
actually enhances the asphaltene solubility in the oil for this case and the
asphaltene envelope in the low temperature region is lowered as a result of the
presence of solid waxes. The new marked “D” along the asphaltene envelope are
the points where the wax phase boundary cross the asphaltene phase envelope.
For more details on simultaneously calculating asphaltene, wax and hydrate solid
phases, refer to “Case studies – Combined solids” on page 287.

Data Availability
This example of asphaltene precipitation was based on a data set which
comprised the compositional fluid analysis, a SARA analysis, bubble points and
the reservoir conditions. In this case, the bubble points were close to the
unmatched predictions and so matching to bubble points might not be expected
to make a major difference to the asphaltene predictions. However, even in this

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation 277
case you can see a noticeable effect from the matching.

There are other data that may be missing and have an effect on the predictions.

No information on the amount of asphaltene in the oil

We have provided a procedure to estimate the weight % of asphaltene in the oil
if this data are not available. In this case in the PVT Analysis box you should
tick the box for estimate RA, and then Click on Do Characterisation and Close.

Rematch the bubble point and asphaltene phase at the reservoir conditions as
before and plot the asphaltene precipitation envelope (APE). It is important to
include this step; the matched properties are re-set to default values when
the fluid is re-characterised.
The default procedure estimates both the weight % of asphaltene and the
resin/asphaltene ratio. For this particular example the predicted weight % of
asphaltene is very close to the reported value with 0.7 wt% asphaltene predicted
compared to the experimental data of 0.5 wt%.

278 Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
No resin – asphaltene ratio
Even if you do not have a SARA analysis you may have the weight %
asphaltene. In that case you only need to estimate the Resin/Asphaltene ratio.
Proceed as before, enter the wt% asphaltene (0.5 %) in the correct text box in the
PVT Analysis, but still tick the Estimate RA box. Repeat the matching of bubble
point and reservoir conditions again and plot the APE.

Although the estimated R/A ratio is lower, at 13, than the original, at 22, the
resultant APE is very close. This is the result of two factors: once you reach a
certain level of R/A the effect of increasing the R/A is reduced and the difference
is compensated by slightly different model parameters obtained from matching
to a specific precipitation point or reservoir condition.

No reservoir pressure
If you only have the reservoir temperature we have included a facility to estimate
this. Simply enter the bubble point data and reservoir temperature as before and
initiate the matching procedure.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation 279
For this particular example the resultant APE is reasonably close to the APE
calculated from the real reservoir conditions.
As a corollary to this we have noticed that you usually generate very
conservative APEs when you have a very over-pressured reservoir. If you have a
bubble point measurement at the same temperature as the reservoir temperature
and the reservoir pressure is more than 2.5 times the bubble point a warning
message is generated.

You can continue to match to your reservoir conditions although it may also be
beneficial to generate the model parameters with an estimated reservoir pressure
to see the likely sensitivity.
If the bubble point is matched at a different temperature from the reservoir
temperature no warning is issued.

No reservoir or precipitation conditions

If you do not have either reservoir or precipitation conditions, then there are two
default options for generating the asphaltene model parameters.
If you have entered a bubble point in the Asphaltene matching but nothing for
Reservoir conditions or Asphaltene precipitation then Multiflash will assume
that the reservoir temperature is the same as the bubble point temperature and
proceed to estimate the reservoir pressure as above.
If nothing is entered for bubble point, reservoir conditions or asphaltene
precipitation, the model parameters are generated from correlations based on
data held in our database. On the Asphaltene matching form, just click the Match
button to generate the default model parameters. This will generate a warning
message. Then click OK to close the form.

280 Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
The results from using this route are very variable, depending on the fluid
analysis and we cannot fully recommend its use. In this case the result would be
a much more conservative APE.

Matching to asphaltene deposition data

The assumption in this case is that you have more data than our basic example,
real asphaltene precipitation data either from field conditions or an asphaltene
precipitation measurement. In this case we have two asphaltene precipitation
onset points at 241 F and 6921 psi and 120 F and 9150 psi. Simply enter these in
the Asphaltene matching box instead of the Reservoir conditions.

For comparison purposes we have matched to each point individually and then to
both points.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation 281
To add data to the plot, you can use the Add Data option in the phase envelope
plotter to include the measured precipitation points and the reservoir conditions.

Gas injection
It is known that as gas is injected into a reservoir the likelihood of asphaltene
precipitation is increased. The asphaltene model predicts this trend correctly.
Return to the original APE, calculated from the asphex.mfl input file with
matched bubble points and reservoir conditions. You can mimic gas injection by
increasing the amount of methane by adding more moles of methane in the drop
down composition box. If you increase the amount of methane from 8.32g to 12g
and re-plot the APE you will see that the fluid bubble point line is at higher
pressures and the APE has expanded.

282 Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
When looking at the effect of gas injection you should, of course, not rematch
the fluid bubble point or asphaltene precipitation data as doing this will alter the
petroleum fraction properties and set the matched model parameters to the
default values. Usually the model parameters are matched with the asphaltene
precipitation data of the original reservoir fluid, and then the same model
parameters are used for modelling the asphaltene phase behaviour of the original
reservoir fluids with gas injection.
You should not use the PVT Analysis GOR option to add the injection gas to the
reservoir fluid. Any re-characterisation cancels the properties and parameters
derived from earlier matching and, as you now have a different fluid, the values
of bubble point and reservoir conditions used for matching are no longer valid. If
you have a complex injection gas and want to study the effect of different gas
injection rates then we suggest the use of an Excel spreadsheet or use the
blending procedure in Multiflash to blend the injection gas stream and the
reservoir fluid.
Please note that the reservoir fluid with bubblepoints matched and asphaltene
model tuned should be selected for the model definition in the blending form, so
that the asphaltene model parameters are based on the original reservoir fluid. If
the asphaltene precipitation data are available for the blended mixtures, the data
should be matched after blending.

The Infochem/KBC asphaltene model is intended for use in predicting the
asphaltene phase behaviour of live oils and the generation of the model
parameters is based on asphaltene studies of live fluids. However, live oil
asphaltene studies can be expensive, particularly with the requirement to obtain
and transport bottom hole samples. Some of our users have asked whether
titration measurements on dead oils could be used to generate the model
parameters. To date we have only been able to obtain limited samples of titration
data and have traced only one oil, in the public domain, where there is
information on both asphaltenes in the live oil and reported titration on the
associated stock tank oil (STO), enabling us to compare results. However, we
understand that some of our users have applied this approach successfully, and
the procedure for using titration data has been automated.
The studies have been limited to titration with n-heptane.
Our example is based on the titration.mfl file provided. The file includes the live
oil composition and the wt% of asphaltene and resins. The reported value of
asphaltene was 1.9 wt%, that of resins was 16.1 wt% for the STO. Characterise

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation 283
the fluid composition as usual and return to the main menu. Then go to
Tools/Matching/Asphaltene phase. The reported onset amount of heptane to just
cause asphaltenes to precipitate from the STO at ambient conditions is 1.4 cm3
per g tank oil. This has been converted to .962 g n-heptane using the known
density. Enter this value and the bubble point (54.4 ºC and 156.2 bar) and click
on Match.

The asphaltene model parameters will be reported in the main window as usual
and the APE can now be plotted. The resultant APE is compared below to those
generated from matching to a known flocculation point of 54.4 ºC and 200 bar
and to a combination of reservoir temperature (54.4º C) and bubble point (54.4
ºC and 156.2 bar)

The APE predicted from matching to titration of the STO is very close to the
APE from asphaltene precipitation measurements and both are less conservative
than using reservoir conditions to provide the model parameters. It is believed
this has been the experience for other fluids.

284 Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
If your titration data does not include the amount of heptane required to initiate
asphaltene precipitation and if this has to be deduced from other titration results,
then the procedure for parameter generation is slightly more complicated and
requires the use of an Excel spreadsheet. In the Multiflash GUI either
characterise the STO, if this composition is provided, or flash the characterised
live oil to STO conditions, using the RKSA model to ensure that no separate
asphaltene phase is formed. If you have bubble point data it is important that you
match these before flashing to STO conditions. Using the STO composition,
change the model set to asphaltene, match the asphaltene precipitation to
ambient conditions and save the problem using the File/Save Problem Setup
You then need to create an Excel worksheet to read this .mfl file. Details of how
to do this are described in the Excel manual, but we have provided an example
spreadsheet, titration_sto.xls.
For our example we have generated the file STO.mfl from the fluid used in our
titration example. This is the file that should be used in the Excel spreadsheet. In
the spreadsheet you then need to do two things: add a new component to the list,
heptane, and add a command line describing the asphaltene parameters. This can
be copied from the Multiflash GUI by using Tools/Show/Problem to display the
commands. The command line can be copied and pasted to the spreadsheet but
for fitting purposes it must be set up so that the RAP parameter appears in a
single cell so that it can be optimised using the Excel Solver, e.g.

The spreadsheet, titration_sto.xls, is set up to optimise the value of RAPREEXP

(RAP) using the Excel Tools/Solver by comparing the calculated wt% of
asphaltene deposited for given amounts of heptane to the experimental wt%
For our particular example the data reported in the paper included a live oil and a
STO composition, a wt% asphaltene for the STO, an asphaltene precipitation
point and five points for the heptane titration.
The reported titration data are plotted below

wt% asphaltene component precipitated as Fn C7 solvent





0.8 Exptl



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
g C7/g oil

Fitting to the onset precipitation point using the matching facility produced the
following parameters

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation 285
RAP 0.94176
RAE 0.96636
Whereas fitting to the other four points in Excel gave parameters
RAP 0.94999
RAE 0.96636
These parameters represent the STO titration data well, but the amount of
heptane to just initiate precipitation is slightly higher. You can check the
predicted value for the amount of n-heptane required for the onset of asphaltene
precipitation using a tolerance calculation with heptane as the second fluid. The
predicted amount is .997 g/g oil rather than .962.

wt% asphaltene component precipitated as Fn C7 solvent






RAP fit
0.80 Exptl
0.60 predicted onset



0.000 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000
g C7/g oil

It is clearly preferable to generate the live oil APE from live oil data. Some
predictions are possible from titration data but it is important that all data are
compatible, particularly the compositions of the STO and the flashed liquid and
the physical properties of pseudo components by matching to bubble point data
in both cases if you have them.
For this example we also had a measured precipitation point and you can see the
APEs resulting from the different approaches.

286 Case studies – Asphaltene flocculation User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
Case studies – Combined solids

The previous three case studies looked at solid formation for hydrates, waxes
and asphaltenes as separate problems. However, for some fluids at certain
conditions it is possible that any or all of these may form at the same time. The
formation of any one will affect the overall composition of the fluid and may
therefore affect the formation of the other solids. To examine this possibility we
have included a Combined Solids model option. The particular model options for
each solid have been chosen to provide the best Infochem can offer whilst
ensuring compatibility. The common fluid phase model is RKSA. The hydrate
models therefore use RKSAINFO as the fluid model, combined with the
Electrolyte salt model. The wax model is the Coutinho model and the asphaltene
model is the standard Infochem model. The Combined Solids option is only
designed to look at solid formation, if you want to study more complex problems
such as hydrate inhibition you should choose the dedicated Hydrates model set.
If you only choose a single type of solid phase in the Combined Solids option
you will be asked to use the model for that type of solid instead, e.g. the hydrate
model if only hydrate phases are chosen.

Asphaltene precipitation
To understand what happens when more than one solid form a useful starting
point is to examine asphaltene precipitation alone. The example input file
provided is combsolid.mfl. This includes an oil composition to C20+ which has
a molecular weight of 81, wt% resin of 12.04 and wt% asphaltene of 0.7. The
fluid is characterised from C6 with 15 fractions. The resins and asphaltenes are
allocated as shown below:

The asphaltene model parameters are matched with a bubble point of 120F and
2650 psia and an asphaltene precipitation point of 120F and 8750 psia. The
predicted APE is plotted below (use the same strategy for plotting as described
in the asphaltene case study).

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Combined solids 287
Wax and Asphaltene precipitation
To see the effect of simultaneous wax and asphaltene precipitation we first need
to re-characterise the fluid with an n-paraffin distribution in order to apply the
Coutinho model. In the PVT form tick the box to estimate wax content as none is
known. The n-paraffin distribution is also set to C6 and 15 fractions.
The separation of the n-paraffins from the remainder of the liquid also alters the
distribution and properties of the resins and asphaltenes:

This in itself will alter the resin/asphaltene interaction. Allowing the wax to form
will then remove some of the n-paraffins from the fluid again changing the
proportion of resins in the remaining fluid.
To see the effect choose the Combined Solids option from Select/Model set and
specify wax and asphaltenes as the solid phases. Eliminate Hydrates, water and
ice for the time being.

288 Case studies – Combined solids User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
As the model has been re-defined we will need to match the asphaltene
parameters again, using the same input data. The new parameters will be slightly
different because of the altered distribution.
Now plot the gas and asphaltene boundaries as before then add the wax

As you can see changing the resin distribution and removing some of the n-
paraffins has the effect of stabilising the asphaltene slightly.

Hydrates, Waxes and Asphaltenes

To study the effect of allowing hydrates to form we can retain the fluid
characterisation used for wax and asphaltene but need to add water. Do this
using Select/Components. Initially set the water composition to zero.
Return to the Combined Solids selection and add the hydrates, water and ice to
the list of potential phases.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Combined solids 289
As we have chosen to re-define the model we also need to re-match the
asphaltene parameters. This is best done in the absence of water, which is why
the initial water composition was set to zero. Using the same input data the
asphaltene parameters will be exactly the same as for the wax and asphaltene
Now add the water composition, 10g. Adding too much water may cause
difficulties when plotting the APE.
With water present use the phase envelope plotter to generate all the phase
boundaries. Starting point for the asphaltene boundary may have to be changed
as it is affected by the presence of the other solids.

The wax boundary is not affected by the addition of water or the formation of
hydrate, which occurs at lower temperatures. However, the effect on the lower
APE is significant. As the hydrate is formed the light gas hydrate formers are
removed from the fluid. This is in effect the reverse of gas injection and the
asphaltene is stabilised with precipitation occurring at higher temperatures.

290 Case studies – Combined solids User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
Of course with water present there is also the possibility of a separate water

If the fluid is flashed at 70F and 1750 psia Multiflash will predict the formation
of 6 phases; gas, hydrocarbon liquid, water, hydrate2, asphaltene and wax. With
only 10g of water present reducing the temperature slightly removes the water
phase owing to the formation of additional hydrate.
Of course, in practice the formation of so many phases will be affected by
kinetic factors as well as the thermodynamic equilibrium.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Combined solids 291
Case studies – Excel

There are some problems that are best approached using Excel. Some of these
are discussed in the Multiflash Excel manual, such as generating tables of pure
component data or using linked flashes or recycles for simple flowsheet
Those presented here were set up following user requests and include generating
binary interaction parameters for activity coefficient models and linking
predictions of solid formation to a common fluid analysis. By default, the
spreadsheets are stored in the same directory with the mfl files, i.e. under the tree
\Infochem\MF44\MFL Files from the Multiflash 4.4 installation on your
Although we have not included them here, some users wish to fit their own
experimental data for components not included in their version of Multiflash. To
help users to do this we do have available a series of spreadsheets for the fitting
of pure component data. They are not issued with the standard installation but we
will supply them on request.

UNIFAC is a very useful model as the binary interaction parameters are
generated from the group structures of the pure components and so reasonable
predictions of phase equilibria can be obtained for polar systems without the
need for stored BIPs.
However, there may be times when you wish to use an alternative model such as
NRTL. Although we are continually expanding our BIP databank there may be
some binary pairs in your mixture for which we do not have stored NRTL
parameters. If you do not have the time to search for experimental data for the
missing pairs, or are unable to find any, then this spreadsheet allows you to
generate the phase equilibria data from UNIFAC, providing group structures are
available for your chosen components, and then fit this data using another
activity model.
The spreadsheet has several worksheets.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Excel spreadsheets 293
The first spreadsheet consists of notes on how to use UNFICAFIT.xls and how
to enter the fitted BIPs in Multiflash.

This is the worksheet where you generate the phase equilibria data (liquid and
gas phase compositions and temperature or pressure) that you are going to fit.
You specify, by entering information in the appropriate cell:
The databank to act as the source of pure component data, either
Infodata or DIPPR if you have it
The names of the two components for your binary pair
Whether you wish to generate data for an isotherm or isobar and
your chosen temperature or pressure
The required data is generated by the Multiflash functions when the calculation
in the spreadsheet is updated. It includes both column headings and plots. The
composition range is fixed and the units are SI. There is no need to change these
although it is possible.
An Error box reports the status of the data generation. This should be OK if the
UNIFAC group structures are available for your chosen components. An error
status of –13201 would indicate that the structures are missing for one or both
Once the data has been generated you can move to the worksheet for the model
you wish to use, WilsonE, UNIQUAC VLE or NRTL VLE.

Activity model worksheets

All the model worksheets function in a similar manner. The component names,
conditions, temperature or pressure are copied from the UNIFAC worksheet as
are the phase equilibria data. The user enters initial guesses for the BIPs, a useful
default is to start with 0.0 for both, and using the Excel Tools/Solver to start the
fitting procedure. Once the best solution has been reached the new BIPs will be
reflected in the cells used for starting guesses and in the cells reporting the fitted
BIPs. One of the useful benefits of using Excel is that the results are plotted for
comparison with the UNIFAC generated data allowing the user to decide easily
whether the solution is acceptable.
If the solution is not acceptable then you can try
starting with a different initial estimate for the BIPs
using a different criterion for minimisation. The default setting is to
minimise the sum of squares of the differences between given and
predicted temperature or pressure. It is possible to minimise
differences in gas composition by changing the target cell in the
Change the constraints on the values for BIPs when fitting. We
have set limits on the values the BIPs can take as part of the
Tools/Solver utility. To change this constraint use the Change
button on the Solver text box.
Once acceptable BIPs have been generated they can be entered and stored in
Multiflash as described in the spreadsheet notes or “Units for BIPs
The BIPs for most equation of state methods, Wilson A, Regular Solution and
Flory Huggins are dimensionless. For other activity methods and the two CPA
association parameters the BIPs have associated units. The default units in

294 Case studies – Excel spreadsheets User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
Multiflash are J/mole. If BIPs from external sources are used in Multiflash it is
important that either the BIP units are changed to match the input values or the
numeric values of the BIPs are changed to J/mole.
The choice of units appears once the Units button is activated in the BIP display.

J/mol is the Multiflash standard for the dimensioned activity model BIPs.
cal/mol and K are the values used in the Dechema Data Series for activity model
VLE and LLE BIPs. The “Aspen” format allows you to transfer the BIP values
for the NRTL equation from Aspen Plus without further change.
The actual input functions for the activity BIPs are as follows:
In J/mol K Aij=a + bT + cT2
In cal/mol K Aij/4.184=a + bT + cT2
In K Aij/R=a + bT + cT2
Dimensionless Aij/RT=a + b/T + cT
Aspen format Aij/RT=a + b/T + cT
For the NRTL equation, the parameter is defined as follows:
All formats except Aspen ij= a + bT + cT2
Aspen format ij= a + b(T-273.15) + c(T-273.15)2
Supplementing or overwriting BIPs” on page 59.
Although NRTL has three parameters we have chosen not to fit all three but to
default the third parameter, alpha, to 0.3. You can over-ride this if you wish but
we would suggest that values for alpha should never be negative and should
rarely be larger than 0.6.
Currently the fitting is limited to constant values for the BIPs although this could
be expanded if necessary.

This is substantially the same as UNIFACFIT.xls but the starting point is
experimental data rather than data generated from the UNIFAC model.
Instead of the first UNIFAC worksheet there is an Experimental worksheet to
enter the data. Again you can choose the data source for your pure component
data and indicate whether your chosen data is along an isotherm or isobar. In
order to minimise effort this spreadsheet does allow you to choose the units for
temperature and pressure to match those measured. The temperature or pressure
for the isotherm or isobar should be entered as should the values for x, y and
associated T or P.
We have chosen a limited array for data entry. If you have more data and are
familiar with Excel you can extend the range although you will need to
remember to change the cell references in the dependent worksheets. Otherwise
you should limit the data by choosing suitable points from the data available.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Excel spreadsheets 295
If you have less data then you should enter #N/A in the cells which would
otherwise be empty. This is necessary for the Excel Solver to operate correctly.
For some data sets you may have P, x or T, x but no data for gas composition, y.
In this case it is advised to enter #N/A for the y compositions. If you fail to do
this the Solver will still function provided the minimisation criterion is based on
difference in temperature or pressure, which is the default. However, the plots
for x, y will not be relevant and should be ignored.
As with UNIFACFIT.xls you can fit the experimental data to generate BIPs for
WilsonE, UNIQUAC VLE or NRTL VLE by choosing the appropriate

Several of the engineers using the Multiflash GUI have found it fairly complex
to obtain results for solid formation particularly for asphaltenes. Improvements
to allow users to fit bubble point and asphaltene model parameters at the same
time go some way to alleviating this problem. However, we had set up a
spreadsheet, which many engineers find useful and which we will still issue as
part of the implementation. Of course you will only be able to use any worksheet
if you have licensed the appropriate model.
The Solids.xls includes the recommended PVT analysis routines and solids
models; the CPA/Electrolyte model for Hydrates, the Coutinho wax model for
waxes and the asphaltene model is standard.
The spreadsheet consists of several worksheets and each worksheet has the
relevant models built-in in hidden rows or columns. As the PVT Analysis
procedure is complex, the PVT calculations are carried out using the Multiflash
GUI, and the mfl file written and referenced in the first worksheet.
The Excel calculations are set to manual using the Tools/Options or
Formulas/Calculation Options facility depending on the Excel's version. This is
to prevent automatic calculation of the whole spreadsheet as new compositions
are entered. To update any individual worksheet use Shift F9, to update the
whole spreadsheet use F9.

PVT Analysis
The user characterises the PVT using the Multiflash GUI and enters the full
directory path and mfl file name to provide the characterised fluid information.
As all calculations in the spreadsheet have to be referenced to this fluid
characterisation we recommend that the characterisation is based on splitting the
fluid plus fraction from C6 into 15 pseudocomponents for both iso-paraffins and
n-paraffins. This controls the number of components and negates the need for the
user to modify the Excel functions to ensure that all components and
compositions are included in any calculation. The units for calculation are also
set in this worksheet.
This first worksheet includes a bubble point calculation at a temperature or
pressure set by the user. This allows you to decide whether to tune the petroleum
fraction properties to match a known bubble point or if this is unnecessary.
The list of possible components is based on the default component list used in
our PVT Analysis utility. The user enters the compositions and any other
information available such as the molecular weight and specific gravity. The
SARA analysis can be entered; the resin and asphaltene amounts are needed for
the asphaltene model although they can be estimated if required. The user can
specify the starting point and the number of fractions for the characterisation
although we would recommend staying with C6 and 15 fractions.

296 Case studies – Excel spreadsheets User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
Match bubble point
If the predicted bubble point is sufficiently different from a known value then
this worksheet allows the user to match a known bubble point. The fluid
composition is taken from the characterised fluid in the PVT Analysis
worksheet. The user specifies the bubble point to be matched and the bubble
point is recalculated after the match to confirm that this has been carried out. A
new problem input specification is written into this worksheet as a result of the
match but it is in hidden rows or column.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Excel spreadsheets 297
The next worksheet is dedicated to prediction of wax precipitation, although the
worksheets for wax, asphaltene and hydrates are not inter-dependent and can be
used in any order. The user can choose to use the fluid characterisation direct
from the PVT Analysis or with petroleum fraction properties tuned to match a
bubble point.
The first set of calculations predicts the wax appearance temperature (WAT)
without any further tuning plus the amount of wax formed at a user specified
T,P. The calculation is carried out based on the fixed wax phase fraction flash
function and the amount of wax is set to be .00015 mole fraction of wax in the
liquid+wax phases. There is a function called MF_PWAT, equivalent to the
WAT button in the GUI, which calculates the WAT at a fixed mass or mole
fraction of the wax phase. This can be relative to either the total fluid or to the
liquid plus wax phases.
For matching a measured WAT for a finite amount of wax phase, a command is
used for specifying the measured WAT in the Solids.xls. For the detailed
information about how to use the commands, refer to the section of Matching
wax data in the Multiflash Command Reference manual.
The WAT is plotted automatically as a function of pressure. The starting
pressure and step can be set by the user to obtain the pressure range of choice.
These calculations can be repeated based on matching to a known WAT, if one
is available.

298 Case studies – Excel spreadsheets User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
The asphaltene worksheet again offers the choice of using the PVT Analysis
characterisation direct or the characterisation after matching to a known bubble
point. For asphaltene modelling we would recommend the latter.
The options for producing the asphaltene model parameters are not as flexible in
Excel as in the Windows front end. You are limited to two options, the
flocculation or reservoir conditions and you must supply both temperature and
pressure. The matching is done by using a command with the temperature and
pressure referred to either asphaltene ADE or reservoir condition. For detailed
command information, refer to the section on Matching asphaltene deposition
point in the Multiflash Command Reference manual.
After matching the user can set either temperature or pressure and calculate the
corresponding P or T for the upper and lower boundaries of the flocculation
envelope. There is also an option for entering a set of T,P and calculating the
amount of asphaltene formed at those conditions.
Every effort has been made to plot the asphaltene precipitation envelope
automatically with starting points derived from the precipitation or reservoir
conditions. However, as the engineers using our Windows phase envelope
facility will appreciate it is difficult to make this absolutely fail-safe.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Excel spreadsheets 299
Asphaltene with gas injection
The effect of gas injection on asphaltene flocculation is perhaps most easily
calculated in Excel. The asphaltene model parameters for any fluid should be
retained when studying the effect of added gas. The gas injection worksheet is
therefore dependent on the asphaltene worksheet for the problem input
specification and the matching function is disabled. It serves only to report the
conditions chosen for matching.
The composition of the gas is entered and the ratio of gas to oil is based on a
simple molar ratio.
You can still change conditions of temperature and/or pressure to determine the
boundaries for flocculation and the amount of asphaltene flocculated. The
boundaries for asphaltene flocculation, with and without gas injection are plotted
but it cannot be guaranteed that this will be available for all fluids and gas
injection rates.

300 Case studies – Excel spreadsheets User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
The hydrate functionality is well served in our Windows software and easily
used. We have only added a hydrate worksheet here for completeness and to
allow the engineer to carry out quick checks for possible hydrate formation. It
encapsulates the main features of our hydrate model but does not have the
flexibility of the Windows program.
The user needs to add an amount of water to the fluid and this can either be pure
water or produced water with the salt content defined by ion analysis or total
dissolved solid. The hydrate dissociation temperature can be calculated at a
single pressure or plotted as a function of pressure. The hydrate is defined as
Hydrate2 only, which is the usual hydrate formed as the spreadsheet is designed
to work with oils rather than natural gases.
There is also a section in the worksheet for looking at the use of inhibitors. These
are limited to the two most common, methanol or MEG. The spreadsheet
predicts inhibitor amounts or concentrations required for hydrate inhibition at set

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Excel spreadsheets 301
Users who want to investigate hydrate behaviour only, may find the
hydrateinfo.xls and hydratecpa.xls spreadsheets useful. They have a restricted
component list (gases and gas condensates) but offer a choice of fluid and salt
model and a wider choice of calculations.

302 Case studies – Excel spreadsheets User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
Case study – Mercury
This section is only applicable if your Multiflash license includes the mercury
Infochem has developed a mercury model for prediction of the solubility of
mercury in natural gases and condensates, and the distribution of mercury
between gas, condensate and water phases. The mercury model is available in
combination with RKSA, PR78A or CPA-Infochem fluid models.
In condensates and petroleum liquids, organomercury compounds are significant
and may be the predominant form of mercury, although it is generally agreed
that mercury in natural gas is almost all in elemental form. Dimethylmercury and
diphenylmercury are chosen to represent light and heavy organomercury
compounds respectively. The mercury model in Multiflash is based on data for
the solubility both in hydrocarbons and in water, including data which is not
accessible in public domain.
The mercury model was originally developed based on the RKSA equation of
state. This is our recommendation for the fluid phase model. However PR78A
and CPA may be chosen for compatibility with fluid characterisation base on
these models.

Defining the mercury model

The mercury model may be defined by selecting the mercury tab in the
Select/Model Set box

The phases which can be defined for this model in the model selection form are
gas, liquid1 (hydrocarbon liquid), liquid2 (hydrocarbon liquid), water, liquidHg
(liquid mercury), solidHg (solid mercury), and ice. We recommend that you do

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Excel spreadsheets 303
not define a second hydrocarbon liquid phase (liquid2) unless you anticipate the
possibility of multiple hydrocarbon liquid phases.

Calculating mercury partitioning and dropout

Once the mercury model has been defined the fluid components are defined
using Select/Components as usual and entering the fluid composition in the
Composition drop down menu. The example file for this case study is supplied
as Hg_Example.mfl, and uses RKSA as fluid model.
In this particular example we have only specified mercury but the principle is the
same if the components dimethyl- and diphenylmercury are present.

To demonstrate the partitioning we envision a simplified flowsheet where the

feed gas goes through a warm separator, the gas phase exiting this separator then
enters a cold separator and the exiting gas is compressed for export.

304 Case studies – Excel spreadsheets User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
If the mercury model is used in an Excel spreadsheet or a third party simulator,
the streams can be set to be merged and recycled automatically but in the
Multiflash GUI it is only possible to use one stream composition as input at a
time for flash calculations.
Once Hg_Example.mfl has been loaded, enter the 4 degC and 77 bar of the warm
separator condition and carry out a PT flash.

As shown above, the mercury partitions among the fluid phases (Gas, Liquid1
and Water) .
To simulate the phase separation at the cold separator condition, the gas phase
composition can be highlighted, copied and then pasted into the Composition
drop down menu to provide the feed for the PT flash for the cold separator. The
conditions for the cold separator are set to -15 degC and 41 bar, and a new PT
flash is performed. These conditions correspond to having a choke between the
two separators, which reduces the pressure from 77 bar to 41 bar, resulting in the
temperature dropping to -15 degC.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Excel spreadsheets 305
At these conditions the separator is cold enough for a separate liquid mercury
phase to form. If the stream is cooled down even further, for example to -52
degC, then solid mercury will form instead and slightly more mercury drops out.

As can be seen from above, the mercury model can calculate mercury dropping
out either as a liquid or as a solid, and a flash calculation shows whether mercury
drops out at the given conditions. In Multiflash the fixed phase fraction flash
can be used to calculate the temperature or pressure at which a pure mercury
phase will start to drop out.
If the gas from the cold separator is compressed to 100 bar, such as for gas
export, then a fixed phase fraction flash at that pressure can be used to determine
the temperature at which mercury will start to drop out.

306 Case studies – Excel spreadsheets User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
If we do the calculation for the gas output from the cold separator at -15 degC at
100 bar we can see that liquid mercury will begin to dropout at -8.7 degC.

If we use the cold separator at -52 degC and 41 bar instead, then mercury will
not dropout till the temperature is below -48 degC at 100 bar, at which point
solid mercury begins to form. This is because of the lower amount of mercury in
the gas stream from the cold separator at -52 degC compared to the gas stream
from the cold separator at -15 degC.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Excel spreadsheets 307
Other calculations
The mercury model can be used for any flash calculation such as P,S or P,H. The
model can also be used for mercury partitioning in a gas dehydrator.
TEG has been included in the component list for the example provided, but was
present at zero concentration. If the TEG is added, e.g. 0.3 moles, then the
calculations can be repeated but in this case starting with a simple dehydrator
flash at 10 degC and 110 bar. You can then see the mercury partitioning into the
aqueous TEG phase and the consequent effects.

Distribution of mercury species

As mentioned in the introduction, the mercury model in Multiflash can model
elemental mercury, dimethylmercury and diphenylmercury, but the model is not
able to predict how much of a measured total mercury content is elemental
mercury, and how much is organomercury.
For a given total mercury content in a gas stream it is reasonable to assume that
all the mercury is elemental mercury, as elemental mercury is much more
volatile than the two organomercury components.
However, if the measured total mercury content is for a separator liquid stream,
it is difficult to know exactly how much of each of the three mercury
components that corresponds to. Assuming all mercury is elemental might lead
to an over-prediction of the amount of mercury in the evolved gas phase when
the separator liquid is further processed.
One possible way of solving the problem is to assume some distribution between
the three mercury species in the separator liquid. (An equimolar distribution of
dimethylmercury and diphenylmercury can be assumed if no information is

308 Case studies – Excel spreadsheets User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
available). If a measurement of the mercury content for the evolved gas phase is
available, the amount of elemental mercury in the assumed distribution for the
separator liquid can be adjusted to match the measurement for the gas phase.
This approach is not very accurate and is not based on observations, but it will
give the best possible estimate of the distribution of mercury between the species
based on the available information, and will agree with the mercury content in
both the separator liquid and the evolved gas.

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Case studies – Excel spreadsheets 309
Appendix - Multiflash

The Multiflash command language is common to all Multiflash implementations
- Excel, VB etc. A complete list of all commands and information on how to use
them is contained in the Multiflash Command Reference manual.
In the Multiflash GUI the use of commands has largely been replaced by the
menu choices and toolbar buttons. However, there are some Multiflash facilities
that are not available as menu/toolbar options so there are a few circumstances
when it is necessary to .make direct use of Multiflash commands.

From the Tools menu choose Command. A command window will be displayed.
You can then enter a command and either press <Enter> or click on the Send
command button to send the command to Multiflash.

The command shown in this example will provide details of the specified model,
including the name of the associated BIP dataset.

When you may need to use commands

The menu options available in Multiflash will allow you to specify and solve
most problems. However, some of the areas where commands let you supply or
display additional information, supplement or amend menu options or carry out
additional calculations are:
Defining models
Supplying an external file of BIPs

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Appendix - Multiflash Commands 311
Defining phase descriptors and key components

Defining models
The standard thermodynamic and transport property models available in
Multiflash are specified in the model sets and model configuration files supplied.
However, you may wish to set up your own model definition, for example you
may wish to use an activity style mixing rule with an equation of state model.
You may also wish to group together different models to describe different
properties, such as using an equation of state to describe the properties of a
refrigerant mixture but defining the density in terms of ideal mixing.
In general the MODELS command defines a thermodynamic or transport
property model for mixtures. The command has the format:

1. model_id is a user-defined name that will be used to refer to the particular
combination of the property model and options specified.
2. MF_model_name is the Multiflash name for the basic model. The
list of recognised models is given in “Models and input
requirements” on page 74. Model_options are additional
keywords that describe model variants, references to other,
previously-defined, models or references to the source of binary
interaction parameters.
Many .mfl files are provided and will provide examples of how to set up a model

What the model definition means

It is not necessary to understand the Multiflash model definition to carry out
useful calculations. The explanation in this section is provided so that you can
refer to the details when you need to. For example you may wish to change the
key component for a phase.
In the example below the model is Peng-Robinson. The definition of a model
configuration file will appear in the results window and includes:
The source of pure component data, binary interaction parameters and petroleum
fraction correlations. The last line below defines the enthalpy and entropy datum
point. If it is not included then the default (as shown below) will be taken.

A command to remove all previously loaded models and binary interaction


A command to allow for the possibility of user supplied BIPs which are
identified by the name PRBIP

The definition of the thermodynamic model; consists of the command “model”

followed by a model name, MPR, and a keyword to identify the model, PR and
finally the name for a user supplied BIP set, PRBIP.

312 Appendix - Multiflash Commands User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
The definition of the default models used for the transport properties:

A phase descriptor giving an identifier and a phase type for each possible phase
which may be considered in the calculation:

and finally, specification of a key component for each liquid phase so that it can
be identified when multiple liquid phases are found.

The CAS number is that for water. This format is general and unambiguous and
allows, for instance, for cases where the user has chosen the alternative name
H2O for water. However, Multiflash will still recognise the original format of

Supplying an external file of BIPs

We supply binary interaction parameters, for light gases and hydrocarbons for
use with the cubic equations of state from the OILANDGAS databank and for
activity coefficient models from INFOBIPS or INFOLLBIPS. If you have
interaction parameters available for other binary pairs and other models you may
wish to supplement or overwrite those stored in Multiflash. The Tools/BIPs
facility has been supplied to allow you to do this easily without the need for
commands and to save any changes by saving the problem setup file. However,
if you wish to store a preferred set of BIPs and to overwrite the stored BIPs
every time you run Multiflash it may be easier to set up your own input file. You
can then overwrite our BIPs by loading this file or including it as part of your
problem setup. In this case it may be easier to construct the file using Multiflash
The command for setting up a bipset takes the form
bipset, bipset_name, number of BIPs for model, degree of temperature
dependence, temperature function, units, binary pair, values for BIPs;
The default names for the model bipsets are the model name followed by BIP
e.g. PRBIP
For example, A typical file of BIP data might be:

N.B. You must reload this BIP file every time you change the model as one of
the commands when a model is loaded removes existing bipsets.
If you define the bipset incorrectly, e.g. if for butane pentane the temperature
function is defined as activity with units of J/mol, then a warning message will
appear when you try to use this with the PR equation

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Appendix - Multiflash Commands 313
Some examples for other models are shown below:

Defining phase descriptors and key components

Now that you can define the phases to be considered as part of the model
definition the need to define or erase phase descriptors using Tools/Command
should be reduced. However, it may still occur.
A phase descriptor (PD) contains all the information required to identify a phase
and to retrieve its thermodynamic properties. A PD must be specified for each
possible phase that Multiflash is to consider. The PD command is used to define
a phase descriptor (PD). To exclude the formation of a particular phase type, e.g.
gas, the corresponding PD should be omitted or erased. The command has the

The following table gives the valid options and settings:

314 Appendix - Multiflash Commands User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
command description notes
pd_id user-defined name that will any unique alphanumeric
be used to refer to the string, e.g. liquid1
particular instance of phase
type and associated models
phase_type a keyword that defines the 1. gas, vapour and vapour
phase type, valid settings are: are synonyms.
condensed 2. condensed means a pure
gas solid phase.
hydrate 3. solidsolution means a
liquid mixed solid phase
model_identifiers identifiers for up to six 1. the model identifiers are
models that will be used to the user-defined names
evaluate the thermodynamic associated with the models
and transport properties of (see description of
the phase. Models for the MODELS command)
following properties may be 2. at least one
specified in the order given: thermodynamic model must
1. fugacity (K-values) be defined (the same model
2. volume/density (optional) is then used for all
3. enthalpy/entropy thermodynamic properties)
(optional) 3. transport property models
4. viscosity (optional) need only be defined if
5. thermal conductivity output of these properties is
(optional) required
6. surface tension (optional)
erase erases (removes) the PD 1. the pd_id must have been
from the list of PDs available previously defined
for Multiflash 2. all information associated
with the PD is lost

The standard model sets and model configuration files include four phase
descriptors for GAS, LIQUID1, LIQUID2 and WATER. If you use the
Select/Freeze-out components option to apply the freeze-out model, see “Solid
freeze-out model” on page 39, a phase descriptor will be automatically generated
from the component name. However, you can change this name using the phase
descriptor command.
You may wish to erase a phase descriptor to limit the number of phases
considered when solving a flash calculation, see “Phase ” on page 178.
The KEY command is used to define a key component for a PD. A key
component helps to identify a particular phase when two or more PDs would
otherwise be indistinguishable. It is not necessary to define a key component
unless a flash calculation needs to identify phases uniquely (e.g. a search for a
particular phase fraction). The command has the format:

pd_id is a previously-defined phase descriptor name.

key_component_id is the name of the component which is used to identify
the phase. The rule used is that the key component should be present in the phase
to the maximum amount relative to the total mixture composition. If the

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Appendix - Multiflash Commands 315
component name is preceded by the keyword not , this means that the
component should be present in the minimum relative concentration.
The model sets and model configuration files supplied identify one liquid phase
as having water as the key component and the other two liquid phases in terms of
not being the water phase. There may be a case where you would wish to
allocate a key component to one of these, e.g.

316 Appendix - Multiflash Commands User Guide for Multiflash for Windows
Units 57, 294
BIP databank 60
BIP set
Names 55

Index see Binary interaction parameters 53

BIPs and models 53
BIPs available in Multiflash 54
BIPs for CSMA and GERG mixing rule 59
Black Oil Analysis 101, 223
Blending method 128
Blending procedure 129
Bubble and dew point flashes 143
Bubble point 143

Calculate 17
About Multiflash 194
Calculating asphaltene precipitation conditions 272
Activity coefficient equations in Multiflash 37
Calculating mercury partitioning and dropout 304
Activity coefficient methods 37
Calculating the bubble point curve 206
Activity coefficient model for gas phase 9
Calculating the dew point curve 207
Activity coefficient models 6
Calculating the water dew point line 209
see Models 37
Calculating wax appearance temperature (WAT) 261
Activity coefficients 177
Calculating wax precipitation 264
Activity model worksheets 294
Calculation options 11
Activity Models 179, 180
Calculation output 175
Adding a component 69
Calculations 2, 19
Adding a user-defined component 72
see Flash calculations 141
Adding water to the system 209
Calculations with inhibitors 252
Adding, inserting, replacing and deleting components
Can hydrates form at given P and T ? 252
Additional calculations 20
CAPE-OPEN Interface 188
Advanced Equation of state options 31
Carbon Dioxide high-accuracy model 36
Amount of inhibitor required to suppress hydrates
Carry out a the flash calculation 199
Carry out an isenthalpic flash 21
Appendix - Multiflash Commands 3
Carrying out the flash calculation 23
Applicability 36
Case studies 3, 197, 205, 243
Aqueous phase labelling 178
Asphaltenes 51, 267
Asphaltene matching 270
Combined solids 287
Asphaltene precipitation 287
Delump 225
Asphaltene with gas injection 300
Getting Started 13
Asphaltenes 51, 267, 299
Hydrate formation and inhibition 243
Case study 51, 267
Phase equilibria 205
Defining Asphaltene model 51
Polymers 237
Model 43
Pure component data 197
ASTM D86 distillation 104
PVT Analysis 214
Azeotropes 235
Refrigerants 229
Wax 50, 260
B Change the composition 20
Change the pressure 20
Backup file 26
Changing units 170
Basic characterisation properties 109
Characterisation 99, 107
Benedict-Webb-Rubin-Starling (BWRS) equation of
Check for Updates 193
state 34
Choice of Analysis method 276
Benedict-Webb-Rubin-Starling model 34
Chung-Lee-Starling model 45
Binary interaction parameters 10, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58,
Chung-Lee-Starling thermal conductivity method 45
Clearing previous problems 21
Displaying values 55
Combined solids 287
Supplementing and overwriting BIPs 58
Combined Solids Model 52
Temperature dependence 54

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Index 317

Commands 3, 311 Defining a mixture 65
Appendix 311 Defining a problem in Multiflash 18
Tools/Command option 311 Defining models 312
Component cannot be found 86 Defining petroleum fractions 109
Component list 91 Defining phase descriptors and key components 314
Components 2, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 84, 197 Defining the asphaltene model 268
Adding a component to a stream 69 Defining the components 21
Databanks 63 Defining the hydrate models 243
Deleting components from a stream 70 Defining the mercury model 303
DIPPR 63 Defining the models 22
Displaying pure component data 197 Defining the problem in Multiflash 197
Inserting a component in a stream 69 Defining the wax model 260
Maximum number in stream 65 Deleting components 70
Normal components 63 Deleting petroleum fractions 112
Properties of normal components 63 Delump
Replacing a component in a stream 70 Case study 225
Selecting by formula 68 Delumping tool 113
Selecting by name 66 Delumping tool - Case study 225
Selecting by scrolling through list 66 Dew point 143
Selecting by substring 68 Differences between the PR Model in Multiflash and
Selecting components 66 Aspen Hysys 60
Synonyms of components 67 Diffusion coefficient 46
Troubleshooting 84 Diffusion coefficients 46
User defined 72 DIPPR 7, 63
Compositions 14, 23, 137, 171 Displaying status for current settings 181
Amounts and fractions 138, 170, 171, 176 Distillation curves 102
Specifying compositions 137 Distribution of mercury species 308
Conditions 14, 137, 139 Document Organisation 2
Conditions section of main window 137 Dortmund Modified UNIFAC method 38
Specifying compositions 137 Dortmund Modified UNIFAC model 38
Specifying enthalpy 139
Specifying entropy 139 E
Specifying internal energy 139
Specifying pressure 138 Edit 15
Specifying temperature 138 Editing petroleum fraction data 112
Specifying volume 138 Electrolyte model 81
Troubleshooting 139 Enter a composition for the stream 199
Consider all types of solution 167 Entering BIPs 232
Constants 73 Entering petroleum fractions 110
Co-Polymers 239 Enthalpy
Corresponding states (CSMA) model 35 Specifying for isenthalpic flash 139
CPA model CPA 10 Enthalpy definition 178
CSMA Entropy
Reference fluids 35 Specifying for isentropic flash 139
CSMA model 9 Entropy definition 180
Cubic plus association (CPA) model 32 Equation of state models 30
Current settings Equations of State Models 30
Display 181 Equations of state provided in Multiflash 30
Customising the phase envelope plot 155 Errors 176, 181
Convergence 176
Messages 181
Troubleshooting 52, 60, 84, 139, 165, 171, 181
Data Availability 277 Errors and warning messages 181
Data input 237 Estimated n-paraffin distribution 108
Databank not found 84 Eutectics 236
Databank not licensed 85 Example for blending 130
Databanks 7, 10 Example with asphaltenic crudes 133
DIPPR 63 Example with waxy crudes 132
INFODATA 63 Examples
Default units 169 Case studies 50, 51, 197, 205, 243, 260, 267, 303

318 Index User Guide for Multiflash for Windows

Getting Started 13 H
Excel interface 7, 202
Exiting Multiflash 27 Hayduk Minhas method 46
Hayduk-Minhas method 46
Help 191
F HELP 3, 17
File 14 Help Topics 191
Files High accuracy reference eos for water-ammonia
Loading problem setup files 18 binary system 6
OLGA PVT file 184 How to change a model 48
Output file 173, 174 How to Enter Multiflash Commands 311
PIPESIM PVT file 183 How to exit the program 27
Problem setup (mfl) files 18, 25, 26 How to specify models in Multiflash 47
Prosper PVT file 187 How to use the delumping utility 114
Saving a problem setup file 25 Huron-Vidal-Pedersen mixing rule 5
Saving results in an output file 27 Hydrate
Fitting the vapour pressure curve 31 Inhibitor Calculator 79
Fixed phase fraction flash 144 Nucleation model 41, 49, 245
Fixed phase fraction flashes 144 Hydrate calculations 159
Flash calculations 10, 139, 141 Hydrate calculations with Multiflash 246
Bubble points 143 Hydrate dissociation pressure at a given temperature
Definition of a flash calculation 141 254
Dew point 143 Hydrate dissociation temperature at a given pressure
Fixed phase fraction flash 144 254
Isenthalpic flash 143 Hydrate formation and dissociation pressure at given
Isentropic flash 143 temperature 250
Isochoric flash 143 Hydrate formation and dissociation temperature at
Isothermal (P,T) flash 142 given pressure 247
List of available flash calculations 142 Hydrate formation temperature at given pressure 249
Retrograde flash calculations 147 Hydrate inhibitors 79
Troubleshooting 165 Hydrate model 39, 244
Type of solution 147 Hydrate models 11
Flashes available in Multiflash 142 Hydrate phase boundary 251, 254
Flory Huggins model 38 Hydrates 39, 48, 243, 255, 301
Flory-Huggins 38 Case study 243
Fluid amounts 129 Hydrate inhibition case study 255
Fluid file name 128 Hydrate inhibitor model 42
Fluid Identification 14 Hydrate model 39
Fluid phase model 244 Phase boundary 251
Font 174 Hydrates in water sub-saturated systems 41
Fonts 182 Hydrates, Waxes and Asphaltenes 289
Frame Tab 152
Fugacity coefficients 177 I
Fuller method 46
Fuller model 46 IAPWS-95 35
Ice model 245
Ideal gas equation of state 30
G Ideal solution model 37
Gas and liquid Enthalpy based on saturated liquid Including a petroleum fraction 210
heat capacity 180 INFODATA 7, 10
Gas injection 282 Infochem fluids databank 63
Gas phase models for activity coefficient methods 38 Inhibition
GERG model 36 Hydrate inhibition case study 255
GERG-2008 36 Model for hydrate inhibition 42
GERG-2008 (Infochem extension) 36 Inhibitor calculator
Getting Started 2, 13, 205 alcohols/glycols 79
Groups not available for UNIFAC model 52 Inhibitor Calculator 6, 11, 79
Inhibitor modelling 42
Initial Values Tab 151
Input conditions
see Conditions 137

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Index 319

Input Conditions 2 M
Input data 102, 267
Input files Macleod-Sugden 2-phase variant (MCSA). 46
Loading a problem setup file 18 Macleod-Sugden method (MCS). 46
Problem setup files 18, 25, 26 Macleod-Sugden model 46
Saving a problem set up file 25 Manipulating the Output 177
Input section 14 Mass fraction flash 144
Inserting a component 69 Match bubble point 297
Installation 3 Matching 116, 122, 123, 128
Interface to other programs 141, 202, 235 Asphaltene flocculation 281
Excel spreadsheet 141, 202, 235 Dew and bubble points 116, 122, 128
Interfaces 7 Liquid viscosity 125, 126
Internal energy Wax Appearance Temperature 123
specifying as a flash condition 139 Matching Density/Volume 122
Introduction 1, 5, 9, 29, 63, 89, 137, 141, 169, 173, Matching dew and bubble points 116
183, 191, 197, 205, 243, 260, 267, 287, 293, Matching liquid viscosity 125
303, 311 Matching to asphaltene deposition data 281
ISAPWS-95 35 Matching using petroleum fraction properties 116
Isenthalpic flashes 143 Matching vapour viscosity 126
Isentropic flashes 143 Matching wax data/WAT 123
Isochoric flashes 143 Maximum water content allowable before hydrate
Isothermal (P,T) flash 142 dissociation 251
Menu options 14
Mercury 9
J mfl files 18, 25, 26
Joule-Thompson coefficient 12 Mixing rules 31
Liquid thermal conductivity 45
Liquid viscosity 45
K Surface tension 46
Key components 145, 314 Vapour thermal conductivity 46
Vapour viscosity 45
Model definition 129
L Model is not available 52
LBC 5 Modelling a polar mixture 230
LBC viscosity model 10 Modelling asphaltene flocculation 43
Lee-Kesler (LK) and Lee-Kesler-Plöcker (LKP) Modelling hydrate formation and inhibition 39
equations of state 34 Modelling wax precipitation 42
Lee-Kesler-Plöcker (LKP) model 34 Models 2, 5, 9, 22, 29, 37, 48, 53
Limit the number of phases 167 Advanced equations of state 31
Linear Gradient Theory 46 Asphaltenes 43
Linear Gradient Theory model 46 Benedict-Webb-Rubin-Starling (BWRS) 34
Liquid dropout and Wax precipitation curve 11 Binary interaction parameters (BIPs) 53
Liquid dropout curve calculation 158 Chung-Lee-Starling 45
Liquid enthalpy based on saturated liquid heat Corresponding states (CSMA) 35
capacity 179 COSTALD model 43
Liquid thermal conductivity mixing rule 45 Cubic plus association (CPA) 32
Liquid viscosity mixing rule 45 Diffusion coefficients 46
Liquid-liquid equilibria 234 Dortmund Modified UNIFAC 38
Loading a existing MFL file 26 Flory Huggins 38
Loading a model from a .mfl file 48 Fuller model 46
Loading a problem setup file 18 Gas phase models 38
Loading an existing problem file 18 GERG model 36
Loading files Hayduk Minhas method 46
Loading problem setup files 18 Hydrate model 39
Log file 27, 173, 174 Hydrate nucleation model 41, 49, 245
Saving the log file 27 IAPWS-95 35
Lohrentz-Bray-Clark model 44 Ideal gas 30
Lohrenz-Bray-Clark method 44 Ideal solution 37
Lee-Kesler-Plöcker (LKP) 34
Linear Gradient Theory 46
Liquid density model 43

320 Index User Guide for Multiflash for Windows

Lohrentz-Bray-Clark 44 Multi-reference fluid corresponding states (CSMA)
Macleod-Sugden 46 model 35
Mixing rules 31
Model definitions 29 N
Pedersen 44 New Features 5, 9
Peneloux density correction 31 New Features and Changes in Version 4.2 2
Peng Robinson (PR) 30 New Features and Changes in Version 4.4 and 4.3 2
PSRK 32 New high accuracy reference eos 6
Redlich-Kwong (RK) 31 New icon for Asphaltene precipitation curve 11
Redlich-Kwong-Soave (RKS) 31 No information on the amount of asphaltene in the oil
Regular Solution 38 278
Selecting model set 22 No reservoir or precipitation conditions 280
Selecting new model 48 No reservoir pressure 279
Solid models 39 No resin - asphaltene ratio 279
SuperTRAPP 45 Normal components 63
Surface tension 46 DIPPR 63
Surface Tension 46 INFODATA 63
Transport property 44 Properties of normal components 63
Troubleshooting 52 Notes 294
Twu 44 n-Paraffin distribution 105
UNIFAC 38 NRTL equation 37
UNIQUAC 37 NRTL model 37
Viscosity 44 Nucleation 248
Wax 42 Nucleation model 41, 49, 245
When to use activity methods 38
When to use BWRS 34 O
When to use CPA 32
When to use CSMA 36 Obtaining properties from the Pure Component Data
When to use cubic equations of state 32 option 200
When to use equation of state methods 30 Oil and gas systems 205
When to use LKP 34 OLGA 184
When to use PSRK 32 PVT file 184
When to use ZJ model 33 OLGA hydrate file 186
Wilson E 37 OLGA tables 7, 12
ZJ (Zudkevitch-Joffe) model 33 OLGA wax file 186
Models and input requirements 74 On-line help 191, 194
Models for solid phases 39, 48 Other calculations 24, 308
Models tab 6 Other flash calculations 212
Molecular weight and specific gravity 95 Other flash calculations with hydrates 251
Multiflash Other properties 110
Calculations 142 Other thermodynamic models 43
Case studies 197 Output 3, 27, 173, 174
Conditions 137 Enthalpy datum 178
Exiting the program 27 Entropy datum 180
Getting Started 13 Level of physical property output 164
Interfaces to other programs 183 Phase Identification 178
Models 29 Saving the output file 27
Output 173 Troubleshooting 181
Overview 1 Writing the results to a file 173, 174
Software system 1
Starting the program 13 P
Units 169
Multiflash Error Codes 193 PC-SAFT equation of state 33
Multiflash Excel Interface 12 Pedersen Model 44
Multiflash main window 13 Peng-Robinson (PR) model 30
Multiflash Main Window 13 Peng-Robinson 1978 (PR78) equation of state 31
Multiflash phase equilibrium algorithm 10 Peng-Robinson equation of state 30
Multiflash Software System 1 Performance enhancements 6
Petroleum Fluid Blending 127

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Index 321

Petroleum fluid composition 94 Physical property databanks 63
Petroleum Fluids 2 Properties of normal components 63
Petroleum Fraction Input Table 7 Property output in Multiflash 164
Petroleum fractions 63, 109, 112, 113 Prosper
Defining petroleum fractions 109 PVT file 187
Deleting petroleum fractions 112 Prosper PVT files 187
Editing petroleum fraction data 112 Provide a key component 168
Importing characterised petroleum fractions 109, Provide a starting estimate 167
210 Pseudocomponents 98
Troubleshooting 113 PSRK equation of state 32
Petroleum Fractions 65 PSRK model 32
Phase descriptors 313 Pure solid phase 49
Phase diagram 147 PVT Analysis 11, 89, 101, 214, 296
Phase envelope 24, 148, 166, 208 Case study 214
Customising 155 n-paraffins 105
Phase envelope output 154 Saving an analysis 101
Phase Envelopes 148 Troubleshooting 109
Phase Envelopes for solids 11, 157 PVT Lab Analysis input 89
Phase key components 6 PVT Lab Analysis input with n-paraffin analysis 105
Phase labelling 178, 182 PVTSim CHC file import tool 189
Phase names 144 PVTSim import tool 6, 11
Phase tab 149
Phases 39, 144, 147, 166, 182, 245, 313 R
Example of a phase diagram 147
Example of a phase envelope 166 Redlich-Kwong (RK) and Redlich-Kwong-Soave
Phase descriptors 313 (RKS) equations 31
Phase labels 182 Redlich-Kwong (RK) model 31
Phase names 144, 182 Redlich-Kwong-Soave (RKS) model 31
Phase types 144 Reference fluids 35
Selecting phases 47 Refrigerant mixtures 229
Solid phases 39 Refrigerants
Physical properties of a pure component 197 Case study 229
PIPESIM Regular Solution model 38
PVT file 183 Regular Solution theory 38
Pipesim PVT files 183 Reid vapour pressure 11, 162
Plot the phase envelope 166 Reid Vapour Pressure 162
Plots Replacing a component 70
H, S, U, V phase boundaries 148 Results 14, 19, 26, 27, 173
Phase envelope 148 Level of physical property output 164
Polar systems 230 Printing the results 14, 26
Polymers 237 Results window 173
Case study 237 Saving the results in a file 14, 27
Poynting correction 9 Results window 14
PRA 10 Retrograde 147
Presence of water 109 Retrograde condensation 147
Pressure Retrograde dew point 147
Specifying as an input condition 138 Retrograde Dew Point 11
Pressure and temperature 23 RKSA 10
Printing RKSA-Info, CPA and PR 10
Output 26 Running Multiflash 2
Printing the output 26, 175
Problem setup file 25 S
Loading a problem setup file 18
Saving a problem setup file 25 Salt calculator 81
Problem setup files 18, 26 Salt component 5
Problems defining a petroleum fraction 113 Salt inhibition 256
Problems when matching 127 SARA Analysis 97
Properties Saturation P at reservoir T 272
Displaying pure component properties 197 Saving a PVT Analysis 101
Level of physical property output 164 Saving files

322 Index User Guide for Multiflash for Windows

Saving a problem setup file 25 PSF file for HTFS programs 183
Saving results PVT file for PIPESIM 183
Writing the results to a file 173, 174 TBP curves 221
Saving the output 27 TBP distillation 102
Saving the problem setup 25 Technical support 28, 194
Scale model 245 Temperature
Scale precipitation 258 Specifying as an input condition 138
Scaling and general freeze-out model 39 Temperature dependence of BIPs 54
Searching for components Temperature-dependent properties 73
By formula 68 The basis of a flash calculation 141
By name 66 The Multiflash GUI 1
By scrolling through list 66 The output does not include everything expected 181
By substring 68 The Peneloux density correction 31
Identifying synonyms 67 The results 19
Select 15 The results window 173
Select components by formula 68 The Toolbar 18
Select components by name 66 Thermal conductivity 45
Select components by scrolling through a list 66 Models 45
Select components by substring 68 Titration 283
Selecting components 66 To generate the file 187
Sensitivity of calculations to variation in input data To specify the Ideal Mixing model set: 197
276 Tolerance calculations 161
Sensitivity to characterisation 109 Too many components in the mixture 87
Set Input Conditions 23 Tools 16
Setting up a new problem 21 Total amount of fluid 96
Setting up preferred models in Multiflash 48 Total Wax Content 97
Show functions 181 Transport properties
Soave-Redlich-Kwong (RKS) model 31 Displaying transport property values 164
Solid freeze-out model 39 Models 44
Solids.xls 296 Surface tension 46
Specific gravity conversion 95 Thermal conductivity 45
Specify the pure component of interest 198 Viscosity 44
Specifying compositions 137 Transport property models 44
Specifying data for a user-defined component 73 Troubleshooting 52, 60, 84, 109, 139, 165, 171, 181
Specifying enthalpy, entropy and internal energy 139 Binary interaction parameters 60
Specifying temperature, pressure and volume 138 Calculations 165
Specifying the data source 66 Components 84
Specifying the physical property output level 198 Models 52
Stability analysis 176 Output 181
Starting estimate for flash calculations 167 PVT Analysis 109
Starting Multiflash 13 Units 171
Stream types 76 Troubleshooting - BIPs 60
SuperTRAPP model 44, 45 Troubleshooting - components 84
SuperTRAPP thermal conductivity method 45 Troubleshooting - flash calculations 165
SuperTRAPP Viscosity Model 44 Troubleshooting - input conditions 139
Supplementing or overwriting BIPs 58 Troubleshooting - models 52
Supplying an external file of BIPs 313 Troubleshooting - output 181
Surface tension 7, 46 Troubleshooting - PVT Analysis 109
Models 46 Troubleshooting - units 171
Surface tension mixing rule 46 Tutorial 13
Sutton Model for surface tension. 5 Twu Model 44
Synonyms 67
Component synonyms 67 U
UNFACFIT.xls 293
Table 17 UNIFAC method 38
Tables 7, 12 UNIFAC model 38
Tabular output 141, 183 UNIQUAC 37
Excel interface 141 UNIQUAC equation 37

User Guide for Multiflash for Windows Index 323

Units 3, 57, 60, 169, 170, 171, 294 When to use the BWRS equation 34
Default units 169 When to use ZJ model 33
Selecting units 170 When you may need to use commands 311
Troubleshooting 171 Will hydrates form at given P and T ? 246
Units for BIPs 57, 60, 294 Wilson A equation 37
Units for BIPs 57 Wilson E equation 37
Updates 5, 9 Wilson E model 37
Usability 12 Windows GUI 6, 11
Use the P,T flash 166 Writing the results to a file 174
User defined carbon number cuts 219
User defined components 72 Z
User Defined Cuts 100
User-defined components 72 ZJ (Zudkevitch-Joffe) model 33
Using INFOBIPS 230
Using the fixed phase flash 146
Using the menu 47

Vapour thermal conductivity mixing rule 46
Vapour viscosity mixing rule 45
Vapour-liquid-liquid equilibria 235
Viewing and editing pure component data 70
Viewing BIP values 55
Viscosity 44
Matching liquid viscosity 125, 126
Models 44
VLEAutoPlot 149
VLEFIT.xls 295
Specifying as a flash condition 138
Volume fraction flash 144

Warning option for matching and PVT form 26
Warnings 176, 181, 234
Additional phases 234
Convergence 176
Water cut 97
Water-Ammonia 35
Wax 260, 298
Case study 50, 260
Coutinho Model 42
Defining Wax model 50
Matching WAT 123
Wax and Asphaltene precipitation 288
Wax Appearance Temperature 159
Wax calculations 159
Wax Precipitation Curve 160
Waxes 50
What is a model? 29
What the model definition means 312
What types of model are available? 29
When to use activity coefficient models 38
When to use CPA. 32
When to use cubic equations of state 32
When to use equation of state methods 30
When to use LK or LKP 34
When to use PSRK 32

324 Index User Guide for Multiflash for Windows

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